Today, a lesson in advanced Facebook dating mathematics, courtesy of our friend Roissy/Heartiste.
First: fellas, remember that online dating is stacked against us, due to the ability of the ladies to post pictures of themselves looking cute on Facebook – one of the gravest injustices of the modern world. As Heartiste explains, in a post with the bracing title You’ll Need Hard Negs For Facebook Game:
So you’ve got millions of women posting flattering pics of themselves and personal details that are uniformly positive on their FB walls, and you’ve got a bunch of cloying betas feeding the egos of these women even further with painstakingly crafted supportive comments, and you expect to make any headway with tepid game? That is a bitch shield too strong to breach.
But if you must engage the ladies on this unfavorable terrain, remember to adjust your calculations accordingly. As Heartiste explains this new math:
The combination of self-selected profiles and nonstop beta adulation will boost a 5′s self-conception to a 7. Since 5s already have a self-conception of 6 thanks to the phenomenon of female upward dating momentum and the alpha cock carousel, you now have a double-strength bitch shield to bust instead of a single strength.
I’ve prepared a simple chart to illustrate this point:
But wait! There’s more:
Remember, if a 5 believes she’s a 7 (“But I *feel* like a 7!”) she is also going to believe that male 7s are not high enough status for her. Women are not truly happy unless they are dating men 0.5 to 2 sexual market value points higher than themselves.
Five thinks it’s seven. But seven is five. SEVEN IS FIVE!
The reality, of course, is that the male 7 is two full points higher than the female 5. But the Facebook wall has meddled with the primal forces of nature. An unbridgeable chasm brought about by the advance of technology has severed the organically emergent hierarchy of the dating market where there is no escape from soul withering judgments made in mere seconds.
So, as always, the best bet for the modern man is to find some lady in the real world who actually thinks she’s the number she is. Then, simply neg her until she hates herself. That’s how the math is supposed to work.
What is with MRAs and Amanda Marcotte? I don’t know if you’re an MRA but I’m starting to think they have a thing for her or something.
Anyway, I agree with what you said. You don’t want to be dealing with those types of people. My problem though is with how PUAs feel they have the right to police and manipulate women into conforming to their standards. What right do they have to dictate how a woman behaves? do they think it’s ok when women do the same thing when they try to change their men? No they don’t. In fact I notice it makes them very angry when women try to tell men to do anything. Even when feminists suggest that men speak out against rape they fly into a rage because they interpret it as saying all men rape when that is clearly not what feminists are trying to say.
Basically when I read the way PUAs talk about dating and relationships, it all sounds like one huge power struggle. Absolutely pointless and a huge turn off. Whatever happened to compatibility? I get that couples go through difficult periods, but if the answer is to manipulate and punish, personally I would rather be alone than deal with that shit.
Everytime the trolls complain about the word creep I end up listening the The Creep by The Lonley Island.
Nikki Minaj is a lady creep in that video, isn’t that proof enough that creep isn’t a gendered insult?
Quakers, I identify neither as MRA or Feminist….
as far as MRA’s vs. Amanda Marcotte-I don’t know specifically where they have a bone to pick, I can say where I disagree…
Did someone say something about secret witch covens and tumblr?
I don’t agree that a man who won’t go down on a woman is a misogynist. Only when he expects blow jobs does it become a problem.
Also I fail to see what is so horrible about Amanda Marcotte stating she doesn’t like beards. Neither do I. It’s a preference and it’s not the same as saying men CAN’T have beards, that would be ridiculous. Many men are very vocal about what they find unattractive in a woman, especially the manosphere. MRAL is doing it right now in the other thread actually. So they shouldn’t feel offended when women state the same or else they look like hypocritical whiny children.
Also you can’t fault Amanda for hating beards simply because they are natural. Body hair on women is natural too. But most men would scream if all women suddenly stopped shaving their legs and pits.
Arks said
“Go to a comics or anime convention. Creepy, repulsive women everywhere. Lurk on tumblr. It’s like their secret witch coven ”
Dude.. these women are your peers. Live with the fact you are not getting a super model. They might just have common interests like you.
What’s interesting to me is our middle daughter who is really cute (and pretty) is in the middle of anything to do with some sort of geek convention. more then half the things that come out of her mouth we have no idea about (finally figured out “The Doctor” was a Doctor Who reference… we’re idiots but we were concerned for her health) Yes.. idiots.
She’s dated 6 or so guys. Her first was hideous, living with his mother and about 30 cats spraying around the house, pretending sickness so she wouldn’t leave the country for vacation without him.
Then she dated a so called german engineer. But he wasn’t by a long shot. Spent way to many hours telling us about his vast accomplishments, way too many hours… they were all bogus. He broke up with her, their still friends. They didn’t break up because he lied about his entire life.
Then there was the mute guy Joey the Emo pot smoker. Not a lot of fun.
After that she has pretty much dated and been friends with great guys. All of them very much of the geek variety like herself but not losers by a long shot.
So Arks.. when you are with your peers……. (those that go to such conventions) … maybe you are hanging out with YOUR PEERS.
actually that link I dropped isn’t a great example of where I disagree **specifically** with Amanda Marcotte, I sort of realized that after I left it-my main disagreement was mainly with Jill….
It is ironic though, as that reveals many inconsistencies from several sides….
again fair enough if she doesn’t like facial hair… I’ve heard many men state they don’t like pubic hair on a woman….. She could’ve been nicer about it (“germ farm face pube crumb catchers”), but I know you can find many examples where men weren’t nicer about their preferences….
I think it was an older claim, since shaved pubic hair is more mainstream in the past 15 years or so but some women said that it was creepy and kind of pedo that guys liked shaved pubic areas on women.
“I don’t agree that a man who won’t go down on a woman is a misogynist. Only when he expects blow jobs does it become a problem. ”
In my personal life I operate by a you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours and lets leave it there….
“But most men would scream if all women suddenly stopped shaving their legs and pits.”
I don’t know why, but that made me think of the old Batman movie where the Joker put Smilex in hygiene products…..
I remember there was one scene where the newscasters just looked awful….
You like Roissy because he a) says what you want to hear, and b) is perhaps even more pathetic than you.
MRAL asked a girl out in a normal, non-obnoxious way, which makes him way less pathetic than Roissy.
Having worked in the geekly arts for over ten years, I have encountered creepy people of all possible genders.
I don’t think you have ever been to one of these conventions before. The women I am talking about are legitimate creeps, as in no respect for personal space or boundaries. Women who follow people around, harrass them and won’t listen to their objections (and of course, never get called out on it – these princesses can do no wrong after all). That they look like greasy buttered manatees.and not supermodels is irrelevant.
Although I have to say, I find most women incredibly creepy. Not in a neckbeard sense but more of an ‘uncanny valley’ sense. There’s just something unsettling about a human being that doesn’t really have any thoughts of its own; that goes through its life without any real passions or interests or opinions. It’s sci-fi dystopia shit except it’s happening in real life. 3 billion people where you can almost see the gears in their head grinding to a halt when you refer to the world outside of facebook and texting and what their boyfriends are doing.
Creepy, creepy shit.
Arks, dude, I’ve been to cons before. Lots of socially awkward people at any con (some cons even remind people to wear deodorant in the con etiquette guide). And people are freaky around celebrities sometimes too.
I’m sorry that all the women you know are apparently terrible, but I know lots of women with passions and interests. Karate, video games, fencing, dragons, fantasy novels, art, chemistry, physics… I even know (gasp) asexual and asocial women.
Also, it’s 3.5 billion people now, unless you’re alloting 1 billion people to the genderqueers.
We’ve talked about this before, MRAL. Are you experiencing memory loss? Sleep deprivation can do that. Anyway, as has been mentioned before, women can be creepy too. I’ve given you examples of this in past threads. I work with bands sometimes, and some of their female fans are creepy as hell. Some of them are pretty, too – attractive people can also be creepy. The women who someone posted a video of the other day who asked David Tennant if she could pet his hair? Also creepy.
“A neg such as “Your nails look nice, are they press ons?”.
Is that even a neg? That’s just going to get a response of “huh? No, they’re real.” or “yep, aren’t they nice ones?”
I’m having trouble seeing how that wounds a woman to the point where she’ll sleep with a man, any man, just to prove I’m still beautiful!”
Back when I used to go out to bars more often, and PUA was just hitting its stride, I had guys approach me like that a lot. Common real-life responses were as follows.
A. Confused look. Huh?
B. Why is the random dude in the ugly shirt being rude to me for no apparent reason? Frown, walk away.
C. Realize that dude is attempting to neg me. Laugh at him, then go tell my friends so that they can point and laugh too for the rest of the night every time we see the guy,
I can actually see how negging would work on a certain, very specific sort of woman, but the problem is that most women are not that sort of woman. And even then it’s not guaranteed to work if the guy is sufficiently unimpressive looking, or awkward.
Next time he oughta try that while sporting a William Shatner “Death Mask”, see how well that works out for him.
My younger brother (who has a number of female friends) has seen the PUA stuff so many times when he’s out drinking with his friends that he’s developed a stock response.
The PUA (who doesn’t know anyone in the group of friends, but has simply gate-crashed because he’s obviously singled out his “target” is doing all the textbook things (alternating between ignoring/negging/generally being an arse). My brother turns to the guy, looks him straight in the eye and says with a smile: “You really remind me a lot of someone I used to know in high school. (Thoughful pause). Yes, he talked the way you do too.” For some reason, this threw the aspiring PUA off balance and he eventually skulked off.
Game people will probably say my brother out-Alphaed him or some shit like that, but in fact it was just a way of calling him out on his rude, incongurous, and immature behaviour.
Blahblahblah, women aren’t human…..WHY WON’T YOU FUCK ME?!?!?!
Time for some introspection, Arks. You’re the reason you’re miserable.
blitzgal: Between “women don’t have any thoughts of their own, passions or interests” and his charming “wake up and smell the rancid yeasty vagina” I’m not sure Arks actually wants to have anything to do with women, let alone fuck them. He just wants to Go his Own Way. I’m not exactly sure what’s stopping him, but there you are.
“There’s just something unsettling about a human being that doesn’t really have any thoughts of its own; that goes through its life without any real passions or interests or opinions. It’s sci-fi dystopia shit except it’s happening in real life. 3 billion people where you can almost see the gears in their head grinding to a halt when you refer to the world outside of facebook and texting and what their boyfriends are doing.”
I really don’t think Arks is from this universe.
They say they’re going their own way, why does this way has to be every feminist blog they can find? I tell you sisterz (including manginas), we are still too kind and too fluffy to repeal them.
Kyrie: Much like little children running away from home, MGTOW don’t think it’s very much fun to go their own way if nobody knows they’re going.
What is quite peculiar is that if Arks really thinks women are thoughtless automatons, then why does he spend so much time posting messages on a blog and forum with a large membership contingent of people who by his assertion have gears in their heads generating worthless opinions — surely it would not be worth him spending his time this way? It is exceedingly curious. But then as I said earlier people like Arks regularly produce rantings that would be right at home amongst the tightly constrained dogmas of wacky religious cults, and Arks’ vision of a sci-fi dystopia is so far divorced from both rationality and everyday reality that it might as well be word salad.
Also, Arks, why no love for manatees? Manatees are awesome, and greasy buttered manatees could only be better. Mmm, slippery!
This guy is off his meds!