Gay men, when will you learn that feminists are fickle friends? Christian J. – the blogger behind What Men Are Saying About Women and the inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipses – offers gay men a trenchant warning about the evils of these seemingly friendly “allies.”
Fascinating how gay men are of the opinion that they are seen as humans where feminists are concerned. I am not quite certain how many more times we have to demonstrate that feminists loathe gays, with a passion, the male type ofcourse, not the lesbobo version..
Yes, obviously the lesbobos — much like lesbos, but with twice as much bo — have no problem with male hating. But gay men need to open their eyes to what is really going on.
Feminists have jumped aboard the Gay Rights Movement in order to spread their own male hating message. A message that the Gay Community appears to ignore. When feminists call for the removal of all men, the Gay man is definitely not exempted, I cannot understand how they can be in denial of that fact, that certainty..
Also, that whole “gay marriage” thing you guys are always on about is really kind of pointless, since the evil ladies have already ruined marriage for everyone:
Feminists are only concerned about destroying marriage and families and the Gay community can help there as well by demanding that marriage should be renounced as null and void.
Of course, the lesbobos love feminism, and vice versa. Or at least they profess to:
Feminism and feminists only support lesbianism as most of the radical feminists are lesbians and they possess sufficient toxicity and male hate in order to spread their anti male loathing. They attached themselves to any movement they think they will have some advantage or benefit to spreading their elitist, sexist message..
But gay men?
Ignore these warning at your own peril. Feminists will dump you faster than typhoid when they have achieved their own outcomes. It’s that simple..
Is Arks the same person who tried to insult Pecunium by saying “go cuddle your girlfriend, I bet you’re good at that?”
Very strange values, but even stranger the way they take for granted that everyone shares them.
Wouldn’t that be Lesbonobo?
Actually, while I do like kind, sensitive guys as friends, I don’t like any guys romantically.
I do like Harry Potter (and I don’t ship it, funny how that works), never played Kingdom Hearts and never wanted to, fucking hate Supernatural and can’t for the life of me understand why anyone enjoys it, Bleach sucks, Avatar is an abomination to anyone who actually cares about storytelling in film (unless you meant the cartoon, which was okay, but again, don’t ship it), no interest in Assassin’s Creed or Gundam, and I could care less about Robin and Nightwing.
By all means, make more predictions about me. I need a good laugh.
Arks: Straight women who like gay porn (and face it that’s what slash is, though I prefer just plain old gay porn) like it for the same reason a lot of straight men love “lesbian” porn.
I like kind sensitive guys, my boyfriend is about as sweet and cuddly as you can get when he isn’t tying me up. It’s almost like being kind and sensitive isn’t incompatible with being masculine and sexy.
Oh, I’m also a fan of My Little Pony: FIM, but somehow I haven’t decided any of the ponies are having a lesbian love affair.
Is Arks the same person who tried to insult Pecunium by saying “go cuddle your girlfriend, I bet you’re good at that?”
No, that was Meller.
I like slash fiction and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna apologize for it. Women are objectified everywhere- comics, TV, movies, music, ads, the fashion industry, porn, men’s magazines, videogames and Arks is complaining about slash fiction? something that isn’t even mainstream and you only know about if you are into geek culture.
Women aren’t fetishizing gays in fanfic either. They simply think 2 men going at it is hot. It’s not different than when men look at “lesbian” porn. Lesbian put in quotes because the lesbian porn they look at is usually just hetero porn stars.
Go fuck yourself Arks. I’m gonna go read my slash now.
Do some women who like slash objectify gays? Yes. Is all slash fiction objectifying gays? Fuck no.
maybe he’s just pissed women found another way to get off that doesn’t involve real hetero men or servicing hetero men’s needs. Too bad so sad. It also punches a hole through the whole “men are visual, women aren’t” argument. I wont read fanfic about characters I don’t find attractive. But I also like to read fanfic revolving around my favorite characters because I find them more interesting personality wise.
I can agree that young women who go to cons and demand other male con-goers kiss is creepy, but I’ve also read tons of stories about how women con-goers get hassled by men too. Its a geek thing I guess, some people don’t have good social skills, but many of the men and women at cons are pretty cool. I don’t know why he goes since he finds the fangirls so repulsive. Cons are supposed to be fun. Luckily I never had a bad experience with anyone there.
I just realized something pretty unintentionally hilarious: So Arks is willing to believe that I read Batman, but I must be slashing Robin or Nightwing instead of Batman/Joker? I’m pretty sure Batman/Joker is the most popular pairing in the fandom, and I don’t think anything even comes close to rivaling it apart from Batman/Superman.
I definitely don’t go around at comic cons demanding that male cosplayers kiss. Or female. That’s rude and creepy.
Love the “lesbian” in scare-quotes. As if slash-fiction isn’t based on women’s topsy-turvy idea of how they want the opposite sex to be. I look at these stories and 99% of them are about some alpha being a rapey psychopath to the wimpy and diminuitive character, who serves as an obvious audience stand-in (as these characteristics are more relatable to women). I wonder why.
Also, it has been my impression that most guys find lesbian porn boring as hell. I think there’s a definite cock quota that porn has to reach in order for guys to find it arousing.
Arks, the manatee avalanche is not as cool as hot buttered ones. Better phrasing than in the other thread though.
I still have solidarity with our seafood harvesters though.
Cock quota is getting there, but not quite up to snuff.
I’m curious as to why Arks would be reading slash. Isn’t it mostly written by women? Why on earth would he want to read about the sexual fantasies of women? Is this some sort of Arks-specific kink think where he reads it to make himself all disgusted and pissed off because ew women and their sexual feelings?
Yep, all slash fiction is a totally accurate representation of what all women want. Just like all female porn stars are a totally accurate representation of what all men want.
And to pound another nail into the “women only like gay men and they don’t want strong female characters” coffin, I love Black Swan. I think Nina is a fantastic character. Despite being a woman, and therefore only interested in gay men, I didn’t have a problem with the lesbian sex scene at all. In fact, I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed the rest of the movie, and I was hoping when I watched it that it would lead to a lasting relationship because goddamn did that girl need someone sane as an influence in her life.
Damn blockquotes.
Oh yes of course, most guys find lesbian porn incredibly boring. I suppose that’s why it’s so unpopular. Seriously, I defy you to walk in a sex shop and find lesbian porn. Doesn’t happen! And can you imagine if nearly every porn movie aimed at straight men has a least one scene of two women having sex with each other. I mean, what kind of world would that be? Oh right, this one.
I could say the same about this blog. Why do you guys keep reading and talking about the MRM if they make you so mad?
Arks, have you even bothered to read the motto of the site?
Unrealistic and over-exaggerated characterization and behavior in porn?! who’d of thought!
There are fics like that, which is more typical of yaoi. Slash varies more and doesn’t always rely on dominant male/submissive “girly” male, especially chaptered fics which are more plot based. But hey, since you think it’s okay to say women want to be raped or be with a rapey men because some write about it in fanfic, I guess that means I can say men want to rape women or at least violently fuck them and choke them based on some of extreme porn I’ve come across. Oh but that would make me a misandrist and you a truth teller right?
Porn IS NOT REAL. It does not always represent what a person truly wants out of a partner. You are an asshat if you make those assumptions, just like you’re an asshat if you assume that everyone who watches violent movies or plays violent video games wants to secretly kill everyone in real life.
Show me a lesbian porn movie and I’ll show you a movie that could be improved by having a guy walk in halfway through and sort both of them out.
The thing about porn is that niches are often ironically just as popular as things with “mass appeal.” We live in a world where some people like pooping on faces, so it doesn’t surprise me that someone might enjoy watching two women drearily rubbing on each other as well.
Because it will surely go over Arks’s head if it isn’t spelled out, I will now spell out the differences between Manboobz and a convention.
Is free
Doesn’t require navigating around a room filled with others
Doesn’t require travel (unless you need to go to the nearest public place with free wifi to get online)
You don’t have to get dressed up here
There is no time limit
Accessible no matter where you are in the world
A Convention:
Costs money
Requires spending time in a closed space with dozens if not hundreds of others
Requires some amount of travel
Requires dressing up (if you are a cosplayer)
Only scheduled at certain dates, causing con-goers to adjust their schedules around it
Only takes place in a certain location at a certain time
The hassle and expense of attending a con is much more than that of getting on Manboobz, so saying getting mad there and getting mad here are the exact same thing is just plain stupid.
Yeah, you’re really one to tell people that their attitude toward gays is offensive.
Show me a lesbian porn movie and I’ll show you a movie that could be improved by having a guy walk in halfway through and sort both of them out.
I understand that you feel that way, and really, good for you. I’m not trying to tell you what to like. I’m trying to tell you that you are not the same person as everybody else. People that aren’t you don’t feel the same way about everything as you do. This is pretty basic stuff here.