Courtesy of MGTOWforums.com, here’s a little collection of some of the evil dastardly tricks that women pull on the poor oppressed men of the world. Obviously, most sensible guys know that “housework” is a scam; so-called “housewives” spend most of their time on the couch eating bon bons and watching The View.
But did you know about Arson Night? Or the Cheerleader Ring Drop? Read on, and become enlightened Knowledge is power! STAY SAFE, GUYS!
If a man give his woman 100 dollars a week for food shopping, she will spend say 60 on food and keep the rest. When he enquires why there’s no food in the house come Friday he will get bitched at for not trusting her. And made to feel guilty for accusing her, even though she has deceived him.
They like to lay in bed, and pretend to be sick or sad (which means you won’t be coming in there) and text all their boyfriends.
When they say they are going out with the girls, they could be out doing Anything. This ranges from doing hard drugs to stripping to boinking strangers to sitting alone on a curb to arson. You can never be sure.
How about when they try their version of the Jedi mind trick on you. You know the thing they brag about in private. Trying to make something that’s her idea, seem like it’s *your* idea so that you’ll do it. And then pat you on the back to boost your ego like a trained dog when in reality you did what they for *them* all along.
Sooo many guys fall for this. Suddenly they’re buying crap they don’t need or moving the inlaws in because the woman made it seem like *he* wanted it. Classic.
Short Hair: The Beginning of the End
Women spend so much time on their appearance… why?
That’s right, to catch a sucker into paying the bills. Once the contract is signed, and the babies are popped out, she has you by the balls and doesn’t need to pretend anymore. Next she’ll wear more “comfortable clothes” and cut her hair short. It’s the beginning of the end.
And, yes, The Cheerleader Ring Drop:
In 11th grade high school, I was in the wrestling team. One day, during a water break, this cheerleader next to me started getting panicky and asked me if i could help her find her ring. She “dropped” it and did this just as an opener, i suppose. I ended up ‘being’ with her and it quickly diminished; she was bunk. Another cheerleader came up to me while i was with her and told me “what are you doing her?, you’re way too good for her!”
Luckily, the fella calling himself Tha Big Daddy C-Master, who started the thread, has a simple solution to all this. Well, two simple solutions:
You can always turn the other way, or just use a woman. Human toilets and all.
I couldn’t have said it worse myself!
Also, if the answer is none, then how do you know what they are about?
@Holly Pervocracy
So you’re telling me that the womens talk shows spend the majority of their time talking about Gifts from Grandma?
C’mon, Holly. If you can’t even admit the problem. You promote the problem.
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, A DAY IN THE LIFE OF NWOSLAVE (With deepest apologies to Jonathan Coulton):
I get up early when misogyny wakes me
I hate on women and I fill with energy
I go to Spearhead and I check my messages
But I don’t have any messages
I call eight year olds sluts and fix milk machines
I constantly check sites where vile bitches convene
I turn up my phone and I check my messages
But I don’t have any messages
All I know trolling is easy when you make your opponents strawmen
All I know is that I really hate women, I really fucking hate women
And I feel so hateful
And I never hated as much as I do right now
Except for maybe when I think of how I felt that day
When I hated girls the way that I do right now, right now, right now.
And I feel so hateful
And I never hated as much as I do right now
Except for maybe when I think of how I felt that day
When I hated girls the way that I do right now, right now, right now.
The Internet is full of feminists theys days
I try to type coherently despite my rage
I can see the bitches disproving my arguments
So I go on an unrelated tangent
A new Manboobz post when I refresh the screen
With logical posts I’ll pretend I haven’t seen
Foaming at the mouth I type “Big Daddy”
And then I refresh the page again again
All I know is arguing’s easy when you blame everything on Title IX
All I know is I hate all women, I always hate all women
And I so hateful
And I never hated as much as I do right now
Except for maybe when I think of how I felt that day
When I hated girls the way that I do right now, right now, right now.
And I feel so hateful
And I never hated as much as how I do right now
Except for maybe when I think of how I felt that day
When I hated girls the way that I do right now, right now, right now.
Sometimes I’d to calm the fuck down
Reach out to others
But no one sane will associate with me
I should be sleeping but I can though it’s late
Got another feminist blogger to berate
Some stupid bitch that I found on the Internet
Right in the MRA subreddit
I troll Manboobz as I wait for a reply
Maybe I’ll be joined by other MRA allies
Now it’s 3 am and there’s no word back from her
I rage about Big Daddy
All I know is it’s easy to be right when you pull sources out of your ass
All I know is life is better when you spend it utterly alone
And I feel so hateful
And I never hated as much as how I do right now
Except for maybe when I think of how I felt that day
When I hated girls the way that I do right now, right now, right now.
And I feel fantastic
And I never felt as good as how I do right now
Except for maybe when I think of how I felt that day
When I felt the way that I do right now, right now, right now.
Gotcha NWO, you walked right into that one.
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”
“There are no mens talk shows that do the same towards women.”
Cause Letterman, Leno, and Comedy Central NEVER EVER made a sexist joke! Ever, ever, times eleventy!
I checked The View website.
Interviewing Meryl Streep for The Iron Lady?! Clearly misandrist. I don’t see them interviewing Merle Streep for The Iron Man.
What’s that, you say? Iron Man came out years ago? There is no celebrity named Merle Streep? And Iron Man doesn’t have a “The” in front of it? Misandrist!
Pick a day, pick any womans talk show. Watch it. What’s the theme?
The last time I watched a women’s talk show (I was home sick and bored out of my skull), the segments were one on skin creams you can make at home, one with a chef on how to make chili, one on some designer’s new line of dresses, and one where some shitty country singer sang a shitty country song. Which one of those was the man-hate? Was it the chili? Was the chili secretly made out of men? Because that would be pretty horrible, if it were true! But I’m pretty sure it was actually just made out of beef.
So, “good women” should beat up female journalists for reporting on studies that show that mothers who work part-time are happier than mothers who do not work?
Are there any love songs written by women that are about women actually loving men?
Um, yes. Quite a few, actually.
Here’s The View’s schedule of topics:
See if you can find the anti-man subversion yourself, NWO. All I see is stuff like “My Week with Marilyn director Kenneth Branagh is here! Plus: An 83 year-old woman with plastic surgery and her doctor, and the author of The Petite Advantage diet.”
Damn, that’s what I get for caring more about getting the right amount of syllables than finding typos. Oh well.
Lauralot: Now I have to go listen to the original to get that out of my head. Brain bleach!
Nope, but it’s considered a feature, not a bug. When and if they consider that women exist at all. Men’s talk shows tend to ignore the existence of women except when women are pissing them off for whatever today’s reason is, and then assuming we all listen to the hivevagina, of course.
I looked up today’s topic on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
Interviewing Brad Pitt about what it’s like to be married to Angelina Jolie?! Brad “Alpha” Pitt?! Clearly misandrist!
For fuck sake NWO! Answer my damn question!
Today on The Talk, “country music star Miranda Lambert spills honeymoon details!”
“NWo, seriously, what shows do you watch?”
There really are no shows that I watch. They’re really all the same.
Wife, smart, sexy and in control
Doofus husband, stupid, lazy always wrong.
Boy child, equally stupid and useless.
Girl child, brilliant and gets the best of dad.
Police dramas by the score.
female detective, smart, sexy and in control.
Doofus male detective, gets bested by female detective.
Bad man rapes woman or hurts children.
Good woman is victim, bad man brought to justice.
Woman, smart, sexy in peril.
Bad man, stupid, dirty, evil.
Hero man, tries to save women and fails.
Woman in peril ends up saving hero and defeating bad man.
Th,th,th,thats all folks.
Today on the Gayle King Show (which is only satellite radio and thus ranks barely above a blog, but I guess she’s heir apparent to Oprah), they’re talking about “puppies vs. babies.”
If sentence 1 is true, how can you possibly know sentence 2?
“I don’t read books. They’re all just the word ‘aubergine’ repeated thousands of times anyway.”
There really are no shows that I watch. They’re really all the same.
So you don’t watch tv shows, but you know what they’re all like.
The frustrating thing is, I hate being in the position of defending prime time TV and women’s talk shows, because they’re kind of terrible. And often sexist. And sometimes they are sexist against men.
But they’re not the “EVERYBODY IN THIS STUDIO AUDIENCE PROMISE ME YOU’LL HIT A MAN TODAY!!! WOOOO!!!!!” fest that NWO hallucinates, so I end up defending them just in the process of defending consensus reality.
Hey, NWOslave, what’d you think of the new Batman trailer?
Sure, there’s one male villain (Bane), but there are two female villains (Catwoman and Talia), and, with Rachael killed off, there are no major female good guys in the film.
NWO: “Instead of promoting feminizing men into your frilly dress strap-on debauchery, you should be dragging everyone of these women out into the street and beating the ever loving crap out of them.”
Do that where I can see it, and I’ll escalate.
As an Oregonian expat in Texas. You know you really aren’t exaggerating al that much, right? Fuck this place scares the fuck out me sometimes.