Today, a lesson in advanced Facebook dating mathematics, courtesy of our friend Roissy/Heartiste.
First: fellas, remember that online dating is stacked against us, due to the ability of the ladies to post pictures of themselves looking cute on Facebook – one of the gravest injustices of the modern world. As Heartiste explains, in a post with the bracing title You’ll Need Hard Negs For Facebook Game:
So you’ve got millions of women posting flattering pics of themselves and personal details that are uniformly positive on their FB walls, and you’ve got a bunch of cloying betas feeding the egos of these women even further with painstakingly crafted supportive comments, and you expect to make any headway with tepid game? That is a bitch shield too strong to breach.
But if you must engage the ladies on this unfavorable terrain, remember to adjust your calculations accordingly. As Heartiste explains this new math:
The combination of self-selected profiles and nonstop beta adulation will boost a 5′s self-conception to a 7. Since 5s already have a self-conception of 6 thanks to the phenomenon of female upward dating momentum and the alpha cock carousel, you now have a double-strength bitch shield to bust instead of a single strength.
I’ve prepared a simple chart to illustrate this point:

But wait! There’s more:
Remember, if a 5 believes she’s a 7 (“But I *feel* like a 7!”) she is also going to believe that male 7s are not high enough status for her. Women are not truly happy unless they are dating men 0.5 to 2 sexual market value points higher than themselves.
Five thinks it’s seven. But seven is five. SEVEN IS FIVE!
The reality, of course, is that the male 7 is two full points higher than the female 5. But the Facebook wall has meddled with the primal forces of nature. An unbridgeable chasm brought about by the advance of technology has severed the organically emergent hierarchy of the dating market where there is no escape from soul withering judgments made in mere seconds.
So, as always, the best bet for the modern man is to find some lady in the real world who actually thinks she’s the number she is. Then, simply neg her until she hates herself. That’s how the math is supposed to work.
And this pretty much says everything you need to know about how Brandon’s mind works. It also explains the complete lack of intellectual consistency, goal-post moving, and inherent dishonesty that are the hallmarks of “arguments”. It doesn’t explain the mind-numbing banality of the majority of his ideas and opinions, however.
Brandon, maybe if the things you had to say were more interesting, you wouldn’t find the need to view communication as manipulative.
Polliwog: MrB is, in fact, a geek. We met at an SCA meeting and both play and run tabletop RPG’s.
“The ‘number ranking system’ exists because these men need a consensus on which women are and are not attractive. And they need that consensus because they get more self-worth if they know they’ve won the validation of a collectively agreed upon ‘high-status woman.’ ”
Hey, I actually agree with that!
Not the rest, obviously.
Tesla and Beethoven did a little more than not dating. And they still were not a master race.
Now, who would be interested in created a “master race”, hum, I wonder.
So y’all are going to get started any day now, right? The women of the world have noted your absence, and have yet to start rending our hair or beating our breasts in sadness and protest.
Make with symphonies!
I’d explain why not but I’m very sure you aren’t able right now (or maybe ever? I’m sorry) to understand it.
But no, this is not supposed to be true. This is not supposed to be how life works. People talk to exchange information. We talk to build and strengthen social bonds. We talk to resolve problems. We talk to reassure and receive reassurance; we talk to amuse each other; we talk to help each other think things through clearly. We have a lot of reasons to connect to each other that aren’t about trying to control each other.
How does that make sense?
I’ve been fat and thin, had a lot of sexy times, and never once had an STD. Safe sex, how the fuck does that work?
Oh, and no matter what weight, my standards never changed. You are full of it as usual.
Of course you wold think all communication is manipulative, because you fancy yourself a manipulator.
@Polliwog: And you missed the point.
@Arks: Thanks for the chuckle. However, I do notice that a lot of great men have lived perfectly happy and successful lives without raising a family or having a woman in their life. Since you have more time to hone your skills when you aren’t consumed by the thoughts of getting laid and dating. It is amazing how much time men waste in the hopes of getting their dicks wet.
Um, what are we talking about now!
(I go away and grade a few papers, and ZAP 124 comments!!!)
*settles down to lunch*
What ideas do the MGTOW have, exactly, other than… going their own way? (and they haven’t even done that.)
“These brave men left a legacy of not dating, and will forever be remembered as the dudes who didn’t date. We shall build them a memorial that reaches to the heavens.”
This is so ridiculous. Honestly, I would turn down a Matt Damon look alike PUA, not because I think I’m better than him or more attractive, but because I find a stimulating intellectual conversation and quick wit more attractive than… vague insults?? And shocker, some women like different things! My best friend is a sucker for a nice set of abs and a laid back attitude, another friend loves the old-fashioned chivalry, another is attracted to guys who are adventurous adrenaline junkies. The idea that simply knocking someone down a peg is going to make ALL of us want to sleep with the same guy is ridiculous (and we usually raise our eyebrows at each other’s choices, one night stands or otherwise). Perhaps this is because there is no “What women want” guide that we all reach when we get our period, and we’re all, you know, people?
Plus, doesn’t this whole “theory” work on the idea that attractive women have tons of self-esteem but fat/non-supermodel women don’t? The whole notion is ridiculous. There are plenty of “9”s and “10”s with body dysmorphic syndromes and plenty of self-confident and rocking it “4s.”
OK, Arks, GO–get cracking on your symphony or whatthefuckever. Chop, chop, time’s a wastin’.
Successful, maybe, depending on how you define success. But happy? Beethoven was deeply, excruciatingly unhappy all his life. And he did devote considerable time to getting his dick wet, as you put it, particularly with women who were hopelessly unattainable. So both you and Arks are ignorant as fuck. Not to mention the fact that neither of you in any way compare to Beethoven, Newton or Tesla.
I’m going to throw this one out to the crowd, because a) I’m about to get my phonology on and b) I really don’t like talking to you. But here’s a start!
You feel so entitled to a level of deference from your romantic partner that you’re willing to punish your child when they don’t meet it.
You feel so entitled peace of mind as far as FRA that you consider it more important than your partner’s right to informed consent.
The MGTOW legacy will be one of ideas not genetics.
So far the only MGTOW idea I’ve encountered is “Girls are icky.” And guess what? You all aren’t the first ones to postulate this ground-breaking theory. Not by a fucking long shot.
@Polliwog: And you missed the point.
Brandon, it’s virtually impossible to miss the point of your posts, because they all have the same point: “I’m Brandon! Look at me! I’m Brandon! Brandon Brandon Brandon! Look at me! Look at me not caring if you look at me! Look at MEEEEEEEEEEEEE I’M BRANDON.”
Amused – No, lots of men have absolutely been successful without having romantic lives. But they were successful because of whatever other productive thing they did, not because they eschewed the wicked ways of women.
I know right? I mean, history provides precious few examples of great men who were married/dated/had families. And, clearly, the majority of men who don’t date/marry/have families are all happy and successful.
…This whole thing rapidly becomes massively erasing of gay and bi people, but what else is new?
Well, Holly, I was specifically talking about Beethoven, Tesla and Newton. I should have made that clear though. I was in no way suggesting that having a romantic relationship is a prerequisite to success.
@Holly: Really? The comedian is trying to make you laugh. Your friends talk to you because they want you to relate and validate their thoughts and ideas. If you dissect the communication you hear through out the day, you will find a lot of it is controlling or trying to control you. Some is explicit while some is implicit. Some is subtle, while some isn’t.
@Hellkell: Just because it doesn’t apply to you personally, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t an actual trend that is happening.
Also, “sexy times”? What are you 12 years old?
Or, the girl thought she was being coy and didn’t realize that the good Captain read it as disinterest and attempted, too late, to use a more direct approach. There are plenty of reasonable explanations beyond the idea that women can’t form their own opinions outside of the notion of “preselection.”
That’s an option I hadn’t considered, but it is certainly possible. On reflection, I think what’s most likely is that her interest evolved over time, and by the time she decided to make her move I was already taken. Aside from the notion of “pre-selection,” this person had other issues as well, and so I am glad we didn’t end up together.
Again, people are complicated.
Really, Brandon, the question is what are you trying to achieve here?
If you’re trying to manipulate us, you’re failing massively.
Unless you’re manipulating us into thinking you’re hilariously unpleasant and pigheaded? I guess the question you have to ask yourself is what you get out of that.
Yeah, Arks. Guys like you who spend all of your time trolling the internet to “stick it” to uppity women are exactly the same as Beethoven and Newton. Bwahahahaha!!
@Viscaria: I am not asking anyone to defer to me. I am asking for respect if you want my respect. Having anyone man or woman barking orders at me like I am their slave doesn’t show that you respect that person.
Also, the idea that not giving your kids a few pens and paper is “punishment” or abuse is absurd. Children in third world countries don’t even have clean clothes and shoes…but noooo I would be a terrible father if I said no to a few pens and paper. Please. That is the problem with people like you…you think it is abuse when you don’t get your way. It isn’t abuse and saying it is insults children that are actually being abused.
OMG…I have an interest in my own self protection/interests and defense. I am soooo entitled because I value myself over other people!!! Ya…ok.