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Sady Doyle on “Fighting Sexual Assault, One Tweet at a Time”


Sady Doyle of Tiger Beatdown fame has a great piece up at In These Times on the ways in which the Internet has helped to highlight virulent and violent misogyny — and inspire effective feminist pushback. It’s actually kind of … inspiring? (That’s a word I don’t use often!)  Here’s the opening:

When a history of 21st-century feminist activism is someday written, 2011 may be labeled Year Rape Broke. Sexual assault and harassment have, of course, always been key feminist concerns. But in 2011, sexual violence, exploitation, or intimidation were part of nearly every major story that fell under the heading of “women’s issues”–and the activism against it has been particularly widespread, focused and effective.

As we enter this renaissance of sexual assault awareness, it’s worth considering the ways in which new media has informed it–and, indeed, perhaps even made it possible. …

You can read the rest on the In These Times website.

Full disclosure: I worked at ITT for a couple of years in the 90s (yes, I’m old), and Sady says some nice things about Man Boobz in the piece.

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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

You don’t tell me how to be a good Christian. You, don’t ever mention Christian. Got it?

Ha ha, it’s funny because you want to say this while waving your fist in my face so it’s the Internet so you can’t.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

What’s really funny, NWO, is that while you’re playing “attack Judaism” (yawn, it must be Friday, it’s not like you weren’t anti-semitic before), we’ve been nothing but pro-Christian. We’ve been quoting you all sorts of passages from the Bible that are about nothing but love and forgiveness and charity.

And you see this as mocking your religion.

You’re a sad man.

13 years ago


The ADL persecution complex.

The JDL persecution complex

These organizations are world wide. The poor Jew. Best educated. Best financed. Most postively represented in the media. Most positively represented in politics.

13 years ago

NWO, you can feel free to say as much shit as you like about my philosophical system. Unfortunately, I don’t have a big book you can quote out of context from, but looking up “rationalist,” “utilitarian,” and “humanist” ought to give you a general idea of what I believe.

13 years ago

Kethuboth 11b . “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing.”

… meaning that if a little girl is raped, she is still considered a virgin — not that her rapist will not be punished.

Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”

Made-up quote. That is not AT ALL what Sanhedrin 59a says.

Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.”

Quoted out of context. First of all, the passage refers to Egyptians, not Gentiles. Second, it refers to Egyptians who were not “best” but “God-fearing”. Meaning, Egyptians who believed in the Hebrew God, but gave chase to the Jews anyway, deliberately and willfully disobeying God’s directive. This is consisted with the Jewish view that having faith and acting contrary to the precepts of one’s religion is far worse than having no faith at all. Take a minute to let that one sink in.

Abodah Zarah 36b . Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

The passage refers to ritual impurity and the prohibition against having sex with Gentile women. Jewish women are likewise considered impure (and thus off-limits) during their periods and for several weeks after child birth. While I don’t like the principles of ritual impurity, I don’t see that this is particularly shocking in light of Christian theologians describing women — ALL women, including Christian ones — as filthy animals and claiming whether women would even be admitted to Heaven.

Stop relying on Stormfront and other such sites for knowledge about the Talmud. Stop being such an ignorant knuckle-dragging ass and read the real thing, for once.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

anti-semitic carries no meaning to me. You said something negative about Christians. I will in turn do the same to you. An eye for an eye, the Jewish motto.

13 years ago

NWO, you can feel free to say as much shit as you like about my philosophical system. Unfortunately, I don’t have a big book you can quote out of context from, but looking up “rationalist,” “utilitarian,” and “humanist” ought to give you a general idea of what I believe.

13 years ago

From here:

“These misquotes and fabrications come straight from the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan web site. Some cannot be explained simply because the quotes do not exist in the Talmud. Some references are to a book that does not exist in Talmud or any Jewish literature. Others are taken seriously out of context, or add words or thoughts that are not in the original.

Kethuboth 11b, concerning betrothals. “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye.” A footnote to that passage says that if a man were to have intercourse with a three year old she should not suffer the consequences of loss of virginity when she become eligible for marriage. The comment is actually a defense of victim’s rights. The man who did such thing would be punished, but the victim shouldn’t be…

Sanhedrin 59a says nothing about murdering the heathen, nor does it relate the death of a gentile to the death of a wild animal. It says “R. Johanan said: A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death, for it is written, Moses command us a law for an inheritance; it is our inheritance, not theirs.” The tractate goes on to refute this statement by discussing the laws about eating blood. Even in this statement, if accepted, there is no mention of murdering the heathen. “Worthy of death” implies a judicial sentence, not murder…

Abodah Zara 26b is taken seriously out of context. What the original says is “but minim [idolatrous priests, whether Jewish or gentile], informers, and apostates [specifically Jewish] may be cast in [a pit], and need not be brought up.” This says nothing about killing, and much less about killing gentiles. If it says anything about killing, Jews are included. The discussion, however, is whether a gentile may circumcise a Jew. The argument about who may be thrown into a put, pulled out but not thrown in, etc., concludes by saying that the pit should be covered so that nobody goes in.”

Dude, NWO, even when you try to find “facts,” all you can do is cite a KKK list of made-up and woefully misinterpreted citations from the Talmud. That’s just sad, dude. Heck, there’s loads of nasty things in the Torah – God spends a significant chunk of the OT smiting damn near everyone, often for reasons that amount to “it seemed like fun,” and all you can pull out is some Talmudic quotes about how you don’t lose your virginity by being raped as a baby? OH THE HORROR.

13 years ago

Okay. quick, just tell me what you think the ADL and JDL are and do.


Dude, you don’t even believe I’m not pretending to be a fucking libertarian, for gods sakes. XD I wonder… What do you think I think about Israel? OOH, OMG TELL ME! PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE!

13 years ago

Best educated.

What stops you from being educated? Jews? What do you think, like we have a magical Jewish injection of education?

You are lazy, entitled and hateful. You don’t read. You don’t go to school. You are uncultured. You waste opportunities handed to you on a silver platter. YOU are to blame for your own lack of education.

13 years ago

“Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. Unless they believe in eye for an eye, in which case, anything goes.”

13 years ago

that’s one of the best yet, Ozy. 4 srs

13 years ago


Excusing pedo’s?
Excusing hatred?

Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God.

Hilkkoth Akum Z1: “Do not save Goyim (Gentiles) in danger of death.

Yebhamoth 11b: “Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is of three years of age.

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.

Perhaps you can make more excuses.
Can you keep your all-knowing trap shut about anything pertaining to Christians? If not, we can continue on. You, never speak about Christians. Savvy?

13 years ago





Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

We’re saying such terrible things about Christians here, like that they believe in forgiveness and tolerance.

Watch out or we’ll pull out some really big blasphemies, like charity and hope!

13 years ago


According to the talmud your an animal born in a state of filth compared to a Jewish girl. Killing you is the same a killing an animal.

13 years ago

An eye for an eye, the Jewish motto.

It’s a very good motto, NWO: IT LIMITS PERMISSIBLE RETALIATION TO THE AMOUNT OF THE ORIGINAL HARM SUFFERED. In other words, if someone spits in your face, you can spit back, but you can’t pick up a baseball bat and split their head open. Do you get that? Not many people of your ilk are actually capable of abiding by such a limitation.

I mocked the culture of fake martyrdom, and you started attacking Jews as an ethnic group. That’s not an eye for an eye. You also attacked the Jewish Scriptures — whereas I did not attack the Christian Scriptures. Once again, not an eye for an eye.

And in any event, if you are criticizing “an eye for an eye” for being too brutal, once again we come back to the fact that you are a false Christian. After all, the Christian alternative to “an eye for an eye” is “turn the other cheek” and forgive without limitation — right? And when, ever, have you done anything like that?

Man, you don’t know diddly squat about religion, even your own. You just use it as a justification for your own murderous hate. What would Jesus say?

13 years ago

Holly: Pretty soon I’m going to pull out the Parable of the Sheep and Goats, which clearly specifies that whether you go to Heaven is not based on your religion but instead on whether you feed the poor, clothe the naked, visit the imprisoned, welcome the stranger, et cetera, because every time you help the least of your brothers and sisters, you’re helping God.


13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

You, never speak about Christians. Savvy? If you do I will continue to speak about Jews. It’s simple respect. If you want me to stop saying anything negative about Jews, you must affors me the same courtesy.

13 years ago

Holly, not the grace patch. Please don’t throw them in the grace patch!

Okay, NWO, see, I can pull out a whole bunch of horrible things said by big, revered, important christian theologians about the Jewish people. Does that mean you won’t be able to talk about Judaism? If the claim is that only the bible counts, well, you can throw out the Talmud by that logic too, it’s not an “equal to scripture” corpus.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

You, never speak about Christians. Savvy? If you do I will continue to speak about Jews. It’s simple respect. If you want me to stop saying anything negative about Jews, you must affors me the same courtesy.

I’m saying nice things about Christians.

I’m saying Christians believe in loving your neighbor, loving your enemy, loving the poor.

How is that negative? I mean, it reflects badly on you, but it’s a very nice thing to say about Christians.

13 years ago


You said something negative about Christians. I said something negative about Jews. An eye for an eye.

Shut your trap, otherwise I will continue to mock Jews all the live long day.

13 years ago

ozy, and actually that was interpreted by most until the early medieval period as implying pretty much everybody went to heaven eventually, the goats just needed more work before they ungoated…. Origen is a good example of a common interpretation for the time (Note, Origen WAS considered slightly heretical, but NOT for his belief in universal salvation)

13 years ago


Excusing pedo’s?
Excusing hatred?

I did no such thing, and I will no longer respond to the made-up quotes and hideous distortions you pull from Stormfront or Rense. You are a liar. Does Christianity allow you to lie?

According to the talmud your an animal born in a state of filth compared to a Jewish girl. Killing you is the same a killing an animal.

You are a liar. The Talmud says no such thing. Does Christianity allow you to bear a false witness. No, seriously, what is the Christian position on lying, according to you?

13 years ago

“while watching the Star Wars Holiday Special (I have never seen it, and only know that it is considered to be one of the worst most awesomest!! pieces of art ever created).”


On the topic of Xmas plans, I will be spending the weekend with my boyfriend’s family, which is to say surrounded by food I cannot eat and holding my tongue about my boyfriend’s sister emailing him on his recent birthday to tell him that her life would have been better if he hadn’t been born.

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