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Sady Doyle on “Fighting Sexual Assault, One Tweet at a Time”


Sady Doyle of Tiger Beatdown fame has a great piece up at In These Times on the ways in which the Internet has helped to highlight virulent and violent misogyny — and inspire effective feminist pushback. It’s actually kind of … inspiring? (That’s a word I don’t use often!)  Here’s the opening:

When a history of 21st-century feminist activism is someday written, 2011 may be labeled Year Rape Broke. Sexual assault and harassment have, of course, always been key feminist concerns. But in 2011, sexual violence, exploitation, or intimidation were part of nearly every major story that fell under the heading of “women’s issues”–and the activism against it has been particularly widespread, focused and effective.

As we enter this renaissance of sexual assault awareness, it’s worth considering the ways in which new media has informed it–and, indeed, perhaps even made it possible. …

You can read the rest on the In These Times website.

Full disclosure: I worked at ITT for a couple of years in the 90s (yes, I’m old), and Sady says some nice things about Man Boobz in the piece.

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13 years ago


13 years ago


I didn’t bring up any faith in this thread. Holly and Amused decided to was their right.

13 years ago


What the fuck did you just say, why do you think it has any bearing on reality, and what the hell does it have to do with anything I said?


13 years ago

NWO, since I, a non-Jew, really have studied the Talmud, why don’t I know this horrible stuff? Why would I lie to you when I say what you’re saying is out of context, or even completely imaginary? If it’s all there, why would I pretend it wasn’t?

13 years ago

We went over this, Owly. Holly is a bad Jew. She eats pork and has premarital sex.

You, however, are claiming to be a good Christian,

This is Bible Gateway: It is not run by Jews. I suggest you look up “love” in it.

13 years ago

Since you as a Jew have a sworn duty to lie, decieve, use subterfuge.

Holy fuck. I don’t even know why I’m surprised, but holy fucking fuck did he really just say that?

13 years ago

Wait. The Zohar doesn’t use letters like that to demarcate pages. It’s demarcated by chapters, sections and paragraphs.

Also, it wouldn’t say anything like that anyway. The Zohar is a mystical text and as such, the chapters are written like so:
We learned from a supernal mystery in the Concealed Book that there are three cavities of engraved letters, WHICH ARE YUD HEI VAV OF YUD HEI VAV HEI, seen in the skull of Zeir Anpin. And we learned that there are three parts of the brain (Mochin), CHOCHMAH, BINAH AND DA’AT, which are hidden in these cavities. THE CAVITIES ARE VESSELS AND THE LOBES OF THE BRAIN ARE THE LIGHTS THAT ARE CLOTHED IN THEM. From the top of the highest concealed brain of Atika Kadisha that flows into the Mochin of that Zeir Anpin, there are four Mochin, CHOCHMAH, BINAH, THE RIGHT SIDE OF DA’AT, WHICH IS TIFERET, AND THE LEFT SIDE OF DA’AT, WHICH IS MALCHUT. These four Mochin ARE IN THE HEAD OF ZEIR ANPIN AND expand throughout the body. These are the four paragraphs in the four compartments of the Tefilin, which the Holy One, blessed be He, puts on.
(Chapter 22, Section 8, paragraph 37)

13 years ago

Leni, yes, yes he did. And he really believes it, too, so he can’t be anti-semitic for pointing out the truth… Or something.

13 years ago

Linds. Yes. eXACTLY. NO numbers in the Zohar. And that quote just plain IS NOT IN IT.

13 years ago

no letters, sorry. anyway, that 1160a thing is just complete bullshit. Like the quote.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I wonder if Jews have a “sworn duty” to lie all the time. Because that could get amusing.

“Is this the synagogue?”
No, it’s not.”

“But it says “Bet Israel Synagogue” on the door!”
“No it doesn’t. The sign says ‘Bet Israel Tires And Transmission Service.””

“…Is the next thing you say gonna be a lie too?”
*Jew explodes*

13 years ago

NWO, seriously. By your logic, I must know I am lying. I must have read the Talmud and seen these horrible things, and I must be lying to you when I say that you are wrong. Why would I do this?

13 years ago

OK I just needed to make sure I wasn’t missing sarcasm somewhere. Not that I really thought I was, but wow. Just wow. I’m curious, how many times has the Jew hater called you all Nazis?

PS Someone should tell him about the ultra-orthodox treatment of women. He’d probably convert if he knew.

13 years ago

Chapter 22 which is to say the section “Ha’azinu”. Blergh.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Someone should tell him about the ultra-orthodox treatment of women. He’d probably convert if he knew.

That’s the sad part here. I wasn’t allowed to read from the Torah at my Bat Mitzvah ceremony because girl. I wasn’t allowed to have it on Shabbat because I wasn’t allowed on the main floor of the sanctuary at all during regular services–women had to use a balcony only.

And a balcony isn’t the worst thing. At a friend’s Bar Mitzvah service they put all the women behind a sheet, where we couldn’t even see the rest of the congregation. Just sitting behind a hung white sheet listening to the sounds of the service drift by, so that we wouldn’t sully the menfolk with our filthy woman-ness.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I do, however, derive completely inappropriate and immature glee from cheerfully offering handshakes to Orthodox men.

13 years ago

Hey, Jew hater, look! Men’s rights activism is alive and well in Israel!

Brothers in arms lol

13 years ago

It’s such a display, NWO is a veritable peacock of stupidity, ignorance, and hate. I can’t believe someone like him actually exists.

NWO, do you feel better now that you’ve given your always there but not as overt as today anti-Semitism a good airing out?

NWO, doing anything for Christmas besides spreading hate, advocating violence and generally being awful?

13 years ago

Also amusing: Skippy there is going to stop with the underwear on head ranting about the j00s if Holly quits pointing out the inconvenient bits of the Bible? Er, what, “I’ll stop making it mind-bogglingly clear how much of a whacko I am if you stop pointing out a relatively minor and common element of hypocrisy in my mountain of delusion”?

Insight, do you haz it?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I’ll be leaving for my Christmas trip later tonight. 🙂

I packed my gifts already. No one tell (shhh), but Rowdy’s getting a desk set and his parents are getting fancy scented candles.

Rowdy and Sprite and I are going to do a more… personal… gift exchange in private too. 🙂

13 years ago

Sounds like good gifts, Holly! I’m hoping my husband’s surprise gift shows up today or tomorrow. Shh, but it’s a Steve Largent Seahawks jersey. I find Largent abhorrent, but hey, my husband’s awesome.

13 years ago

@ Holly:

That’s the sad part here. I wasn’t allowed to read from the Torah at my Bat Mitzvah ceremony because girl.

I would have considered that a blessing, but that’s only because religion generally bores and annoys me. I thank my damn good luck every day that I was born to people sensible enough to stop going to church before I was old enough to absorb much of it.

But still, utter bullshit.

13 years ago

I thank my damn good luck every day that I was born to people sensible enough to stop going to church before I was old enough to absorb much of it.

I was lucky enough to be born and spend my earliest years in a fully secular society where fundies were kept firmly at bay. I realize that now.

(Watch NWOSlave have a hissy fit about communism and the horror of me having grown up without the very religion he spent pages telling us is evil.)

kippy there is going to stop with the underwear on head ranting about the j00s if Holly quits pointing out the inconvenient bits of the Bible?

He said that to me. I asked him if he would be nice to Jews and stop denying the Holocaust or making shit up about us if I stopped saying nasty things about “Christians” like him. He didn’t respond. In fact, I did not make any even remotely critical comments about Christianity after my initial post about the culture of martyrdom — but still NWO continued his harangue about Jews for hours in what he called “an eye for an eye” (should it be “a post for a post”, anyway)? So he broke his promise in any event.

13 years ago

So basically Slavey has decided to act like a child, and he thinks this is some sort of moral crusade? He’s funny.

13 years ago

a very angry, bitter, anti-semitic child, yes.