antifeminism crackpottery disgusting women evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA rapey

Merry War on Christmas, Sisters-in-arms!

Females hate Santa

“Feminists Take Up Arms in War on Christmas.” That’s the headline over on The Spearhead, where W.F. Price tries to spread some good old-fashioned anti-feminist cheer with a post dredging up the old Fox News crapola about a “War on Christmas,” with feminists in the role of villain this time.

His proof of this feminist perfidy? This video on the “Top 5 Creepy and Sexist Christmas Songs.” In it, Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency takes a critical look at some Christmastime “classics,” including the really quite odious “Baby it’s Cold Outside,” which depicts a man pressuring a woman into staying with him for the night, aggressively shutting down every one of her many objections. The message? Fifty nos and one yes means a yes. It might as well have been written by Reddit’s date-rapey “seduction” experts.

Naturally, the Spearhead regulars offer deeply insightful critiques of all of her main points. DT wades in with a witticism worthy of Wilde:

The reason she hates “Baby It’s Cold Outside” is because no man would ever even dream of trying to stay at her house.

Baby, it’s cold inside, and you’re stuck there alone.

Boxer offers a somewhat broader critique:

Feminists are so far out these days that they resemble bag ladies rather than genuine social critics. Their endless shit opinions take on a comic quality.

Life is wonderful, and life is extra nice without a cunt woman whining in one’s general vicinity. Happy snatch-free holidays, brothers! 🙂

Further proof.

The ever-so-slightly-addled Geography Bee Finalist himself sets forth a theory to explain why feminists might be critical of traditional holidays:

If feminists hate men, and since no holiday comes to mind that can be extricated completely from men, as even the turkey baster needs semen (and men probably invented the centrifuge that sorts X sperm cells and Y sperm cells) so the dyke couple can conceive a kid out of wedlock but in principle cannot celebrate Mother’s Day as fetuses need semen to exist, but Jehovah’s Witnesses expect the FATHER to almost always be the head of the Jehovah’s Witness nuclear family, I wonder what the feminist is left to do.

Oh, that’s right. She is left to not celebrate a single holiday of any religion or country, nor be a Jehovah’s Witness if she wants to have any principle left when it comes to holidays, but then again “feminist principle” is another oxymoron.

Well, all that probably seemed to make more sense echoing inside his empty skull than it does actually written down.

All Keyster’s comment needs is an instant rimshot or two:

You’d think they’d be pleased that a third of the planet celebrates a holiday about a virgin who was able to conceive…without a man!

Or do they believe God raped her?

Eric preaches to the choir:

Feminism envisions either a world without men; or at least one where men are kept in a state of subservient subhumanism. Christmas has to go, along with all other religious holidays and traditional religions. All traditional religions and their associated holidays stress the importance of monogamous marriage and family; and feminists exalt feminine independence, abortion, and misandry.

But it’s Andybob who wins the thread with this unique close reading of the video:

Notice that she says, “downright creepy” at exactly the same moment that an image of a pair of jingle balls appears threateningly above her head. It this a feminist’s sledge-hammer subtle attempt to subliminally associate testicles with creepiness? Lesbians never stop trying to recruit.  

Andy, I’m sure that you, in your own small way, have helped to make this ongoing lesbian recruitment drive a little bit more successful.


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13 years ago

You know, I actually was kind of creeped out as a kid that God apparently just went and had sex with Mary apparently without asking her or anything. But arguably I was a rather odd kid.

13 years ago
13 years ago

Okay, embedding that way didn’t work, anyway click link will take you to a symphony playing along live to What’s Opera Doc.

13 years ago

You know, I actually was kind of creeped out as a kid that God apparently just went and had sex with Mary apparently without asking her or anything. But arguably I was a rather odd kid

“Behold the handmaiden of the lord, be it done unto me according to thy word…” She did consent!

13 years ago

Holy Spirit. Totally lacks GAME. She’s lucky he out-alphaed Joseph, or there would have been no saviour.

13 years ago

I mean, sure, big power differential, god being god and all, but she WAS pretty enthusiastic about the whole bearing the messiah thing.

Sure, god never, say, wrote a big thing about how god did that once and could totally impregnate a virgin again, but chooses not too, even though virgins are so hot for him, because god knows how much power he has, and how sexy they find that, but god is totally different now, but God’s no Hugo Schwyzer…

13 years ago

Not that I agree with it necessarily, but, for what it’s worth, there are feminist defenders of Baby, It’s Cold Outside.

The song still feels creepy to me, of course, but I enjoy the music.

bobbyjo (@bobbyjo1950)
13 years ago

Feminists don’t hate men. Maybe some radical ones but most feminists got no problem with men. Christ, them MRA dudes sure like to spew lies upon lies upon lies. I’ve been here in the place just about a week and already I can see the women folks are just normal as they come. Ain’t no hating going on by feminists posting here, including the feminists I know in person. Proof positive MRA’s dudes lie.

bobbyjo (@bobbyjo1950)
13 years ago

Well alright isn’t it funny to be made fun of for having a problem with a song by dudes who got problems with a million and one things themselves. Big deal brothers. Who gives a shyt if a couple women get turned off by some dumb song.

Sure would love to see the sample study for where they draw their conclusions from. Wait, MRA don’t base anything on facts. They make shyt up.

13 years ago

For more disturbing Christmas songs I suggest checking out The Nostalgia Chicks Top 10 Disturbing and Inescapable Christmas Songs.

13 years ago


That’s always been my reading of it too. I think because I’m South Asian, I tend to read it like this because this is still a large part of my culture. I mean, I know that in North American society there’s still a lot of slut shaming, but there’s also a common expectation, and acceptance, now that sex is going to happen within a couple of dates, and as far as I’ve seen there’s no real shaming of women who have sex in committed relationships. But for us there’s still the need for many people to go through the song and dance for the first couple of times, even in a committed relationship.

13 years ago

to clarify, I meant the article you linked

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago

“Let it Snow” is BICO without the rape. Like it’s pretty much the same song, only in BICO “the wolf” rapes “the mouse” and in “Let it Snow” everyone is willing.

13 years ago

At work we’ve had about 12 Christmas songs (several versions of some of these songs–4 or 5 of “Sleigh Ride” and about that many of “Winter Wonderland”) on a constant loop. One of them (only one version) is “Let it Snow,” and every time that one comes on, I think, “This song is about sex, isn’t it?”

I mean, it is, right? It just sounds so much like innuendo, like all that “goodbyeing” they’re doing. And then I went a step further and assumed “popcorn” means “condoms.” But … that may be going too far.

And the cutesy, breathless singer of “Santa Baby” (in our version) makes everything sound like a sexual innuendo. “Decorate my Christmas tree …”

Uh huh. Suuuure. *winkwink*

This may be a problem of being trapped in a room for 6 hours and having to listen to these songs over and over and over and over and over … at least they aren’t playing “Last Christmas” or that Mariah Carey song. (My last job pretty much just played those two.)

13 years ago

How do these idiots go from criticizing some Christmas lyrics to RAWRBLRAGH FEMINISTS HATE CHRISTMAS!!!11

What is wrong with their brains? I read this yesterday and laughed my ass off. Definitely one of the dumber things I’ve read from an MRA site.

I for one love Christmas. Love decorating, love wrapping gifts, love silly Christmas specials, love the general good feeling-ness. I even baked something this year. GASP! a feminist baking?! who’d of thought? then again they were gingerbread men, does that make me a misandrist?

13 years ago

Zhinxy – I believe that in Mormon theology, God *literally* has sex with Mary and impregnates her. I don’t know if they also revere her as a virgin.

I always thought the Catholic emphasis on the Virgin Mary was the ultimate “Fuck you” to women. You’re a virgin? Well, you’re not a mother, so you suck! You are a mother? Well, you’re not a virgin, you reprehensible whore!

Forget women who are sexually active outside of marriage, use birth control, or are childfree; forget trans women; forget genderqueer people; even if you follow the rules you can’t win!

Also the Miss Piggy clip is hilarious.

13 years ago


Zhinxy – I believe that in Mormon theology, God *literally* has sex with Mary and impregnates her. I don’t know if they also revere her as a virgin. –

Actually, yes, I believe that is true.

13 years ago

I’ve got a working knowledge of mormonism, but not medieval so not really my area of expertise XD

13 years ago


13 years ago

zhinxy – oh no! you’re in the wrong time line! in my timeline they did! =P

13 years ago

Damn, which one of us is in the stable timeline? 0_0 EEEK!

13 years ago

Dunno – is Rory dead yet?

13 years ago

Uh… Well, hold on.. YES!…err no again. Dang.

13 years ago

Welcome, Bobbyjo. That’s right, they make shyt up. I happen to like men very much. Just not misogynists (or anyone who arbitrarily hates and demonizes any segment of society just to satisfy their own personal agendas, which is what the MRAs are really all about…just a scared bunch of little boy men who are threatened by wimminz.)

13 years ago

Only about 56 hours til the Dr Who Christmas special – and that’s what counts. Doesn’t matter which leg of the Trousers of Time we’re in!