$MONEY$ beta males evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

Fellas! Protect yourself from these sneaky lady tricks!

Some of them start young.

Courtesy of, here’s a little collection of some of the evil dastardly tricks that women pull on the poor oppressed men of the world. Obviously, most sensible guys know that “housework” is a scam; so-called “housewives” spend most of their time on the couch eating bon bons and watching The View.

But did you know about Arson Night? Or the Cheerleader Ring Drop? Read on, and become enlightened Knowledge is power! STAY SAFE, GUYS!

The old 60/40 split:

If a man give his woman 100 dollars a week for food shopping, she will spend say 60 on food and keep the rest. When he enquires why there’s no food in the house come Friday he will get bitched at for not trusting her. And made to feel guilty for accusing her, even though she has deceived him.

Sickbed slutty sexting:

They like to lay in bed, and pretend to be sick or sad (which means you won’t be coming in there) and text all their boyfriends.

Arson Night With the Girls:

When they say they are going out with the girls, they could be out doing Anything. This ranges from doing hard drugs to stripping to boinking strangers to sitting alone on a curb to arson. You can never be sure.

Lady I N C E P T I O N

How about when they try their version of the Jedi mind trick on you. You know the thing they brag about in private. Trying to make something that’s her idea, seem like it’s *your* idea so that you’ll do it. And then pat you on the back to boost your ego like a trained dog when in reality you did what they for *them* all along.

Sooo many guys fall for this. Suddenly they’re buying crap they don’t need or moving the inlaws in because the woman made it seem like *he* wanted it. Classic.

Short Hair: The Beginning of the End

Women spend so much time on their appearance… why?

That’s right, to catch a sucker into paying the bills. Once the contract is signed, and the babies are popped out, she has you by the balls and doesn’t need to pretend anymore. Next she’ll wear more “comfortable clothes” and cut her hair short. It’s the beginning of the end.

And, yes, The Cheerleader Ring Drop:

In 11th grade high school, I was in the wrestling team. One day, during a water break, this cheerleader next to me started getting panicky and asked me if i could help her find her ring. She “dropped” it and did this just as an opener, i suppose. I ended up ‘being’ with her and it quickly diminished; she was bunk. Another cheerleader came up to me while i was with her and told me “what are you doing her?, you’re way too good for her!”

Luckily, the fella calling himself Tha Big Daddy C-Master, who started the thread, has a simple solution to all this. Well, two simple solutions:

You can always turn the other way, or just use a woman. Human toilets and all.

I couldn’t have said it worse myself!

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13 years ago

Christians are pretty terrible tippers, it’s true.

And I’ve also had that done to me once. Oh, the rage…

13 years ago

And traveling to Vegas or Germany, this doesn’t take time? Or money?

13 years ago

My boyfriend typically puts more money towards things like movie tickets and restaurants than I do because he’s employed, but it’s not like we go to dinner and movies all that often o_O. He treated me to lunch on Friday because he’d just received his Christmas bonus, so… there’s that. It was quite a nice lunch, probably $60? If we’re counting the entire meal as money on me, I still doubt he would have saved money if he was legally seeing a sex worker once a month. He definitely wouldn’t have if he went to a sex worker as often as we usually have sex.

Also, if anybody is curious, he also bought the air purifier/humidifier that I was talking about in another thread, and I slept through the night, kitties and all! Yaaaay!

13 years ago

Also, why do I have to take the sex workers feelings into account? She is providing a service…that is it. As long as she is free to decide whether or not she wants to provide that service, It is up to her if she wants to remain in that line of work. I also don’t take the 7-11 cashiers feelings into account when I am buying gas and a slim jim.

Yes you do. You don’t walk into the 7-11 and say WHY DON’T YOU SUCK MY COCK, ASSHOLE; JEEZ, IT SUCKS IN HERE: ABOUT THE BEST JOB YOU COULD GET, HUH? You make small talk and say “thank you” when you’re done. Because the clerk is human, just like you are, and this is the way interactions work. You’re rubbing it in our faces that you won’t extend the same courtesy to a sex worker, in the first place because you want to get a rise out of us, but in the second place because you think women are some lesser kind of human, like human(beta), and no matter how hard they try they’ll never quite measure up to real humans.

@Amused: I have never used a prostitute. I am morally opposed to it….I don’t think I should pay for something that should be given freely.

What’s moral, Brandon? You read a lot of books, you should be able to answer this one: what makes an action moral? What is the nature of a moral judgement?

Also, you expect women to pay for being with you, and you’ve made that clear several times; for instance, should a child arise from the union you won’t give it everything it needs. Yet you don’t want to pay for being with women. Niiice.

13 years ago

The weird thing is, I don’t even fucking care if someone prefers sex workers to a relationship for whatever reason. I just think Brandon’s “reasons” that all men should rationally prefer sex workers to relationship are ridiculous. For nearly everyone, it’s not gonna be cheaper to fly to Germany from the US every month than to date someone. It’s just not, dude. And even you admit that you don’t want to hire sex workers; presumably you’re going to continue dating and fucking Ashley (or whatever). So really, B, what’s your investment here?

Meh, he probably just wants to show us all what a cold badass ubermensch he is. let it be remembered that he watches South Park.

13 years ago

@Dracula: Ya…there is no way I would ever date a sex worker.

@Bee: I am not saying prostitutes are a replacement for relationships.

Also, location matters. If one lives in California, it is much easier to drive to Nevada, then it would be for me (in Massachusetts) to get there.

Also, prostitution is everywhere. The only difference is that where it is illegal, it is more dangerous for both the worker (pimps, gangs, etc,,,) and the buyer (disease, robbery, etc…)

13 years ago

Oh, forgot about this one:

13 years ago

@Dracula: Ya…there is no way I would ever date a sex worker.

This is because there is no functional difference in your mind between a woman and a piece of gum, just fyi.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

See, Brandon, it’s all about language. “Time, energy and possibly money” are all things that you put into a relationship… but most people don’t think of them strictly in terms of “costs”. It ain’t costing me anything to love Deep End because it enhances my life.

13 years ago

@Dracula: Ya…there is no way I would ever date a sex worker.

We’re not actually talking about you here, remember? We’re talking about advice you’re giving to other people. Advice that, in order to be viable at all, depends on them not feeling the same way about sex workers that you do.

13 years ago

See, Brandon, it’s all about language. “Time, energy and possibly money” are all things that you put into a relationship… but most people don’t think of them strictly in terms of “costs”. It ain’t costing me anything to love Deep End because it enhances my life.

It’s actually a huge money-sink for me to live with my boyfriend, since I’m making money in grad school and he doesn’t have a job, but I love him so fuck caring about that.

13 years ago

You know, finding a sex buddy is not that hard, neither is meeting someone for a one night stand, where both parties are just into a one time thing.

13 years ago

We’re not actually talking about you here, remember? We’re talking about advice you’re giving to other people. Advice that, in order to be viable at all, depends on them not feeling the same way about sex workers that you do.

Brandon, do you know that other people have feelings, just like you do?

Well, maybe not just like you because holy crap would that be a nightmare-world, but you and they are alike in that they want things and, when they feel unloved, it hurts them.

13 years ago

@Bee: I am not saying prostitutes are a replacement for relationships.

Right, but you said that you don’t want to pay prostitutes at all, unless there’s some kind of fame/novelty aspect to it. At all includes, if I’m not mistaken, in between relationships, in addition to relationships, etc.

Also, location matters. If one lives in California, it is much easier to drive to Nevada, then it would be for me (in Massachusetts) to get there.

But again, you weren’t talking about guys in California, you were talking about guys in general. (And for that matter, you weren’t talking about ease, you were talking about expense, but I’ll let that slide.)

Also, prostitution is everywhere. The only difference is that where it is illegal, it is more dangerous for both the worker (pimps, gangs, etc,,,) and the buyer (disease, robbery, etc…)

And of course you weren’t only talking about expense, but you were also talking about health and STDs, so yeah. You’re just talking bullshit layered on bullshit, Brandon.

13 years ago

@Dracula: Ya…there is no way I would ever date a sex worker.

The only time where I could even imagine spending money on a prostitute would be if it was a special occasion (e.g sleeping with a famous porn star).

Dude, are you even trying?

13 years ago

Also, if anybody is curious, he also bought the air purifier/humidifier that I was talking about in another thread, and I slept through the night, kitties and all! Yaaaay!


13 years ago

@Dracula: Ya…there is no way I would ever date a sex worker.

This is because there is no functional difference in your mind between a woman and a piece of gum, just fyi.

I love these guys who talk about how much cleaner than the general female population sex workers are, and more honest, and more attractive and more skillful in bed — but then add how they would never date one. Ah-huh.

13 years ago

Brandon: Also, location matters. If one lives in California, it is much easier to drive to Nevada, then it would be for me (in Massachusetts) to get there.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Los Angeles to legal prostitution… Six hour drive.

Santa Barbara, eight hour drive.

San Luis Obispo, 10 hour drive.

San Francisco, 12 hour drive.

Same on the way home, if you don’t hit traffic coming out of Vegas/Reno on the return.

So yeah, it’s theoretically easier, but not practically.

13 years ago

Hey, Lauralot, you’re back. Nice to see you.

13 years ago

@Amused: I am not disputing that masturbation is cheaper… it is.

@Voip: I wouldn’t walk up to a prostitute and say “suck my cock”. That is just rude. Also, where did I ever say I would be hostile towards a sex worker? No where. In the end, she is there to provide a service that I would hypothetically be paying for. I might not have to take her feelings into account, but I do have to be civil, polite and respectful.

I treat a cashier with respect not because I care about how they feels about there job, it is because there is no need to be walking around calling people assholes and dickheads.

Where do I say, “women should pay to be with me”…oh right never.

A childs wants and needs are two different things. Food, shelter, proper clothing and medical care are mandatory. Everything else is discretionary.

13 years ago

I love these guys who talk about how much cleaner than the general female population sex workers are, and more honest, and more attractive and more skillful in bed — but then add how they would never date one. Ah-huh.

He thinks that women who have a lot of sex are incapable of commitment. I wonder what that makes him?


Molly Ren
13 years ago

“It’s actually a huge money-sink for me to live with my boyfriend, since I’m making money in grad school and he doesn’t have a job, but I love him so fuck caring about that.”

Yeah, there are practical things that come into it. If I’m super poor and have to pay for gas money to see someone every week, that can mess up my finances the rest of the week. But I also hope that the fact that I’m in a *relationship*, as opposed to a transaction, would make it so I could tell the other person that and we could work out an alternative.

13 years ago

A childs wants and needs are two different things. Food, shelter, proper clothing and medical care are mandatory. Everything else is discretionary.

Like doing well in school with proper supplies.

13 years ago

Everything else is discretionary., and dependent on how I feel about how the child’s mother treats me.


13 years ago

In all this Brandon nonsense, I keep forgetting to make fun of this:

When they say they are going out with the girls, they could be out doing Anything. This ranges from doing hard drugs to stripping to boinking strangers to sitting alone on a curb to arson. You can never be sure.

I cannot even count the number of times my manfriends have told me: “She told me she was going out with the girls, when in actuality she went out to the street and SAT ALONE ON A CURB. What a bitch!!!”

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