As you may have heard, Christopher Hitchens – writer, drinker, atheist, shit-stirrer – died the other day. He’s gotten tributes from people all over the political spectrum. Over on The Spearhead, the fellows are paying tribute to his life. Well, not so much his life as to his opinion that women just aren’t funny – apparently their vaginas get in the way, or something.
Here a fellow named Rocco offers his fond remembrances of the man:
I applaud him and wish him to be considered by the big man upstairs to have done the world a service by publically opposing the political machine that is feminism by telling a simple truth.
Woman aren’t funny and men do alot of the great stuff they do like music, art and war to impress women.
Maybe this is why women will never invent anything, why bother.
Twenty upvotes and one downvote for that. Presumably that one downvote is from God, who’s probably spent the last couple of days just going around downvoting anything positive said about Hitchens.
Keyster elaborated further:
His point being that not only do women not need to be funny to attract men, they don’t need to do anything else but simply be women; dress nicely, wear a little make up and perfume – – pleasant personality or the ability to engage in substantive conversation is completely optional.
Everything men strive for is to attract more women.
Everything women strive for is to be more like men.
See the conflict?
Attila added this:
This Cuntry has become so PC- that it couldn’t produce someone like Hitchens- as much as I may disagree with some of his views. He had a functioning mind- and an evidently rigorous education. Can anyone name anybody like him in the public arena? The fact he could throw words like “dyke” around with ease in the middle of his perorations shows a great deal of confidence (he wouldn’t let himself be bullied).
Hitch, this part of your legacy lives on!
But it’s a little-noticed comment from Nutz that highlights Hitch’s most impressive accomplishment:
Well, he was drunk in a lot of his interviews. Personally I thought he was great and one of the things that made him remarkable–he’d be drunk in an interview or debate and still soundly spank the other person with his wit.
Whether you loved him or hated him, agreed with him or disagreed with him, you’ve got to admit: he somehow managed to accomplish more while staggeringly drunk than most of us accomplish stone-cold sober. And that’s something, I guess.
@Monsieur Sans Nom:
Monsieur Om Nom Nom, most of the MRAs who come here have a complete inability to laugh at themselves, coupled with taking themselves far too seriously.
I disagree with the entire narrative of women being unfunny, of course, but this in particular strikes me as an odd thing to say. There are loads of (male) comedians who base their entire schtick on being very insecure and self-conscious. They don’t have self-deprecating humor where you live? Richard Lewis, Woody Allen, Brian Posehn, Conan O’Brian, Larry David, Gary Shandling, Rodney Dangerfield … how much time do you have? The list of comedians whose act is actually based on being insecure and self-conscious is as long as Milton Berle’s cock.
In fact, depending on who you ask, most comedians are insecure. And, I dunno, this ongoing debate about whether women are funny … I think it has a lot more to do with an audience’s expectations and perceptions surrounding gender, sex, and humor than on anything that the class of women as a whole are or are not.
Oh I have no doubt about that. What makes you think I’m a MRA? I am not.
Nomless: You may not be an MRA, but you are a misogynist, so, it’s easy to see how people could become confused.
Nom Nom, oh, sorry, it must have been your flagrant misogyny that had me thinking you were an MRA.
Well, ironically enough, that’s funny. Though I’m sure the amusement wasn’t intentional.
Preliminarily, there is no “man” upstairs. Although referred to by a generic “He”, the Judeo-Christian God has no gender. In fact, Biblical Hebrew frequently refers to God as “they”, though gets translated into most languages as “He”. “They” is likely a lingering trace of pre-Abrahamic polytheism, but it certainly muddles the issue of whether God is a “man”. And in any event, the scriptures tell us “He” isn’t. If you are going to bring God into this, misogynistic dumbasses, at least learn your basic theology.
Second, if you’ve decided to be religious, you should realize that God isn’t interested in rewarding anyone for doing the world a service, as much as he cares whether or not people are doing Him a service. Christopher Hitchens was a passionate atheist, so duh.
Just curious, is “misogynist” the label given to anyone who questions or challenges the predominating views of most posters on this blog? I guess I thought a misogynist was someone who actively hates women.
My opinion in general, is that in the culture I live in(aint lived nowhere but the USofA), most women take themselves too seriously whereas most men don’t take themselves seriously enough(a good example of guys that I really cant STAND are gamergeeks who tell stupid jokes constantly and think they’re clever + witty…UGH).
I guess I thought a misogynist was someone who actively hates women.
That’s correct, and you obviously do.
@Nobby Sorry I think you might have missed the point in my post, 2% funnier? In a caption writing competition? I’m a little surprised you took ‘a huge and uncrossable divide of laughter’ seriously. Saying that men find men even funnier than women find men is a little redundant. Women find women less funny than they do men is an accurate description of one of the findings of the study you sourced.
‘uncrossable divide’ was a joke, perhaps if you were only 2% funnier you would have got that.
‘the lack of confidence and the missatribution errors (also pointed out in the article!) are caused, at least in part, by the stupid stereotype you continue to spread.’
Oh mercy, I cause, at least in part, the lack of confidence that makes women 2% less funny? Don’t be silly.
Why do you say such things?
@Ullere You come on here claiming that men are objectively funnier, and then are confused when i take your statement of them being objectively funnier as a joke? Perhaps you should try a bit harder at this ‘humor’ business, you’re obviously not very good.
Um, yes. Stereotypes tend to affect people rather harshly, and don’t pretend like they don’t. I don’t think you personally are walking around telling people they’re not funny all the time, but spreading the idea that women aren’t funny, or are overall considerably less funny then men, hurts the confidence of people and makes them resulting less funny. How else would you explain women rating themselves on average so much harsher then men? Almost ten times lower then the actual difference found in this study?
And if you really think that a 2% difference is actually noticeable by anyone, then you’re more then a little bit delusional.
Ullere, the first and foremost rule of humor: If other people can’t tell that it was supposed to be a joke, you fail.
But don’t worry. We’re laughing at you and Om Nom Nom anyway.
I don’t think the definition is just hate. For example, you can think all female have the IQ of a squirell and still ‘like’ them, for their fluffiness or sexiness.
Or you can ‘like’ them as long as they fit in you definition of ‘feminine’, are submissive enough… or even pretend they all do.
Or you can straight up despise them for being all gold-digging bitches, which is closer but still not exactly hate.
But I still agree noname has proven himself to be a misogynist.
Damn. Apparently, as a gamergeek, I don’t take myself seriously enough to be funny according to Om Nom Nom’s ideas. Whatever shall I do. I shall have to weep into my bedsheets. Oh the horror the horror.
“a good example of guys that I really cant STAND are gamergeeks who tell stupid jokes constantly and think they’re clever + witty…UGH”
Well if you’re talking about the self-concious guy gamers that use wit to condescend people, then yeah those people are jerks. But the rest of em are awesome.
I don’t think the definition is just hate. For example, you can think all female have the IQ of a squirell and still ‘like’ them, for their fluffiness or sexiness.
Or you can ‘like’ them as long as they fit in you definition of ‘feminine’, are submissive enough… or even pretend they all do.
Or you can straight up despise them for being all gold-digging bitches, which is closer but still not exactly hate.
But I still agree noname has proven himself to be a misogynist.
I agree that the definition is not just about hate. But in my experience, virtually all misogynists are highly insecure and are pathologically threatened by women, particularly those who don’t conform the their deluded perception of what constitutes “real women”: hot, young, submissive sex bots, or doddering, equally submissive Stepford Grannies who graciously accept their useless place in society when they no longer possess that coveted “SMV.” LOL!
It’s important to keep in mind that sexism and misogyny are not the same thing; even though they’re perceived by many women as 2 sides of the same coin. I would think that the majority of women would be bothered more by sexism than misogyny. I say this because I thought that most women, especially those who are intelligent, would want to be respected first and foremost(I know that I do personally). Even if some people may not like them for who and what they are.
Feeling threatened by women certainly DOES imply the recognition that women really aren’t powerless and defenseless after all. Belittling women and mocking them implies a belief that women are the lesser sex.
FTR: I am very much a misanthropist. I suppose that technically makes me a misogynist too because women are human but don’t think for a moment that I actually “like” men as a whole.
Misanthrope, genius.
The old adage rings true once again: “Men work for happiness, women are given it for free.”
For men, respect is something that must be earned, and once you have it it must be maintained. For women, respect is something you just sort of grow into. So the posters quoted kind of have it right. The struggle to assert oneself, absent in females, means that men will always be overwhelmingly more developed in their personalities and achievements than women. This is why men invented everything, why men dominate every field and why men hold the top positions in everything. A woman’s laziness and privelege impedes her self-development.
@ Alphalady: “I agree that the definition is not just about hate. But in my experience, virtually all misogynists are highly insecure and are pathologically threatened by women, particularly those who don’t conform the their deluded perception of what constitutes “real women”: hot, young, submissive sex bots, or doddering, equally submissive Stepford Grannies who graciously accept their useless place in society when they no longer possess that coveted “SMV.””
Horseshit. For many men, misogyny stems from their *disappointment* in womankind, frustration over women’s refusal to attempt a role outside of the submissive, docile infant. When I think ‘woman’ the first thing that comes to mind is ‘wasted potential.’ The day that women aspire to be more than glorified pieces of furniture that just sit on their mobile phones texting while contributing nothing, is the day they become worthy of respect.
Also, being pathologically afraid of “strong women” is silly. As silly as being pathologically afraid of werewolves or dragons. There might be some reasons why you find them threatening, I guess, but it’s not like you’re ever going to meet one.
@ Monsieur: Why do you think straight women are more insecure than lesbians and bi women? Also, why do you think they’re more “masculine” than straight women? And what does “masculine” mean to you? Also, why does “masculinity” make you more funny?
It has been my experience that some bi and lesbian women are super girly, and some are super butch, and some straight women are also super butch. Also, some straight women have fantastic self esteem and some bi and lesbian women have dreadful self esteem.These things that you assert, they are extremely confusing to me.
@ Arks, have you ever had the experience of trying to assert yourself in an argument, only to have some dude who knows nothing talk loudly over you, shout you down, and tell you that you are a silly woman who has no idea what she is talking about in an experience to shut you up? No? They you can fuck RIGHT off.
Arks said clam diver, and I will never take him seriously again.