$MONEY$ beta males evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

Fellas! Protect yourself from these sneaky lady tricks!

Some of them start young.

Courtesy of, here’s a little collection of some of the evil dastardly tricks that women pull on the poor oppressed men of the world. Obviously, most sensible guys know that “housework” is a scam; so-called “housewives” spend most of their time on the couch eating bon bons and watching The View.

But did you know about Arson Night? Or the Cheerleader Ring Drop? Read on, and become enlightened Knowledge is power! STAY SAFE, GUYS!

The old 60/40 split:

If a man give his woman 100 dollars a week for food shopping, she will spend say 60 on food and keep the rest. When he enquires why there’s no food in the house come Friday he will get bitched at for not trusting her. And made to feel guilty for accusing her, even though she has deceived him.

Sickbed slutty sexting:

They like to lay in bed, and pretend to be sick or sad (which means you won’t be coming in there) and text all their boyfriends.

Arson Night With the Girls:

When they say they are going out with the girls, they could be out doing Anything. This ranges from doing hard drugs to stripping to boinking strangers to sitting alone on a curb to arson. You can never be sure.

Lady I N C E P T I O N

How about when they try their version of the Jedi mind trick on you. You know the thing they brag about in private. Trying to make something that’s her idea, seem like it’s *your* idea so that you’ll do it. And then pat you on the back to boost your ego like a trained dog when in reality you did what they for *them* all along.

Sooo many guys fall for this. Suddenly they’re buying crap they don’t need or moving the inlaws in because the woman made it seem like *he* wanted it. Classic.

Short Hair: The Beginning of the End

Women spend so much time on their appearance… why?

That’s right, to catch a sucker into paying the bills. Once the contract is signed, and the babies are popped out, she has you by the balls and doesn’t need to pretend anymore. Next she’ll wear more “comfortable clothes” and cut her hair short. It’s the beginning of the end.

And, yes, The Cheerleader Ring Drop:

In 11th grade high school, I was in the wrestling team. One day, during a water break, this cheerleader next to me started getting panicky and asked me if i could help her find her ring. She “dropped” it and did this just as an opener, i suppose. I ended up ‘being’ with her and it quickly diminished; she was bunk. Another cheerleader came up to me while i was with her and told me “what are you doing her?, you’re way too good for her!”

Luckily, the fella calling himself Tha Big Daddy C-Master, who started the thread, has a simple solution to all this. Well, two simple solutions:

You can always turn the other way, or just use a woman. Human toilets and all.

I couldn’t have said it worse myself!

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13 years ago

Winston Wu wrote this over on his forum — it’s pretty good: … hp?t=12155 I think this will be appropriate to the article

“A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished.” – Zsa Zsa Gabor
“Most women set out to try to change a man, and when they have changed him they don’t like him.” – Marlene Dietrich

Society says you are incomplete until you’re married. It is part of our social programming. Your parents are expecting you to get married, to follow on with their tradition and give them grandchildren. Your friends are all getting married too, leaving you left out. So, if everyone is doing it, doesn’t that mean it must be right? Are there any reasons not to marry?

You bet! Many good ones. There are many disadvantages, risks and opportunity costs that come with marriage. But society will never tell you about them, because society is not there to give you truth or freedom. It is there to CONTROL you and make you a conformist. But I am not. I am here to tell you the truth and give you the other side to consider.

And no, just because everyone is doing something doesn’t mean it must be right. As my school teachers always said, “If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?” And Gandhi said, “Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.” In other words, everyone doing something has no effect on the truth. The truth is, there is no one thing that’s right for everyone. And society does not tell you the consequences of what it expects of you.

So before you get married, understand what you are getting into. Here are the many disadvantages, risks and opportunity costs that come with marriage which you may not have yet considered.

1. You may regret it.

Believe it or not, you don’t really know your partner. You may know his/her surface personality, but not their real self or innermost thoughts and feelings. Later down the line, they may change and you may too. You might grow apart. You might become incompatible. What then? Are you going to stay together and be miserable just because of an artificial marriage vow to stay together “til death do you part”?

What if your spouse becomes a monster? What if you no longer love him or her? What if you love someone else? You can’t know what’s going to happen down the line, so why make unrealistic promises? That is foolish and unwise. It is also dishonest in a sense too.

2. It will kill your sex life and you can never experience romantic or sexual variety again, at least not ethically.

Most people about to marry never consider this, but marriage kills your sex life. After a few months, the sex will no longer be interesting. It will become a routine. And the longer the marriage goes, the less sex the couple will have. After a number of years, it will eventually be reduced to little or nothing. In fact, it is not uncommon for long-time married couples to only have sex once a year, or never even! So you gotta ask yourself, if sex is important, why kill it off?! By doing so, you’ve shot yourself in the foot – all because society told you to. Now how do you like that?

To Men: Think about this: There are millions of attractive women out there. You will never be able to romance them or sleep with them ever again, if you keep your marriage vows that is. Think about it. According to the oath you made, you are supposedly never going to sleep with another attractive female ever again until you die! How do you like that?

Well I don’t like it. Why restrict and bind yourself for life like that? Isn’t that crazy? Isn’t variety the spice of life? Remember that fantasy you’ve always had about being in a foreign exotic country and having a beautiful woman smile at you and wink? Well if that happens, you won’t be able to follow up on it, at least not without being unfaithful. You won’t be able to “go with the flow” so to speak due to an artificial bind. How do you like that?

See what happens when you listen to society? Would you swear for life to only eat vanilla ice cream and no other flavors? No. Would you take an oath to only eat fried rice and nothing else? No. So why would you swear to only have one woman forever and never experience any others? It doesn’t make sense, and it’s unnatural and difficult to keep such an oath. One should not make promises that one can’t keep, right? So why do it? Aren’t you being dishonest by taking such oaths? Is it right to lie to appease your family and peers?

The grass is always greener on the other side. If you are married to a brunette, you will be lusting after blondes and redheads, because you don’t have them and can’t have them. If you are married to a blonde, then you will be fantasizing about desirable unattainable brunettes. If you are married to a white woman, you will be lusting after exotic silky feminine oriental women you can never have. If you are married to an oriental lady, you will be lusting after hot white women. Etc. It’s inevitable.

What if you are no longer sexually attracted to your wife? And then this hot young woman who looks like something from your fantasy comes into your life, or becomes your secretary? What are you going to do? Deny that you want her? Deny that you fantasize about her? Think about it.

What if you fall in love with another woman who has qualities your wife doesn’t? Then you have to keep it a secret from your wife. What if you love another and can’t stop thinking about her? What then?

But that never happens right? Well according to society it doesn’t. So was society right?! You tell me.

An artificial marriage contract cannot control your heart, feelings or lust. But of course, society forgot to tell you that.

When you are married, you can never experience the thrill of the chase again, or love at first sight, or the special moment of a first kiss, not without being unfaithful to your spouse. You are not supposed to experience that electric volt you feel when you touch a beautiful woman for the first time. No more sexual adrenaline rushes for you. Nothing in marriage can replace such things, for marriage does not provide such stimulation. Marriage is nothing but monotonous routine, kept stable just for the children, not for you.

Also, when your life becomes a routine with no variety, time goes by faster, your life slips by faster, and you get old before you know it, never having experienced more variety or adventure. Think about that. Remember that.

3. Marriage does not necessarily make you happier.

It just keeps you looking normal to society and to your peers. Most marriages do not result in lasting happiness. Couples either argue or just tolerate each other out of commitment. The myth of “happily ever after” has been disproven endlessly, yet people still believe it.

Look, there’s no perfect world. Everything in life has tradeoffs and opportunity costs. When you gains something, you lose something. Marriage is not what it’s cracked up to be. It may bring you some things, such as stability and a family to raise (if that makes you happy), but it takes away other things, like personal freedom, privacy, adventure, other women, travel time, variety in life, time to develop your soul, etc. You’re always going to be happy about some things, but unhappy about others.

After you get married, somewhere down the line, you’re going to miss the freedom of being single. You’re gonna feel like you’re in a rut, where you’ve given your whole life away to an enslaving job, nagging wife, spoiled kids, and a monotonous routine sexless life. Your playtime will consist of cliched family outings with kids, not the fun and freedom you enjoyed in your youth.

4. Divorce rates are high and rising.

In America, the divorce rate has risen to 50-60 percent. If you know there’s a high probability of that happening, then why promise to stay together “til death do you part”? Wouldn’t you be lying to yourself and others? Besides, how many people can be 100 percent sure of something or anything?

Divorce is expensive, complicated and messy. Many men lose half their property and assets, or all of it. It ruins lives. Many of my friends say that marriage was the biggest mistake of their lives. Why go through all that trouble? Why not just avoid all that just by not getting married, especially with the previous reasons mentioned? Why waste all that money? Why go through all that trouble? Why risk losing all your hard earned assets? It doesn’t make sense! Just because society says so?! F*** society!

5. A man could lose his property, assets and children in a divorce.

Many divorces end in the man losing his house, assets, and children, all going to the mother since courts tend to favor them. A man can lose everything, leaving him in grief, depression, and even suicide. A divorced man who has lost a lot is not going to be desirable to women.

Therefore, a man stands to lose a lot or everything in marriage, while a woman stands to gain a lot. Not fair of course. But ask yourself this: What advantage is there for a man in marriage? Nothing! Except maybe some stupid tax breaks.

Isn’t it better to just keep your property and assets separate? Sheesh. You see how society complicates things and gets into your own affairs? Stupid isn’t it? So just avoid it then! It’s that simple. Stop being a conformist and caring what others think of you.

Look at the big picture and you see it’s a raw deal for men. Marriage protects women and children, at the expensive of men, who are expendable. It gives security to women, and stability to children, but nothing to men. That’s because society cares about women and children, but not men. So don’t let them take advantage of you.

“I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man I keep his house.” – Zsa Zsa Gabor

6. Marriage is artificial and unnatural.

Love is a wonderful natural thing between two people that cannot be expressed in words. It lets you experience your biggest highs and lowest lows. It is highly personal too. Now what does that have to do with an artificial government contract? NOTHING! So why does society say it does? Because society wants to CONTROL you!

So you see, it doesn’t make sense to invoke an artificial contract into a relationship or love affair. Why not let love bloom, run its natural course, however long that may be, and die out on its own? Why try to force people to stay together with an artificial binding contract, even if they shouldn’t? That’s imprisonment. It interferes with the natural cycle and flow of things, and with human will too. Love cannot be controlled or tied down with a contract.

Furthermore, it is reckless to swear an oath to love one person for love. You can’t keep that promise any more than you can swear to only eat fried rice for life. It’s unrealistic, unnatural, and unnecessary.

7. Marriage takes away your freedom.

From a certain point of view, marriage is essentially SERVITUDE – to your spouse, to the relationship, and the family as well. It is not freedom. You can’t just do whatever you want or put your own interest first. In fact, you must appease your spouse by conforming to her wishes and standards, and accept her friends and in-laws (or at least pretend to). You cannot make decisions as an individual anymore, but must seek her consent on everything. You must “run everything by her”. Many men in America even refer to their wife as “the boss” for some reason.

And of course, if you marry, you are not free to love other women, date them, or even befriend them, ethically speaking that is. Your wife will not even be comfortable with you having any other female friends, even if they are innocent ones, for she will always be suspicious of them and watch how much attention you give them. What this means is that all female contacts are off, except your wife, unless she approves of them or you spend time with them only with your wife around. Therefore, you are not free to do what you want in terms of other women.

Furthermore, your wife will expect you to keep a stable job to provide money and security for her and any children you may have together. Unless you really love your job, it is basically slavery in a private dictatorship. But what if you don’t like your job? What if you get tired of your job and want to take off and travel the world? Or move somewhere else? Or decide you don’t want children? Unless your wife agrees, it will be hard for you to do that. You kind of have to do what she says most of the time. Hence, no freedom for you.

What this means is that if your dream is to have a life full of adventure, travel and freedom, then don’t get married, cause marriage will take away all that, unless you’re lucky enough to find a partner who shares your same lifestyle.

What I’ve never understood, is why anyone would want to give up a life of freedom, traveling, and dating different hot women, for the boring monotonous routine life of marriage, responsibility and raising a family? It just doesn’t make any sense.

In the latter, your freedom is totally gone and you are tied down into commitment, obligation and responsibility, which people call “life”. Why would anyone choose such a predicament, let alone be fulfilled by it? Such a lifestyle embodies nothing but routine, burden and imprisonment. The former is obviously a thousand times more fun, exciting, interesting and pleasurable than the latter. So why would anyone choose the latter? I don’t understand. It’s mind boggling.

Could it be because Mother Nature has programmed people to want to raise a family, to ensure the survival of the human race? Is that the only reason? Or because society told people that raising a family was the purpose of life, and so people followed it?

I just don’t understand “normal people”. They’ve never made sense to me. Am I liberated or crazy? Oh well.

It’s funny how people always want to HEAR that they have freedom (or political freedom rather) but when they follow what society taught them – by getting a job and raising a family, they reduce their freedom to ZERO and don’t even think about it! It’s like people want to hear that they have freedom but don’t want actual freedom itself. How weird and ironic.


So you see, there are many good reasons not to marry – many disadvantages, risks and opportunity costs that could turn out to be a mistake with disastrous consequences. Now I’m not saying that marriage is wrong for everyone. No one thing is right or wrong for everyone. But the thing is, society never tells people about the consequences, disadvantages and opportunity costs of marriage. And that’s a bad thing.

So one should consider them first before getting married and weigh them out. After that, the decision is ultimately up to each person. I’m not trying to tell anyone what to do. I’m just informing them of what society won’t. Thanks for hearing me out.

13 years ago

No need to write about how to properly beef up one’s “man-cave” domicile or basement chamber of freedom here, entire volumes have been penned on the subject elsewhere and with good content to boot. If one is single and living alone, then he has sole prerogative to customize the interior of his dwelling as he sees fit (but for those whom want to house exotic pets such as King Cobras in your den I suggest checking local ordinances).
Of course, I have known numerous single guys who just had to do the opposite and decorate their home according to what they “thought” visiting women might prefer to see on the walls, in the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom, which was something I had to chide them about whenever I saw such pandering to female aesthetic tastes by bachelors.

I recommend a total interior environment that is pleasing to only ONE man alone, the occupant whose signature is on the lease or mortgage! The prevailing idea of pleasing the visual and mediocre tastes of some femmes who happen to stroll through your domicile is about as stupid as buying a gas-grill you’ll never use to put out on your patio just because your neighbors all have one! A bachelor’s pad is just that….the home of a BACHELOR, also known as a single man living alone, a concept that is not seen as ideal these days because the Single Happy Bachelor is viewed as “suspect” by misandrists and mangina white-knighters alike whose rebuke of such a lifestyle is loudly trumpeted in the form of shaming rhetoric deriding the single bachelor as “irresponsible”, “loser”, “weirdo”, etc.

Living alone requires one to surround himself with a pleasing aesthetic interior specific to the man who lives there and has to enjoy what he sees every morning and night while he is inside his lawful domain: sports-memorabilia, baseball cards, autographed photos, work-related awards or past accolades, movie posters, framed photos of family, friends, and past glories, shadowboxes filled with the accomplishments of military or police service, a gun rack and maybe even custom furniture comfortable solely to the owner.

Married men….you know, those smug “I got mine” yahoos who like to insist upon walking you through their oversized cookie-cutter households to show you what you’re “missing out” on? Yeah, those indentured servants….surrender is the norm there, mostly the cupcake bride getting to pick what goes where, what queer color scheme is slapped on the walls and her hubby’s “man cave” possessions all delegated to either a dark and damp basement floor, a rental-storage unit out in Kansas somewhere, or the nearest dumpster!
Whatever you are “in o” fits in your bachelor pad domicile, and absolutely no one else should be allowed to convince you otherwise just for what “others” may “think” if and when they traipse through your man-cave, who cares who they are! Think about it, if someone is “offended” by something you have on your wall or in your living room which pleases you and is there for your enjoyment, then kick them the hell out and call it a day.

A couple of years ago I had a professional photographer and a female model in my home taking photos I wanted for use on the cover and back cover of a book I was getting published that year. The model saw the autographed 24×36 framed poster of Playboy’s 1987 Playmate of the Year I had on my bedroom wall and questioned me about it, saying she didn’t like it, asking what other women I had over thought about the signed nude poster framed inside my home like that. I just laughed and told her that I didn’t care what visitors thought about it, I was the one living there and that I enjoyed looking at such a pleasant female shape every day when such a “fit” lady is not so commonly found on the streets of America today. *Truth be told, I am an avid celebrity-autograph collector and have many signed photos framed on the walls of my home as part of my ‘aesthetic’ so it falls under the category of “hobby” and not just pornography!*

Regardless of what others may think of your bachelor pad’s interior and your own personal enjoyments, displays, and entertainment items spread throughout your domicile, ENJOY and keep a thick skin when it comes to any nay-sayers who think your “motif” isn’t female-acceptable! Gentlemen, we are currently deployed in a world fast on its way to formally becoming a Dystopia, with Feminism and its pink-bellied enforcers trying to goad free men in general into a more “pliable” form for their slave-labor tax base, and clearly the “culture” we are enduring is increasingly hostile to free expression of OTHER IDEAS, entertainment and personal aesthetics included. In order to remain free, all a single man really has to do is keep his personal tastes and ideals intact; the first boundary no one else should be invading is his household and what he has inside it.

If men allow the “sneaky lady tricks” they will lose the one refuge of sanity single men have:
I dare say we’ve all experienced the Indentured Servant mantra of placating women‘s tastes to the detriment of all you enjoy (just so your buddies will think that you’re “getting some”) and that is stir-fried bullsh*t with the kitchen knife in your back.

With all that is going on around us (as many of our brethren polish brass on the Titanic) shouldn’t we hold our tastes sacrosanct, allowing no outside interference to force us to give up such a personally-pleasing refuge so as to be devoured by the soul-draining insanity that stands outside our doors?

13 years ago

From an Italian period-movie:

“If you marry for love, pain fits like a glove.”

Love, sex, and marriage may coincide upon occassion, but to expect them to always go together is sheer insanity, that way lies madness. And it is the modern “West” led by the USA) and the Xtian Church’s worst errors ever to try and convince the rest of humanity otherwise…

What happens when a culture tries to use “personal happiness” as a reason for getting married? A 50% social divorce rate , that’s what…

13 years ago

OMG, dudes, no one is forcing you to get married if you don’t want to! If committed relationships aren’t your thing, then don’t date or marry people who are looking for those kind of committed relationships. You have that option! You don’t have to come up with flimsy sexist justifications for it, just don’t get married! Sheesh.

13 years ago


Number of fucks given: 0.

13 years ago

So marriage is bad because you’ll inevitably be trapped into it forever like an inescapable eternal prison, and also, divorce rates are high?

13 years ago

JTK: last I heard your were going your own way. Did you get lost?

13 years ago


13 years ago

Hahaha Amnesia…that’s exactly what goes through my head whenever I’ve read MRAs/MGTOWs whine about how much marriage sucks.

Hey guys? WE DON’T GIVE A SHIT!!! Don’t marry if you don’t want to, it’s your life do what you want with it. With most of your crappy attitudes towards women why would anyone want to marry you anyway? and no, it’s not shaming language, its the simple truth.

And do me a favor and lose the idea that women just sit around pining for marriage too. Many of us happen to think its useless and outdated. Personally I think it should be outlawed. But I can’t force my views on people who do want to marry.

Why do MGTOWs even post here? do they think that the women posters are just going to start crying and begging them to marry us, or the the male posters will beg them to reconsider married life? Lmao. Run along back to your man cave now. May I suggest putting a “no girls allowed” sign at the entrance?

13 years ago

JTK, we can read the Spearhead or Happier Abroad or whatever by ourselves, you don’t have to copy-paste it into the comments. There’s a thing called a link.

13 years ago

The other random wall o’ text that yahoo posted up there doesn’t have an obvious original source and I have to leave, but it’s clearly copied from somewhere.

13 years ago

Goofy walls of text are goofy.

The real problem is that our expectations for love and marriage have been fucked up by TV and consumer culture. At least that’s what I believe thanks to Charlie Brooker.

I’m not quite as cynical as Charlie, but he makes good points without raving hysterically about manginas and cupcakes like MRAs tend to.

13 years ago

Winston Wu wrote this over on his forum — it’s pretty good:

Winston Wu is as dense as a year-old stollen. Explanations below:

There are many disadvantages, risks and opportunity costs that come with marriage. But society will never tell you about them, because society is not there to give you truth or freedom.

Bullshit. Society is awash in demonizing marriage and especially women who want to get married — while also demonizing women who fail to “catch” some unwilling man. This isn’t even stupidity, it’s just a straight-out lie.

1. You may regret it.

Believe it or not, you don’t really know your partner. You may know his/her surface personality, but not their real self or innermost thoughts and feelings. Later down the line, they may change and you may too. You might grow apart. You might become incompatible.

Anything you do in life, you may regret it.

Believe it or not, you don’t really know what will happen in your life. You may kind of know your own personality, but you don’t know how circumstances will change you in the future. You may miscalculate, no matter what you do. After all, you are dealing with unknown variables. In fact — get ready, kids, because this will really blow your mind — there is no such thing in life as a sure bet. You may go to college and then regret it. You may also not go to college and then regret it. You may have kids and then realize you should have stayed childless. You may not have kids and then realize you should have had some. You may take an investment opportunity, then lose money and regret it. You may pass up an investment opportunity, lose money and regret it. Hell, you may choose not to get married, and later regret it.

What then? Are you going to stay together and be miserable just because of an artificial marriage vow to stay together “til death do you part”?

Thankfully, you don’t have to stay miserable in marriage — you can divorce. Also, just because you encounter difficulties in sticking to your promises, that doesn’t make those promises “artificial” — unless you are the kind of person whose word means shit.

What if your spouse becomes a monster? What if you no longer love him or her? What if you love someone else? You can’t know what’s going to happen down the line, so why make unrealistic promises? That is foolish and unwise. It is also dishonest in a sense too.

In that case, you can’t make any promise to anyone, ever. After all, you never know what’s gonna happen in the future, right?

2. It will kill your sex life and you can never experience romantic or sexual variety again, at least not ethically.

No, it won’t. Study after study has shown that married people have more sex and are more satisfied with their sex lives than single people. Contrary to this idiot’s claims, being single won’t make you awash in nubile pussy. That sexy secretary? You can desire her all you want, but it’s a bit presumptuous to assume she will desire you too just because you are not taken and just because you are the boss. Besides, if you are the kind of asshole who would expect an attractive female subordinate to have sex with him, you are also an asshole who would cheat — so I don’t see what all this wrangling about “ethics” is for.

To Men: Think about this: There are millions of attractive women out there. You will never be able to romance them or sleep with them ever again, if you keep your marriage vows that is. Think about it. According to the oath you made, you are supposedly never going to sleep with another attractive female ever again until you die! How do you like that?

I am thinking about this: There are millions of delicious donuts out there. I will never be able to eat them, because I’ve made a vow to lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid continuing my family’s history of sugar-related disease. If I keep my vow, I’ll never eat one, never experience that incomparable sugary orgy of deliciousness in my mouth. According to the cost-benefit analysis I’ve made, I will supposedly never eat another yummy donut ever again until I die! Of course, in return for not eating donuts, I get health, a decent figure and probably a longer life filled with more fun than hospitalizations. So it’s still a win, as far as I am concerned.

3. Marriage does not necessarily make you happier.

Nothing necessarily makes you happier. Not even yummy donuts. And of course, being single does not necessarily make you happier.

4. Divorce rates are high and rising.

In America, the divorce rate has risen to 50-60 percent.

Bullshit. Divorce rates in this country are around 45% and falling. Besides, just because singlehood does not have an easy outward indicator of failure — like what divorce does for marriage — that doesn’t mean singlehood does not fail at comparable or even higher rates.

5. A man could lose his property, assets and children in a divorce.

A woman could easily lose her property, assets and children in a divorce. In most divorces, however, both parties earn an income, and assets get split right down the middle; while children maintain a close relationship with both parents. But, even if that happens, you may still get cancer or something, so why do anything in life?

Look at the big picture and you see it’s a raw deal for men. Marriage protects women and children, at the expensive of men, who are expendable. It gives security to women, and stability to children, but nothing to men. That’s because society cares about women and children, but not men. So don’t let them take advantage of you.

Actually, it’s the opposite. Social expectations within marriage privilege men over women, by putting women in the role of taking care of men on a day-to-day basis (while still, in most cases, working full-time). The fact that marriage has such enormous upfront costs for women is the reason why women predominate as divorce filers. I know logical thinking is not an MRA’s strong suit, but think about this: if you are simultaneously complaining about marriage being an awesome gravy train for women and that women up and file for divorce far too often, something in your theory doesn’t make sense.

6. Marriage is artificial and unnatural.

Ahh, one of my favorite logical fallacies, an argument from nature. You know what else is articificial and unnatural? Clothes. Yet ebil society makes you wear them. Fuck society! Go without. Examples of some other artificial and unnatural things include: online social networking, soap, housing, cars. Yet something tells me Winston Wu isn’t about to switch to a “natural” lifestyle swinging from trees in the wilderness, Internet-less, unwashed and naked. Right?

7. Marriage takes away your freedom.

Lots of things take away your freedom. Having a job takes away your freedom. Not having a job takes away your freedom. Buying a boat takes away your freedom. Not buying a boat takes away your freedom. Being a member of, you know, a community takes away your freedom, because it’s a compact.

You know what generally takes away your freedom? You share this world with other human beings, and you are not invincible, that’s what. Somewhere around the age of five, most people realize you can’t have anything you want any time you want just because you want it. But not Winston Wu, apparently.

I just don’t understand “normal people”. They’ve never made sense to me. Am I liberated or crazy? Oh well.

Neither. What you are, is stupid and infantile.

So you see, there are many good reasons not to marry – many disadvantages, risks and opportunity costs that could turn out to be a mistake with disastrous consequences. Now I’m not saying that marriage is wrong for everyone. No one thing is right or wrong for everyone. But the thing is, society never tells people about the consequences, disadvantages and opportunity costs of marriage. And that’s a bad thing.

And just like that, kids, Winston Wu single-handed saved civilization and mankind with his awesome wisdom. Well — whatever Winston Wu does with his so-called “freedom”, I certainly hope he doesn’t reproduce.

13 years ago


Run along back to your man cave now. May I suggest putting a “no girls allowed” sign at the entrance?

What?? Are you suggesting the man should clean his own mancave? Misandrist!!

13 years ago

What?? Are you suggesting the man should clean his own mancave? Misandrist!!

I know. Ain’t I a stinker? 😛

13 years ago

*Claps for Amused’s awesome takedown*

And major props for actually reading that chunk o’ crazy, too.

Also another random note, for these people who are going to rant about the evils of marriage, do any of them realize that most to all feminists are against the societal expectation for marriage, If not against the whole institution? It’s like they have no conception of what feminists are.

Oh, right…

13 years ago

I’m not quite as cynical as Charlie, but he makes good points without raving hysterically about manginas and cupcakes like MRAs tend to.

He’s also very happily married.

13 years ago

“I don’t get it… maybe she’s sexting other people because you don’t hug her enough?”

It’s his fault!
@Molly Ren
“My mom actually told me about housewives she knew in the 60s and 70s that did the 60/40 split… because they had no other way of making money and were afraid their husbands would leave them.”

It’s his fault!
“because if they didn’t, they’d have to put up with these guys harping about unattractive women?”

It’s his fault!
“I don’t want the sort of guy who thinks women set out to “catch suckers” to think I’m his type!”

It’s his fault!
“Being pretty: damned if you do, damned if you don’t.”

It’s his fault!
“These guys are immature jackasses. If these guys actually had girlfriends, they’d know the reality is so much more boring.”

It’s his fault!
“Elmo, so, have examples of non-hateful MRA sites for us?”

Hating a hate movement is the most intelligent thing a man can do. Do you love Nazism, the KKK, Pol Pot? Of course when you’re brought up on feminism and misandry.

It’s his fault!
“Eimos, why should we care if you accuse us of cherry-picking? You’re an obnoxious wanker. I don’t value your opinion.”

It’s his fault!
“But as it changed and became the mess we see today, more and more, people disengaged from it.”

MRAs are on the assent. Quoting a woman as if it’s gospel means very little. How are her words the standard by which men should behave? Strive for? Accept as equitable? All feminists are the same. They stand in the same tent dictating what men get, how men act, how men should spend their time, money. Where their labor pool is directed. What their puishment is. Yet no man may ever even suggest a womans actions, or dare presume she is at fault. The goal of not only every MRA, but every man as well should be the complete destruction of the most vile hate movement ever concieved. Feminism.

Unfortunately, we live in a society dominated by the force-fed propoganda that the gender who recieves the lions share of spent tax money for health, education, employment is the victim. A society where every charity is woman-centric. A society where women are rarely punished for any crime. A society that doesn’t even acknowlege the constant bombardment of hatred of men/boys. Until this repugnant movement is exposed and destroyed.

It’s his fault!

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I am always wondering what people are *doing* when they get really, really bored with having sex after a year. It’s possible you might figure out you’re not very compatible with someone after that amount of time, but sex is like astronomy or mathmatics: there’s always new stuff being done and things you can learn to do.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“‘My mom actually told me about housewives she knew in the 60s and 70s that did the 60/40 split… because they had no other way of making money and were afraid their husbands would leave them.’

“It’s his fault!”

NWOslave, if you had no marketable skills and no job, and your only source of money might divorce you, what would you do? These are survival tactics–i.e., if this is happening, something is very, very WRONG.

13 years ago

>>>I mean, come on! Would you really tell your boyfriend “honey, I’m going out tonight to have some casual sex with this guy I met at the club last weekend during girls night out”???

Polyamory. Look it up.

I have one lover with whom we’re pretty open, basically we both get turned on telling each other what we’ve done with others. I have another one where we have an agreed upon “I don’t care who else you sleep with, I don’t want to hear about it, as long as you’re using safer sex” policy.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Yeah, those indentured servants….surrender is the norm there, mostly the cupcake bride getting to pick what goes where, what queer color scheme is slapped on the walls and her hubby’s “man cave” possessions all delegated to either a dark and damp basement floor…”

Either the entire house is painted in rainbows, or everything is purple? 😀

13 years ago

Dude, NWO, even beyond the complete nonsensicality of your “it’s his fault” thing, you appear to be complaining at me for a quote that literally means, “I don’t want to be attractive to men in whom I have less than zero sexual/romantic interest.” How many times have you bitched about vicious women being all attractive at you when they’re not willing to fuck you? You cannot actually have this both ways! Either it’s really mean of women to want to look pretty to everyone, or it’s really mean of women to want not to look pretty to douchebags. Pick one. (Or, you know, pick neither, because those assertions are both stupid as hell, but you really can’t simultaneously yell, “How dare women be attractive to men they won’t fuck!” and “How dare women try not to be attractive to men they won’t fuck!” without coming off as even more ridiculous than usual.)

13 years ago

“A society where every charity is woman-centric.”
Silly women and their testicles. Amirite guys?

Using the word every really only means it takes a single example to prove you a fool. You should try to avoid that in the future. Friendly advice and all.

13 years ago

“Wonderful, now, in the spirit of equality, stop whining when you hear someone say that men are rapists. After all, some men are rapists. Don’t act like men are all perfect and shit. Some of you are pretty fucking far from perfect, therefore you are rapists. Deal?”

Not a problem. Don’t whine when someone says women are lying, manipulative, cheating whores. The next time some woman cries rape, you can be damn well sure she’s a liar whose trying to cover her ass with any lame excuse that pops into her single-celled brain. Deal?

It’s his fault!
“Elmos, I have been on just about every MRA site imaginable. I have yet to find one that wasn’t wildly misogynistic, not to mention infested by some of the most bitter, angry and downright nasty people imaginable.”

As is every feminist site, (manboobz included) and even laughably supposed mens sites like the GMP.

It’s his fault!
“I guess I’m having a hard time understanding the distinction between a misogynist and a person who’s bitter because he’s convinced himself that in his world women are “unaccountable” and men are “disposable.”

Just a wild misunderstanding then? Have a read of any catastrophe. They’ll list deaths as workers, personel, employee’s. How often have you seen 23 deaths from a raging fire and one of them was a woman? The other 22 deaths were what? Automotons? Undesirables? They were disposable beings of no consequence. Only women are ever mentioned as victims of suffering. Occasionally women and children. Never men and children. The excuse will be men own the majority of MSM outlets. Yet the majority of writers for the MSM are women. What can one say but…

It’s his fault!
“You are “supposed” to think that we do not exist on this earth just to be your fucking “helpmeet” and accommodate your wants and desires and never have any of our own.”

According to modern day society it’s a mans duty and honor to support all women in every way. Support her education. Support her employment. Do more domestic duties. Support her choices. Support “her” children. Love. Listen. Support. Give. Work. Yet if a man dares ask for any of these same things women screech about not being a mans mere “helpmeet.”

It’s his fault!
@ Moewicus
“I love how our trolls love to come in here and accuse us of cherry picking, meanwhile practically introducing themselves with “Hello, I’m here to strawman you.”

It’s his fault!
“Actually, Amused, women are the default gender. The Y chromosome is a freaky mutation of sorts.”

Womens sarcasm is endorsed and acceptable. Mens is misogyny.

It’s his fault!

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