beta males creepy douchebaggery I'm totally being sarcastic kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA

When 5 is 7: Advanced Facebook dating math, according to the dude who actually calls himself “Heartiste”

Cats also think they're all that.

Today, a lesson in advanced Facebook dating mathematics, courtesy of our friend Roissy/Heartiste.

First: fellas, remember that online dating is stacked against us, due to the ability of the ladies to post pictures of themselves looking cute on Facebook – one of the gravest injustices of the modern world. As Heartiste explains, in a post with the bracing title You’ll Need Hard Negs For Facebook Game:

So you’ve got millions of women posting flattering pics of themselves and personal details that are uniformly positive on their FB walls, and you’ve got a bunch of cloying betas feeding the egos of these women even further with painstakingly crafted supportive comments, and you expect to make any headway with tepid game? That is a bitch shield too strong to breach.

But if you must engage the ladies on this unfavorable terrain, remember to adjust your calculations accordingly. As Heartiste explains this new math:

The combination of self-selected profiles and nonstop beta adulation will boost a 5′s self-conception to a 7. Since 5s already have a self-conception of 6 thanks to the phenomenon of female upward dating momentum and the alpha cock carousel, you now have a double-strength bitch shield to bust instead of a single strength.

I’ve prepared a simple chart to illustrate this point:

How to date on Facebook

But wait! There’s more:

Remember, if a 5 believes she’s a 7 (“But I *feel* like a 7!”) she is also going to believe that male 7s are not high enough status for her. Women are not truly happy unless they are dating men 0.5 to 2 sexual market value points higher than themselves.

Five thinks it’s seven. But seven is five. SEVEN IS FIVE!

The reality, of course, is that the male 7 is two full points higher than the female 5. But the Facebook wall has meddled with the primal forces of nature. An unbridgeable chasm brought about by the advance of technology has severed the organically emergent hierarchy of the dating market where there is no escape from soul withering judgments made in mere seconds.

So, as always, the best bet for the modern man is to find some lady in the real world who actually thinks she’s the number she is. Then, simply neg her until she hates herself. That’s how the math is supposed to work.

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13 years ago

This makes her more available since she will tend to be more forgiving of any negative traits the guy has.

HAHAHAHAHA. And today on “Things Brandon Doesn’t Understand,” he doesn’t understand that just because a woman is fat, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have standards. Standards that EVEN YOU may not meet.

Brandon thinks all women should be grateful for his attention and willing to overlook his many shortcomings.

I know you think every woman on Earth is just dying to fall all over you, but it really doesn’t work that way.

I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that B was a former “nice guy.”

13 years ago

Brandon, so not only are you just making an insult neg, you have no basis for it actually TO be an insult neg.

And it’s all about “opening” a girl, nothing else. The fat ones will fuck you pretty easily so don’t insult them. Praise them! (get some tail) The thin ones won’t fuck you so easily so insult them so they will fuck you! (get some tail).

Does it occur to you that lots of people get tail without it being some kind of weird methodical process designed not to get to know a person, but to manipulate them into thinking…I dont’ know what it’s manipulating them to think.

Many of us get laid because we like each other and we like sex. Odd, isn’t it.

13 years ago

Brandon: The difference between a good manicure and grocery store press on nails is nontrivial and obvious to someone paying attention. I’m not a nail person (at all, I keep mine cut nearly to the quick and can’t polish for shit) and I can tell the difference.

13 years ago

I have a fairly large family and use facebook exclusively to keep track of what the kids are doing lately or keep in touch with people I’ve met socially traveling whose paths I’m likely to cross again.

That’s it, but then I’m an adult. What I have noticed though is the young women who post the cute pics of themselves tend to be exclusively in the under 20 ago bracket with the majority being under 18.

This doesn’t shock me at all. What mra types simply do not and will never understand about these girls that elude them so is posting “hot” pictures of yourself on facebook is an indication that you’re not quite grown into your skin yet. I’m not saying low-self-esteem”, but simply still awkward. No one in my family has ever posted overly revealing pictures of themselves but the young girls definitely go through a phase of finding the cutest pictures to post.

Stupid awful girls teasing you with their good looks. Nothing at all to do with the process of maturing.

My 17 year old son posts his body-building shots, shots of him fighting, pictures of him with girls. I have every confidence that once he hits 21 or so he’ll have better things to do unless he goes pro MMA and then I guess that would be his job.

How old is this Roeissy supposed to be?

I have a question regarding mra’s, which one is it?

A. They have not gone through a maturation process.
B. They have forgotten it
C. they don’t believe females mature
D. They want to believe that females do not mature in mind after their bodies have matured.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I don’t think I’d want to date a woman who responded to “negs.” It would lay the foundation for game playing and dishonesty in the relationship.

This is distinct from the concept of banter, which may involve friendly jibes that go both ways, and is best performed with someone you know at least slightly well. Self-deprecating humor, not carried to an extreme, is also a good indicator that a person can laugh at themselves.

Mrs Bathrobe seems to favor shy, awkward, funny nerds…which is why we ended up together, I guess. If I’d started out with negs, she’d have been out the door, and rightly so.

13 years ago

“you’ve got something in your hair” is now a flirting technique? OMG, I’ve been hit on, like, dozens of time without noticing it. Whatever, most of it was when I wasn’t interesting in sexual relationship.

13 years ago

@Viscaria: Actually, since I lived with my single mother for most of my life. The majority of the knowledge I had about women came from my mother. I would come home and ask my mother “I like this girl, how do I get her to notice me?” or “This girl is awesome, how should I ask her out?” or “What is a good first date?”. etc…

So for the most part, my views about how to interact with women…came from a woman. I was constantly going to my mother for “advice”, only to be steered in the wrong direction. It wasn’t until I did the complete opposite was I even remotely successful. I found out that what women say they want isn’t always what they actually respond to.

13 years ago

Brandon ignored his mom’s advice because she’s a feminist.

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Here’s a fun story. I’m fat and ugly, right? And I’ve been single at times.

I’ve had guys approach me, while I was single, and turned them down. Not because I thought I was too good for them but because I just didn’t like them. It wasn’t “I’m better than you, so we’re incompatible”; it was “I don’t feel attracted to you, so we’re incompatible.”

Dating isn’t just this economic process of getting the highest-quality man my sexiness can afford. It’s also about whether I actually want to spend time with someone. Sometimes I’d rather be alone.

13 years ago

Holly: Iknew it tickled something – I’m not a Carroll fan, seriously, his stuff reads like he mixed absinthe, acid and opium and wrote out what he remembered in the morning.

13 years ago

I love it. Can’t tell the difference between press-on nails and an expensive manicure, but thinks he has observations about women that are worth something. Priceless. Tell us another.

And again, a man interrupts a woman’s day/life/conversation/book-reading/what ever because he</i? finds her physically attractive but she’s the person with the big ego.

13 years ago

@Hellkell: Believe what you want, but I have found fat girls are much more “slutty” than skinny girls.

I also saw a study that fat girls have more sex and they have a higher STD infection rate. But I don’t really know how credible it is. Although it does make sense.

13 years ago

This, “And again, a man interrupts a woman’s day/life/conversation/book-reading/what ever because he</i? finds her physically attractive but she’s the person with the big ego."

13 years ago

@Holly: This line sums it up:

it was “I don’t feel attracted to you, so we’re incompatible.”

Why werent you attracted to him?

The whole point of PUA is so that more women WILL say “I feel attracted to you”.

13 years ago

Ah, yes, we fat chicks have no self esteem or standards and will fuck anything that negs us. Because we’re ugly and desperate. Suuuure. You just keep believing that.

13 years ago

@KathleenB: You have standards…just lower than say…Jennifer Aniston.

13 years ago

So for the most part, my views about how to interact with women…came from a woman. I was constantly going to my mother for “advice”, only to be steered in the wrong direction.


I still think you were an entitled little jerk who hid behind “niceness”, and you’re the same entitled jerk without the facade now. Also slightly bigger. Not really sure how you thought that story would change my opinion.

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

it was “I don’t feel attracted to you, so we’re incompatible.”

Why werent you attracted to him?

Sometimes because I wasn’t looking for anyone at the time. And nothing could make me change that. I’d planned to go out and then come home alone and I carried out my plan.

Sometimes because he wasn’t my type. Not “less than I’m worth” not my type, but “different than I want” not my type.

Sometimes because his approach was overbearing or threatening, and I would be afraid for my safety if I got alone with him.

13 years ago

The whole point of PUA is to what? If she isn’t attracted to him, how are cheap parlor tricks, beginner level hypnotism, and negging giong to make a woman attracted to you. At best, she’ll get fooled into thinking something isn’t true. But that won’t matter will it Brandon, so long as the man is getting laid. And sure as shootin’, soon as he pumps, he’ll dump right? Cause any chick he’s able to get on his cock carousel, has to be a slut.

What is the fucking point? If she’s not attracted to you, find someone who actually is. Make yourself into the best you you can be and find the women who really LIKE YOU.

I know, I know, that’s not the point. Getting laid is, no matter if she likes you or not.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Although the concept of “game” sounds like snake oil, I think there is definitely something to be said for self-presentation when dating. I’ve found that being too eager is definitely a turn-off for most women, whereas being desired by other women appears to be something of a turn-on for some. When in graduate school, I asked out a woman who constantly gave me mixed signals and ambivalence–until I started dating the future Mrs. Bathrobe, and then this other woman couldn’t stop flirting with me. That, by itself, was a sign that I had chosen correctly.

I think, however, that these behaviors are not unique to women. It’s somewhat akin to the phenomenon of, paradoxically, creating more demand for certain products or services by raising the price. Some people assume, in the absence of any other objective criteria, that the higher-priced product or service must be better than lower-priced ones.

Which is why I think that the best way to find a life partner is to create a life for yourself in which you don’t need a life partner. Want, yes–need, no. Few things are more attractive, IMHO, than a person who is able to be content and happy all by themselves, even if they might prefer some company. As always, YMMV.

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

True fact: An ugly woman can say no to a Pittclone, not because she thinks she’s better than him, but because she’s just not interested in him.

“Not interested” DOES NOT EQUAL REALLY IT DOESN’T “better than.”

13 years ago

The other thing about game is that they take a guy who’s terrified of approaching ANY women, and pump him up so that he has the confidence to approach hundreds of women. OF COURSE he’s going to have more sex after HE ACTUALLY STARTS TALKING TO WOMEN. For fuck’s sake.

13 years ago

Capt Bathrobe, I have no issue with presentation. I have no issue with confidence. I do have issues with downright manipulation for the sole goal of fucking someone, male or female.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Gosh, Holly, it’s like women are complicated human beings with flaws, free will, and often idiosyncratic preferences. Who knew?

13 years ago

The problem with Roissy and his ilk is that they are as enslaved to the feminist agenda as the betas and white knights they deride. The ‘number ranking system’ exists because these men need a consensus on which women are and are not attractive. And they need that consensus because they get more self-worth if they know they’ve won the validation of a collectively agreed upon ‘high-status woman.’ In other words, they have fallen right into the hungry vagina trap that ensnares 99% of males. Women have manipulated men for years by making their approval the source of a man’s self-esteem and happiness, and profit from linking ‘greater female attractiveness’ with ‘greater ability to prositute resources.’ If you buy into the PUA nonsense then you are just enabling this sociopathic behaviour.

This is why I advocate MGTOW. This is why Men Going Their Own Way are the master race. We have seen women, and we want nothing to do with them or their cock receptacles. To a MGTOW, all women are zeroes. We will find meaning outside of your sick system.