beta males manginas misogyny MRA nice guys oppressed men rape rapey reactionary bullshit victimhood

Dudes: silent no more!

This tiny kitten actually has nothing to do with the post.

Did Tom Matlack of the Good Men Project – not to be confused with Ben Matlock, fictional defense lawyer beloved by the elderly – swallow one of those mysterious “red pills” I keep hearing about on Men’s Rights blogs? Whatever he swallowed, it’s apparently causing him to hallucinate.

How else to explain his recent post on the GMP site titled “Being a Dude Is a Good Thing.” Now, as a dude who spends a good deal of time every day being a dude, I’ve got nothing against anyone being a dude, provided that’s what they want to be. It’s just that the piece itself is full of some rather strange generalizations that don’t actually seem to be, you know, true, at least not in what’s commonly known as “the real world.”

Rather than try to rebut his argument, because he doesn’t seem to have much of one, let’s just look at some of his loopier pronouncements:

Why do men get blamed for everything?

Uh, because they don’t? Sure, men get blamed for things, but guess what? Women get blamed for things all the time, too, from witchcraft, to divorce, to getting themselves raped, battered or killed. They’ve been blamed for earthquakes, for “inciting” male lust, for killing chivalry and “killing off real men,” for “taking roles intended by God only for men.” Heck, some inventive sorts have even figured out how to blame women for men who are assholes. And this guy has decided that “Black Women are to blame for the disrespect Black Men show towards Black Women.” For endless additional examples, scroll back through the posts and comments here, visit any of the blogs on my “boob roll,” or simply continue living on planet earth.

Back to Matlack, whose generalizations get more surreal by the sentence:

In the locker room, in the bathroom, on the walk out of the board room, in my conversations with men of all kinds, that’s what I hear more than anything. The resignation that to be a man is to be unacceptable at some level to the woman in your life.

Really? Who on earth are you hanging out with? And what women are they hanging out with? Are men other than Tom Matlack and his possibly apocryphal conversational partners actually having conversations like this on a regular basis? If the “woman in your life” basically hates men, what is she doing with you, and what are you doing with her?

One close friend jokes, “When speaking to my wife I always make sure to look at the ground in deference. And I make sure not to make any sudden movements.”

Um, what?

I’ve watched him. He loves his wife.

He’s a very competent human being. But with her he’s decided the only way to survive is to submit. The female view is the right view. The male view just gets you into trouble.

You see what I meant before about the hallucinations, right?

But Matlack suggests there is hope for the poor demure, never-before-heard-from men of the world. Apparently they are starting to open their mouths at last.

It seems that the blame game in the mainstream, whether through the minimization of male life in pop culture or on television or through the continued obsession with men behaving badly, has finally struck a chord with the average guy.

Let’s just pause a moment to reflect on this whole “minimization of male life in pop culture or on television.” Mr. Matlack, do you actually watch movies or television, or visit libraries or anything like that? Most movies revolve around men as the main characters, with women in many cases serving as little more than a love interest or simply as scenery. Have you ever heard of the Bechdel test? Read up on it, run the test on some of your favorite films, and then get back to us on the “minimization of male life in pop culture.”

Now back to Matlack’s manifesto:

We are no longer willing to be blamed for being men. We are no longer willing to avert our gazes and stay silent about our feelings. We are raising our voices and telling our stories in our own male vocabulary.

Yeah, because men have been so utterly silent about their feelings, their opinons, and pretty much everything, up until now.

To women, I assume the response is, “well, it’s about time.” But just remember when we talk it’s not going to sound like a women in a man’s body. It’s gonna be all dude. And you are just going to have to deal with that.

Ladies, prepare yourselves for a lot more Dudesplaining in the near future.  Dudes will be ignored no longer! Dudes!!! DUUUUUDESSS!!!!!!

EDITED TO ADD: Matlack’s gotten some responses on Twitter to his dudely roar; he’s posted a bunch of them here. Guest appearances by Amanda Marcotte and (seriously) Roseanne Barr.

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13 years ago

Oh holy shit, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the shit that no-one can explain. . . Then sings the soul of Crazy Dude to me, how fucked thou art, how fucked thou art!

13 years ago

Made up story is made up.

13 years ago

The only thing that made sense in this OP is the kitten.

Frankly, I believe it’s a sort of bet with MGTOW, a sort of private joke. The question is who can do the least and still pretend it’s a revolution.
I think Matlack won with this “look at me, I’m gonna be a male!!!!”

So, dude is not an hateful slur anymore I guess. ^_^

Damsel in de Tech (@damselindetech)

Ok, we’re listening. What? Or, was that it? Feel better? K.

13 years ago

Wow! I totally didn’t know that men have been silent this entire time. Who’s voices makes up the majority of religion, politics, history, philosophy, the military, science, and literature again? which sex is more regarded as the one true voice of everything except sammich making and housecleaning?

Yea. It seems to me here in reality land that it was women who have been silenced up until recently. It seems that this rubs some men the wrong way.

Damsel in de Tech (@damselindetech)

Quackers – how dare you try to silence the likes of Gordon Ramsey in his domination of the art of sammich making? Sorry to tell you, Quackers, if that is your real name, that DUDE is no longer a slur!!!!

13 years ago

It seems to me that stuff like “it’s gonna be all dude, deal.” is exactly the kind of thing that gets in the way of communication, not helps it.

13 years ago

Has anyone informed B…don that he was supposed to be being silent all this time? Because for a silenced person he sure talks a lot.

13 years ago


Or Slavey? Or DKM? Or, you know, any of the other very-not-silent guys? Or are they not dudes? What makes a dude? Who is really a dude? What definition? Are we going by city slicker who doesn’t know how to cut it in the west? Surfer dudes? I NEED DEFINITIONS!!!!11!

tl:dr I want to know if I’m a dude

13 years ago

I tried to be silent, but it’s too hard playing charades to express every little thing.


The resignation that to be a man is to be unacceptable at some level to the woman in your life sometimes, just as she will be unacceptable to you sometimes.

Fixed that for him.

No one who has ever been in a fight would probably say that the person they are fighting with is acceptable at that time to them on all levels. When I am livid at my best friend, he is still my best friend but his behavior has been unacceptable.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I think that if I had to guess, Matlack is trying to provide an alternative to Hugo’s recent torrent of male-negative articles.

13 years ago

Ah, more dudely wisdom. Just what the world needs more of.

13 years ago

Also, I would like to play with that kitten, please.

13 years ago

As the resident Misandry Cop, I have to wonder what the fuck “communicating like a dude” means. I’m pretty sure dudes communicate in every way chicks do, from “FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING MOTHERFUCKERS” to “I sometimes feel angry when you disrespect my boundaries.”

What would a woman in a man’s body even sound like? o.o

13 years ago

Here is a twitter discussion between Matlack and some feminists on this very topic.

I’m only part way through but he doesn’t come off well.


I think that if I had to guess, Matlack is trying to provide an alternative to Hugo’s recent torrent of male-negative articles.

*pushes MRAL back out the door* No, you are out healing. Go do that instead.

13 years ago

MRAL, it’s Friday night in Boston. Surely there’s more fun to be had elsewhere?

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Well, it’s finals week.

13 years ago

Study now, then bed, and you’ll be in a better mood in the morning.

13 years ago

Good luck on your exams. Now go get some coffee or something.

I read part of that twitter exchange. Dude’s not doing too well.

13 years ago

I’m so unaccustomed to good, almost straight-edge kids that I don’t think I have any useful life advice to give here other than “sleep is nice”. I’m all, yeah, go get some…oh, that’s not appropriate, never mind. Um, Red Bull?

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I mean I’m not saying I totally agree with him. But. This is nowhere near the bizarro level of most of the regular manosphere stuff. I think a lot of women do probably dominate micro level conversations.. Not that I would know. Maybe he’s off base.


*hands MRAL a set of her A. Lee Martinez books* Here read this instead of posting here. It will make you laugh.

(seriously though, how do I email books to a person so you CAN read them?)

13 years ago

PfkE, if you both have Kindles and the publisher has allowed sharing, that’s one way.

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