$MONEY$ beta males evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

Fellas! Protect yourself from these sneaky lady tricks!

Some of them start young.

Courtesy of, here’s a little collection of some of the evil dastardly tricks that women pull on the poor oppressed men of the world. Obviously, most sensible guys know that “housework” is a scam; so-called “housewives” spend most of their time on the couch eating bon bons and watching The View.

But did you know about Arson Night? Or the Cheerleader Ring Drop? Read on, and become enlightened Knowledge is power! STAY SAFE, GUYS!

The old 60/40 split:

If a man give his woman 100 dollars a week for food shopping, she will spend say 60 on food and keep the rest. When he enquires why there’s no food in the house come Friday he will get bitched at for not trusting her. And made to feel guilty for accusing her, even though she has deceived him.

Sickbed slutty sexting:

They like to lay in bed, and pretend to be sick or sad (which means you won’t be coming in there) and text all their boyfriends.

Arson Night With the Girls:

When they say they are going out with the girls, they could be out doing Anything. This ranges from doing hard drugs to stripping to boinking strangers to sitting alone on a curb to arson. You can never be sure.

Lady I N C E P T I O N

How about when they try their version of the Jedi mind trick on you. You know the thing they brag about in private. Trying to make something that’s her idea, seem like it’s *your* idea so that you’ll do it. And then pat you on the back to boost your ego like a trained dog when in reality you did what they for *them* all along.

Sooo many guys fall for this. Suddenly they’re buying crap they don’t need or moving the inlaws in because the woman made it seem like *he* wanted it. Classic.

Short Hair: The Beginning of the End

Women spend so much time on their appearance… why?

That’s right, to catch a sucker into paying the bills. Once the contract is signed, and the babies are popped out, she has you by the balls and doesn’t need to pretend anymore. Next she’ll wear more “comfortable clothes” and cut her hair short. It’s the beginning of the end.

And, yes, The Cheerleader Ring Drop:

In 11th grade high school, I was in the wrestling team. One day, during a water break, this cheerleader next to me started getting panicky and asked me if i could help her find her ring. She “dropped” it and did this just as an opener, i suppose. I ended up ‘being’ with her and it quickly diminished; she was bunk. Another cheerleader came up to me while i was with her and told me “what are you doing her?, you’re way too good for her!”

Luckily, the fella calling himself Tha Big Daddy C-Master, who started the thread, has a simple solution to all this. Well, two simple solutions:

You can always turn the other way, or just use a woman. Human toilets and all.

I couldn’t have said it worse myself!

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13 years ago

zhinxy, you’ve never lit anything on fire? Geez, what a worthless excuse for an anarchist.

13 years ago

Elmos, the cherry-picking argument has been done to death. Read the site header and get back to us.

13 years ago

“So on a misogyny mocking site, that exists to mock extreme examples, you can’t have any extreme examples, or make fun of them, because unfair?”

That’s the problem. Using the worst examples to confirm the preconceived notion that any man within the so-called “man-o-sphere” is automatically hateful of women because he’s a MRA or what have you. You’re not right just because you believe yourself to be.

13 years ago

Elmos, I’m all for equality, I simply prefer mine to be reality based.

13 years ago

“Elmos, the cherry-picking argument has been done to death. Read the site header and get back to us.”

Then I recommend you guys stop cherry picking. That way, people wont accuse anyone of doing it. See how that works?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I am still wondering about the Cheerleader Ring Drop: “She “dropped” it and did this just as an opener, i suppose. I ended up ‘being’ with her and it quickly diminished; she was bunk.”

Like, did he just have sex with her and it was terrible? Or did they actually date for a while and it didn’t work out? “I’m going to drop this ring and it will cause a chain of events that will make him unhappy months later!” is much further ahead than *I’m* ever able to plan!

13 years ago

Elmo, so, have examples of non-hateful MRA sites for us? Please, do share.

13 years ago

“zhinxy, you’ve never lit anything on fire? Geez, what a worthless excuse for an anarchist.”

Seriously. Are broken windows okay? If it involved a softball, it’s still okay, right? . 😛

13 years ago

Eimos, why should we care if you accuse us of cherry-picking? You’re an obnoxious wanker. I don’t value your opinion.

13 years ago

Poor Eimos, everyone thinks you named yourself after a muppet.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Eimos: no, we just think that when his girlfriend goes out her boyfriend immediately wonders if she’s committing arson. 😛

13 years ago

Eimos, actualy, I have a somewhat long history with the MRA-o-sphere. As (at the time a bit more right leaning) a libertarian woman I was involved with some folks that were interested in it when it was still dominated by the glenn-sacksish father’s rights types. But as it changed and became the mess we see today, more and more, people disengaged from it. My experience echoes that of libertarian “ifeminist (Okay, don’t get me started, I have a lot of feelings) Wendy McElroy here –

“… hit upside the head with the venting, hatred of women and rage that passes for political expression within that movement. The MRAs have made the same mistake as radical feminists. Many of them are not seeking change so much as revenge; any woman — even one who has done no harm, even one who has worked for their rights — can become a target who must worry about her own physical safety. I say this with no joy because the insight makes me unable to support MRA. I still speak out in my writing for a gender and race blind legal system but I doubt that I will ever again become “an activist” in the MRA cause. The lady who wrote to me is merely one in a series of about a dozen people now — most of the writers or columnists — who began as highly sympatetic to MRAs but who now back away as though confronted by a wild, snarling dog. I understand that this reaction causes celebration in the hearts of many MRAs because they think this means they are being taken seriously. One of the nice things about being on the outside of the movement is that I can just say “So Be It”…and get on with my life, move on to the things I can change for the better.

By the way, there are wonderful men working within MRA — men like Glenn Sacks who could not be more outraged by the threats of violence and woman-bashing that he has witnessed. I do not mean to tar an entire movement but there is no way to back away from the substantial number of enraged crazies without backing away from the entirety. Why? Because the rage is generally encouraged as being ‘justified’ and healthy by more moderate MRAs; those of us who complain about being hit upside the head with a brick — and repeatedly so — for no just reason are told that we need to put up with the venting because the ones who wield the bricks are ‘victims’ and deserve sympathy. If we truly care about men, it is claimed, we will allow ourselves to be abused by those who need to lash out at women. Well…I was a victim of domestic violence once and I no longer sanction anyone else beating me up…let alone beating me up because I am trying to help and, so, come within striking range.”

I still think we need a men’s movement. But the MRA is a cesspit of fail. I don’t say this happily. I thought it had a lot of promise when it got going.

I gave it a chance.

So if you can pony up examples of why I”m wrong here, I’d love to see ’em.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Also, dude, if you are actually worried your gf is committing arson? Like, get out of the relationship: that shit is not cool! It’s a real problem, not something she’s doing just to annoy you!

13 years ago

I will never understand the insistence that a woman cutting her hair is indicative of some major inner mental change.

Someone else was saying on Tumblr that if your girlfriend cut her hair it meant she was upset with the relationship. Can’t cutting your hair just mean you want a more flattering hair cut?

13 years ago

I get my hair cut when it goes crazy and out of control. O.o

13 years ago

How about when they try their version of the Jedi mind trick on you. You know the thing they brag about in private. Trying to make something that’s her idea, seem like it’s *your* idea so that you’ll do it. And then pat you on the back to boost your ego like a trained dog when in reality you did what they for *them* all along.

I actually do know (personally or in internetty ways) married woman who brag about this. They are either quite a bit older, like members of my grandparents’ generation, or involved in Christian patriarchy. That is to say, they are in marriages where the husband’s word goes, and women can only make suggestions. I’ve never heard women in equal partnerships brag about this, ever.

On a related note, I would like to +1 what Molly Ren said:

My mom actually told me about housewives she knew in the 60s and 70s that did the 60/40 split… because they had no other way of making money and were afraid their husbands would leave them.

Very much yes.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

We just think it’s FUNNY, even. Frak.

13 years ago

Whoops, sorry Eimos, my misspelling wasn’t intentional.

13 years ago

How about when they try their version of the Jedi mind trick on you. You know the thing they brag about in private. Trying to make something that’s her idea, seem like it’s *your* idea so that you’ll do it. And then pat you on the back to boost your ego like a trained dog when in reality you did what they for *them* all along.

Sooo many guys fall for this. Suddenly they’re buying crap they don’t need or moving the inlaws in because the woman made it seem like *he* wanted it. Classic.

Generally read about this type of manipulation in fantasy fiction novels. The most overt example was in Polgara the Sorceress by David and Leigh Eddings and was because when Polgara figured out how to do something none of the men would listen to her so she had be manipulative to get them to do what she thought about. She said it was stupid but her mother said “there really is no other way to deal with men.”

I have yet to see that happen in real life though. I do see some people take credit for ideas they did not have.

13 years ago

That “make him think it was his idea” thing isn’t cleverness, it’s survival tactics.

In most functional relationships I’m pretty sure that if you’re sick or sad your partners will comfort you or make you soup.

13 years ago

Is it wrong that I’m reading the title of this post in the voice of Charlotte Rae?

13 years ago

Nobby – Most are hateful – but not hateful of women. In fact, I’d say nearly all (besides the rare examples that always exist) of the men in the man-o-sphere at one point adored women. Some likely still do like women.

I see two fundamental types in the man-o-sphere: The men who hate the culture that exists between the sexes. The relative unaccountability of women in our society and the disposability of men. They haven’t crossed the line towards misogyny but they are angry, and rightfully so.

The other half are those who have been taught how to be misogynistic from the same culture between the sexes. What? Yeah, men aren’t inherently wicked. Usually there’s a reason, justified or not, behind what turned them in to haters.

I think Futrell does society a great disservice with this website. Sometimes the things men have to say in the man-o-sphere are the reasons why they are angry. Men go their own way, going so far as to recondition their biological drive that tells them to to be with women, in order to avoid a society which has treated them unfairly. There’s plenty of examples of how they have been mistreated. You just can’t hear it when you focus on the worst case examples and mock anyone who dares to simply disagree with mainstream sensibilities about what men are “supposed” to think and feel about women, etc.

13 years ago

Also, not that any of these sneaky lady tricks makes any kind of sense, but I especially don’t get the one about the cheerleader. She tricked him into dating her by … dropping her ring and pretending not to be bunk? Where’d she drop it? Her vagina?

13 years ago

I guess it’s impossible for guys to like short hair on women, then?