Gay men, when will you learn that feminists are fickle friends? Christian J. – the blogger behind What Men Are Saying About Women and the inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipses – offers gay men a trenchant warning about the evils of these seemingly friendly “allies.”
Fascinating how gay men are of the opinion that they are seen as humans where feminists are concerned. I am not quite certain how many more times we have to demonstrate that feminists loathe gays, with a passion, the male type ofcourse, not the lesbobo version..
Yes, obviously the lesbobos — much like lesbos, but with twice as much bo — have no problem with male hating. But gay men need to open their eyes to what is really going on.
Feminists have jumped aboard the Gay Rights Movement in order to spread their own male hating message. A message that the Gay Community appears to ignore. When feminists call for the removal of all men, the Gay man is definitely not exempted, I cannot understand how they can be in denial of that fact, that certainty..
Also, that whole “gay marriage” thing you guys are always on about is really kind of pointless, since the evil ladies have already ruined marriage for everyone:
Feminists are only concerned about destroying marriage and families and the Gay community can help there as well by demanding that marriage should be renounced as null and void.
Of course, the lesbobos love feminism, and vice versa. Or at least they profess to:
Feminism and feminists only support lesbianism as most of the radical feminists are lesbians and they possess sufficient toxicity and male hate in order to spread their anti male loathing. They attached themselves to any movement they think they will have some advantage or benefit to spreading their elitist, sexist message..
But gay men?
Ignore these warning at your own peril. Feminists will dump you faster than typhoid when they have achieved their own outcomes. It’s that simple..
FYI, I found Skyrim disappointing after Fallout 3. I don’t know. It’s still a great game, but I just think Fallout’s brand of bizarro storytelling and humor works so well with Bethesa’s ultra-sandbox style. Elder Scrolls seems kind of flat now, by comparison.
I haven’t tried Skyrim, but oh my god Fallout 3 is my most favoritest game ever. Probably because it panders to my need to shoot monsters messily while being very helpful and understanding about the fact that I can’t actually aim.
I tried Oblivion but couldn’t get into it because gaaahhhh too complicated, just give me a pointy thing and tell me who to poke it into.
…I’m not a very good gamer nerd.
#1: >>>Where did this stupid “it has to be explicitly stated they’re straight, or they’re not” meme come from?
#2: Unless it is explicitly stated, it is not canonical that the character is straight. That means he can be, or maybe not. Characters are not “straight by default”.
Yep, that’s the meme, and it came from QUEER people, original person who asked which I”m too lazy to scroll up and look.
That is, there’s a shitload of stuff we never see about characters in fictional texts (in any media), and assuming that everybody is straight, and the queers are raping FICTIONAL characters by saying well they might not be, etc. (Not everybody who writes slash is queer, but I’m a queer writing slash, and the concept is, I think, especially driven by queers).
I once taught BEOWULF (trans. Seamus Heaney) in my gender theory course (graduate course). My theory courses are all applied–so I pick out a text each term for the class to practice on as we read the theories (and students choose their own text for their own project). One Compositoin faculty reacted in HORROR: “my gawd what does Beowulf have to do with gender!”. The medievalist who TEACHES Beowulf was cheering me on (ANY teaching of BEOWULF is GOOD)>
There is the major issue of not imposing current constructions of sexual identities on the past–but when the students brought up the idea that any idea that Bewwulf was not straight was “imposing,” I asked them to bring in any evidence from the text that showed Beowulf was what we could call ‘straight’ to class. They combed the text from top to bottom and found NONE. There is NO textual evidence to argue that the character is sexually attracted to female characters (and given he didn’t live up to his KINGLY duty to marry and sire sons, it’s possible to argue that he’s NOT living up to the normative expectations for him, and his people will suffer, as the nameless woman says.). So yeah, the idea that every character is straight by default and there has to be OFFICIAL FUCKING EVIDENCE if they’re something else is heternormativity.
And screw that shit.
>>>FYI, I found Skyrim disappointing after Fallout 3.
I hate Fallout 3, but only because its existence seems to have enabled developpers to destroy other beloved isometric tactical franchises like X-Com and Syndicate by turning them into B-grade or lower FPSes. The game itself was decent, but I generally have an issue with the Bethesda sandbox RPGs. It’s anybody’s guess why I actually like Skyrim when I can’t stand Oblivion and thought Fallout 3 was meh. My guess is it’s because they took everything that was nice from Fallout 3, took out all the crap in Oblivion, and created a soundtrack that literally was the only reason I took a second look at the game (I already had written off Bethesda as a developper that does things I don’t much care for but… that trailer, and that song! *gush*). Also, Vikings and Dragons. It’s like a powermetal guitar solo.
Also… I love how the game is all shades-of-greyish. Like, I play my usual Gary Sue character (a rogue, though I guess he’s drifted more towards ranger in this one) as a Chaotic Good, fuck authority kind of guy. So since I made him Nord this time around, I’m all like “fuck yeah, Stormcloaks!” I was even indulging in the occasional banditry on travelling Imperial soldiers, and I cleaned up the apartments of those collaborationists in Whiterun. And then I get to Ulric and they were all like “pointy ears must die” and I’m all “uh, sounds pretty racist”, not sure if I want to be with these guys anymore. And then I see these Thalmor walking around and I decide to strike a conversation because I’m considering this whole anti-elf thing is probably a big misunderstanding. My character is pretty hands off about the gods but when they poo-poo Talos I’m all “guys, I think we have the right to worship as we please, no? can’t we all just get along?” and the fuckers just attack me right out of the blue!
The funny part is I had a dagger of fear so I hit the three elves and they started running to the far ends of Skyrim, in opposite directions. I didn’t pursue. I have a mission to go help out a kid who was imprisoned by the Thalmor and all I can think of is that I’m probably on their shitlist now so if I show up there it’s going to end up being a violent break-in rather than a diplomatic mission.
I was going to play Skyrim, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
Lol @ Cynical about the arrow XD
Also, for your laptop- I mentioned the Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines above. It’s from 2000, not sure how old your laptop is, but the game is now available for free download. It is an awesome, hilarious, really fun RPG. It’s very tightly scripted and linear, but the dialogue will crack you up and the voice acting is brilliant.
If you download it, just let me suggest one thing: celerity + fire axe. That was possibly the funnest skill combo I have ever played in a game. You are like a freaking tornado of destruction and it’s all in this weird slomo time shift. It’s awesome ^^
Plus hair and boob physics, what else is there to say? ^^
woops, totally spelled your name wrong XD
holy shit, I loved Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.
It’s honestly one of my favourite games. There are also some really good fan-made patches out there that fix some of the bugs and recover some of the dialogue that didn’t make it into the original version.
I seriously recommend this game too, even though it’s old as fuck.
(Though if I remember correctly, only the female malkavian character had boob physics – but Malkavians are the best clan anyway ;P )
Also seconding the people who recommended Portal 2 and Fallout 3. Still have to play Bioshock 2, though. Also also, is Fallout New Vegas any good?
Aaaand I really want Arkham City. Even if it’s just half as good as Arkham Asylum (which I also recommend), it should be pretty darn good.
I’m still on the fence about Skyrim. Vikings and Dragons DO sound pretty awesome.
/cool story, bro
Also, “Lesbobo fempocalypse” totally sounds like the title of a David Brooks book about gay rights.
I thought it sounded like a Rudyard Kipling story.
No! Really? I’m not even sure if the Nossie female had boobs, and the others, so far as I remember, didn’t have as revealing of tops so maybe it wasn’t worth the extra ram since you probably wouldn’t see it anyway?
The Malk “armor” and dialogue options- especially with random inanimate objects- is definitely the best! And I suppose the fur physics on the Malk male pimp jacket makes up for their lack of celerity XD
I think they had boobs, and pretty much the most fetish-y clothes. And yeah, I think the the only other physics available were skirt physics for the ventrue females, and hair physics for gangrel males. So, malkavian boob physics were definitely the most interesting 😀
Ooooh, definitely! Malkavians had the coolest clothes and the best dialogue! I remember the event where you could convince that one chick that you were her long lost pet turtle!
God, I loved this game. Now I feel like playing it again, damn you >: !
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines?
Crap, I remember LARPing that because the combat rules for the table top game was so bad.
Now all you kids git offa mah lawn!!!
tatjna: Pterodactyl porn, last I checked, was still a disproof of rule 34.
Also also, is Fallout New Vegas any good?
I don’t love it as much as I did Fallout 3, but I like it a lot. (I’m also only about a third of the way through it, so it may be that later quests are super-awesome or super-terrible and I just don’t know it yet.)
(Also, thirding or fourthing or whatever the love for V:TM Bloodlines. Such a good game.)
@Pecunium: There is no disproof of Rule 34. Just saying. That movie has been around since the first time I tried to test the rule.. 😉