Gay men, when will you learn that feminists are fickle friends? Christian J. – the blogger behind What Men Are Saying About Women and the inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipses – offers gay men a trenchant warning about the evils of these seemingly friendly “allies.”
Fascinating how gay men are of the opinion that they are seen as humans where feminists are concerned. I am not quite certain how many more times we have to demonstrate that feminists loathe gays, with a passion, the male type ofcourse, not the lesbobo version..
Yes, obviously the lesbobos — much like lesbos, but with twice as much bo — have no problem with male hating. But gay men need to open their eyes to what is really going on.
Feminists have jumped aboard the Gay Rights Movement in order to spread their own male hating message. A message that the Gay Community appears to ignore. When feminists call for the removal of all men, the Gay man is definitely not exempted, I cannot understand how they can be in denial of that fact, that certainty..
Also, that whole “gay marriage” thing you guys are always on about is really kind of pointless, since the evil ladies have already ruined marriage for everyone:
Feminists are only concerned about destroying marriage and families and the Gay community can help there as well by demanding that marriage should be renounced as null and void.
Of course, the lesbobos love feminism, and vice versa. Or at least they profess to:
Feminism and feminists only support lesbianism as most of the radical feminists are lesbians and they possess sufficient toxicity and male hate in order to spread their anti male loathing. They attached themselves to any movement they think they will have some advantage or benefit to spreading their elitist, sexist message..
But gay men?
Ignore these warning at your own peril. Feminists will dump you faster than typhoid when they have achieved their own outcomes. It’s that simple..
Also I couldn’t get the fabric for the briefs or the vinyl in local stores, so I had to pay shipping fees on the Internet orders.
Ah ok. It sounds like you put a lot of effort and detail into it though, so it probably turned out pretty great 🙂
I was really happy with the final product:
I also had to buy all sorts of makeup for it. And then had to enlist the help of my roommates in putting on false eyelashes and lacing/removing the corset (taking out the front opening in the pattern made it impossible to take on or off alone).
Looks great, Lauralot 🙂 you sure showed that kitty. Which is particularly amusing to me, since zie greatly resembles a kitty of my acquaintance that would totally deserve it.
Yea that’s some great work Lauralot! especially the corset part. Haha the poor kitty xD
It appears the magic lasso doesn’t do much to subdue cats. He immediately attempted chewing his way through it.
Gotta say, that kitty doesn’t look too unhappy to me. The only problem with mine would be that if I gave her a toy like that I’d never get it back.
Cats are immune to the golden lasso, because there is no truth in their hearts. Only deception and plans for world domination.
And on that note, night everyone 🙂 last exam in the morning!
“Also, it has been my impression that most guys find lesbian porn boring as hell. I think there’s a definite cock quota that porn has to reach in order for guys to find it arousing.”
Lesbian porn is boring! But all my guy friends love it! It’s so annoying! >.<
Late to the party as usual but I must say Arks is really throwing out some whacky assumption here.
something that isn’t even mainstream and you only know about if you are into geek culture.
Or have spent more than a day on the Internet.
Women aren’t fetishizing gays in fanfic either. They simply think 2 men going at it is hot.
…yeah, that’s called “fetishizing” in feminist circles when it’s two women, so that’s precisely what it is when it’s men instead.
It’s not different than when men look at “lesbian” porn. Lesbian put in quotes because the lesbian porn they look at is usually just hetero porn stars
Also, should I bother pointing out that 99% of the characters being written about aren’t gay canonically, either?
Arks – “@Quackers:
Porn represents stifled desires. Remember, Hobbes was right. So while I disagree with that Jack Thompson sort of “violent video games are bad” attitude, I do think that conflict-based games serve a role in society. The same sort of role that pretty much every sport (except for golf) has played throughout history. So slashfics are basically the female form of boxing in that sense.”
Well, I don’t know why I’m doing this, but… Why specifically Hobbes? Yes, he’s known for his “non-rosy” ideas about human nature, but why specifically bring him up in the case of cathartic media? Is he just the philosopher dude you know who is associated with dark urges?
I mean, I say “Hobbes was wrong” (All the time, I admit)* when people discuss the need of a State to reign in the (Duh! obvious!) chaos, crime, and evil, but that actually is Hobbes’ specific picked bone, and “Hobbes was right” doesn’t necessarily mean much in terms of cathartic release. Locke wouldn’t necessarily have disagreed with Hobbes on video games, dude.
Extra Credit – What is the main theme of Leviathan?
Oh, sorry, I mean text text boyfriend boyfriend.
*Actually… I think I said Hobbes was wrong at least once to Quackers! 😉
Who else wants to see Hobbes and Locke game-off? Halo. Sims. Dance Dance Revolution. CIVILIZATION.
Feminists are prominent in the LGBT community, because they actually take the time and make the effort to advance their rights. MRAs like Christian J., on the other hand, complain that feminists “hate gays,” while throwing in a conspiracy theory that they’re really just there to “use” gay men. All people like him want to do is pretend that anything feminists do is for the Almighty Gynocracy. Why don’t you tighten your tinfoil hat just a bit more, eh, Christian?
Also, if you can constructively get your dark jollies out through expression and play, that’s kind of a point against a Strongly Hobbesian worldview, yes/no?
“Remember, Hobbes was right. So while I disagree with that Jack Thompson sort of “violent video games are bad” attitude, ”
I mean, in a specifically Hobbesian worldview, the argument that the violent video games were bad is STRONGER, since they’re more likely to satisfy and then stimulate appetite?
Since if they could help, the argument would be one that society needs to give outlets, rather than reign in inevitably bad desires with as much force as possible. Y/n?
I’m sorry for the derailish comments, guys, I just really, really HAVE to know more about Arks and his Philosophical Learnings.
I’m sure this effort to recruit gay men to join to the MRA cause will go well. Or at least as well the Republican Party’s outreach efforts to black people.
New here, followed a Pandagon link and I love the concept.
I’m reading Manboobz right now, so therefore I secretly wish to be…reading Manboobz. I’m not complicated.
I only like porn that involves Lesbian Seagulls. I hear they hang out on the isle of Lesbobos.
@zhinxy as far as Hobbes, I much prefer the stuffed version 😀
(also, a great quote from an awesome professor of mine, during a History of Science lecture: “And of Hobbes, that vile monster, we shall speak no more”.)
“And of Hobbes, that vile monster, we shall speak no more”.
Nobby, that is fabulous! Wish my professors had done that.
I, too, am curious about Arks’s idea of Hobbes. What was he right about?
I am so very, very confused… Feminists are calling for the removal of all men? And this?!?
“Feminists are only concerned about destroying marriage and families and the Gay community can help there as well by demanding that marriage should be renounced as null and void.”
I’ve finally figured out what’s going on in homophobe’s heads. They think that there can only be one when it comes to marriage. Either it’s one man and one woman, or gays can marry and everyone else’s marriage is null and void. For some reason. It’s like… straight couples have juice, and there’s a big bottle of juice in the fridge. And gay couples want some juice, and the only way they can get it is by stealing the straight couples’ juice.
Marriage must a finite resource or something.
One minute feminists want to enslave men with marriage, the next minute they want to destroy the concept of marriage all together. Make up your minds, ladies!
Also, where are all these men getting removed to? Have we set up a man island that I don’t know about?
So when the great male culling happens, has there been a decision on what happens to people who are genderqueer?
I’m guessing the MRAs haven’t considered that little bump in the road…