$MONEY$ beta males evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

Fellas! Protect yourself from these sneaky lady tricks!

Some of them start young.

Courtesy of, here’s a little collection of some of the evil dastardly tricks that women pull on the poor oppressed men of the world. Obviously, most sensible guys know that “housework” is a scam; so-called “housewives” spend most of their time on the couch eating bon bons and watching The View.

But did you know about Arson Night? Or the Cheerleader Ring Drop? Read on, and become enlightened Knowledge is power! STAY SAFE, GUYS!

The old 60/40 split:

If a man give his woman 100 dollars a week for food shopping, she will spend say 60 on food and keep the rest. When he enquires why there’s no food in the house come Friday he will get bitched at for not trusting her. And made to feel guilty for accusing her, even though she has deceived him.

Sickbed slutty sexting:

They like to lay in bed, and pretend to be sick or sad (which means you won’t be coming in there) and text all their boyfriends.

Arson Night With the Girls:

When they say they are going out with the girls, they could be out doing Anything. This ranges from doing hard drugs to stripping to boinking strangers to sitting alone on a curb to arson. You can never be sure.

Lady I N C E P T I O N

How about when they try their version of the Jedi mind trick on you. You know the thing they brag about in private. Trying to make something that’s her idea, seem like it’s *your* idea so that you’ll do it. And then pat you on the back to boost your ego like a trained dog when in reality you did what they for *them* all along.

Sooo many guys fall for this. Suddenly they’re buying crap they don’t need or moving the inlaws in because the woman made it seem like *he* wanted it. Classic.

Short Hair: The Beginning of the End

Women spend so much time on their appearance… why?

That’s right, to catch a sucker into paying the bills. Once the contract is signed, and the babies are popped out, she has you by the balls and doesn’t need to pretend anymore. Next she’ll wear more “comfortable clothes” and cut her hair short. It’s the beginning of the end.

And, yes, The Cheerleader Ring Drop:

In 11th grade high school, I was in the wrestling team. One day, during a water break, this cheerleader next to me started getting panicky and asked me if i could help her find her ring. She “dropped” it and did this just as an opener, i suppose. I ended up ‘being’ with her and it quickly diminished; she was bunk. Another cheerleader came up to me while i was with her and told me “what are you doing her?, you’re way too good for her!”

Luckily, the fella calling himself Tha Big Daddy C-Master, who started the thread, has a simple solution to all this. Well, two simple solutions:

You can always turn the other way, or just use a woman. Human toilets and all.

I couldn’t have said it worse myself!

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13 years ago

Well, the thing about gay men is that they’re quite happy going their own way, so they don’t feel any need to throw tantrums at women about it. There’s a difference between “dating women? not for me, thanks” and “you bitches have forced me into this, see what you made me do, I’m leaving and you will be sorry – aren’t you going to tell me how upset that makes you and beg me to stay? wah, why not?”.

13 years ago

What really cracks me up is how many of you women here on this blog try to ridicule single men who think being single isn’t such a bad thing.

We’re making fun of him because he wants to be single?

Prove it.

I’m making fun of him because he clearly thinks his desire to be single is supposed to mean something to me.

13 years ago

Laurelot: that’s awesome.

13 years ago

It’s good there’s nobody around to hear me try to sing Lauralot’s lyrics on I will survive music…

13 years ago

Lemme get this straight.

MRA are mad that women are feminists and would rather them embrace a more subservient role in the household where they stay at home and care for the kids.

But when women stay at home and care for the kids, they just pretend to be sick and don’t spend all their food “allowance” on food?

So which is it that they want? I don’t get it.

13 years ago

What really cracks me up is how many of you women here on this blog try to ridicule single men who think being single isn’t such a bad thing. Could it be, perhaps, just maybe, that single men content with their bachelor status are immune to the “ur just mad cuz u cant get laid” taunt?

You are so dense, but I’ll lay it out for you. Again. Nobody is mocking single guys for being single. We’re taking issue with JTK coming in here to tell us all about how he doesn’t need women anymore because they’re terrible bitches, like we give a damn. But hey, maybe I’m wrong! Let’s do a little experiment.

As I mentioned earlier on this thread, my brother has chosen to totally avoid dating and sex, and he seems pretty content with his decision. I’m going to try to speak in somewhat general terms, so as not to share more of his business than is appropriate, so here goes: He has no problems with women in general. He doesn’t identify as a feminist, but he certainly wouldn’t endorse the walls o’text that JTK has put up. He doesn’t barge into conversations to tell everyone about how much he doesn’t need women, and how awesome he is for it, and then never shut up. It’s kind of like he’s a MGHOW, except he doesn’t spend all day talking about it.

Commence with the vicious feminist mockings!

13 years ago

Personally I think that one of the greatest love songs written by a woman about a man is Ring Of Fire, written by June Carter (Later Cash), sung by the object of desire himself, Johnny.

13 years ago

Lauralot, that was excellent!

13 years ago

Oh, sorry. Flannel pj pants with bunnies on them and an old long-sleeved surfer shirt are today’s slut wear.

13 years ago


A lot of men have a different perception on what the characteristic of a man are. Here are
my characteristics that I used to develop into the man I am today. This is not all inclusive, but, rather a guide to get started to becoming the man you want to be.

Characteristics of a Man

1. A man always uses logic when faced with a problem.
2. A man always relies on himself and never on others for his well being.
3. A man never complains about problems or misfortunes.
4. A man always has self control and self discipline.
5. A man never commits adultery.
6. A man has empathy and compassion.
7. A man displays emotion at appropriate times. (Funerals, etc.)
8. A man never deceives, lies, steals or falsely accuses others.
9. A man always takes responsibility for his actions.
10. A man is always improving his mind, body and soul.
11. A man believes in a higher power than himself
12. A man is always hard working and humble.
13. A man always fights injustice.
14. A man never engages in conspicuous consumerism.
15. A man always saves money for retirement.
16. A man only goes into debt for investing in investments.
17. A man always learns new skills.
18. A man must be knowledgeable in the art of self defense.
19. A man always has goals.
20. A man must always drive a cool car or motorcycle.

Men age like fine wine while women turn into vinegar.


13 years ago

JTK, how many times do we have to say we don’t care? Do we need to do it in other languages?

13 years ago

So going your own way means sitting on your ass and listing all the reasons why you are right and everyone should feel exactly as you do.

Actually, that sounds pretty accurate.

13 years ago

Oh, hey there, JTK! I just wanted to say, screw you, lots of different men have lots of different traits and you don’t get to tell them they’re not men! 😀

13 years ago

Meller might be pleased to know that I’m currently doing one of the girliest things I know how to do: I’m doing beadwork on a crocheted bag. But I’m swearing like a sailor and didn’t ask MrB for permission before starting, so that probably negates all the feminine energy. Oh, well.

13 years ago


1. A man always uses logic when faced with a problem.

Men age like fine wine while women turn into vinegar.

Contradictory post is contradictory.

How is claiming women turn into vinegar an example of using logic?

Unless you are admitting you are not a real man.

13 years ago

14. A man never engages in conspicuous consumerism.

20. A man must always drive a cool car or motorcycle.


3. A man never complains about problems or misfortunes.

What are you doing right now?

16. A man only goes into debt for investing in investments.

Can you, by definition, invest in anything else?

13. A man always fights injustice.

women turn into vinegar.


11. A man believes in a higher power than himself

I’ll just leave this with a big ol’ hearty FUCK YOU. You do not get to tell me what it means to be a man, you worthless imbecile.

13 years ago

I don’t care.
No me importa.
Je n’aime pas.
Non me ne importa nulla.
Ist mir absolut egal.
Меня это не волнует.
Mér er sama.

13 years ago

@Caraz | December 19, 2011 at 3:55 pm

If life is a party, JTK is a guy standing alone in a corner yelling at everyone else about how much fun he is having on his own.

Which is not to imply that you can’t have fun on your own, but couple it with the pressing need to reassure everyone else…it looks a little suspect.

As an independent bachelor I live my life on my terms. I do not care what women or society thinks about me in general. I do not succumb to societal pressure or demands. I refuse to even consider marriage and women do not have anything to offer me, except being a pain. I have never understood why men think that not having a wife or girl friend does not make you a complete man.Thats BS I say.

As an independent bachelor I have life by the balls. I can do anything I want, when I want. I do not have to ask for permission. I am a well rounded, handsome, guy, For example, next year I plan on learning how to scuba dive. Next week, I am taking my BMW M Roadster on a short road trip .I also love jogging long distance. I always have a project of some sort that keeps me busy.

I do not need anyone to validate me as a human being. People in generally have to accept me for who I am. If not, bye. Happiness begins with me. I do not need an amoral woman in my life to destroy my goals, health and finances. I can do it on my own, if I choose to.

13 years ago

I do not need anyone to validate me as a human being.

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

For example, next year I plan on learning how to scuba dive. Next week, I am taking my BMW M Roadster on a short road trip .I also love jogging long distance. I always have a project of some sort that keeps me busy.

And I have a high IQ.

13 years ago

What a lonely shallow life.

To each their own I guess.

13 years ago

I do not need anyone to validate me as a human being. People in generally have to accept me for who I am. If not, bye.

Then why don’t you LEAVE. We do not accept you. Bachelors are fine, I’m a bachelor, many people on here are bachelors. And we don’t sit around telling other men whether or not they are men, or talking about the fact that ‘women turn to vinegar’. We do not accept you. SO BYE.

13 years ago

I do not care what women or society thinks about me in general. I do not succumb to societal pressure or demands.

Coupled with:

14. A man never engages in conspicuous consumerism.

20. A man must always drive a cool car or motorcycle.

Okay, how can anyone not make fun of this?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

People in generally have to accept me for who I am. If not, bye.

Okay, bye! Bye already! I don’t accept you for who you are! Seeya! BYE!

13 years ago

I do not need anyone to validate me as a human being.

Uh huh. So why are you here telling us how awesome your life is again?

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