Gay men, when will you learn that feminists are fickle friends? Christian J. – the blogger behind What Men Are Saying About Women and the inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipses – offers gay men a trenchant warning about the evils of these seemingly friendly “allies.”
Fascinating how gay men are of the opinion that they are seen as humans where feminists are concerned. I am not quite certain how many more times we have to demonstrate that feminists loathe gays, with a passion, the male type ofcourse, not the lesbobo version..
Yes, obviously the lesbobos — much like lesbos, but with twice as much bo — have no problem with male hating. But gay men need to open their eyes to what is really going on.
Feminists have jumped aboard the Gay Rights Movement in order to spread their own male hating message. A message that the Gay Community appears to ignore. When feminists call for the removal of all men, the Gay man is definitely not exempted, I cannot understand how they can be in denial of that fact, that certainty..
Also, that whole “gay marriage” thing you guys are always on about is really kind of pointless, since the evil ladies have already ruined marriage for everyone:
Feminists are only concerned about destroying marriage and families and the Gay community can help there as well by demanding that marriage should be renounced as null and void.
Of course, the lesbobos love feminism, and vice versa. Or at least they profess to:
Feminism and feminists only support lesbianism as most of the radical feminists are lesbians and they possess sufficient toxicity and male hate in order to spread their anti male loathing. They attached themselves to any movement they think they will have some advantage or benefit to spreading their elitist, sexist message..
But gay men?
Ignore these warning at your own peril. Feminists will dump you faster than typhoid when they have achieved their own outcomes. It’s that simple..
Then you’re totally an awesome Kantian!
Arks has got to be faking. I mean, that gravatar for a start.
i can deal with being a kantian
What fucking planet do you live on, anyway?
It’s the same one that those Christians who, though they constitute some 80% of the population and hold more positions of power than anyone else by far, think having to share public space with non-Christians is oppression, isn’t it?
Kantian is cool. Not perfect, but respectable. I’m a Niebuhr girl, myself.
im a dworkinian. not that dworkin, the other (more awesome) dworkin.
(yes philosophy of law can describe the world. screw you if you think it can’t.)
@Lauralot – late to the party but I like Supernatural and don’t ship it (not into slash at all tbh). I like that the men are pretty, that it doesn’t require a lot of thinking, and that it’s cheesy enough to be funny. It’s chewing gum for the mind with Extra Added Eye Candy. And since I’m a woman, I’m pretty used to ignoring the offensive bits in media in order to get enjoyment, eh?
@Arks Oh please, recommend me some video games. I have to know what the Authority On Everything thinks a woman should be playing.
girls like fashion and dress-up and shit like that, so obviously the only game they should play is the world ends with you
@Sharculese According to Arks I’m only supposed to like ones that have male characters I can ship. I am wondering what he’d recommend to me that won’t make me go into scarecrow mode, given that I’m not into slash but am still one of them Evol Wimminz.
Recently I’ve been enjoying Dark Souls, but I don’t know if you’d enjoy it because it’s somewhat challenging. I notice that women flock to RPGs like Final Fantasy and Dragon Age, and I think the other reason for this (aside from slash) is that they pretty much require no input or activity, so they’re not too taxing on the mind. DaS also has a PVP mode which girls may find stressful as it involves competing with other people.
Personally, if I had to pick something for a girl I’d go with Mario or Zelda or something. They’re just on that threshold of banality where something is accessible to everyone, yet still actually good games – definitely a choice to consider.
Ignoring the not-so-subtle attempts at insulting me, I’ll take your recommendation. Dark Souls looks interesting after a brief read-through on Wikipedia and I’ll definitely add it to the List – I particularly like that it seems to have a fairly large element of choice and outcome. And Wiki says communication is limited in the online mode which is always good IMO.
I hear Zelda is a classic and an academic I know recently produced research that he claims demonstrates that Mario Galaxy is objectively the best video game (as art) ever. This is, of course, debatable but never having played it I couldn’t say. I mostly avoided them because of a perception of banality buy hey, The Authority On Everything says they’re good so they may be worth a second look.
Currently I’m enjoying Bioshock. Because I’m that cutting edge. I imagine Bioshock slash is either non-existent or a tiny niche in some dark and slimy corner of the internet. I dare you to go look.
Girls don’t like challenging things?
Huh, judging by the video games that interest me, I guess I’m not a woman. Weird. You’d think I’d have figured that out before I was 22.
@Tatjna: At this point, there’s probably slash fiction for Plants vs. Zombies, even. I mean if a game like Amnesia has a kink meme, anything is possible.
@Lauralot True. A friend and I once tested Rule 34. We gave up after we found algorithm porn.
As terrible with higher math as I am, even considering algorithm porn is painful.
@tatjna while I don’t know about slash per se, I will say that bioshock is not exempt from rule 34 by a long shot, and just leave it there.
Also, RPGs not requiring input, really? I’m not even sure how to respond to that, it’s just so objectively wrong.
Yeah, I reckon Bioshock and Rule 34 should never be in the same sentence… oh crap.
And yes, I ignored that part of Arks’ missive because, well, what the fuck I don’t even.
I notice that women flock to RPGs like Final Fantasy and Dragon Age, and I think the other reason for this (aside from slash) is that they pretty much require no input or activity, so they’re not too taxing on the mind.
Or, you know, it could be that they’re good games?
Note the names of the reviewers saying things like “that kind of game, so rich and involving that you are powerless to resist its wiles and whims” and “a spectacular experience from beginning to end” and “the best RPG of the year — and maybe the best of the HD era.” The reviewers listed have the first names Kevin, David, Jeff, Jason, Will, Seth, and Michael. Clearly a bunch of silly girls, right?
(I don’t much like Final Fantasy, personally – largely because of the interminable, unskippable cutscenes when I want to be doing things – but DA:O was excellent.)
Also, did you play DA:O? Because I would not have described it as a game in which combat required “no input or activity.” That damn Broodmother killed the shit out of me enough times when I was very, very active in controlling my team – I can only imagine how unpleasant she would have been had I been providing “no input.”
I used to watch a web-based show that read aloud various terrible fanfics (eg. My Immortal).
There was a Doctor Who 10th Doctor/Captain Jack fic that really offended me.
It wasn’t because of the gay thing, and, although I was offended by Jack getting possessed by an alien and forced to masturbate against his will, that wasn’t what really offended me either. It was because Jack was all angsty about his attraction to the Doctor.
Really, does that sound like the Captain Jack Harkness you know?
Arks probably thought Allister was a mangina and couldn’t stand playing DA, which was a really good game. As was Mass Effect, which was really similar. Currently playing Skyrim. Never cared for Zelda or FF. My all time favorite is Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. When I heard the company that did EVE was was going to do a VTM game I almost died from happiness. Then I almost died again when I heard they nixed it :/
Anyway, Arks does kind of sound like your typical PvP douche so I’m not surprised by that.
I play D&D online because I like RPGs and because I prefer cooperative effort, and I find it rewarding when a bunch of random people can just get together and figure it out and get along and have fun in the process. I find that more rewarding than crunching stats and gear farming, which is also why I tend to stay from RTS games. I’ve heard the same thing from a lot of men as well. So much of PvP comes down to a gear grind, so much of the gear grind is boring ass bullshit farming, they’d rather just play and have fun and I just can’t see anything wrong with that.
And yeah people still compete while cooperating, it’s just usually more friendly and less douchy. I can see why that wouldn’t interest Arks either.
@Spearhafoc: Would that be Bennet the Sage’s web show?
@ Lauralot: Yeah. I liked that quite a bit but I’m not too fond of the other stuff I’ve seen from him. I saw one video where he used the word “cunt” as a punchline in a pretty offensive manner. I didn’t care for it. It was an anime thingy, but I can’t remember the name.
>>>Anyway, Arks does kind of sound like your typical PvP douche
Probably afflicted with Gamer Stockholm Syndrome, which is the affliction where you’re convinced that it’s an injustice that modern game design has come such a long way that people can actually have fun with videogames without the masochistic tendencies to overindulge in Excel spreadsheets calculations and mechanics that bring nothing to gameplay, like a tightly restricted inventory system or the possibility of entering an unwinnable game state through no fault of your own somewhere around hour 30 of a 100 hours game.
I am horribly offended at the idea of the Doctor having sex, period. In my head, he’s asexual, he will always be asexual, and even if the show shows him waking up from an orgy with Captain Jack, half the Companions, and a goat, I will believe that he happened to wander in there by mistake while looking for his slippers.
(I will, however, accept “in love with the TARDIS.”)
Lol BlackBloc XD don’t get me wrong. The spreadsheet nazis have helped me out on more than one occasion. I don’t want to devalue their contributions to my better stats! It’s just that I’m glad we can have games that let all kinds of people enjoy games the way they enjoy them.
The OCD min-max thing is just not my style, but if people wanna do that I’m ok with it. What irritates me is the not-so-subtle implication that spreadsheets are so much more difficult than dealing with stressful situations in which a small group of people are trying to accomplish something while maybe speaking different languages, being at different levels and states of sobriety lol. Etc. The cat herding aspect of it is not always easy, and the last refuge for the misanthrope who can’t deal with group dynamics is always seems to be the sneering “Min-Max, PvP or you’re a pussy”. Which to me always sounds like the most thoughtless, lazy -ass way of playing.
Oh well, to each his own I guess.