douchebaggery false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men rape rapey reddit that's not funny!

The False Rape Society is shocked — shocked! — by a fraternity’s “who would you rape?” survey.

The False Rape Society is shocked and stunned that frat boys would joke about rape.

So you may have seen the story yesterday about the University of Vermont fraternity that was suspended for sending out a charming little survey that allegedly asked, among other things, “If you could rape someone, who would it be?” (FWIW, the frat now says it was the work of an individual frat member, not the chapter.)

Reading about this incident, I’m guessing that you probably didn’t ask yourself: “I wonder how the guys at the False Rape Society will use this news to push their own agenda?” Heck, I didn’t even think to ask myself that question. But while doing the rounds of the MRA blogs I’ve discovered the answer to that question, and here it is: FRS head honcho Pierce Harlan described the survey as “perhaps a poke at feminism’s fascination with rape,” then denounced it as “indefensible,” then ranted about the evils of false rape accusations. I guess that isn’t really shocking at all.

First, Harlan offered this take on the “who would you rape” question:

I assume the survey was sick humor, a crude satire of the fratboy culture, and perhaps a poke at feminism’s fascination with rape.

Yes, because any time men make rape jokes it’s probably because, you know, feminism, and its wacky obsession with rape.

Then Harlan went on to suggest that rape was no laughing matter – especially when it comes to rape that doesn’t happen:

Whatever it was intended to be, ultimately it is indefensible, because trivializing the word “rape” is no laughing matter, whether it’s a joke about the rape of male prisoners, or the fantasy “rape” of women, or a false rape claim intended to get a guy in, or a woman out of, trouble.

Well, that was quick. Let’s not talk about the trivialization of real rape. Let’s talk about the epidemic of “false rape accusations” that Harlan has convinced himself is the real problem here.

With nary a pause, Harlan moved on to complain about hypothetical feminists making a big deal out of this survey instead of joining him on his crusade:

There most certainly will be an outcry in the feminist blogosphere over this isolated incident

This what incident?

and it will be cited as proof positive to support the myth that ours is a  “rape culture.”

Yeah, I wonder why casual jokes about rape would possibly be considered as part of “rape culture.”

A “rape culture,” of course, not only would tolerate but would condone such a puerile survey.  Our society does neither. The only “rape” jokes our society condones concerns prison rape — and that’s because society actually encourages prison rape as a sort of “added bonus” punishment for any hapless male who lands in prison.  It is ironic that actual prison rape does not garner the outrage that this this sick fratboy humor is generating. Go figure.

This from a guy who doesn’t seem to have ever even bothered to mention the leading anti-prison rape organization, Just Detention, on his web site. (See here for more on the issue on Man Boobz.) Though he does offer three links on his main page to information about the statute of limitation for rape charges, in case anyone reading is worried about getting caught being falsely accused for something they did didn’t do a long time ago.

Meanwhile,rape jokes — and not just prison rape jokes — are everywhere. Harlan, I assume you are at least somewhat familiar with a little site called Reddit, where people not only laugh at rape jokes – they laugh at actual rape!

Meanwhile, in the comments on Harlan’s article, some False Rape Society readers don’t even bother to pretend that the “rape survey” bothers them. According to the commenter called “bad,”

We should be celebrating young men who stand up against misandry. We should be celebrating the frat that said “no means yes” and we should be celebrating the frat that created this survey, if it’s a real story.

An anonymous commenter takes it a step further:

I do not condemn this action,

in fact, I wish I’d thought of it.

It is a brilliant and very appropriate response to the way young men are being treated by college campuses.

When the answer to “who would you like to treat like a rapist” is “all college men”, I think that asking them who they’d like to rape is more than fair.

But it is Harlan’s response to these comments that is the most revealing:

By the way, I read the reaction of Bad and others as a natural backlash … against the unconscionable PC culture of misandry on campus. I happen to disagree with those who suggest this was acceptable, but their remarks should not be construed as evidence that we live in a “rape culture.” Like Steve, I read their comments more as an affirmation that we live in a false rape culture–a culture that more and more men are finding intolerable.

I, on the other hand, doubt that these young men have the first clue about misandry, feminism, or how colleges run roughshod over the rights of young men. I am always amazed when we hear from falsely accused people who “had not idea this goes on.” My guess is they were just being being “funny.” I would, frankly, love to find out I am wrong, and that not only would they never call for a woman to be actually raped, but that this was a protest against the pendulum swinging too far. In that case, I am still not sure I could find it acceptable but it would initiate an entirely different dialogue.

So the survey is “indefensible,” yet a totally understandable reaction to, and protest against, an “unconscionable PC culture of misandry.”

Got it.

EDITED TO ADD: Harlan has written a response, of sorts, to this post. It is a bit — what’s the word I’m looking for here? — zany.

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13 years ago

Well, I won’t take Arks seriously anyway.

13 years ago

Bostonian, clam divers is what did it for you? I stopped as soon as he said “gaping crotch maws” or something to that effect. “Lady gravy” was just, well, gravy.

13 years ago

NWO, where do you live where young girls wear bikinis to the mall in DECEMBER? C’mon, man, TX ain’t that warm right now.

13 years ago

I’m sorry, but that was just funnier to me than lady gravy. Also, I was skimming the longer posts so I think I skipped the crotch maws comment somewhere.

Blood vaginas is a close second.

13 years ago

NWO: You’re the one who advocates that 12 year old girl can act and dress anyway she wants. I wonder why?

Why, because I can control myself. Because I know that a child is a child. I am not a slavering beast who says, “That’s a pretty dress, now I have to fuck the person wearing it.”

I’m an adult, and can control myself.

You are either not an adult; and so unable to control yourself, or a (we can only hope) latent rapist; who wouldn’t quibble to attack a 12 year old; and would then blame her for it.

13 years ago

NWO is wherever women wear transparent clothes year round. I am not sure where that would be, but I know more than a few people who might like to live there.

13 years ago


An excuse for what you advocate, and an excuse for little girls lack of control in one sentence. As a white knight it is your duty to blame men for any woman/girls poor behavior.

13 years ago

NWO, you jackass, kids are barely aware that there’s anything to control. It’s creepy old farts like you who should know better.

You’re vile.

13 years ago


Well you could teach little girls what’s an appropriate way to dress and act. They use’ta do it back in the dark ages. Of course, modern women call that oppression. What’s creepy is modern women and white knights advocating dressing up little girls like washrag whores.

13 years ago

“Blood vaginas”
Bostonian you won this thread I think.

Arks, did you know that periods are actually a myth? Women don’t bleed every month, that would be silly. No, that’s just something we say to reduce the quantity of pussy available, to control the men of course. From time to time we put some pad with ketchup with some rotten fish for the smell, just to keep appearances. And tampons are actually sextoys.

Just to be sure, you do understand those lesbians would not be sleeping with y.., sorry I meant would still genocide you if they weren’t separatists? Because of them being lesbians and all?

13 years ago

Women should be slaves, according to NWO. He is really pissed not to live in the antebellum south.

13 years ago

NWO, if those girls were dressed properly (meaning in a way YOU think is proper), would their acts still be reprehensible? I’d like to know how deep down the hole you are.

13 years ago

Oh cool, I won a thread! I’d like to thank Arks, for being as nutty as a fruitcake, just in time for the holidays!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

NWO has been so gross for so long, I didn’t think he could startle me any more.

But this “those girls were cockteasing sluts and the boy was aroused by them” stuff is… it’s extra bad. It’s like goodbye, breakfast bad.

The only comfort I take is in knowing that most MRAs would actually be disgusted by that too. (They wouldn’t say it, because he’s nominally on their side and God knows it’s more important to HOLD THE LINE, MEN! than to encourage critical thinking. But I’m pretty sure that they’d have trouble with their breakfasts too if they thought about it.) I think you could make Paul Elam barf, NWO.

13 years ago

“Arks, did you know that periods are actually a myth? Women don’t bleed every month, that would be silly. No, that’s just something we say to reduce the quantity of pussy available, to control the men of course. From time to time we put some pad with ketchup with some rotten fish for the smell, just to keep appearances. And tampons are actually sextoys.”

This would be a very clear example of the vile shit you spew.

So to your question… “NWO, I’m still waiting for an answer:
“I’m trying to, but for the life of me I can’t see the logical link between “I use words like ‘fuck’” and “I should be okay watching sexual violence on children””
I hope your delicate sensibilities aren’t too damaged by my harsh words. Somehow you’ll melt like a snowflake at watching that video? You seem quite adept at the most vulgar of language. Yet you’ll no doubt feint in disbelief at overhearing a bad man say, “go make me a sammich.”

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Okay, if I say “I fucking love you, man!” to my boyfriend, that’s a nice thing said with bad words. So it is a nice thing.

If you say “go make me a sammich,” that’s a bad thing said with nice words. So it is a bad thing.

Tomorrow we will do sharing, ABCs, and why not to call a 9-year-old assault victim a sexual beast driven mad with lust for sexy 11-year-olds.

13 years ago

I acknowledge that periods exist. I do however believe that PMS ranges from nonexistant to deeply exaggerated. Maybe it causes you physical pain, but the effects on your mood are pure placebo effect and just another excuse for women to not be held accountable for what they say and do. As if they needed any more.

Also, I’m not seeing the problem with clam divers. Maybe because you guys are all 40+ years old you just don’t know the happening slang of today.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

Critical thinking? You have ideology.

When I start barfing out ketchup, fish and pads in the same sentence.
When I advocate dressing up little girls like cock-tease slutwalkers.
When I advocate slapping men in dresses and make up and acting ultra-femme.
When I advocate slavering beast theory, where support is based on a womans word.

When I start doing these few things out of many, that’s when you can call me gross.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I believe it doesn’t hurt to get hit in the balls. That’s just my belief. Anyway, even if it does hurt physically, there’s no reason to have an emotional reaction to it.

(Wait… Arks, you’re backwards today! You should be accusing us all of having PMS and that’s why we don’t understand man-logic! Because of our lady hormones!

If ladies aren’t crazy because of lady hormones, why are we crazy?)

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

NWO, I love how you can’t keep your “I hate men who act the wrong way” out of your “men’s rights.”

I do not love how you think that because you get a hard-on from small children, they are doing it to you on purpose.

13 years ago

NWO, I think Holly’s slavering beast post wqs about how rapists are not, generally speaking, slavering beasts? And no one is talking about what the girls in the video were wearing but you? And lest you forget, when I described an incident when I was sexually harrassed while wearing an enormous shapeless parka and a balaclava you still basically said it was my fault? And oh yeah, can you describe a non-slutty outfit?

Just for starters. I can’t go back and deal with all the idiocy in this thread.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

Place the blame where it belongs. Stop blaming men for women/girls lack of control.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Place the blame where it belongs. Stop blaming men for women/girls lack of control.

I blame the girls for assaulting the boy.

I do not blame them for giving you a hard-on. I also do not blame them for you imagining the boy also has a hard-on (despite being nine years old and terrified because they are physically attacking him) and sharing that belief so charmingly with us.

13 years ago

If you don’t hold people accountable for their actions then it’s not surprising when they abuse it. Women do this shit because they *can*. It’s opportunism not hormones.
The only biological basis for this behaviour is the value of wombs vs. penes inevitably creating a social structure where women vastly outvalue men.

13 years ago

Arks, I have no problem with clam divers. I just think that phrasing is hilarious.

Blood vaginas for ever!

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