Christmas came early for the MRAs this year. Earlier this week, a generous soul calling himself AgentOrange posted a 165 MB present online for them, an assortment of super-secret internet postings from a private forum connected to the RadFem Hub, which Mr. Orange collected by bravely going behind enemy lines and, er, screencapping a bunch of shit. As the OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE declared:
[B]oth feminists and MRAs alike, have been anxiously awaiting the promised complete files of screen shots and associated materials collected by Agent Orange.
These files are apparently so vile and incendiary that Mr. Orange has deemed it necessary to reveal the personal information of some of the RadFemHub commenters. Not to encourage anyone to stalk or harass or harm them, just so that those offended by them can do whatever it is people do when personal info is leaked on the internet that doesn’t involve stalking or harassing or harming them. Send them postcards?
But in any case there is no reason whatsoever to think that a group of really really really angry people who love making threats on the internet and think their opponents are as bad as Hitler could ever do anything that would be in any way problematic.
So, you might ask, what dastardly secrets do these new files disclose? Oddly, the PRESS RELEASE doesn’t actually specify. The AgentOrange website doesn’t say either. And the 165 MB download is just a bunch of files with no explanation.
But I have spent some time going through these files myself in a completely random manner, which is evidently what AgentOrange expects everyone who downloads the files to do. To be perfectly honest, I haven’t spent that much time on this. I’ve really been quite busy with other things. But I have spent some time. More than twenty minutes, anyway.
So let me share with you some preliminary findings.
Here, straight from the AgentOrange files, are some RadFems discussing a news story about a male midwife who thinks that mothers should embrace the pain of childbirth as a “rite of passage.” (Click on the teensy image on the right to get it full-sized.)
Apparently some of those RadFems don’t think this is a good idea! One of them says:
Does he even know what uterine cramps/contractions even feel like?
Another adds:
I read that and rolled my eyes. … If only it were possible to subject mister midwife (my ass) to the joyous pain of childbirth. I guess a swift kick to the balls is as close as he’s ever going to come to it.
Clearly suggesting that a male midwife suffer pain similar to what he suggests women should suffer is nothing short of GENOCIDE!
But wait, there’s more! Another woman writes:
There is no reason why women should have to endure pain like this in this day and age.
That sounds exactly like something HITLER would have said! (If you replace “women” with “Jews” and “no reason” with “every reason.”)
Still another adds:
This is phenomenally stupid, and completely out of step with current pain management theory and procedures.
Is there no end to this feminazi depravity!?
Oh, but there’s more, much more. In this thread — click the image to the right — the evil RadFems complain about guys trying to pick them up in a creepy manner. One of the ladies suggests that a good way to get the guys to leave you alone is to tell them you’re a widow.
You see now that feminism is all about DECEPTION!
Maybe it should be called Deceptionism!
Ok, ok, just one more. In a thread called “I’m mad as hell” — right over there on the right again — one commenter complains about getting a computer virus.
She’s so mad she says she’s even considering downloading Ubuntu and forgoing all Microsoft products, which are frequently targets of viruses! What? Huh? DOES NOT COMPUTE. BZZZZZZZ. LADY USING LINUX ERROR ERROR. *$^*$()*%(*$$$$$$$$. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN.
Ok. I’m back. Another commenter there says something about castrating guys who write viruses.
That does seem a little excessive. Though I don’t think she means it literally.
I will return to this topic later, after I recover.
In the meantime, if you want to see the most ridiculous comments on the matter from Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers, you can find some of them collected together here. Among the highlights:
This isn’t public shaming, its outing criminals that are planning your genocide.
A story of a plan of naziesque proportions is about to broken.
I think we can all agree that feminism inevitably heads down the road of male genocide.
MRAs, more melodramatic than emo kids.
Oh, and by the way, two of the Reddit quotes above come from a fellow known on Reddit as Sigi1, but who may be more familiar to Man Boobzers as Eoghan. Without clicking on the links, can you guess which two?
This post contains:
“It’s called critical thinking. I simply don’t accept what anyone tells me is a fact. Did you know that when I was in school they told me the universe was between 3.5 and 4.5 billion years old. These days we’re told it’s around 13 billion years old. Does that make me 10 billion years old? The fact, is they simply have no idea.”
Well, Holly wanted to know how NWOslave vetted new ideas. It seems that NWOslave has disbelieved everything from a young age… which must have made him hell to teach.
I know this has really big words, but bear with me here and try your hardest:
By “de novo,” they mean that they created proteins in the lab that do not exist in living cells.
I can’t even get an answer to 1 stinkin protein ever being formed outside a living cell either naturally or artificially. Yet everyone here knows that these proteins were formed lightening rocks.
Can anyone here prove to me life was formed, (proteins the building blocs of life) by dead rocks.
Nice critical thinking folks. Click your heels three times and your facts come true.
There was a bunch of stuff in moderation; I let it all through. (Sorry I didn’t get to it sooner –was away from the internet.)
One comment on some of the pre-NWO G-D vs S—–E discussion: Yes, some of the RadFem Hub folks have said some vile things — and I will write more about this. But all the threads I went through from the AgentOrange files were like the ones I posted about.
So the question is: does AgentOrange actually believe that women getting mad at a male midwife (and mentioning BALLS) is as bad as GENOCIDE? Or is he just hoping that no one actually reads any of the files and just takes his word that they’re all awful/genocidal/etc?
NWO, if you look up, Holly has given you a citation to a real scientific journal and everything.
More big words, but check out this one, too:
In before NWO: “That just proves it couldn’t have happened by chance!”
Since Agent Orange is Paul Elam, probably the second. I think he’s more of a self-promoter who wants to get bigots and conspiracy theorists stirred up than he’s a sincere conspiracy-bigot himself.
I once made up my own little ditty to the tune of “I’m Just a Bill” after dealing with some particularly obnoxious guys and reading about all the online harassment female bloggers get. It starts out:
I’m just a bitch,
Yes, I’m only a bitch,
Just a hag, a fag, a whore, and a witch…
Maybe one day I’ll come up with the rest of it.
When you hear a MRA whining about how horrible and Nazi-like the radfems are, keep in mind their forum only has around 50 members. All this proves is that AVfM is made up of pathetic bullies.
You want to see a real messageboard? Here you go, but warning, it’s not safe for work or life:
Over 32,000 people fantasize about killing women. Isn’t that fucking sick?
I don’t support doxxing them either, because I’m smart enough to know most of them are harmless. It’s not worth exposing ‘innocent’ perverts in order to stop the small,small minority of dangerous posters. I feel the same way about feminists, NO MATTER HOW RADICAL.
God, MRAs who support Agent Orange are so dumb.
@NWO, that wasn’t what I was talking about. I wanted to know… *drumroll*
“Yet everyone here knows that these proteins were formed lightening rocks.”
I don’t know that. I don’t know how they were formed. I don’t know that protein is essential for life, just what we see as life. For all we know, beings that evolved without any protein created protein for shits and giggles, and panspermiad.
I know that evolution is observable. I don’t have to know the details of Abiogenesis. I think god of the gaps arguments don’t really work out, as discoveries keep ungapping god. Now, If you want to go into my particular religious/not religiousness, I must warn you, it’s long and involved and weird and involves a lot of Aristotle and Spinoza and Aquinas and Zen and Hume and…. Suffice it to say I’m not theistic as most internet atheists and religious types would understand the term, but am religious in a sense. Which still seems more awesomely goddish than CAN’T EXPLAIN XYZ YET! GOD DUDE! GOD!
NWO’s off desperately googling “how are laws made + rothchilds,” he might be a few.
Also, if we’re ruled directly by an electoral majority, where do the NWO overlords come in at all?
As far as the OP… I think the only saving grace here is that most of these Internet Warriors don’t want to put their own asses on the line. Never mind a gender war; they’re not going to even make a rude phone call, because what if she has caller ID???
It’s an incredibly stupid and irresponsible thing to dox someone just for disagreeing with you, but fortunately most of the people downloading the dox are barely “activist” enough to sign their pseudonym to an Internet petition, let alone take a real risk.
NWOslave, in 2004 short polypeptide chains were synthesized chemically. Those 50 unit polypeptide chains were then linked together to for 300 unit proteins. So yes, proteins can be formed outside of a living cell.
Fatman – And this doesn’t disprove my “non-protein celled aliens were the first to create protein theory” either! See, aliens of the gaps are so much better than shoving god in there! And you can’t prove that’s not how they did it.
NWOslave, can you share the evidence that convinced you to accept the god hypothesis as a valid theory?
Do, NWO. See, I don’t consider belief in god or gods irrational, as I think it’s possible to derive such philosophically, but if you’re gonna be all SEE, GOD MAKE PROTEIN, please tell us why?
But first! HOW IS LAW MADE?
@Holly Pervocracy
Well I actually read that entire shpiel you gave me and you’re right about only one thing. I didn’t understand most of it. Did you? One thing I noticed and have went to other sites is, they never claimed to have created an artificial living protein outside a living cell. The de novo designed proteins at no point even makes the claim to being an artificially created living protein, it’s simply a brand name more or less. Splicing isn’t creation from lifelessness.
have created an artificial living protein ”
There is no living protein. It’s not alive.
The only way NWO and the phrase “critical thinking” go together is to say that NWO is critical of thinking.
NWO, they made a protein entirely chemically, outside of a cell.
Proteins are never alive–they’re just complex chemicals. Splicing amino acids together is how cells make proteins too.