Sady Doyle of Tiger Beatdown fame has a great piece up at In These Times on the ways in which the Internet has helped to highlight virulent and violent misogyny — and inspire effective feminist pushback. It’s actually kind of … inspiring? (That’s a word I don’t use often!) Here’s the opening:
When a history of 21st-century feminist activism is someday written, 2011 may be labeled Year Rape Broke. Sexual assault and harassment have, of course, always been key feminist concerns. But in 2011, sexual violence, exploitation, or intimidation were part of nearly every major story that fell under the heading of “women’s issues”–and the activism against it has been particularly widespread, focused and effective.
As we enter this renaissance of sexual assault awareness, it’s worth considering the ways in which new media has informed it–and, indeed, perhaps even made it possible. …
You can read the rest on the In These Times website.
Full disclosure: I worked at ITT for a couple of years in the 90s (yes, I’m old), and Sady says some nice things about Man Boobz in the piece.
No one said anything about respect. I’m asking you about the concept of forgiveness, one of the basic tenets of the Christian faith. You don’t believe in it and don’t practice it.
How do you reconcile that with your faith as a Christian?
Yeah, I am going home, although to be honest it’s effectively just a bigger apartment, haha. Still, it’s relaxing. We don’t really do gifts, but I might try to do something anyway.
“Ray – Those faiths don’t really count, anyway, and you can’t be mocking them cause of PC and NWO IS PERSECUTED!”
Yeah. I like how he ignored all those things I said. Granted they lack the raw emotional impact and alteration but thy were all mean things to say about people who aren’t NWO.
@KristinMH Hey Kristin, I was not discussing how appropriate it is to use Merry christmas. No I don’t care what Bing Crosby sings.
In this thread and in the wider world people do not say and do not do things they have every right to say and do out of fear of being branded unPC, opinions, facts, jokes and yes at times the language we use to address each other go unsaid and untold. When MRAL addressed my issue with the potential of PC to limit human interaction, shut down debate and create a more boring society he said that he too dislikes Excessive PC.
Now I’m glad Canada is awesome, I’m less glad you consider the problems I pointed out with PC to be a conspiracy.
Communist paradise of Canada? Oh god how long have I been online! The world is changing around me.
I’m just not a huge fan of Christmas, like I said, it’s overdone in the media, and then on an individual level I don’t really have anyone close who really cares.
What is fun is the month afterward, with nothing to do. Awesome.
MRAL, I hear you on the presents thing and I’m glad to hear that you’re holiday is relaxing. My family’s pretty into Christmas. It’s taken years to get everyone to agree to pull back a bit on the reveling so that it can feel less stressful.
If you’re mom doesn’t work too late, maybe dinner. Or start a Boxing Day Breakfast tradition?
I’ve forgiven and ignored and taken this shit well over seventy-seven times. I asked you a question. How many times is enough? Jumpin jiz suckin Jews! Hey Dave, is it OK if I start out all my posts like that? Surely no one will object. Just like no one objects to sweet semen sucking savior.
I hope everyones holiday is a living hell and everything goes to shit. This entire thread has been devoted to mocking Christianity. How many times after seventy-seven times should I continue to turn the other cheek?
NWO, I just lurk now and then. This has probably been asked a thousand times. But what exactly do you get from choosing to post here?
This thread is now about our holiday (oh yeah that’s right I said it) plans!
I’m going to see Rowdy’s parents for the first time and stay with them for Christmas. They’re planning an “as seen on TV” gift exchange so I’m guessing Snuggie or some form of excessively specific kitchen gadget. (A potato disemboweler, just what I always wanted…) Also his mom is planning to stuff me with pounds and pounds of greasy Midwestern food and I am okay with this plan. 🙂
Then I’m dropping by my mom’s house for Chanukah, which I am considerably less excited about, but since she knows I can walk out whenever I want she’s not too terrible lately. Also there may be even more presents.
Comet, I totally understand it. He just desperately wants attention, like I did. Still sort of do, which is why I sometime make really puerile jokes that I later regret. Fishing for a reaction
Let’s talk about egg nog. Now we don’t have that in the UK and to me the thought of drinking raw egg sounds kind of vile. Much worse than black pudding which is very well cooked and doesn’t taste bloody. But I guess it’s just like raw meringue. I’d like to make some if I can get over the raw egg blech-ness.
Frankly, NWO, I’m willing to bet Jesus doesn’t approve of trolling on the Internet.
HA! The King of the Vile is clutching his pearls over this. Comedy gold.
Yeah, see, right here is what I’m talking about. If you can’t answer the question then don’t. This entire thread has not been about mocking Christianity. But if it were, how do you define your faith when you can completely disregard the principle of forgiveness in the face of mockery? I really want to know.
I wish I’d used a different translation than the seventy-seven times. I prefer “…seventy times seven…” version. I think it makes it clearer that Jesus was making a rhetorical play on the question of forgiveness as well as making it clear that forgiveness, true forgiveness, is not finite. Unless, NWO, you have a verse where Jesus explains exactly what you should do after you’ve “used up” all of your forgiveness.
The central tenet of Christianity, of course, is that he never did. His capacity for forgiveness was not finite.
@MRAL: I dunno, as I said, I’ve lurked and it always seemed obvious to me that your posts were exaggerated/tongue in cheek. (I feel the same about DKM). NWO seems consistent and just seems to have that ring of truth. If he’s a Poe he’s talented.
Oogy boogy ladies! You don’t “tolerate” my faith on the white house lawn, I’m sure as hell gonna lobby to get that fucking thing ripped down.
NWO, how do you even BE that ignorant?
Yeah, there’s no Christmas display by the White House. Except, you know, for the extremely famous, 26+-foot-high one that’s been there since 1923: http://www.nps.gov/whho/national_christmas_tree_program.htm
But other than that, totally no Christmas display!
Which I guess means that Jesus wouldn’t approve of me either, but luckily I believe in Raptor Jesus, who was born of /b/, so I think I’m safe.
Christmas plans: My husband and I will get Chinese food, stuff ourselves, then go drinking with friends.
Also egg nog and bad tv.
Comet – Store-bought eggnog is pasteurized, so I think that cuts down on the raw-eggedness of it.
The slut in the picture… is that Lady Gaga?
My baby’s coming to my house after he closes the kitchen on Christmas Eve! We’re going out with my sisters and other friends for drinks. Possibly a performance of Duke Ellington’s Nut Cracker Suite. One of his gifts this year is to cook an multi-course dinner for me and my family on Christmas Day. We do big, rowdy, extended family and friends styleThanksgivings, but we keep Christmas fairly intimate. He’s planned the menu; I’m pretty excited
On Christmas morning, my sisters and I are taking my grandmother to our family church. We’re going to do presents with everyone when we get back to my house because she likes sun rise service. I’m making brunch. Some laziness. Then dinner. Then more friends are coming over for Christmas drinks.
And there’s a Boxing Day brunch on Monday.
I love Christmas.
Oh, and 1 Timothy 6:
I’m not saying I agree here, but then again, I never pretended to be a Christian.
NWO”Slave”: I have no religion to mock; spewing hateful banter about my ethnicity or my gender is neither witty mockery nor is it the equivalent of mocking your religion.
Besides, you are an ignorant oaf. I’d venture a guess I actually know quite a bit more about Christianity than you do. For example, you want to imagine yourself as a martyr, and you don’t even know why. Meanwhile, as a good Christian, you are supposed to turn the other cheek and submit to “martyrdom” when you feel you are being attacked for your faith, not lash out and scream “shut yer trap”. So, already, while wanting to imagine yourself as a martyr, you reject what a traditional Christian would have considered the greatest gift, the gift of martyrdom.
What makes you a genuine Christian, anyway? You are not meek. You are not generous. You are not compassionate. You are not a peace-maker. You do not turn the other cheek. Like most fundies these days, you use religion as a pretext to indulge in hatred, while in your own life, you are only “Christian” up to the point where you actually have to give something up: like fast, or not fantasize about hate-fucking women (read the Ten Commandments, oaf: even thinking about adultery is a transgression). Like other fundies and Sunday “Christians” who beat themselves in the chest about their supposed faith, you have no problem with indulging copiously in the deadly sins of pride, anger and lechery (and from the Orthodox and Catholic point of view, gluttony as well). You are in favor of rape and fornication, and you blame nubile women for not making it easy for you to lead a moral life, while the Bible, and the New Testament in particular, are very clear and explicit in that YOU are responsible for conducting yourself in a godly manner regardless of how difficult “society” makes it for you.
The only way in which you “practice” your religion is by getting all huffy about me supposedly insulting Jesus (although I said nothing negative about Jesus whatsoever). You know, if you actually read the New Testament, you may be surprised to discover that Jesus was not an English-speaking, gun-toting Randroid Republican with sexual issues. If anything, he was a socialist, and he hated hypocrisy. Man, he would spit on you.
Your outrage over my take on your religion is ludicrous. Practice your religion for a change, act like a good Christian, and then maybe I’ll take you seriously. Until then, you are little more than mild entertainment.
Our non-demoninational holiday plans?
Well I always have a crazy busy holiday. On christmas Eve me and my friends get together for a drink, all dressed as santa. Pub then night club, we’ve been doing this tradition since we turned 18 and it’s gradually expanded to include more and newer friends we’ve made over the years.
On christmas day I tend to wake up pretty hungover before exchanging gifts with my brother, we live together. This year I chipped inwith my sister and dad to get him an Ipod, I’m not sure what he got me, he says a whole bunch of crap. Usually he gets me a funny t-shirt. Then me and Andy (my bro) will head to my dads house, hopefully through the snow and we will have a christmas breakfast together. My sister will be there too and we will once again exchange gifts. This is the first christmassy meal of the day, usually some snack trays and such.
My girlfriend will come pick me and my siblings up in the afternoon and take us all over to my mums house, gifts exchanged and my first real traditional Christmas dinner of the day. turkey, roast veg and trimmings. My mum always cooks a salmon fillet for me and my brother because we love her roast fish, my sister is such a big fan, but every year it blows my mind. All in I’ll probably be at my mums for an hour or 2 tops, I’ll say my goodbyes, hugs, kisses, handshakes to my family and move on with my girlfriend to her family.
Me and my girlfriend will head to her cousin Michelles house, which is about an hours drive. Usually we make it just in time for the meal, but it doesn’t really matter since I’ve already had pretty good eating. This is where I’ll spend the rest of my christmas day, Christmas dinner, trimmings, starters and about 15 people and some kids. My girlfriends mum dad, sister, cousins will all be there along with their respective partners. Normally it’s a big set meal with additional snacking and eating throughout the night along with songs, dance, party games, the nintendo WII normally makes an appearance. Plenty of drink, party and good times. Should be a blast.
Boxing day is more of the same, this year it’s at my girlfriend parents. Boxing day morning is usually a nightmare, I rarely drink during the year because I’m studying so I get pretty bad hangovers. The meal will be more snack trays and some left overs from christmas day, along with more drinking partying and good times. In the end I’ll be destroyed for the next day.
Hogmany will be another party, I hate night clubs at hogmany because they are so busy, there are always huge queues at the bar and inevitably you end up seperated from your friends. I will be spending mine at one of two house parties, both on opposite sides of the city. One is a communist themed party and the other is almost a flat warming. Both are being hosted by friends of mine who I don’t get to see as much as i want, I will try to spend some time at both and hopefully I’ll end up at the same one as my girlfriend for the midnight kiss.
Should be a dam good holiday for me.
Ullere, that sounds like a lot of fun…