$MONEY$ crackpottery creepy I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men PUA racism rapey reactionary bullshit sex

Homeless girls: A frugal alternative to pricey prostitutes!

NOTE: The title of this post is sarcastic. If you found this post through a Google search because you’re actually looking for tips on how to exploit desperate young women, you’re a piece of shit, and this post is not for you. Go away, and go fuck yourself.

Fellas! Want sex, but don’t have the money to shell out on prostitutes? Hate the time and effort it takes to talk a non-professional sex-having women into having sex with you? A recent post by Advocatus Diaboli on the always delightful In Mala Fide offered an elegant solution for horny but frugal men. In a post titled Pooning on a Tight Budget, AD explained the technique that has worked for him:

Getting poor, but good-looking, young girls (18-23) to have sex with [you] in return for some timely financial help.

Turns out that women who are poor and desperate can be exploited for your own sexy purposes!

Of course, it’s not always quite as easy as it might seem.

I should be upfront that getting amateur women to have sex for money can be tricky as most of them believe that they are not whores. Moreover, poor young women often have “boyfriends” and white knight orbiters. So I created a set of filters and rules to screen out the most problematic types.

According to AD, all you have to do is to:

Avoid all girls who have obvious and serious drug and mental health issues or have lived on the street for over 6 weeks at a stretch.

Happily for you, that still leaves lots of girls ripe for the picking! AD suggests you focus your attention on:

Freshly homeless young girls, especially those who hangout in mixed groups.

The safest ones are those who are into pot, drumming, dreadlocks et cetera. You can find them in many larger cities in the spring and summer. While I would never trust them with any significant amount of money, many are reasonably decent human beings.

You might not think you’d have much in common to talk about with these women – what with them being “reasonably decent human beings” and you being a “completely reprehensible pile of shit” – but you’d be surprised.

Strike up a conversation with them, engage them and see where it leads. But you must make it plainly obvious that you are interested in them sexually, but that all favors require reciprocation. Once you get to know them, a decent round of drinks, snacks, money for pot, a small necessary item of clothing, decent dinner with booze will almost guarantee you a good lay (or at least a couple of BJs).

And if you crunch the numbers you’ll see it’s really quite a frugal solution.

Your initial financial hit for hanging out with them is very small, and once they are sleeping with you.. it will often work to about $30-60 (cash equivalent or cash) per session. You may also get freebies..

But girls don’t necessarily have to be literally homeless to be desperate enough to sleep with you for money. Nope! You may also find great cost-savings from targeting:

Girls who are not homeless, but are just hanging on.

How do you find these lovely ladies? Keep an eye out for women working really shitty jobs that don’t pay shit! You’ll find them conveniently located

in smaller retail stores or businesses that pay minimum wage with no tips. Build a rapport and be fairly upfront about your interest, but do not come across as desperate. Go to her workplace and talk to her when you are in that area, but do not stalk her.

Yep, it turns out that even desperate women can be creeped out. So play it cool! Stalking’s for fools!

There’s another possible hurdle: other dudes.

Such women often have “boyfriends,” however, they are often just as poor or poorer than her. You can get pussy as long as you are firm about the need for reciprocation. This category of girls might be more willing to give BJs than having ‘real sex.’ But do you really care?

Just remember to keep to your budget!

Restrict your help to less than $200 at any one time AND only after she has put out a couple of times.

And then there’s AD’s favorite category of desperate women:

Girls who are poor, but not homeless and have no “boyfriends” + have moved to the city within the last eight weeks.

You have hit the jackpot! 

Just don’t get carried away. Remember: you’re in charge, and she should know it!

Remember these girls can become de facto GFs, but do not restrict yourself to one. While you do not have to rub it in their faces, they should know that you are always looking around for a better deal. But treat them a bit better than type 1 and 2, they do give more per dollar spent on them.

Your accountant will be so, so proud of you!

Just remember:

They will play by your rules as long as they are not too dehumanizing, and they are often cheaper than professional whores.

Now that’s a motto to live by!

Amazingly, not all of the readers of In Mala Fide appreciated AD’s little treatise.

Simon invoked the c-word, before tossing in some racism:

Mate you are one deadset sad cunt. It’s no surprise to know you’re Indian.

Cathater broke out the other c-word:

Pretty damn creepy. You sound like you have no soul. Actually, you might be the first member of a new species: the perfectly rational, purely selfish utility-maximizing agent (Homo Economicus) that Austrian economists and Randroids have always droned on and on about.

Yes, I was as surprised as you are to read an actually reasonable critique of the post on In Mala Fide.

Don’t worry, though, the rest of the comments mostly lived up to the foul standards of the blog.

Ryu worried about the old slippery slope. If you start by suggesting that PUAs target homeless women, the next thing you know they’ll advocate sex with children! And then down the slippery slope you’ll slide:

This is the direction that PU takes one in. I’m surprised that there haven’t been any PUAs who say that during a dry spell we should go to gay bars and pick up men. Just to keep your dick wet, you know.

Savrola returned to the theme of race:

There’s a problem WNs have yet to deal with. Well off second-generation foreigners like AD taking advantage of your impoverished women of older native stock, after they’ve taken your jobs.

Can’t keep ‘em here, can’t send ‘em back.

What to do?

Blog proprietor Ferdinand Bardamu waded in to take a shot at all the “white knights” sticking up for the gals.

ROFLMAO at all these white knights. …

If you want to blame someone, blame the morally debased white women who would rather blow a stranger for $200 then work honestly (pull yourself up by your bootstraps, slob! nobody owes you anything!).

We’re living in Soviet Amerika (and Soviet Kanada). All of your daughters are whores or will become whores, soon as the price tag gets high enough.

Meanwhile, Stoner With a Boner, who sometimes graces the comments section here with his always trenchant wisdom, took a stand on behalf of the real victims here: dudes paying their own hard-earned money to icky ladies for sex.

Personally, I find the idea of clocking more hours at a job I hate just to hand $200 to a prostitute who would probably leave me dying in the street rather than help degrading.

Men, the forgotten victims once again.

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bobbyjo (@bobbyjo1950)
13 years ago

It’s all clear as day: They struggle to score a woman. They can not. They are undesirable. They are whiners. They are lazy. They are emotionally immature. They talk bad about women yet their lives revolve around how to score a woman. Hippocrates. They are obsessed with women. Women control their lives more than the average dude. Myself included. Heck, I’m gay and even I wouldn’t touch these sour grapes with a ten foot pool. What I don’t get is why they think women are so powerful? Women have a laundry list of issues they got to contend with in life. Women got a laundry list of things that “aren’t FAIR” but you don’t see them letting life’s unfairness bring them down. Those MRA folks are too easily controlled. They are just too dang obsessed with women. For some reason, women make them feel inferior. If all women were extinct, they would have nothing left to do with their time.

13 years ago

I’m willing to bet he did similar things to all the female tenants, since they all went out of their way to avoid him. He also once tried to get me to open the bathroom door while I was taking a bath because he “needed to talk” to me. I was 18 and new to the city – noticing a theme here? According to the OP I was a perfect target, guess I must be a real bitch for not going along with it.

bobbyjo (@bobbyjo1950)
13 years ago

Dues, it’s a sign of weakness – to let someone control you. Why let strangers intrude upon your valuable time? Hell, I got some serious beef with the union and some of the dudes that run my local chapter. But I sure as hell aint’ going to spend my time complaining about them. To be sure folks, everybody has to deal with things that are unfair so what makes these MRA’s think they are the only ones dealing with things unfair? How much you want to bet it isn’t “women” that makes them so depressed. I got a funny feeling these men got issues with just about everything and every body in life. If not women, they would be complaining about rich men or something.

Why can’t they find happiness like other men can? Why can’t they find peace like other men can? Why can’t they find fulfillment like other men can?

Hey MRA’s: how come you’re so miserable? You can’t find happiness yet billions other men can. What’s wrong with all of you boys?

13 years ago

Ha! bobbyjo, you’re asking all the right questions in all the wrong places =P

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

Bobbyjo, I think that MRA’s get off on feeling sorry for themselves. They are throwing a big pity party and pouting because most people want nothing to do with it. Others like to list MRA talking points and think that gives them a free pass to be an asshole. NWOSlave is a good example of that type of MRA.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
13 years ago

Things like dignity and self-respect can be luxuries if you are on the edge of starvation or don’t have a secure place to sleep or are starting to go through heroin withdrawal. I don’t see why any person has to literally sacrifice their life in the name of some ridiculous social norm of “honor”. Actually, I would say someone who is willing to make difficult decisions to stay alive or to remove themselves from an abusive situation (like Holly) potentially has more self-respect than somebody who says, “Sleeping behind a dumpster??? Ew! I guess I’ll just keel over and die!” It means they value staying alive and that they haven’t totally given up yet– that they have respect for their own life– which is definitely something given the hardships homeless people and the very poor have to face

I’d imagine that in places where prostitution is explicitly illegal and criminalized(which AFAIK is throughout the US except the state of Nevada and previously Rhode Island until ’09), offering financial assistance to a homeless person in exchange for sex could be technically considered “soliciting sex” and one could end up being charged for doing such a thing. I’m 100% sure that this issue is not unknown to the authorities, homeless advocates, and women’s advocacy groups. But yeah, I mean it’s hard to argue against the notion that someone who barters sex for money with someone who’s homeless/penniless, a drug addict, or otherwise desperate is a total sleaze. Trouble is, a lot of people in this world are like that and there ain’t much you can do about it.

fyi, being cynical and sarcastic doesn’t make you look clever. it just makes you look like every other teenage try-hard on the internet. but most of your comments do that so i’m not sure why i singled out this one.

FYI, I’m a fairly cynical person in general and not just on the internet(especially IRL). And when I was a teenager I was actually quite the opposite. Idealism: I mock it. 😛

13 years ago

lol. there is nothing except total idealism and kneejerk cynicism. life has not the slightest bit of nuance.

so you decided to cleave to juvenile simplicity later in life? i’m not sure why you’re proud of that? a pseudo-intellectual try-hard is a pseudo-intellectual try-hard, no matter how he strives to dress it up.

13 years ago

“later in life, i discovered i could throw off any sort of detailed analysis by appealing to platitudes like ‘life is essentially transactional’. this makes me not dumb and lazy because… um… might i direct you to some of my finer platitudes?”

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

I also wanted to add hugs for Holly and Kladle for what you’ve went through. I really am so lucky that my parents were so good to me and my family this year during our hard times. Even on the night of May 22, we got to sleep in a warm bed with a full stomach, so I realize we’re probably the luckiest people in Joplin.

13 years ago

Trouble is, a lot of people in this world are like that and there ain’t much you can do about it.

Call me an idealist, but I think mocking predatory, exploitative sexual practices that target poor people is valuable in and of itself.

And it’s not exactly safe for the exploiters either. Most street kids aren’t that naive and more than a few of them have figured out that’s it’s better to just rob them outright then to have to have sex with them. I’ve knew people, both male and female, who did this and they weren’t even remotely apologetic about it. Can’t say I blame them. I’m pretty sure I’d rather rob the asshole in the OP than sleep with him.

13 years ago

msn is ferdinand bardamu. i have a suspicion that he’s the mra who blogs under that name trying to pull some sort of sneak attack,but even if he isn’t, he’s the actual bardamu.

13 years ago

MSN–if you are Ferdinand, thanks for publishing 4 of my articles….

those white power guys are turds though….

if advocatus is real, he is reprehensible…but no more so than many of the bigots in the Feminist movement like that vilet lady…..

13 years ago

NWO, above all, wants everyone to know how much he has suffered. The idea that Holly might upstage him in this regard must have sent him into a panic. In real life, of course, it’s not a contest, and certainly not a contest anyone should want to win. No one deserves to go hungry.

13 years ago

Monsieur sans Nom sounds like he’s never really been hungry.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
13 years ago

And it’s not exactly safe for the exploiters either. Most street kids aren’t that naive and more than a few of them have figured out that’s it’s better to just rob them outright then to have to have sex with them. I’ve knew people, both male and female, who did this and they weren’t even remotely apologetic about it. Can’t say I blame them. I’m pretty sure I’d rather rob the asshole in the OP than sleep with him.

I agree. In fact, this is exactly what I have been saying(or at least implying-I try)in prior posts ITT! A lot of street kids seem to manage to learn some street smarts out there and often learn how to protect themselves to some extent against those looking to take advantage of them.

I can’t believe that Advocatus Diaboli thinks that no one has ever anticipated this kind of predatory behavior against street girls before or that most street girls don’t imagine that men might try to offer them stuff in exchange for sex. If a guy did this to a street girl in Portland, OR he’d make a whole bunch of enemies if he didn’t end up getting busted by the cops.

13 years ago

I find it hard to believe this guy “practices what he preaches”. Having been homeless, I met a few homeless women in the Boston area. Most of them were mentally ill. One even tried to show me pictures of the house she wanted to buy (it was a penthouse on a beach). The only one even remotely decent was a 21 year old junkie that hung around South Station and tried to get men to give her money. Her “story” was she was from Georgia and she needed 20 bucks to buy a bus ticket home. She lived nearby with her junkie boyfriend and she did this to support their heroin addiction. I talked to her for a while and she made about 300 dollars a day scamming men out of their money.

So even the “best” ones are still damaged.

Also, this dude seriously has no standards when it comes to choosing women to sleep with. Most of the women sleeping on the streets were grimy, unkempt and often stunk. I can’t even imagine trying to have sex with that. Although I also know a few homeless couples that prefer to sleep outside than to go to the shelters. It’s quite sad.

I mainly see the post as trying to be inflammatory for no good reason. It’s one big troll post.

13 years ago

Well, folks, Brandon hath declared the Truth upon this subject. No need for any more opinions.

13 years ago

OK, much as it pains me to almost agree with Brandon, the constrast between “ew, vaginas are so icky” and “but I’d be OK sleeping with someone who may not have had access to a shower recently” is a bit weird. Not that I’d expect logic from an MRA.

13 years ago

but no more so than many of the bigots in the Feminist movement like that vilet lady…..

see this is why I think MRAs are idiots. MRAs and Vilet and the rest of Radfemhub are two sides of the same coin. I’ve seen MRAs use thinly veiled ominous threats of a future war between the sexes. I’ve seen MRAs call to repeal women’s right to vote. I’ve seen an MRA call for baby girl’s voice boxes to be removed. And lets not forget an anti-feminist named Marc Lepine who shot a bunch of female engineering students for daring to leave the kitchen and for taking men’s “rightful” future jobs in the field. He blamed feminism for ruining his life in his suicide note and claimed he was “fighting feminism”. Sound like a familiar sentiment? I don’t know if the MRM existed in the 80s when the Montreal Massacre happened, but he sure sounded like your typical MRA. Then you have a predator like this piece of shit trying to exploit vulnerable poor women by offering them sex for money…..where is the major outrage against it? why is he not being called out by the MRM? where is his spot as bigot on how hypocritical that they are outraged at the radfems when the MRM is just as bad.

I find MRAs and rad fems both reprehensible and are very angry and/or hurt people. And so alike it makes me laugh. One group is just comprised of male supremacists, the other female supremacists. I’ve read articles on MRA websites, as well as some of the ones on radfemhub…it’s amazing how similar the tone is. The words the use, the hyperbole, the rage, the fear, the hatred.

The only difference here though, is that moderate feminists have largely dismissed radical feminists. While browsing radfemhub I even noticed that the rad fems hate modern sex-positive feminists. They believe we are too nice and wrong for not being completely against PIV sex.

I don’t see many MRAs dismissing their extremists though. Probably around 98% are extremists. Many of us are still waiting to be shown a moderate MRA website, that doesn’t blame feminism and women for everything. That acknowledge that women AND men face double standards.

Real classy, some of the comments here too, once again blaming the person who is so desperate for some food and shelter, rather than the filth who exploit them to get their dicks wet. And yea, that includes exploitation of male or female poor/homeless people. The sad thing is, this doesn’t even surprise me. So much disgusting shit comes out of the MRM that it’s just to be expected. Something even worse than this will come out, and I still wouldn’t be surprised. These are the types of guys who will find an excuse to blame a woman who was murdered. Probably for just looking at a guy funny. They will justify it, as long as the victim is female. I’m sure they think the 60 year old woman who was set on fire in an elevator the other day did something to deserve it too.

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

When Monsieur sans Nom first appeared, I thought too that he was Ferdinand Bardamu because he attacked me and Ferdinand Bardamu attacked me on other blogs. Now he’s defending the article, so it’s probably him.

Brandon, it was posted originally on Advocatus Diaboli’s blog, he posts on the Spearhead and he has made numerous posts of the same caliber, so I don’t think it was a troll post :

13 years ago

hahahaha!!! he’s complaining about the word creepy, while simultaneously calling women cunts and writing posts on how to exploit poor/homeless women for as little money as possible.

Advocatus Diaboli is the very definition of a creep and a predator. How he is not aware of this is just sad.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
13 years ago

When Monsieur sans Nom first appeared, I thought too that he was Ferdinand Bardamu because he attacked me and Ferdinand Bardamu attacked me on other blogs. Now he’s defending the article, so it’s probably him.

Why no, actually. And I am not defending the article. You’re not too bright are ya, son….:-/

13 years ago

Advocatus Diaboli is the very definition of a creep and a predator. How he is not aware of this is just sad.

Oh, I think he’s well aware. That’s precisely why he’s trying to discredit the term (and, I think, why so many MRAs protest it). Because they know they’re creepy, and they’re trying to defend their right to be creepy.

Which is, naturally, even more creepy.

13 years ago

Wow, I think this might win the award of creepiest thing ever. And that is considering that there have been you know, a lot of creepy subjects that have been written about here. But this one takes the cake.

13 years ago

hahahaha!!! he’s complaining about the word creepy, while simultaneously calling women cunts and writing posts on how to exploit poor/homeless women for as little money as possible.

Shorter Devil’s advocate whine:
creepy = gendered slur used to shame men!!!1!
cunts = non-gendered slur we can use freely against anyone! It just happens these people happen to be women, and of course the word has no connotations of being against women, where would you get such an idea?


(Yeah, we don’t want a rehash of the argument about gendered slurs, do we?)

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