antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy marriage strike misogyny MRA

Greatest MRA graphic ever!

Totally what marriage is like.


Found on Wedded Abyss, linked to by some MRA dude on Reddit. I believe the thing on the right is a high-heeled shoe, which like most high-heel shoes has a woman’s mouth on it with a chain coming from out of the mouth, with a little silhouetto of a man in handcuffs attached to it. Because that totally is what marriage is all about these days, amirite fellas? We’re just tiny silhouettes of men chained to the giant mouth-having shoe of feminazi injustice!!


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13 years ago

Yeah guys because you are so totally being forced to get married. At knifepoint. You have absolutely no choice or options in your life, or means to support yourself, other than marriage.

Yes, much like the child brides in some African and South Asian countries, men are forcibly taken away from everything they know and forced to marry violent feminist shrikes with hairy legs. Oh, wait…

Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
13 years ago

NwoThe only thing I wanna know is…. Do any of you people fucking work? Ever? I can go to any post on manboobz and it’s like 24/7, you’re all commenting

Do you know the world is not flat and there are international timezones where people are living in different timezones simultaneously?

Crazy conspiracy theory right? Maybe you should look it up on Wikipedia some time.

13 years ago

Jill, bwahahahahaha!

13 years ago

“The only thing I wanna know is…. Do any of you people fucking work? Ever? I can go to any post on manboobz and it’s like 24/7, you’re all commenting”

I have a day off today =) But also, I am in a timezone about five hours ahead of America. It’s 1.30pm here =)

Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
13 years ago

Omg, it’s 12:30am here, how is that possible!!!!


13 years ago

It’s a feminist conspiracy Jill!

13 years ago

“I think I’ll retire from Manboobz.”

I’ll take the under on that one.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Okay, look.

I’m sure most people have kind of figured this out by now, but I’ve basically been a demi-troll since I started commenting. I’ve been inflammatory for attention, because I am not very happy with my life, but don’t really believe most of what I say… bits and pieces, which still isn’t good, because it’s all so angry and hateful.

For example, the elevator thing didn’t happen (some people might not believe me there, but it’s true). I was just miserable or stressed for whatever reason, I can’t even remember, and I wanted to piss people off. The “internship” if anyone remembers that… didn’t happen. Other things, etc.

Back in May or whatever, when I started commenting, basically I was just a full-fledged troll. But then I started slowly getting invested, and I started visiting MRA websites… and even though if you asked me I would have said the MRAs were all idiots, I kind of started unwittingly siding with them. And it’s been getting worse and worse. I need to cut it out at the root. It’s fucking creepy, like Invasion of the Body Snatchers or something.

After the trolling started dragging on, since like midsummer about, I’ve been using the excuse that hey, I’m just hamming it up. I’m just trolling! Having fun! But aside from the fact that I’m really not- and I know it- it doesn’t even matter because I’ve become dependent on that in and of itself. The attention it brings. Because I’m lonely and don’t have much of a social life. There, I said it. And of course, as I said there’s a grain, or maybe more than a grain, of my actual feelings mixed in there. And it’s started to scare me, because this grain’s been growing ever since I found the MRM, even as I intellectually know they’re all kind of a joke. I’m done with them. It’s gone on way too far. I just have this really horrible feeling- in fact, I even had a nightmare about it recently, no joke- that maybe this kind of vaguely parodic attitude, is how people like DKM and NWOslave and other MRAs first get into the movement, and then it’s like fucking molasses or a drug or booze, and it slowly becomes a serious political agenda. Because it’s like free sympathy, and it’s kind of addicting. But that’s not going to happen to me.

I’m really not even angry at women specifically. Again it’s like demi-trolling, because I latch onto sensitive topics and go to town. There’s just a grain of truth in that I wish that women would give me some level of validation, and maybe that’s something the feminists will jump all over me for but I can’t help how I feel. I’ve thought about whether I have BDD, and I don’t think so. I really don’t. I know on some level that I’m not hideously ugly, but I also am not very attractive, and I’ve never had any overt interest displayed in me, by women. And this is something that’s been just really hard for me. I’ve never had anyone except my parents tell me I looked good… or even send that vibe implicitly, you know? And I think about that and sometimes slide into this idea that I’m some monster, and since I have no one to counter this I start wondering if it’s true. Because it’s not entirely in my head, the fact is that I don’t have a conventional look, for reasons you all know. This is not an old problem, it’s a recent psychological development, like the past two years, and it’s driven most of the FUCK ALPHA WOMYN shit, even though again, intellectually, I know that’s bunk. It just sort of feels good to say it. It’s also one of the reasons women complaining about male attention makes me go off so irrationally, even though I do understand it. I just want to say, well, it’s not so great over here either. And I really don’t think women are elitist arrogant bitches or whatever.

And I’m not looking for attention, or sympathy, or to make this the MRAL Show, or whatever, I’m just trying a different tact. Flouncing permanently hasn’t worked because I’ve tried multiple times and I just keep coming back when I get angry or sad, to blow off steam and have people acknowledge me. So I’m making this post, which Futrelle hopefully lets through, and so people will KNOW that I don’t mean everything I say, and thus I can’t troll anymore.

I can’t even imagine what my family or (few) friends would say if they saw all the shit I’ve said here. I don’t know. I apologize for some of the more extreme things I’ve said, like my comments in the old groping thread or the recent rant about alpha bitches in the creepy banker thread. I can’t say I didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings, because of course I did. That was the whole fucking idea. But I’m making it so I literally can’t do that anymore.

Ravenous Beast
Ravenous Beast
13 years ago

It’s 2338 hours (11:38 pm). I am not at work now. Just planning my shopping for my annual triple layer rum truffle cake for party I’m hosting. Maybe this is classed as “work” by some but it’s fun for me, and manboobz makes me laugh (when I’m not shuddering at some of those MRA posts.

13 years ago

Mral’s hatred of women’s bodies can only mean his perfect woman would be infibulated and without feet, either congenitally or by amputation. Also, perhaps reconstructed,post mastectomy breasts? so they wouldn’t have nipples.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago

It looks liks tiny dude is helping pull giant shoe-woman’s tooth.


today I found out that I have a 4.0 for the semester



Do you think it’s worth trying to explain to NWO the concept of time zones?

Well, maybe if you were educated stupid, you believe there are time “zones,” and it’s not that four days are one day.

(Since we’re sharing, it’s just before 11 AM. I’m looking for a permanent position while posting to Craigslist in search of freelance work)


Would it be misandric to say that I find men’s feel gross and that they should be obligated to keep shoes on during sex? Would that make me a shallow, bitchy person?

He’s going to say no, but if you actually said it to him


as someone who has actually had sex, there are very few circumstances in which you will have enough time to notice the state of your partner’s toenails.

I too have gotten complaints about long and sharp, but that wasn’t a visual assessment.


MRAL, taking a break might be good for you– you’ve gone back to being really angry lately

If, as he said in a recent thread, he’s studying for finals at the NYPL, it may be road rage or commuting stress.

Dude, if you are shlepping 250 miles to find a place to study, take a break. Go skating or something; is the rink in Bryant Park this year? It may just be the market, though that can be kinda fun too.


You have absolutely no choice or options in your life, or means to support yourself, other than marriage.

Thankfully, that’s increasingly less true for women too.

13 years ago

Comet: Not a Rocky Horror fan, I take it? 😉

Though, I’ll admit that the Rocky Horror lips are pretty creepy. Even creepier than the shoe-lips here.

I guess this whole “men are forced into marriage” plays nicely along with the whole “no concept of consent” thing that the MRAs have going on.

I guess that means there is SOME consistency in the MRA arguments. I might die of the shock.

13 years ago

“…with a little silhouetto of a man”

Scaramouche, scaramouche! (sp?)

Also, in addition to people saying these men aren’t forced to marry? They can divorce, too. They’re always railing against no fault divorce, why don’t they just do that? Or is it the fear of a custody battle? Because I’ll go ahead and repeat for the umpteenth time on this site that they never seem to mention or care about their kids until a divorce and custody battle happen. I would think being divorced and having the inconvenience of figuring out custody (which isn’t hard if both parties behave like adult humans) would be better than being miserable and married. But then, I don’t have delusions about divorce court and “State Violence!!!11” whizzing around in my head.

13 years ago

Very much a Rocky Horror fan but CREEPY LIPS 🙁

But not as bad as: in fingers/HeartView/RandomStuff/fingers16xy14zy0cs.jpg?t=1261067908

13 years ago

Am I a bad person for wanting to see DKM’s response to shoe chain bondage pinkitude?

Also, re NWO and work: I am lucky enough to have a job that involves a lot of sitting around in front of a computer (and I know lucky, since I worked as a motel maid and waitroid in the past, plus those summers picking raspberries for pocket money in the neighborhood), but I usually check this site in the morning before work while eating breakfast, and at night, often while doing other stuff, plus, seconding the whole people do not all live in your time zone. I often see great discussions that went on while I was asleep but I srs need at least 8 hours to keep going and more is better (even with the thyroid meds — I was diagnosed as hypothyroid a year or so ago).


13 years ago


The horror, the horror! 🙁

13 years ago

Anybody else notice that the same guy that said this:

In fact, I’m a big fan of high heels. Women’s feet are kind of gross, so I think women should be obligated to keep high heels on during sex.

also said this ten days ago?

I’m not saying tall bitches are tall on purpose, but they usually wear monster heels, yet another FUCKING example of women using whatever they can to exert dominance on ARROGANTthey are ARROGANT. in my opinion they should be banned from heels for people or at least BITCHES over 5’4

13 years ago

So…a woman over 5 foot 4 should get naked, lie in bed, and put on heels, so that she is never taller (ergo dominant)?

Interestingly, shouldn’t Robert Wadlow be considered the most dominant person, ever?

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

I read all the blog post at Wedded Abyss. Yeah, I’m betting that writer doesn’t have to worry about women trying to trap him into marriage anytime soon. The shoe graphic makes me wonder if he used to watch a lot of Married with Children.

13 years ago

Viscaria: I noticed, too. I think tall women should wear high heels only when sitting or lying i bed. Or we must invent retractable heels. Which would be very cool.

13 years ago

I often see great discussions that went on while I was asleep

Yeah, most of the best stuff happens overnight for me – which is early-to-mid evening Stateside.

Still, at least it means I can skim through it quickly in the morning.

13 years ago


Interestingly, shouldn’t Robert Wadlow be considered the most dominant person, ever?

Certainly the most arrogant.

13 years ago


Or we must invent retractable heels. Which would be very cool.

When I read that it made me imagine a woman wearing shoes with little ratchet cranks on the side. A man comes in: “Hey, so uh, you want to maybe fool around?” “Sure! One second, just let me jack my shoes.” Click click click click click click…

13 years ago

Although I wish he had a bit more insight about the relationship between swearing at David and being on probation.

I have to admit, when he demands that David take him off moderation while AT THE EXACT SAME TIME calling him “Fucktrelle,” I just sigh and shake my head. I try so hard to help…

So…a woman over 5 foot 4 should get naked, lie in bed, and put on heels, so that she is never taller (ergo dominant)?

No, she shouldn’t be tall in the first place. She’s only doing it to bug him. Also, she needs to keep her underwear on so he doesn’t have to look at female nipples or genitalia.

It’s okay, MRAL! Once you start having sex, you realize pretty quickly that other people and their bodies are not all that scary! It’ll be fun!

13 years ago

Or we must invent retractable heels.

I hope they make a “shoop” noise.