Found on Wedded Abyss, linked to by some MRA dude on Reddit. I believe the thing on the right is a high-heeled shoe, which like most high-heel shoes has a woman’s mouth on it with a chain coming from out of the mouth, with a little silhouetto of a man in handcuffs attached to it. Because that totally is what marriage is all about these days, amirite fellas? We’re just tiny silhouettes of men chained to the giant mouth-having shoe of feminazi injustice!!
Aren’t women’s hideous feet perfectly well hidden in flats?
Or socks, for that matter.
If the feet are gross, a shower before sex might help.
I’m pretty sure since a) all sex is exactly like mainstream porn, and b) when women (frequently) wear shoes in mainstream porn they are stilettos, it is impossible to wear flats or just socks to bed.
I would suggest occasional pedicures, but that would enrage the milkslave. It’s so difficult living up to the combined standards set by our resident trolls!
Or athlete’s foot treatment! I’m surprised how many people don’t know that feet aren’t supposed to have horrible skin. If your foot-skin is all cracking and flaky and gross, that’s not “yep, feet are gross”; a lot of the time it’s an infection and a few rounds of athlete’s foot cream can make it nice again.
^^This. It took me a long time to figure this out for myself. Except one minor thing: it’s a reason, not the reason.
Still note that female attention is nice, because it’s nice to be flattered, but not necessary (for me) to be happy.
Thanks, Holly, and congratulations on your 4.0!
I favor toe socks during sex. Cute and dextrous!
“It’s a feminist conspiracy Jill!”
Feminists created the illusion of time zones to hide the fact that they spend their entire days just sitting around eating bon bons.
Feminists created the illusion of time zones to hide the fact that they spend their entire days just sitting around eating bon bons.
I would just like it to be noted, in passing, that I am actually eating a bon bon right now! And it was even given to me by a dude! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Part of one of my courses had be walking through an anatomy lab, looking at human body parts. I was walking around actuating knees and poking through shoulder meat; the brain, the guts, the bones, were all fine by me. But I was mildly unnerved by seeing a hand, made a sharp inhalation at the sight of a face, and nearly passed out when I came to the foot. Of course the foot had been plasticized and didn’t have skin anymore, so I couldn’t tell if it was a man’s or a woman’s.
tl;dr: disembodied feet: the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen.
2-D Man – Ugh, I know what you mean. I think it’s because hands, feet, and faces are uniquely human. (Or at least uniquely ape; I’ve never handled a dead chimp so I’m not sure how I’d feel about that.) Muscles, bones, and guts–eh, a cow has those. It doesn’t bother me to see a cow butchered. But cows do not have people hands.
The thing that gets me most, though, is tattoos. If hands are “oh crap, this is a human,” tattoos are “oh crap, this is a human who had a personality and history.” The only time I ever got close to crying over a cadaver was when I saw a tattoo.
…um, sorry for that grim little digression, everbody.
Only tangentially related to your last comment: Terrible assface ex who was terrible, his rationale for all his tattoos, which he got right before shipping out to be in the first waves of the Iraq invasion, was that if he was blown up, he wanted all his parts to be identifiable. He had them on both his arms and his back. His feet had a dogtag each laced into the boots, but. Still.
FiletofSwedishBoyfriend’s tattoos are either a) “Fuck yeah Marine Corps!” or b) in memory of friends who died. He still wants a quarter sleeve comemorating crossing the equator at sea.
Scroll up for a big MRAL confession that I just let through!
Forget everything you thought you knew about MRAL-Elevatorgate!
MRAL, I have a tremendous amount of respect for you for saying that, and I hope the future brings you good things.
Hope to, well, not see you around. Hope it’s because you’re doing something much more fun.
I’ve been commenting here for a lot shorter time than you have, and I know you’ve received a similar offer from other commenters who would probably be a better help to you. But we’re fairly similar in age, and I know how hard it can be to feel isolated and not attractive or validated externally. If you ever want to talk, you can PM me in the forums.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting some attention and validation. You’ve been going about it the wrong way (as you’re obviously aware), and it’s important to know that it’s not something that other people owe you. But loneliness is something a great deal of people experience, myself included. I know sometimes it makes me really doubt myself, though the same may not be true for you.
I’m really glad you don’t want to be DKM or NWO. You can do so, so much better for yourself.
David, it a Christmas Miracle! My black little heart is so warmed.
MRAL, we knew you were trolling, but we also know it was coming from a place of unhappiness. Even in your most rancid ALPHA FUCK BITCH GASH moments, we knew there was a very sad kid behind it. Why else do you think you’ve gotten the slack you have?
It’s good that you realize that the MRM/MRA stuff is not a healthy code to live by.
I think it’s pretty ballsy (in a good way) of you to admit this stuff to us and to apologize. You have way more humanity than NWO, DKM, or that Hemorrhoid Who Shall Not Be Named.
No real surprises on the MRAL front, I just wasn’t sure if he would have enough self-awareness to recognize what was driving his outbursts.
The MRM is a hell of a drug, kid, perfectly made for young men who’re unhappy and feeling like maybe women just don’t really want to be with them. Try going cold turkey for a while, go find a nice friendly dog to play with, hug your Mom.
Try to stay away from PUA sites too, since they’re basically the MRM plus a plan to sell you snake oil.
What everyone has already said.
And I’m really pleased that my suspicions that there was a genuinely decent human being under the ARROGANT FUCK BITCHES rants have been confirmed. I already knew that you were a better writer and had a noticeably higher IQ than at least one other regular commenter here, as I’ve read your blog – put bluntly, you didn’t seem stupid enough to fall for half the crap that you came out with, hence the cognitive dissonance that many of us experienced.
You know something? I think you’re going to be OK. I know what it’s like being lonely at 19, I certainly know what it’s like being convinced that everyone else is not only having a better time but is ostentatiously rubbing your face in it just to spite you. And if I didn’t react the way you did, that was mainly because I didn’t have the internet back then.
So fingers crossed that in five years’ time you’ll look back and you won’t recognize yourself. And I truly wish you all the best.
MRAL: That is lovely, and I’m glad to see it for many reasons.
Good luck and do believe that it will get better (when I think where I was at 19, which was drinking, dropping out of college, and planning to be a barmaid in Montana after my parents’ divorce, it can be hard to believe when you’re there). But it can and does.
katz | December 15, 2011 at 12:51 pm
Thanks for reminding me — a friend in Canberra has the most awesome multicolour-striped toe socks which go at least knee-high, and it’s now my mission in life (well at least before December 25) to discover where I can organise a Christmas gift for myself and my g/f.
Congratulations Holly on your blitzing score.
MRAL, although being single seems like it’s going to be forever at your age, you are still very young and there’s no need to rush into a relationship just for the sake of a relationship, and following the PUA game seems to be a convenient way for asshole men to manipulate women for emotionally unfulfilling casual sex (the odious expression “pump and dump” comes to mind) along with the undertones of a cult of personality.
With my first b/f I felt at times that I would have been happier (if not necessarily happy!) having remained single, and yes, I should have been more selective – but here’s the rub, it’s a problem for both men and women to identify the real assholes when they hide their assholishness.
I hope that shoe has a dentist on speed dial.
MRAL, I’m glad you got all that off your chest. I wish you the best of luck now that you’re making a change. If you ever need someone to talk to, find me at the forum.
Wow! That was a cool development. It can get hard to tell who are trolls and who actually believe what they are spouting. Good for you MRAL!
Trolling or not you still are a little shithead because you did all that to hurt people. You won’t be getting sympathy from me even though I do understand loneliness. What I don’t understand why you trolled for attention when there are so many better ways to deal with loneliness.
I am kinda impressed you managed to troll this long, I always thought you were a demi-troll from your first post about your IQ (yes I remember your first post XD) but I still wondered if you were serious in the back of my mind. So you had me and many others guessing but was it worth it?
My mind, it is blown. I really hope that was genuine. While it’s true your actions have no justification under the sun that doesn’t mean it’s not hard to pull yourself out of a cycle of toxic behaviour. I’m so happy you had the guts to step back and admit that about yourself – to yourself, most of all.
Good luck MRAL.