Sady Doyle of Tiger Beatdown fame has a great piece up at In These Times on the ways in which the Internet has helped to highlight virulent and violent misogyny — and inspire effective feminist pushback. It’s actually kind of … inspiring? (That’s a word I don’t use often!) Here’s the opening:
When a history of 21st-century feminist activism is someday written, 2011 may be labeled Year Rape Broke. Sexual assault and harassment have, of course, always been key feminist concerns. But in 2011, sexual violence, exploitation, or intimidation were part of nearly every major story that fell under the heading of “women’s issues”–and the activism against it has been particularly widespread, focused and effective.
As we enter this renaissance of sexual assault awareness, it’s worth considering the ways in which new media has informed it–and, indeed, perhaps even made it possible. …
You can read the rest on the In These Times website.
Full disclosure: I worked at ITT for a couple of years in the 90s (yes, I’m old), and Sady says some nice things about Man Boobz in the piece.
NWO, are you trying to be a good Christian?
Do you think of yourself as a good Christian?
Because if you say “no, I’m not trying to live by Christian principles, I do my own thing,” then this conversation is over. You make sense. (Okay, no you don’t, but religiously.)
But as long as you claim to be a good Christian, people are going to fact-check you on that.
@Holly Pervocracy
And now I will continue to slander everything about Jews. Is this what you want? You and Amused started by saying something about Christians. I didn’t bring it up, you did. Can you shut up about anything pertaining to Christians? If not I will continue to mock everything about the Jewish faith and Jews themselves. Is this what you want? An eye for an eye?
I do love the fist-pounding intonation of “one more word out of you missy!”
NWO is so stumped in a situation where he can’t physically intimidate people.
…like Jesus always said to do.
@Amused Yeah actually it additionally meant that anyone praying in any non christian prayer was subject to death. They only enforced the law over christian germans, but it’s a pretty shitty law.
@zhinxy I just thought I’d give some context to his calling for the death of jews. He may well have been very anti-semitic, it’s not entirely uncommon for people of religious faith to hate other religions, much like we have seen in this thread. Every one of them is completely open to the stupidity and the impossibility of others faiths but not of their own, some kind of conceptual blindness maybe.
Have you had sex with a girl under 3 years of age?
I need to fact check if you’re being a good Jew?
NWOslave, you would be slandering Jews anyway. We know this, because you’ve been doing it long before you decided to get the martyr bug up your butt.
Also, shit, even if the law said what you think it says (NEWS FLASH GENIUS IT DOESN’T TWO PEOPLE HAVE EXPLAINED IT), it doesn’t require people to have sex with little kids.
Also last I checked you want to have sex with little kids, so….
nwo, we didn’t run away in horror when you produced that girl under 3 text. Because we know of it, and we know what it means. You aren’t exposing the dark secrets of Judaism. Continuing to harp on it just shows you’re determined to use that quote as anti-semites use it.
Which you would do anyway, on days ending in y.
Ullere, I know the context, thankyou. And it isn’t “may well.” Luther seriously hated Jews.
@Holly Pervocracy
In order to be a good Jew kill a Gentile. I’m trying to help you be a good Jew.
Okay. Small words this time.
Jesus good. Jesus yay.
NWO bad. NWO yuck.
Therefore, NWO not follow Jesus.
Is there a step missing in my logic here, or are you just going to scream “YOU HATE JESUS! JEWS FUCK BABIES!” at me until it sticks?
Shall we continue on?
You don’t tell me how to be a Christian. Can you do that?
Luther was a great man in the classic GREAT MAN sense. Luther changed the world in seriously world changing ways. Luther had a lot of good in him and a lot of bad. Luther’s about as fascinating a human as ever lived.
Luther seriously fucking hated Jews.
And it wasn’t just religious, but personal. He initially was more sympathetic, but when he realized that the Jews were rejecting HIS REFORMED christianity just as they’d rejected Babylonian Rome, well, that was just the last straw.
‘Ullere, I know the context, thankyou’ you are quite welcome. Others may not have known the context. Amused certainly didn’t seem to. Ok then Luthers Hatred of the jews is beyond dispute if you like.
Why is NWO under the impression that he makes the rules of this blog?
Holly hasn’t fucked a little girl under 3. She’s a bad Jew.
Holly, as far as I know hasn’t killed a gentile. She’s a bad Jew.
Holly, as far as I know hasn’t stolen from a gentile. She’s a bad Jew.
Tell me how to be a good Christian, and I’ll tell you how to be a good Jew.
Can you stop?
I’m not telling you how to be a Christian, NWO. Jesus is.
Do you disagree with Jesus here?
Do you think you’re following these commandments?
Or are you going to scream “YOU FUCK BABIES SHUT UP OR I’LL HIT YOU” again?
Oh oooooooowlyslave *clutches hands to breast*
I have been mocking Christianity too
with all my
so why don’t you make fun of me
tell me what a rationalist, utilitarian humanist thinks
and ought to do
or I suppose if you must
tell me what an atheist thinks and ought to do
(although really “what an atheist thinks” is like “what a theist thinks”)
I must know
I wish that was the type of Christianity I learned growing up. As a child, I was so afraid of burning in hell for an eternity, I wished I had never been born. I thought, “If the gate to heaven is so narrow and the road to hell is so wide, then it is a tragedy that humanity exists at all”. One question I asked was, “How would I ever enjoy heaven knowing that most of the people I know and love are being tortured for an eternity?” The correct answer was “You forget they ever existed”. I could never accept that answer.
No-one here is telling you how to be a good Christian, your own damn holy book is telling you how to be a good Christian and you are sucking at it.
I’m a terrible Jew. I eat pork, I work Saturdays, I have premarital sex and I don’t go to synagogue.
I never claimed to be an observant Jew, so that’s okay; I only expect to be judged by secular moral standards.
NWO, say the same–that you aren’t trying to be a Christian–and we won’t judge you as a Christian.
Ozy – I notice that despite his “mock my religion (um, by telling me that it’s a religion of peace and tolerance) and I’ll mock yours” thundering, he’s only been going after Jews.
Which is not like surprising, I’m just noticing.
‘”Ullere, I know the context, thankyou’ you are quite welcome. Others may not have known the context. Amused certainly didn’t seem to. Ok then Luthers Hatred of the jews is beyond dispute if you like.”
Keep with the Well this is what I get when I’m just being smarty smartison and I’m smart huffy tone and you get… Um, nothing. But shine on, you crazy diamond!