antifeminism creepy evil women I'm totally being sarcastic misandry misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men paul elam threats

AgentOrange and the Screencaps of Feminazi Doom

Santa is no longer interested in bringing joy to girls.

Christmas came early for the MRAs this year. Earlier this week, a generous soul calling himself AgentOrange posted a 165 MB present online for them, an assortment of super-secret internet postings from a private forum connected to the RadFem Hub, which Mr. Orange collected by bravely going behind enemy lines and, er, screencapping a bunch of shit. As the OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE declared:

[B]oth feminists and MRAs alike, have been anxiously awaiting the promised complete files of screen shots and associated materials collected by Agent Orange.

These files are apparently so vile and incendiary that Mr. Orange has deemed it necessary to reveal the personal information of some of the RadFemHub commenters. Not to encourage anyone to stalk or harass or harm them, just so that those offended by them can do whatever it is people do when personal info is leaked on the internet that doesn’t involve stalking or harassing or harming them. Send them postcards?

But in any case there is no reason whatsoever to think that a group of really really really angry people who love making threats on the internet and  think their opponents are as bad as Hitler could ever do anything that would be in any way problematic.

So, you might ask, what dastardly secrets do these new files disclose? Oddly, the PRESS RELEASE doesn’t actually specify. The AgentOrange website doesn’t say either. And the 165 MB download is just a bunch of files with no explanation.

But I have spent some time going through these files myself in a completely random manner, which is evidently what AgentOrange expects everyone who downloads the files to do. To be perfectly honest, I haven’t spent that much time on this. I’ve really been quite busy with other things. But I have spent some time. More than twenty minutes, anyway.

So let me share with you some preliminary findings.

Here, straight from the AgentOrange files, are some RadFems discussing a news story about a male midwife who thinks that mothers should embrace the pain of childbirth as a “rite of passage.” (Click on the teensy image on the right to get it full-sized.)

Apparently some of those RadFems don’t think this is a good idea! One of them says:

Does he even know what uterine cramps/contractions even feel like?

Another adds:

I read that and rolled my eyes. … If only it were possible to subject mister midwife (my ass) to the joyous pain of childbirth. I guess a swift kick to the balls is as close as he’s ever going to come to it.

Clearly suggesting that a male midwife suffer pain similar to what he suggests women should suffer is nothing short of GENOCIDE!

But wait, there’s more! Another woman writes:

There is no reason why women should have to endure pain like this in this day and age.

That sounds exactly like something HITLER would have said! (If you replace “women” with “Jews” and “no reason” with “every reason.”)

Still another adds:

This is phenomenally stupid, and completely out of step with current pain management theory and procedures.

Is there no end to this feminazi depravity!?

Oh, but there’s more, much more. In this thread — click the image to the right — the evil RadFems complain about guys trying to pick them up in a creepy manner. One of the ladies suggests that a good way to get the guys to leave you alone is to tell them you’re a widow.

You see now that feminism is all about DECEPTION!

Maybe it should be called Deceptionism!

Ok, ok, just one more. In a thread called “I’m mad as hell” — right over there on the right again — one commenter complains about getting a computer virus.

She’s so mad she says she’s even considering downloading Ubuntu and forgoing all Microsoft products, which are frequently targets of viruses! What? Huh? DOES NOT COMPUTE. BZZZZZZZ. LADY USING LINUX ERROR ERROR. *$^*$()*%(*$$$$$$$$. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN.




Ok. I’m back. Another commenter there says something about castrating guys who write viruses.

That does seem a little excessive. Though I don’t think she means it literally.

I will return to this topic later, after I recover.

In the meantime, if you want to see the most ridiculous comments on the matter from Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers, you can find some of them collected together here. Among the highlights:

Violence on men is incited daily, by the hour, by the second. Every time someone makes a post on reddit there is a sexist opinion about all men.

This isn’t public shaming, its outing criminals that are planning your genocide.

A story of a plan of naziesque proportions is about to broken.

I think we can all agree that feminism inevitably heads down the road of male genocide.

MRAs, more melodramatic than emo kids.

Oh, and by the way, two of the Reddit quotes above come from a fellow known on Reddit as Sigi1, but who may be more familiar to Man Boobzers as Eoghan. Without clicking on the links, can you guess which two?

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13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy
Millers theory actually proves the impossibility of life being created from lifelessness.

Proteins are so hard to make that in all of nature, they never form except in already living cells. Never! This scientific fact stands in stark contrast to what was taught.

This from millers work which they don’t teach you in school.

“Since science has not the vaguest idea how (proteins) originated, it would only be honest to admit this to students, the agencies funding research, and the public.”

Proteins, like houses, do not build themselves. A cell, however, would be better compared to a city than a house because, just as it takes many houses to make a city, the simplest of cells are composed of at least hundreds of proteins. Proteins, like houses, soon break down, so even if some proteins could build themselves (which they cannot) a concentration of all the needed proteins could never build up.

In addition, their left-handed amino acids switch toward half left and half right-handed even after they have been made into proteins. To function in a living cell, each protein must have its own peculiar three-dimensional shape. Usually if even one right-handed amino acid is included, it changes the shape of the protein enough that it cannot function properly. In a living cell a protein in which an amino acid has switched handedness is chopped up and replaced with a new one. If the impossible had happened, and a first protein had built up, some of its amino acids would have switched to right-handed while it was waiting for the other proteins to form. As soon as the first amino acid had switched, the protein in which it was found would have become useless.

The spontaneous formation of proteins, which for years was taught in school textbooks, among other places, was unscientific. It proposed not just one, but a long series of chance happenings that could never happen:

• The amino acids formed by passing a spark through the correct atmosphere would be suitable for making proteins (all the essential types, and all left-handed).

• These amino acids would come together to form an organic broth from which proteins would form.

• The first proteins, once formed, could wait millions of years for the formation of the remaining proteins necessary to form a cell.

• The ocean would allow the right proteins to concentrate in one place and not wash them apart. (Or, as some claim, the entire sea would have been filled with organic broth).7

• DNA and/or RNA would also form in nature and get together with all the necessary proteins. A cell wall would form around them.

A schoolbook stated one reason why proteins are not formed in nature outside of cells: “The energy-requiring chemical reactions that join amino acids are reversible and do not occur spontaneously in water.” Another reason is that to form proteins, the amino acids must be linked together in a particular order. Let’s use a gold chain as an analogy. Gold, like amino acids, can be found in nature, yet even though the links of most gold chains can be inserted in any order, chains made of many links of gold are never produced by the random forces of nature. Proteins are much more difficult because their amino acids must be linked together in a particular order, and that order is different for each protein. DNA not only tells the cell how to link amino acids together, but also specifies the order in which each amino acid must be linked.

Some claim that proteins can form because amino acids have a natural tendency to link up in a particular order. This idea is in error because in that case only that one protein could be produced. It is only by following the instructions in DNA that the amino acids can link in the right orders to form each of the different proteins.

Why did anyone believe that cells could evolve from proteins when not even one of the proteins of living things can be made by chance?

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago


Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Nice cut-n-paste from Jack Chick.

Okay, NWO, then where did people and puppies and pterosaurs come from?

…Uh, no offense if you don’t believe in pterosaurs.

…Or puppies. I’m not sure quite how far this goes.

13 years ago

I googled a sentence of his copypasta and got a book advertised on That would be the creator of the universally despised chick tracts.

Anything endorsed by him is guaranteed to be wrong.

13 years ago

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

It is a proven scientific fact. A protein cannot form outside of a living cell.

Say this to yourself over and over. A protein cannot form outside a living cell.

Since this is a scientific fact, why do they teach you in school that proteins can from outside a living cell?

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

It begins with a G and ends with a D.

Now I answered your question, you answer mine.

Can a protein form outside a living cell?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Okay, NWO, then were did things come from?

Enlighten us.

(And while we’re at it, what can I wear so you won’t rape me? I changed into my jammies–they have long sleeves and long legs and they’re baggy sweatsuit-looking jammies. Still too slutty?)

13 years ago

“This is just the tip of the iceberg.”

And down the crank magnetism rabbit hole we go. Hey, at least it’s more entertaining than his usual rants about women’s sartorial choices.

13 years ago

Why do you keep using evolutionary biology/psychology arguments on us, if you don’t even believe in evolution?

13 years ago

NWO, maybe you should just go back to highschool biology, or pay Holly to tutor you.

13 years ago

There’s a ton of genius residing here.

One question. Can a protein be formed outside a living cell. Oh yea, and it has to have actually happened in order for it to be true. No theories. No guesses. No becuase I want it to be that way. An actual, yea, here it is kind thingy.

I’m not asking for much here. Just, ya know, proof.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

It begins with a G and ends with a D.


Yes, proteins can form outside living cells.

The experiment used water (H2O), methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), and hydrogen (H2). The chemicals were all sealed inside a sterile array of glass tubes and flasks connected in a loop, with one flask half-full of liquid water and another flask containing a pair of electrodes. The liquid water was heated to induce evaporation, sparks were fired between the electrodes to simulate lightning through the atmosphere and water vapor, and then the atmosphere was cooled again so that the water could condense and trickle back into the first flask in a continuous cycle.

Within a day, the mixture had turned pink in colour,[9] and at the end of one week of continuous operation, Miller and Urey observed that as much as 10–15% of the carbon within the system was now in the form of organic compounds. Two percent of the carbon had formed amino acids that are used to make proteins in living cells, with glycine as the most abundant. Sugars and liquids were also formed. Nucleic acids were not formed within the reaction. But the common 20 amino acids were formed, in various concentrations.

Only free amino acids formed, but they can easily join into proteins given more time and more random reactions.

13 years ago

NWOSlave said:

“every law enacted is your’s. Men can never out-vote women. Every law enacted is your doing.”

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Oh, and I couldn’t find an article with a low enough reading level for NWO, but here’s one that references synthetic proteins–created purely by chemical reactions, not inside a living cell. (Okay, the cell uses reactions too but work with me here.)

13 years ago

It begins with a G and ends with a D.

Goyard? That’s some really awesome luggage, but I don’t think it had anythign to do with abiogenesis?

Also, since I am pretending to be an anarchist, you are pretending to be a creationist.

Stop pretending you don’t want more Darwinism!!!

13 years ago

NWOSlave said:

“every law enacted is your’s. Men can never out-vote women. Every law enacted is your doing.”

Okay, I’m just a person who is for some reason pretending to be an Anarchist, here, but… Do you know that laws are not made by popular vote?

Quick, NWO! How does a bill become Law?

It’s actually totally okay if you leave in “sitting here on capitol hill”, by the way.

13 years ago


And now both that and Conjunction Junction will now be in my head all night. I have no regrets.

13 years ago

Show me a thing becoming true just because women voted on it. Don’t just give me a theory. How do laws form by popular vote outside of the legislature, excutive, or judicial “cells” as it were! SHOW ME PROOF! AS IN PROOF!

13 years ago

It begins with a G and ends with a D.


Oh wait, that’s Brandon.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

They cannot “easily” join. If they could why haven’t they done it? It’s so damn easy.

I asked for 1, only 1 example of protein ever forming outside a living cell in all of nature.
The link you gave shows no protein being artificially created.

Can anyone here show me a protein being created outside a living cell, either naturally or artificially. Just 1 example is all I ask.

13 years ago

DAMMIT I SAID HIS NAME what’s the counter?

13 years ago


Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Well, you see, zhinxy, when a feminist website publishes a chart of “common signs of abuse” on its front page, that’s a law. Or when a school changes its internal disciplinary processes, that’s a law. Or when a bunch of people sign their pseudonyms to an Internet petition, that’s a law.

Laws can come from all sorts of places!

13 years ago

Also, you keep saying we’ll have the right to vote in NWO land, so… How will this not be the same problem, if women that MEN. CAN’T. OUT. VOTE are still running around!?

Once again, what are we voting on in there?

13 years ago

“Well, you see, zhinxy, when a feminist website publishes a chart of “common signs of abuse” on its front page, that’s a law. Or when a school changes its internal disciplinary processes, that’s a law. Or when a bunch of people sign their pseudonyms to an Internet petition, that’s a law.

Laws can come from all sorts of places!”

Hot damn!

Maybe THAT’S why I’m pretending to be an anarchist!

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