creepy false accusations I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises rape rapey reddit sexual harassment vaginas

“I hope this advice doesn’t sound rapey … ” A visit to Reddit’s “seduction” community.

If you wonder why some dudes get so worked up about “false rape accusations,” it may be because their notion of “seduction” is pretty much indistinguishable from what most of us would call “date rape.” And chances are good that they sort of know this.

Check out this discussion in Reddit’s Seduction subreddit, recently highlighted in ShitRedditSays.

The original poster writes in with a heartrending tale: it seems he can’t get the ladies to touch his penis. Throw5891away writes:

So I have little problem getting numbers, little trouble turning those numbers into dates, I can keep her interested during dates, but i can’t make the move to anything physical beyond a kiss or some light making out.

Let’s have the deets!

A lot of my problem, I think, comes from the fear of possibly making it awkward. I’ve been in a few situations where i’ve tried to slide a hand down the pants of a girl and she turns timid. This is after some over-clothes touching, or pressure with my thigh. Warming them up, i think, is not the major problem. Obviously if a girl says no, i’m not going to push through with it because that’s when it gets awkward.

Yes, trying to stick your fingers in a woman’s vagina when she doesn’t want you to does tend to get a  little … awkward.

Beyond me failing at making a first move, it’s nearly impossible for me to get a girl to notice I have an erection and attempt to do something about it.

Maybe you need to wear a t-shirt that says “erection” on it with a big arrow pointing to your crotch? Otherwise how on earth are the ladies you’re making out with ever going to realize you have a boner?

I’m average in size there, so them not noticing is not an issue. I feel like I almost have to physically take their hand and place it on my junk in order to make it happen. And after a while of them paying no attention to my erection (mind you, they’re still gropey elsewhere/into making out), it really starts to make wonder if they’re really into having sex with me at all.

It seems you might just be onto something here. And how on earth can you possibly tell if a woman actually, for real, wants to have sex with you? It’s not like you can ask her directly, because she has the power of speech, or anything like that.

Instead, you’d better ask the dudes on r/seduction. So let’s just see what they have to say.

PuaCurveBall suggests that the best way to avoid the “awkwardness” spoken of earlier is just to ignore it:

I hope this advice doesn’t sounds rapey, but you need to keep going until they seriously tell you no.

Pro-tip: Any bit of advice that starts off with “I hope this advice doesn’t sound rapey” is advice you SHOULD NOT FOLLOW.

Them not telling you firmly to stop (more than just “we shouldn’t be doing this” or “it is too soon”) is the signal. Escalate until they tell you to stop.

Yes, because “we shouldn’t be doing this” is such an ambiguous statement. It could mean anything! It probably is just girl-code for “we should be doing this, so please grab my hand and put it on your dick.”

Either you should get a firm “no, seriously get your hands off me, I’m not ready yet” or you should be having sex with these girls. Everything in the middle is working against you.

So long as she doesn’t literally mace you, you can assume she actually wants you to keep going.

Naturally, the suave Lotherios of the r/seduction community rewarded this sensible advice with upvotes.

Others offered similar advice. Productionx was insistent: “No” means “keep going!”

Women want a man to be dominate. Other women lead you to believe you have to ask for permission, don’t listen to these stupid feminists. Go be a man, if she says no, you say ok, and keep doing exactly what you were doing. You get an erection, make it freaking known!!!

Fangs78 added:

Don’t give up before like the 9-10th time they stop you. Of course, if they are stern and REALLY mean it.

Everyone knows that the first 9 or 10 “no’s” really mean “maybe.”

It’s all part of the art of “seduction.”

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13 years ago

Brandon, do you mean try to debate like when Pecunium hands you your ass eight ways to Sunday? That’s always fun.

We know you don’t care if other people get offended. Brandon and his feelings > everyone else and theirs.

13 years ago

Cassandra, look who you’re asking that about.

It has been nice without him.

13 years ago

But if you want to bring that up, a lot of non-verbal cues are highly subjective. What one woman does to say she isn’t interested might be different from another woman. Hell, sometimes what one woman does to say she is interested is what another woman uses to say she isn’t.

A lot of men get frustrated by this because a lot of the time those cues are convoluted, contradicting or otherwise vague.

And asking your partner isn’t an option? If “a lot of men” really were honestly “frustrated” by “convoluted, contradicting, or otherwise vague” social cues, the idea of asking people how they feel about sex wouldn’t seem so hilarious to you.

And we already know that you’re fine with doing sexual things to your partner without her consent, you proved that in the thread where you said you wanted to tape your sex acts. Or are you “confused” by the social norm where it’s illegal to record people without their permission, except under specific circumstances?

13 years ago

@Klopbop: If I tried to touch you and you pulled away…that is you rejecting me, non verbally.

Rejection doesn’t just happen verbally. If you pulled away, I would think you didn’t want to continue our interaction and I would politely excuse myself.

@Kendra: Some men don’t have a problem with understanding non verbal cues while other men get frustrated. I am a firm believer that actions speak louder than words and if a woman said “yes” to me, but pulled away, I would take that as a “no”.

Some men don’t or can’t see those cues because they may be socially inept. Thus verbal cues are often used after non-verbal cues are ineffective.

Lastly, PUA’s have tons of jargon. The same is true of feminism and gender studies. Very rarely will you hear about heteronormativity and intersectionality outside of feminist circles.

13 years ago

It means that I don’t get bent out of shape if someone gets offended at what I say. I think people should not be afraid to say something because someone might not like it. It has nothing to do with other people catering to my whims or wants.

Again, go yell about bombs on an airplane or fires in the theater. I mean, somebody might get ‘offended’ at what you say, but why should you care?

13 years ago

But if you want to bring that up, a lot of non-verbal cues are highly subjective. What one woman does to say she isn’t interested might be different from another woman. Hell, sometimes what one woman does to say she is interested is what another woman uses to say she isn’t.

A lot of men get frustrated by this because a lot of the time those cues are convoluted, contradicting or otherwise vague.

The more I think about this, the less I buy it. I make a point of observing non-verbal cues so I can learn how to interpret them, and in my experience they’re pretty consistent, at least within cultures. If they were just subjective, they wouldn’t be “cues,” they’d be tics, private movements that signal nothing.

Not to mention! The OP isn’t about “nonverbal cues” being “highly subjective” and confusing the poor dears. the OP is about this:

Don’t give up before like the 9-10th time they stop you. Of course, if they are stern and REALLY mean it.

Is this”confusing”?

In all seriousness, it’s almost Christmas. What kind of miserable person wants to spend Christmas trolling, or “fucking with”, people they dislike?

Meh, for me Christmas is another two weeks away.

13 years ago


@Klopbop: If I tried to touch you and you pulled away…that is you rejecting me, non verbally.

Rejection doesn’t just happen verbally. If you pulled away, I would think you didn’t want to continue our interaction and I would politely excuse myself.

THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU. If you understand non-verbal communication, and you know what to do in response, and you do it, because to do otherwise would be inappropriate….then why are you nattering on about how hard nonverbal communication is in a sexual context?
it’s the sex part, isn’t it? Listen, Brandon, when a mommy-person and a daddy-person love each other very much and want to give each other a special hug, there are certain ways they can tell each other about this…

13 years ago

@Cassandra: All my shopping is done and the parties don’t start till tomorrow.

@Hellkell: Really? Do you take my feelings into consideration when you have called me an idiot? No. Why don’t you hold yourself to the same standard you want to hold me to.

@Voip: Or women could try and not give out mixed signals to men. You know like grab the inside of my thigh and get close to my face or whisper a sexual innuendo in my ear…but be appalled when I try to kiss her.

Apparently you never took a debating class in high school or college. It is called playing the devil’s advocate. I have never videotaped any sex act nor do I own a camera to do it.

13 years ago

Brandon, based on your work here, and your supremely self-centered and bleak view of the world, I don’t give one tiny fuck about your feelings. What does that have to do with anything?

13 years ago

you bet hellkell took your feelings into account, Brandon.

(sorry for butting in, hellkell)

13 years ago

Looks like the devil’s getting exactly what he paid for in terms of advocacy help for you, B.

13 years ago

Magpie, butt on, my friend.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

Brandon said

Some men don’t or can’t see those cues because they may be socially inept. Thus verbal cues are often used after non-verbal cues are ineffective.

Sure some men are socially inept, as well as some women. If they can’t read nonverbal clues, then they should verbally ask for consent. However, I also think that can be a convenient excuse that rapists use, that they can’t possibly understand if they have consent or not. A lot of rapists deny that what they do is rape because “Hey, who could ever know if someone consents or not?” The PUA’s in the OP are a good example. They might know damn well that nine no’s really means no, but they just don’t care.

13 years ago

You’d think Satan could afford a better lawyer.

13 years ago

Satan’s crowdsourcing now, this kind of shit happens.

13 years ago

I was going to say something about B contradicting himself in consecutive comments, but then I realised it’s not that unusual for him. And a lot more boring than when NWO does it.

13 years ago

@Voip: You make a point of reading and understanding non-verbal cues. Others don’t. You can’t just expect people to know something because you know something. There are also people out there with aspergers and other autistic disorders that can’t easily understand non verbal cues.

Context matters when someone is saying “no”. What if the woman is saying “no” but is rubbing my crotch? The quote you quoted doesn’t really have enough information to make a complete examination. Hell, I have had women say things like “yes, no, yes, no, keep going, no, no, yes, oh my god, yes, no, etc…” to me. What should I do in that scenario? Should I stop?…Or keep going?…Or pray to God?

Again, a womans actions are far more telling than her words. If she says “no” than proceeds to jam her tongue down my throat (it has happened), I take that as “let’s keep going”.

Lastly, stop being a condescending twit. It makes you look childish and petty.

13 years ago

“Lastly, stop being a condescending twit. It makes you look childish and petty.”

I’m just going to leave that here so everyone can revel in the delicious irony.

13 years ago

I get so hot when Brandon tells us how to behave. Oh, wait, no I don’t.

Someone here is childish and petty, and it’s not VoiP.

13 years ago

The funny thing is that I think he actually does expect us to get hot and bothered when he attempts to be dominant over the internet.

13 years ago

Ooh baby, give me another one of those tl;dr comments about how hard it is for men to read body language. It makes me so hot.*

*Actually that’s because I’m drinking a nice hot cup of tea.

13 years ago

His attempts to be dominant bring the lulz, but I bet Ash loves it!

I’ve known guys him like who think a slap on the ass means they’re doms. Let’s just say not so much.

13 years ago

Ohhh, Brandon, c’mon, baby, tell me how much you hate it when I’m condescending. We can even turn the light while you do.

13 years ago

Hell, I have had women say things like “yes, no, yes, no, keep going, no, no, yes, oh my god, yes, no, etc…” to me. What should I do in that scenario? Should I stop?…Or keep going?…Or pray to God?

That’s when you specifically ask.
“You keep alternating between yes and no, and it’s confusing the bejeebus out of me. Do you want me to keep going?”

13 years ago

@Hellkell: Actually, I find feminists have a bleak world view. Always finding fault with men when it comes to male-female sexual relations. It must really suck being a marginalized group in the world.

Well, if you don’t care about my feelings…then don’t be surprised when I don’t a shit about yours. Equality is a bitch sometimes!

@Kendra: That’s kind of speculative. Are you friends with a lot of rapists and know their inner most thoughts?

Also, I have known women that told me they told guys “no”, and he stopped and she got mad that he wasn’t more persistent. This is the environment that men are in today. Where women are giving out “fake no’s” to test men if they will actually stop or not.

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