$MONEY$ beta males evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

Fellas! Protect yourself from these sneaky lady tricks!

Some of them start young.

Courtesy of, here’s a little collection of some of the evil dastardly tricks that women pull on the poor oppressed men of the world. Obviously, most sensible guys know that “housework” is a scam; so-called “housewives” spend most of their time on the couch eating bon bons and watching The View.

But did you know about Arson Night? Or the Cheerleader Ring Drop? Read on, and become enlightened Knowledge is power! STAY SAFE, GUYS!

The old 60/40 split:

If a man give his woman 100 dollars a week for food shopping, she will spend say 60 on food and keep the rest. When he enquires why there’s no food in the house come Friday he will get bitched at for not trusting her. And made to feel guilty for accusing her, even though she has deceived him.

Sickbed slutty sexting:

They like to lay in bed, and pretend to be sick or sad (which means you won’t be coming in there) and text all their boyfriends.

Arson Night With the Girls:

When they say they are going out with the girls, they could be out doing Anything. This ranges from doing hard drugs to stripping to boinking strangers to sitting alone on a curb to arson. You can never be sure.

Lady I N C E P T I O N

How about when they try their version of the Jedi mind trick on you. You know the thing they brag about in private. Trying to make something that’s her idea, seem like it’s *your* idea so that you’ll do it. And then pat you on the back to boost your ego like a trained dog when in reality you did what they for *them* all along.

Sooo many guys fall for this. Suddenly they’re buying crap they don’t need or moving the inlaws in because the woman made it seem like *he* wanted it. Classic.

Short Hair: The Beginning of the End

Women spend so much time on their appearance… why?

That’s right, to catch a sucker into paying the bills. Once the contract is signed, and the babies are popped out, she has you by the balls and doesn’t need to pretend anymore. Next she’ll wear more “comfortable clothes” and cut her hair short. It’s the beginning of the end.

And, yes, The Cheerleader Ring Drop:

In 11th grade high school, I was in the wrestling team. One day, during a water break, this cheerleader next to me started getting panicky and asked me if i could help her find her ring. She “dropped” it and did this just as an opener, i suppose. I ended up ‘being’ with her and it quickly diminished; she was bunk. Another cheerleader came up to me while i was with her and told me “what are you doing her?, you’re way too good for her!”

Luckily, the fella calling himself Tha Big Daddy C-Master, who started the thread, has a simple solution to all this. Well, two simple solutions:

You can always turn the other way, or just use a woman. Human toilets and all.

I couldn’t have said it worse myself!

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13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy
” You’re carrying on multiple conversations all about how dissatisfied, angry, violent, and miserable you are, and the only emotions you reference are hating and feeling hated. This is why I think you need help.”

I may be dissatisfied with State policy and such but my life is just fine.
The hatred broadcast over the MSM isn’t imaginary. In my personal life I don’t feel hated. That doesn’t mean the hatred coming over the airwaves is any less wrong.
I would need help if I didn’t object to the hatred by the State and MSM.

Was it wrong that women felt cheated when they couldn’t vote?
Was it right that they were angry about it?

My concerns about men are just as valid. If you’re not for men, you’re against men.

13 years ago

I love it. “I don’t watch tv shows, but I know they’re all about the man hate.” It’s like saying “I’ve never stepped outside my own home, but I’m pretty sure there’s a zombie apocalypse out there.”

Ray Percival
13 years ago


We’re so dumb. What with asking for specific examples to back up assertions and such. Horrible dumb people. Poor us pwned by and not good enough for NWO.

13 years ago

When is NWO gonna get that one woman does not equal all women?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I may be dissatisfied with State policy and such but my life is just fine.

No it isn’t. You’re spreading rage on the Internet every moment you’re not working or sleeping. When you talked about having friends over it was a transparent lie even you didn’t try to keep up.

Don’t you want more for your life than that?

Even if your concerns are real, so is the way they’re hurting you. A psychiatrist wouldn’t order you to stop caring about men–they’d try to help you to have a happier and fuller life while still pursuing the things that matter to you.

If you’re not for men, you’re against men.

I’m all for men. That’s why I want men–even ones I don’t like at all–to be happy and healthy.

(P.S. If you’re for men, don’t tell them that they’d like being raped. Comes off sorta anti-man.)

13 years ago

A sex therapist

Premature ejaculation
Unwanted sexual fetishes
Erectile dysfunction
Low libido
Sex addiction
Painful sex
The sexual consequences of sexual assault or rape
Sexual dysfunctions that result from stress, environmental factors, relationship issues, tiredness ,etc.
Lack of sexual confidence

Whatever the hell’s up with NWOSlave

13 years ago

NWOslave apparently feels the equivalent of rape whenever he sees a scantily-clad woman/girl. That sounds like sexual dysfunction to me.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Ozy – What’s non-consummation?

Also, I would (um, sorry if oversharing here) love to see more people working on and writing about delayed or absent ejaculation in men. The stereotype seems to be “women have trouble coming, men come too fast,” and my personal experiences always seem to run the other way. It’s sort of a fun “problem,” if the guy has made his peace with it, but it’s still one I wish was acknowledged more.

13 years ago


“When is NWO gonna get that one woman does not equal all women?”

Perhaps around the time he answers my first post and admits that mocking women 10% is 10% too much as well, and around the time he admits that in my Qi clips, the fact that they are mocking a man does not mean they are mocking men.

Essentially, when the cows come home, pigs fly, chickens wear pants, and farmers don’t give a damn.

13 years ago

Whatever the hell’s up with NWOSlave

Unfortunately, you’ll probably get clients like that, whether you want them or not. Fortunately, you can always refer them to someone who specializes in personality disorders.

13 years ago

Non-consummation is when two people want to have sex (usually PIV, because yay limited and heteronormative views of sex) but can’t for some reason (vaginismus, psychological issues, erectile dysfunction…).

I definitely agree about that, Holly, particularly since most people aren’t even aware of basic facts like the fact that some antidepressants can reduce your inability to orgasm.

Spear: This is true. Once he has some antidepressants and the rest of his life stabilized, and once I’ve been licensed, I would be glad to treat him for that.

13 years ago


“Was it wrong that women felt cheated when they couldn’t vote?
Was it right that they were angry about it?

My concerns about men are just as valid. If you’re not for men, you’re against men.”

What is the male version of not being able to vote? I feel like this has been asked before with amusing results, and I need to go to bed soon, but still I ask.

Also, I’m surprised at you, a Star Wars fan and all. Only a sith lord deals in absolutes. 😉

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy
“No it isn’t. You’re spreading rage on the Internet every moment you’re not working or sleeping. When you talked about having friends over it was a transparent lie even you didn’t try to keep up.”

Again, what you say doesn’t translate into truth. I have no friends. That is the truth according to you. Who would make such an insane statement? You haven’t a clue as to my personal life. Do you? The only reason I don’t even attempt to deny any of it is because it’s pointless. Everyone here knows. They just know. Seriously there is nothing I could say to convince you I have loads of friends and everybody loves me. Is there? So I don’t even bother. It’s pointless.
“Even if your concerns are real, so is the way they’re hurting you. A psychiatrist wouldn’t order you to stop caring about men–they’d try to help you to have a happier and fuller life while still pursuing the things that matter to you.”

Why in the world would I see a psychiatrist? Because a bunch of internet feminists tell me to? Is my life not happy enough? Is it not full enough? You have no idea, yet in your infinite wisdom, you’ve decreed this as a fact.
“I’m all for men. That’s why I want men–even ones I don’t like at all–to be happy and healthy.”

You’re a feminist, you can’t be “for” men.
Do you have the right to life, autonomy, property and vote? That’s all any man has. Feminism is a lie. Those are my rights. Do you want more than that?
The fact is, those gals on the view recieved no punishment.

Answer this three question’s honestly.

If on a mans talk show, men got up and laughed about a woman having her genitals getting cut off, would they have been fired?

Would men as a whole be outraged?

Would they probably have been beaten up by just some random men?

These women suffered no retribution of any kind.
Women as a whole weren’t outraged, (I’ve read the comments on the youtube video).
Not one finger was laid on these women.

I find this completely unacceptable.

13 years ago

1) Maybe. Depends on the ratings of the show and the fuss people cause.
2) Depends on the guy. Some would think it is just good humor; most would be offended.
3) Probably not, and if they were the people who beat them up should go to jail.

You know, I’m also pissed that Sharon Osbourne basically had no consequences for joking about chopping off a dude’s dick. NSWATM covered it extensively (our posts were positively linked to by Ms. Magazine, in fact) and arranged a letter-writing campaign.

I just don’t think it’s the worst issue oppressing men of all time ever.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I give up, NWO. You’re in love with your misery, you can’t conceive of loving anything else, and anyway you’re too misandrist to allow yourself to acknowledge that a man might have difficult feelings and deserve help with them.

So now we’re back to “Every tv show ever run is a constant loop of Sharon Osborne making that one joke, and for that, I want her beaten. Or random women. I just want someone beaten.” And you don’t see what’s wrong with that.

Oh well. You’re the one who has to live with yourself.

13 years ago

I can’t remember any incident of a public figure being physically assaulted over a misogynistic comment. Richard Dawkins got a lot of anger for his “Dear Muslima” comment but was not assaulted. What world is Owly living in, where women release packs of baying manginas on every misogynist?

Also he finds it completely unacceptable that someone was not attacked for their speech. I think in Owlylogic that makes him a Statist. It’s also freaking disgusting.

13 years ago

Today’s ultra-slutty outfit is a pair of oversized black sweatpants that I got for maybe $3 at the local discount store (that I’m pretty sure are actually meant for guys, since the pockets are use-able), a random free t-shirt, a pair of gray sneakers, and an orange hoodie, ’cause it’s near the freezing point outside.

Dear JTK

Please don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out.


Text Girl sounds clueless and kind of creepy, in my honest opinion. But I find anyone who’s trying to invade my personal bubble kind of creepy, so that just might be me. (I still get twitchy and unhappy when people try to hug me, for example).

Not enough info on the guy.

In the meantime, continue holding out for a guy who earns your attention — both physically and emotionally.

A piece of advice I’ve heard given to all genders and sexualities. Assuming reciprocity, not a bad bit of advice.

Re: songs. I’ve always been a bit partial to the duet “Broken” by Seether and Amy Lee from Evanescence. Not exactly a love song, but it’s still a great example of the depths of love, IMHO.


re: assuming women are evil

Because that doesn’t seem to be the case?

If those songs were as influential as they should be–and probably would be, if not for you feminists and modern women–why is feminism so influential at all?

Lolz. Feminists post love songs -> Love songs are anti-feminist? I don’t get this at all.

Here’s an idea, which would also get me to change my mind about girls going to college. How about a women’s studies course focusing upon nurturing relationships and marriage, growing an environment of harmony and tranquillity, intelligent and safe surrender to her husband in matters of domestic dispute

Bolding mine.

Now, usually, I’d tell you to replace ‘women’ with ‘blacks’ or ‘Jews’ or something like that, but I don’t feel like that’ll be a convincing tactic with you.

So try this instead: Flip the genders. Would you want to be in a relationship where your partner could override every one of your decisions? If not, why do you want half the population to have that fate?

Interesting start: begin with addressing me as “Mellerlove”, NOT “Mellertoad”. And don’t behave as if your hand would cramp when you typed the letters either!

We’ll start respecting you when you stop wishing servitude on half of the population.

Love, well….that’s quite a bit more personal.

Or maybe youall are actually afraid that when feminism goes out of style, you modern girls won’t have anything to say at all, and will just die on the vine unattended and unobserved…

I don’t understand this at all.

I’m not just a feminist. I’m a biologist-in-training who enjoys writing, knitting, and taking on overly-large projects during times where I don’t actually have the time (oh, hai, loft bed/desk/bookshelf thingie I’m planning to build…eventually). I love tea and Bones, and used to enjoy House MD till the Cuddy arc showed up. (Season 8 is showing some promise, but it seems to be, well, rehashings of the first few season now. There’s nothing new.)

I’m obsessed with cephalopods and viruses, and I think that evolution produces some pretty awesome stuff. Not Exactly Rocket Science is one of the blogs I just absolutely love. I like (some) video games, and sometimes play a few when I have the time to do so, but most I just get my computer to play for me (KOLMafia is just awesome).

I will never have nothing to say. And I think that’s true of most people.

Here’s the deal though. Without feminism, I wouldn’t be allowed to say much. Without feminism, I wouldn’t be going to college. Without feminism, I wouldn’t be able to look forward to a satisfying career. In your ideal world, I’d be nothing more than a silent servant. I don’t want to be that.

Just ditch the feminism, which you don’t need anyway. You may find that I–and men like me–are really quite lovable.

I’d rather love and have the love of men who respect me and value me as a human being.

I don’t care what a few kept male housepets say on manboobz. etc.,most men have the same attitudes toward feminism that I have, they are simply those who suffer in silence about it and they won’t tell you!

Lolz. Typical for one of the immature mindset. “Everyone agrees with me, WAHH! They’re just not willing to say it!”

@No Name:

Could it be, perhaps, just maybe, that single men content with their bachelor status are immune to the “ur just mad cuz u cant get laid” taunt?

I don’t see this taunt. Hey, if some men choose to be single, good for them! If other men want partners, good for them too!

(Here’s a little confession. I’m single. Mostly happily so. I want to stay single. None of my friends find anything weird about my stance on being single.)

@Lauralot: Your poem is genius.

13 years ago


You find it reprehensible that people who said something you don’t like weren’t physically beaten?

Dude, you should consider moving to Saudi Arabia. I think you’d fit right in there.

13 years ago


“If on a mans talk show, men got up and laughed about a woman having her genitals getting cut off, would they have been fired?”

You know, try as I may I simply can’t find a clip of this happening. Since there’s no actual evidence, then by NWO’s Law the truth is whatever comes from the ass first, which luckily (since NWO has only ever implied), is this:

The man would not be fired; in fact, he would receive a standing ovation from the crowd, and an emmy and an oscar in the next awards ceremony. Everyone would praise him for his sharp intellectual wit, and he shall be the poster child for the MRA movement. All men everywhere will look upon him in admiration, and women will swoon at his bold alphaness.

Wait, Ozy said something first. Crap. Ah well, boring version it is then.

13 years ago

As for what is the biggest issue oppressing men, I do think it’s a bit of an intellectual game as opposed to an actual debate that we need to be having, but I could see reasonable cases for:

–The draft and combat troops all being male
–Bullying and mockery of boys (and, sometimes, men) who are in any way not masculine
–Gender norms encouraging men to neglect their physical and mental health care
–The Success Myth
–The prison-industrial complex’s effects on black men
–The social support gap between men and women
–oys falling behind in education
–Men having the majority of work-related deaths and injuries
–“Boys don’t cry”

13 years ago

Just for Arks, I decided to see what the male/female breakdown was in DC’s “New 52” comics (Yes, I know we’ve moved on but I type slow):


Action Comics (Superman)
Animal Man
Detective Comics (Batman)
Green Arrow
Hawk and Dove
Men of War
Static Shock
Swamp Thing
Batman and Robin
Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E.
Green Lantern
Mr. Terrific
Resurrection Man
Blue Beetle
Captain Atom
All-Star Western
Batman: The Dark Knight
The Flash
The Fury of Firestorm
I, Vampire
The Savage Hawkman

Total Comics Focused on Male Characters: 30


Wonder Woman

Total Comics Focused on Female Characters: 6


Justice League International (4 men, 4 women)
Stormwatch (4 men, 3 women)
Demon Knights (4 men, 4 women)
Leigon Lost (5 men, 2 women)
Suicide Squad (6 men, 1 woman)
Birds of Prey (4 women)
DC Universe Presents (Focuses on a separate character every five issues, currently focused on Deadman)
Green Lantern Corps (Entire corps, though judging by the covers, majority male)
Legion of Super-Heroes (5 men, 2 women)
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2 men, 1 woman)
Blackhawks (5 men, 2 women)
Green Lantern: New Guardians (5 men, 2 women)
Justice League Dark (4 men, 3 women)
Teen Titans (4 men, 3 women)

Clearly, DC is taking girl power much too far.

13 years ago

Oh, boy, a sexist comic-book fan. I’ve never seen one of those before.

13 years ago

Son — personally, it’s not even the fact that you are boring. Nor is the problem that you are “serious” or introverted (read: socially inept). It’s not even the fact that you hate women, though it’s patently clear your misogyny stems from your feelings of inadequacy. No, the biggest problem that I see you have is that you are stupid. VERY stupid. And you are the worst kind of stupid — one who thinks he is a genius and pushes the foulest verbal diarrhea on normal people as a kind of self-affirmation. It’s not even that you can’t think logically — you can’t think at all. I suggest, if you are trying to get a rise out of women with that whole MGTOW nonsense, that you adopt the “silent, mysterious” persona and talk/write as little as possible.

Amused, Final comment from me to you. Over the years, family, friends, coworkers and strangers have told me that a man cannot be complete without a woman. I have always asked them why? Some of the responses that I have gotten are that a woman will balance your life, tame you, be your soul mate, and have sex and children with. I have always said no thanks and thats not for me.

At 36, I have no reason to be an emasculated male like the rest of the married population. I am not a slave and will never be enslaved by women or their oppressive system of divorce and family courts. I will do whatever I want when I want. Some people will call me narcissistic, but I believe freedom is more important. I take care of myself and ask nothing from the government (system) other than being left alone; unlike single mothers.

Virtually all of my MGTOW friends would never post on a forum like this. Whether they are Financial executives or Auto Mechanics, they lead full lives. MGTOW men “ghost” live their lives under the radar. They would never come on a site like manboobz and put themselves in a position to be a some type of “troll” to get mocked. That is why you do not see much MGTOW guys here. The guys are living their lives free of women.If they do go on the internet to dialogue it is usually on sites like Happy Bachelors and MGTOW forums to communicate with other Bachelors. I have only been on this site for a short while, but I guess I was not entertaining enough. It had nothing to do with trying to be attractive to women. I erroneously thought this site manboobz was a more serious feminist- MRA dialogue.I realize it is a humorous sites that mocks MRA’s. MGTOW men are not seeking to get a rise out of women or entertain them to be an entertaining troll, we are just seeking gender separatism.

I’ve learned in my own life’s journey that being complete as a man has little to do with my relationship with a woman. A good woman might fulfill certain physical and emotional needs in my life, and might encourage or discourage me toward the accomplishment of my goals, dream and ambitions. But without the internal drive and determination to pursue my life’s passions and potential, I could never be complete.

Over the year I have seen women for what they are; dream killers and destroyers of sanity. Because of that I have said no thanks and thats not for me. I will continue to go my own way. There are a bunch of guys that have MGTOW but they keep a low profile and would never come on a site like this.

13 years ago

“At 36, ”

Oh, dear god. Really?

.” I erroneously thought this site manboobz was a more serious feminist- MRA dialogue.I realize it is a humorous sites that mocks MRA’s.”

Okay, so now that you realize this, you’re gonna go somewhere else, right? right?

13 years ago

What the hell?!

JTK, did you really just post another wall of text to tell us that you’ve gone your own way?

Dude, just go!

Your freedom is but a click away!