Today, a lesson in advanced Facebook dating mathematics, courtesy of our friend Roissy/Heartiste.
First: fellas, remember that online dating is stacked against us, due to the ability of the ladies to post pictures of themselves looking cute on Facebook – one of the gravest injustices of the modern world. As Heartiste explains, in a post with the bracing title You’ll Need Hard Negs For Facebook Game:
So you’ve got millions of women posting flattering pics of themselves and personal details that are uniformly positive on their FB walls, and you’ve got a bunch of cloying betas feeding the egos of these women even further with painstakingly crafted supportive comments, and you expect to make any headway with tepid game? That is a bitch shield too strong to breach.
But if you must engage the ladies on this unfavorable terrain, remember to adjust your calculations accordingly. As Heartiste explains this new math:
The combination of self-selected profiles and nonstop beta adulation will boost a 5′s self-conception to a 7. Since 5s already have a self-conception of 6 thanks to the phenomenon of female upward dating momentum and the alpha cock carousel, you now have a double-strength bitch shield to bust instead of a single strength.
I’ve prepared a simple chart to illustrate this point:

But wait! There’s more:
Remember, if a 5 believes she’s a 7 (“But I *feel* like a 7!”) she is also going to believe that male 7s are not high enough status for her. Women are not truly happy unless they are dating men 0.5 to 2 sexual market value points higher than themselves.
Five thinks it’s seven. But seven is five. SEVEN IS FIVE!
The reality, of course, is that the male 7 is two full points higher than the female 5. But the Facebook wall has meddled with the primal forces of nature. An unbridgeable chasm brought about by the advance of technology has severed the organically emergent hierarchy of the dating market where there is no escape from soul withering judgments made in mere seconds.
So, as always, the best bet for the modern man is to find some lady in the real world who actually thinks she’s the number she is. Then, simply neg her until she hates herself. That’s how the math is supposed to work.
CB – I actually agree with you there. Being not-desperate is a desirable thing, and I think a lot of men (and women!) could stand to learn that.
But there’s a difference between “people are more interested in me when I’m not on my knees begging to be loved” and PUAs’ ridiculous games with assessing everyone’s relative sexiness value and then manipulating the values through cunning application of assholery.
It’s one of those things with the germ of a good idea–people want to date someone who wants them, not someone who needs them–and a whole lot of bullshit.
(I think some PUA “success” is also attributable to the simple fact that they tell otherwise oblivious guys to put on decent clothing and deodorant, and that right there makes a big difference…)
@Viscaria: And how am I entitled? I don’t think the world or anybody owns me anything.
@Julie: I don’t buy into the stupid hypnotism and cheap magic tricks that some of the “gurus” peddle. In fact, I have never bought anything from a PUA. Not a seminar, book, e-book, nothing.
While I do think parts of PUA are stupid (e.g extreme peacocking), I do think that teaching men to not be needy, show strong body language, think highly of themselves and learning conversational skills is a good idea.
“T’was brillyg, and ye slythy toves
Did gyre and gymble in ye wabe:
All mimsy were ye borogoves
And ye momeraths outgrabe.”
Okay, this one might actually work on me. Or, at least, I’d cheerfully come back with the next stanza. I approve of people who randomly burst into poetry and/or song.
Brandon! Arks called you a white night beta mangina! Are you gonna let that stand? FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
Gets popcorn.
Capt Bathrobe, I have no issue with presentation. I have no issue with confidence. I do have issues with downright manipulation for the sole goal of fucking someone, male or female.
Fair enough, and Game is just that–manipulation. The PUAs and those who sail with them like to posit a false dichotomy: either you are a puppy-dog unfuckable loser, or you have GAME, which will presumably cause women to throw themselves at you. The notion that you can be a decent person who just learns to present themselves better doesn’t seem to exist in their world.
Capt Bathrobe: That was extremely eloquent and I completely agree with you. The fact that the girl was flirting with you after you met your future wife is what they call “preselection”.. Basically you are more attractive when more women find you attractive. Kind of a snowball effect.
Or, what Holly said better.
Juliejezebel, it’s mind boggling isn’t it? It’s like being called a bitch by some guy because you didn’t respond to his pick-up attempt the way he wanted.
You know, I remember reading one of the first iterations of “How to Succeed With Women” back before I was aware of the “manosphere”, or the whole PUA thing. I remember thinking that quite a bit of the advice was just common sense and feeling a bit bad that there were men who were attempting to make romantic connections with women without understanding some very basic ideas like: clean clothes and a decent hair cut can’t hurt, make eye contact, be friendly and talk to women, etc.
It had, honestly, never occurred to me that such elementary advice about communication would be necessary. I came to recognize, eventually, that this was because of my relative privilege of being very at ease in social settings and a very effective communicator. So I don’t think there’s anything wrong, necessarily, with some of the advice provided. I just can’t believe so many men buy into the more recent ideas presented as gospel truth by these hucksters: negs, touch-esclation (a good way to draw back a fucking nub), etc.
If these things worked like the safe-cracking codes they’re presented to be, why do we get guys like sex-bot and MRAL showing up and complaining about how women only want to date Brad Pitt?
Yeah, common sense would indicate that most women, regardless of Brandon’s opinion of their attractiveness, have different (not necessarily lower) standards than a celebrity whose personal fortune is considerable and who, literally, gets paid to maintain and improve their looks. And, not to drag too much pop-culture gossip into the discussion, but who says that Aniston’s standards are high? Her current paramour is not especially wealthy, handsome, or successful for circles in which she moves. He wasn’t even single when they met.
A group of people who will bear zero offspring, by definition, cannot be a “master race.” You will die out in one generation, you maroon.
Brandon, are you talking about a star’s sex life, ie gossiping?? No! You wouldn’t!
Things that increase someone’s odd to, let’s say, kiss me:
– talking about tv or movies, included but not limited to: dr who, firefly, games of throne.
– talking about SF books.
– talking about video games I know
– talking about a political subject I care about
– talking about nonsensical subjects
– talking about things I don’t know but that are interesting
– making non-offensive jokes
– not being an entitled asshole
– fitting my view of cute and/or sexy.
– me being in want to meet someone. Seriously, that helps, a lot.
Jeez, I have Brandon agreeing with me! What I am doing wrong, here? You read that part about how this behavior is not unique to women, right?
God, if only. If only you all would go your own way and stop whining about women, and find meaning in your lives. Please. Do it. I beg of you. Go.
Also, please note that I went with the woman who liked me for me, and who really had no idea whether I was dating anyone else. Future Mrs. B. asked me out, and paid for everything, too, on our first date. So, yay feminism!
Or, the girl thought she was being coy and didn’t realize that the good Captain read it as disinterest and attempted, too late, to use a more direct approach. There are plenty of reasonable explanations beyond the idea that women can’t form their own opinions outside of the notion of “preselection.”
@Julie: Most communication is goal oriented, thus manipulative on some level. You are either trying to persuade someone or command them to do something.
@Holly: I actually agree and disagree with Arks. I agree that men shouldn’t derive their happiness from women but the whole “MGTOW race” is just silly.
@KathleenB: You have standards…just lower than say…Jennifer Aniston.
Good grief, this is idiotic.
I think it is overwhelmingly likely that KathleenB has standards that are different than Jennifer Aniston’s. For example, Jennifer Aniston’s standards probably include something like “is willing to be chased around by paparazzi for the duration of our relationship,” while Kathleen B’s likely do not – but it’s both possible and likely that KathleenB’s standards include things like “is a geek who is into RPGs” while Aniston’s probably do not. One of those things isn’t “higher” or “lower” than the other, because, contrary to the idiocy PUAs spout, there isn’t some sort of magical objective scale of human worth as a romantic/sexual partner.My standards include things like “must be very, very smart” but do not include “must be very, very conventionally handsome.” (Hence, among other reasons, why I have zero interest in Brad Pitt.) There are unquestionably people who go the other way. One of those things is not a “higher standard” than the other, unless you’re a moron that believes your preferences must be everyone’s preferences.
Heartiste has made a lot of posts about text/email/Facebook game which makes me think that the main contacts his fans have with women is pestering them on Facebook or sending them emails like the one that was posted here last week.
Oh, well since most communication is manipulative on some level, let’s rock and roll! Sex Lies and Videotapes!
No, Captain. Sorry. No woman has ever experienced the phenomenon of a man giving mixed signals, let alone paying her more attention after she falls for someone else. It’s about women and “preselection”.
So what, MGTOW trolls decide to stick around and declare loudly to women and feminists how much they don’t care about women and feminists?
Well, I’ve heard stupider I guess…
@blitzgal “A group of people who will bear zero offspring, by definition, cannot be a “master race.” You will die out in one generation, you maroon.”
Beethoven had no children. Tesla had no children. Newton had no children. Are you saying they weren’t peak human beings? Are you saying they died out and were forgotten?
The MGTOW legacy will be one of ideas not genetics. When men wake up and smell the rancid yeasty vagina, it’ll shake the world more than discovering gravity or writing a symphony ever did. Our values will last longer than the dropout alpha spawn bitches are pumping out.
Yeah, it’s probably time to go back to what BlackBloc said – Facebook is not a dating site. I’ve never made a date on Facebook (except with someone I was already going out with), because that’s where I talk to people who are already my friends.
If someone’s cruising Facebook photos for hotties, that’s not like picking someone up at the bar; that’s like walking into a group of friends without introducing yourself, jumping in the middle of a conversation, and trying to pick someone up.
@Capt Bathrobe: Most of this falls under psychology. So a lot of what some PUA’s talk about equally applies to men as well. However, they aren’t concerned with how it affects men, because they aren’t interested in dating men. So a lot of the “women do X” can also be expanded to “men and women do X”. You just don’t hear the “men do X” parts because PUA’s don’t give a shit about making men more attracted to them.
Okay, Arks, go your own way! Go!
Why are you wasting your valuable man-time telling a bunch of women (far too inferior to understand you!) about it? You could be doing MAN THINGS right now!