antifeminism evil women homophobia hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA

Gay men! Fear the lesbobo fempocalypse!

Gay men, stop falling for these man-hating ladies!

Gay men, when will you learn that feminists are fickle friends? Christian J. – the blogger behind What Men Are Saying About Women and the inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipses – offers gay men a trenchant warning about the evils of these seemingly friendly “allies.”

Fascinating how gay men are of the opinion that they are seen as humans where feminists are concerned. I am not quite certain how many more times we have to demonstrate that feminists loathe gays, with a passion, the male type ofcourse, not the lesbobo version..

Yes, obviously the lesbobos — much like lesbos, but with twice as much bo — have no problem with male hating. But gay men need to open their eyes to what is really going on.

Feminists have jumped aboard the Gay Rights Movement in order to spread their own male hating message. A message that the Gay Community appears to ignore. When feminists call for the removal of all men, the Gay man is definitely not exempted, I cannot understand how they can be in denial of  that fact, that certainty..

Also, that whole “gay marriage” thing you guys are always on about is really kind of pointless, since the evil ladies have already ruined marriage for everyone:

Feminists are only concerned about destroying marriage and families and the Gay community can help there as well by demanding that marriage should be renounced as null and void.

Of course, the lesbobos love feminism, and vice versa. Or at least they profess to:

Feminism and feminists only support lesbianism as most of the radical feminists are lesbians and they possess sufficient toxicity and male hate in order to spread their anti male loathing. They attached themselves to any movement they think they will have some advantage or benefit to spreading their elitist, sexist message..

But gay men?

Ignore these warning at your own peril. Feminists will dump you faster than typhoid when they have achieved their own outcomes. It’s that simple..





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13 years ago

I have never believed Doctor ASEXUAL- My theory has always been that Time Lords just naturally go long periods without much interest in getting it on. It makes the most sense as the reproductive urge of a virtually immortal species that gets do-overs. Right now I’d say he’s in a nesting /breeding phase with River, which will be followed by another seemingly asexual spell. I’d he adding a lot more here, but you are all lucky I’m on mobile 😉

13 years ago

it’s not like the doctor was asexual before. he did have romana.

13 years ago

Whereas I think he’s asexual but not aromantic, and he likes River because of how much she reminds him of the TARDIS.

13 years ago

OK, so, I haven’t watched Dr Who since I was a child…why would River, who I assume is a companion, remind the Doctor of the Tardis?

13 years ago

the period between the time war and his marriage to river is pretty understandable. his species got wiped out(did that make strike through? it didn’t, did it?)/locked inside a time bubble. that’s a thing it takes time to recover from.

13 years ago

(did that make strike through? it didn’t, did it?)


13 years ago

,10 was the courtship display / mate seeking phase,mostly… All of which makes sense in terms of him being the last male of his species. 😛 Also I think TARDIS arranged River’s existence so he’d have a mate, okay Im done now promise

13 years ago

Cassandra she was conceived in the TARDIS and has a deep psychic connection basically

13 years ago

Huh, I never would have thought of the Tardis as a place to shag. Then again, I stopped watching before the introduction of the new, sexy doctor. I wouldn’t have wanted to think about the one with the fuzzy hair and the long scarf shagging, but if it’s my dear countryman Mr Tennant…

13 years ago

why would River, who I assume is a companion


she’s his wife.

the daleks and the time lords fought a war over time and it got locked in a bubble outside of reality so things are different now. the doctor is the only timelord and that makes him special, so ~prooooopheeeeciiiiiieeeesss~

that’s basically the deal

13 years ago

Ozy – how do you feel about his sexuality as it were being expressed through use of his psychic abilities? I think that’s probably his go to intimate act.

13 years ago

Yeah, but they aren’t usually canonically straight, either.
If the creator didn’t state that they are an absolute 0 on the Kinsey scale, NO EXCEPTIONS EVER, there is plenty of room for interpretation.

Where did this stupid “it has to be explicitly stated they’re straight, or they’re not” meme come from? If a character only shows interest in the opposite sex, they’re straight, that’s literally the definition of the concept.

13 years ago

(forgot this in the first post) Also, by your standards, there are few/no straight characters in fiction, which makes no sense whatsoever.

No money is made from slash fanfic, which is based on fictional characters, many of which are drawn or animated. Do you see the difference here?
Yaoi makes a ton of money, I hear, plus doujinshi is just drawn fanfiction and the artists profit off of that.

13 years ago

Where did this stupid “it has to be explicitly stated they’re straight, or they’re not” meme come from? If a character only shows interest in the opposite sex, they’re straight, that’s literally the definition of the concept.

Um, no, it’s not. Bi/pansexuality exists, look it up! Also, in many shows the characters may not show any interest for anyone, and they’re not automatically asexual (they may very well be, but it’s not a given).

Yaoi makes a ton of money, I hear, plus doujinshi is just drawn fanfiction and the artists profit off of that.

That has literally nothing to do with the point. Try for some reading comprehension, why don’t you?

13 years ago

I can just imagine how Christian J. reacts to seeing gay women in real life. Unlike his online persona, he may likely be a coward who’d freeze in place, reverting to a child-like state of denial that, considering his nickname for gay women, sounds an awful lot like Diego, animal rescuer: “Freeze, lesbobos!”

13 years ago

>>>Where did this stupid “it has to be explicitly stated they’re straight, or they’re not” meme come from?

Unless it is explicitly stated, it is not canonical that the character is straight. That means he can be, or maybe not. Characters are not “straight by default”.

13 years ago

@Tatjna Bioshock actually is a lot of fun for a non-FPS like myself.
I enjoyed the story line enough to replay it a couple of time.
I just got Bioshock 2 and while it’s more engaging as a FPS, the storyline is shorter and Rapture is a more limited place to “explore.”

Personally, I MMORPG so I’ve moved to Star Wars the Old Republic. Again, it’s the story that keeps me playing.

13 years ago
Reply to  cynickal

@cynickal I’m really enjoying it. I’ve never been big on FPS but that’s because many of the titles associated with the genre are war-based and that doesn’t interest me. I’m quite liking the crossover-type games that have elements of FPS and RPG, like Red Dead Redemption and Deus Ex too. But the last game that really floated my boat was Portal 2. I got put off MMORPGs because raiding and gear grinding was becoming vocational and I realised I already have a job.

Funny, Arks attempted to denigrate RPGs as ‘lacking input’ and ‘for girls’ in his little direction, but the game he’s playing is also listed as one. What does that say?

13 years ago


I got put off MMORPGs because raiding and gear grinding was becoming vocational and I realised I already have a job.

I agree. EQ2 and City of Heroes/Villians have held my attention the longest for the same reasons. I was over 3000 quests completed in EQ2 before I hit the gear-grind wall. For raids I was reduced to second or third string because I didn’t do the grinds or played characters I enjoyed playing rather than max-min’ing.

Could you put some of your favorite titles in the forum?
I may look them up once they hit the used game store.

As for FPS, the problem I have is the small twitch muscles v. hand/eye coordination. I’m decent with paintball and other real life stuff, but controling a joystick to the fine motor controls you need to aim on a console are totally beyond me.

13 years ago

Skyrim fulfills my MMO quota. It fills the same basic itch for me: log on for a few hours, do some random quest out of a million available, log off. When I finally decided to go visit the Greybeards (after losing myself in a million sidequests on purpose because I didn’t want to do the main quest line) it took me five sessions to get there because I would visit every cave or fort on the path.

I wouldn’t mind if they merged the ‘quest with friends or solo’ gameplay from Borderlands/Dead Island with the Elder Scrolls series. I don’t want a raid-style MMO that’s a second job, but questing with a companion that’s not dumb as a brick would be nice every once in a while.

13 years ago
Reply to  cynickal

I’m embarrassed to say that my intro and main experience with MMOs is WoW, which I played for several years until one day I just went “No more” after being told I had to turn up at X time with X gear and realised that would write off not only my plans for that evening but the three evenings leading up to it. I’ve recently returned to MMOs with Path of Exile but I don’t really think that counts as MMO (as in massively) because it’s still in beta. It is fun though, especially if you ever thought Baldur’s Gate could be improved by being online. It’s in the vein of D2 and Torchlight.

Here’s a list, in no particular order, of games I keep going back to (disclaimer: I don’t usually buy a game until it’s in the bargain bin either and usually wait for recommendations). Heroes 3, Warblade, Road Rash, Planescape Torment, Baldur’s Gate, Oblivion, Morrowind, Portal 1 and 2, Settlers 7, Unreal Tournament, Red Dead Redemption (love the horse movement graphics in this), The Witcher, Mass Effect. I would be keen to hear your recommendations as well.

Hehe, showing my age there eh? Anyway, I only started playing console games this year after 15 years or so of being a purely PC gamer. I understand and sympathise with your joystick control issues. I have them too. 😉

13 years ago
Reply to  BlackBloc

“I don’t want a raid-style MMO that’s a second job, but questing with a companion that’s not dumb as a brick would be nice every once in a while.”

Oh so ditto this!

(i have not played Skyrim yet because I fear how much of my life I’d lose to it)

13 years ago

My only experience with WoW is playing the collectible miniatures game and winning 4 Spectral Tigers in a year, promptly sold on eBay to geeks with too much money on their hands. I haven’t touched the MMO itself but the mechanics of the minis game makes it so that I vaguely understand some of the MMO’s concepts.

13 years ago

So far Star Wars the Old Republic is holing up pretty good.
For grouping if you can only find 1 person who won’t get you killed you can use your “companions” (NPC/AI dps’ers) to fill out your 4 person party.

I’ve used it to successfully keep my assassin alive inspite of being a “glass cannon.”

I’m also looking for older PC games I can throw on my laptop for when I travel.

13 years ago

Caraz: yes, the issue of what happens to people who are genderqueer in the great male cull has been dealt with ages ago. Basically anyone who was born with a vagina is probably safe, anyone who was born with a penis is meant to be killed, and anyone whose genitals are more ambiguous or who falls prey to the cullers making bad assumptions about the contents of their pants is in danger. Take a look at some of Mary Daly’s work for example. (This may strike you as an incredibly transphobic way of defining male; you’d be right, and genderqueer people aren’t the only ones affected by this.)