antifeminism creepy evil women I'm totally being sarcastic misandry misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men paul elam threats

AgentOrange and the Screencaps of Feminazi Doom

Santa is no longer interested in bringing joy to girls.

Christmas came early for the MRAs this year. Earlier this week, a generous soul calling himself AgentOrange posted a 165 MB present online for them, an assortment of super-secret internet postings from a private forum connected to the RadFem Hub, which Mr. Orange collected by bravely going behind enemy lines and, er, screencapping a bunch of shit. As the OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE declared:

[B]oth feminists and MRAs alike, have been anxiously awaiting the promised complete files of screen shots and associated materials collected by Agent Orange.

These files are apparently so vile and incendiary that Mr. Orange has deemed it necessary to reveal the personal information of some of the RadFemHub commenters. Not to encourage anyone to stalk or harass or harm them, just so that those offended by them can do whatever it is people do when personal info is leaked on the internet that doesn’t involve stalking or harassing or harming them. Send them postcards?

But in any case there is no reason whatsoever to think that a group of really really really angry people who love making threats on the internet and  think their opponents are as bad as Hitler could ever do anything that would be in any way problematic.

So, you might ask, what dastardly secrets do these new files disclose? Oddly, the PRESS RELEASE doesn’t actually specify. The AgentOrange website doesn’t say either. And the 165 MB download is just a bunch of files with no explanation.

But I have spent some time going through these files myself in a completely random manner, which is evidently what AgentOrange expects everyone who downloads the files to do. To be perfectly honest, I haven’t spent that much time on this. I’ve really been quite busy with other things. But I have spent some time. More than twenty minutes, anyway.

So let me share with you some preliminary findings.

Here, straight from the AgentOrange files, are some RadFems discussing a news story about a male midwife who thinks that mothers should embrace the pain of childbirth as a “rite of passage.” (Click on the teensy image on the right to get it full-sized.)

Apparently some of those RadFems don’t think this is a good idea! One of them says:

Does he even know what uterine cramps/contractions even feel like?

Another adds:

I read that and rolled my eyes. … If only it were possible to subject mister midwife (my ass) to the joyous pain of childbirth. I guess a swift kick to the balls is as close as he’s ever going to come to it.

Clearly suggesting that a male midwife suffer pain similar to what he suggests women should suffer is nothing short of GENOCIDE!

But wait, there’s more! Another woman writes:

There is no reason why women should have to endure pain like this in this day and age.

That sounds exactly like something HITLER would have said! (If you replace “women” with “Jews” and “no reason” with “every reason.”)

Still another adds:

This is phenomenally stupid, and completely out of step with current pain management theory and procedures.

Is there no end to this feminazi depravity!?

Oh, but there’s more, much more. In this thread — click the image to the right — the evil RadFems complain about guys trying to pick them up in a creepy manner. One of the ladies suggests that a good way to get the guys to leave you alone is to tell them you’re a widow.

You see now that feminism is all about DECEPTION!

Maybe it should be called Deceptionism!

Ok, ok, just one more. In a thread called “I’m mad as hell” — right over there on the right again — one commenter complains about getting a computer virus.

She’s so mad she says she’s even considering downloading Ubuntu and forgoing all Microsoft products, which are frequently targets of viruses! What? Huh? DOES NOT COMPUTE. BZZZZZZZ. LADY USING LINUX ERROR ERROR. *$^*$()*%(*$$$$$$$$. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN.




Ok. I’m back. Another commenter there says something about castrating guys who write viruses.

That does seem a little excessive. Though I don’t think she means it literally.

I will return to this topic later, after I recover.

In the meantime, if you want to see the most ridiculous comments on the matter from Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers, you can find some of them collected together here. Among the highlights:

Violence on men is incited daily, by the hour, by the second. Every time someone makes a post on reddit there is a sexist opinion about all men.

This isn’t public shaming, its outing criminals that are planning your genocide.

A story of a plan of naziesque proportions is about to broken.

I think we can all agree that feminism inevitably heads down the road of male genocide.

MRAs, more melodramatic than emo kids.

Oh, and by the way, two of the Reddit quotes above come from a fellow known on Reddit as Sigi1, but who may be more familiar to Man Boobzers as Eoghan. Without clicking on the links, can you guess which two?

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13 years ago

Ozy said

“O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

NWO responded

And you also have to do that. Dresses, dollies and dildos for men ain’t cuttin the mustard.

I see nothing in this passage about non-normative gender expression. And as far as I can tell, Ozy is “doing justly and loving mercy,” in that zie’s studying to be a therapist and, you know, help people. Holly’s studying to be a nurse. Ami’s a social worker ans zhinxy works with sex workers to improve their lives. Kavette runs a homeless shelter.

What do you do?

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

And told her to stop being a whore. Not goeth and rally slutwalks.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

NWO, do you even get the point of the story of Jesus? I’m Jewish and I know this much.

The whole point of Jesus’s life was that he loved his enemies so much he died to save them.

If you want your enemies to die to save you, you’re kind of exactly opposite of Jesus. (And if you want your enemies to die to save you only they aren’t actually your enemies and you’re perfectly safe, then you’re… holy shit, NWO, I think you might actually be the Antichrist.)

13 years ago


A law is when a bunch of spoilt women like yourselves, cry Oh Big Daddy there aren’t enough women in STEM. And BIg Daddy says, “you’re right.” Quota. Quota. Quota.

Happy now. Is Title IX a law. Why yes it is.


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.

Also, why am I pretending I don’t want more government, and how do you know I’m pretending? Why would I do this?

Also, I used to oppose title IX a lot more vigorously, but they made it much more gender neutral. (I still actually oppose it in that, anarchist, but hey) I am lying about all of this?


13 years ago

Actually, the Bible doesn’t say anything about dildos or dolls for men, and the only mentions of crossdressing are in Deutoronomy, the laws of which do not apply to Christians (it’s established in Acts– this is also why Christian men don’t have to be circumcised). In the interests of complete honesty, there is an absolutely bizarre passage in 1 Corinthians that says men have to have short hair and women long, but I’m pretty sure that’s another one of those “context of the time” issues.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

A law is when a bunch of spoilt women like yourselves, cry Oh Big Daddy there aren’t enough women in STEM. And BIg Daddy says, “you’re right.” Quota. Quota. Quota.

I need this cross-stitched on a pillow. I will hug it every night and laugh myself to sleep.

C’mon man, I even posted an instructional song and everything.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

And told her to stop being a whore. Not goeth and rally slutwalks.

There’s an important difference between “go, and sin no more” and “go, and sin no more, because if you do you deserve to get raped.”

You’re the worst Jesus ever.

13 years ago


Yeah, I’m so sure putting a dress on, shoving a dildo up your ass, crawling into bed clutching a dolly while weeping for a womans attention and approval was the spot on meaning of the passage.

Is that the new feminist interpretation?

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

Yes, don’t stone the whore but indoctrinate little girls to all be whores to empower them with sexual agency. Is that the message?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Yeah, I’m so sure putting a dress on, shoving a dildo up your ass, crawling into bed clutching a dolly while weeping for a womans attention and approval was the spot on meaning of the passage.

Actually, I think the spot-on meaning of the passage is “God doesn’t care if you wear a dress or shove a dildo up your ass, as long as you love God and your neighbor and do good for others. God could give less of a crap what your gender is or how you express it if you’re a decent person.”

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

And told her to stop being a whore. Not goeth and rally slutwalks.


No. she was an adulteress.

. Jesus did not tell the prostitutes of his day, hypocritically, to stop their sinning. Where those who judged them both demanded they exist and hated them for it. He met them where they were with compassion. And ate and drank with them.

jesus never ate with former sinners. A nice one out of the approximately jillion actually christian thoughts on this matter.

13 years ago

There is exactly one person in the Bible whom Jesus says goes to Heaven.

Not Peter, founder of the church. Not Paul, author of the letters. Not any of the disciples or the writers of the gospels. No, the only person Jesus confirms to be Heaven-bound is a thief dying on the cross next to him.

Because that is the whole point. Jesus came for the sinners, the poor, and the broken; the saints don’t need him.

13 years ago

NWOslave, zie is a gender neutral pronoun, it is used to refer to a being without referring to that beings gender. Does that clear up your ongoing confusion regarding pronouns?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Yes, don’t stone the whore but indoctrinate little girls to all be whores to empower them with sexual agency. Is that the message?

I’m going to need the proof text that licenses you to rape small children because they gave you a boner ON PURPOSE THAT CHILD VICIOUSLY GAVE ME A BONER HOW DARE SHE, because I think there’s some shit about millstones you should be worrying about right now.

13 years ago

Since I don’;t think yo’ure gonna click through to the lovely homily, I’m gonna copy paste, because it really IS lovely.

-There is no mention, that these people were former prostitutes, former tax collectors or former sinners. There is no record that Jesus told these people that they had to clean up their act and change their ways before he comes to dinner. Neither do I find a mention that these people were changed after they dined with Jesus. No record of Bob giving up his job as a tax collector and becoming successful in vinyl siding sales. Or Marsha putting out her candle in the red light district to take up interior design.

While I am sure that lives were changed, but why no mention of it? Maybe it is because it didn’t matter to Jesus, who these people were. Maybe Jesus saw that these were the people wanting help. Wanting a Savior. Maybe the fact that it is written that these people were prostitutes, tax collectors and sinners, is just for us.

Maybe it only matters to us.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Unless the little one was dressed like a BONER INFLICTING SLUT.”

13 years ago

“Oh, Jesus, not another of our wankers wanking about respect.”

It’s the 12 Days of Christmas, MRA style.

6 Wankers Wanking.

(NWO, Meller, Brandon, Arks, Whatever, and Om Nom Nom? Did I miss anyone?)

13 years ago

NWO, way to miss the point of what I said about respect.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy
“Actually, I think the spot-on meaning of the passage is “God doesn’t care if you wear a dress or shove a dildo up your ass, as long as you love God and your neighbor and do good for others.’

I beg to differ princess. I don’t believe the message at all meant shoving dildos up your ass. I may be reaching here but I’m gonna have go against your particular meaning.

No such thing as a zie.

And go and sin no more. The message is never keep on sinnin, cause I like that.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I think this is an opportunity to share my favorite country song.

(Key lyrics: In the Heaven I’m headed to
There’s a place for preachers, thieves and prostitutes
Saints and soldiers, beggars, kings and renegades
For any soul that ever found amazing grace
Ain’t no tellin’ who on earth He might include
In the heaven I’m headed to)

13 years ago

Cassandra, I think you got the major players.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

Whoever promotes whore-culture raise their hand. Mine is the only one not raised.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Whoever promotes whore-culture raise their hand. Mine is the only one not raised.

I don’t promote whore-culture. I promote “who cares if you’re a whore, if you’re a good person?” culture.

13 years ago

What’s whore-culture, NWO?

Is it like horticulture?

13 years ago

NWO, what you want is deference, not respect.

I’m not sure what the rest of your life is like that you confuse the two. Are you a bully, surrounded by frightened, beaten-down people who give you your “respect” to escape your wrath? Or are you a frustrated, pathetic, constantly-angry person who can’t get the “respect” he so craves?

Around here, you get a certain baseline respect for just being human. You’ve lost most of that because you argue in endless bad faith. That is, if you want to count the endless stream of venom you pour out of your keyboard as an “argument”. But even so, we wouldn’t want to spread your information across the internet, still less have you beaten in the street.

As for Christianity, you may be a Christian in the tribal sense, you may go to Church on Sunday, but you are piss-poor at following the example and principles of Yeshua ben Yussef of Nazareth. Judging by the fruit you present to the world, there’s not a bit of mercy, compassion or generosity in your soul.

Even if we were mocking Christianity, what does that matter? What can a bunch of heathens making smart-ass remarks on the internet do? You’re the one who pours out bitterness, resentment and willful ignorance on the world and calls it Christianity. If you ask me, that’s real blasphemy.

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