antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy marriage strike misogyny MRA

Greatest MRA graphic ever!

Totally what marriage is like.


Found on Wedded Abyss, linked to by some MRA dude on Reddit. I believe the thing on the right is a high-heeled shoe, which like most high-heel shoes has a woman’s mouth on it with a chain coming from out of the mouth, with a little silhouetto of a man in handcuffs attached to it. Because that totally is what marriage is all about these days, amirite fellas? We’re just tiny silhouettes of men chained to the giant mouth-having shoe of feminazi injustice!!


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13 years ago

MRAL, when I was about your age, I had a summer job in an orthopedic shoe store. If you think feet are unattractive as is, imagine what they’d look like after 35 years of constant heel-wearing.

I’ll never forget the poor old lady who came in insisting she was a size six. We measured her feet and she was a NINE. She’d been cramming her feet into shoes that were three sizes too small for.god knows how long. They were like talons.

Anyway, I fully sympathize with the anti-foot fetish, but asking your partners to wear heels all the time is counter-productive. Ask for knee socks instead.

13 years ago

MRAL: Would it be misandric to say that I find men’s feel gross and that they should be obligated to keep shoes on during sex? Would that make me a shallow, bitchy person? For that matter, do alpha men have to have nice feet?

For the record, I am not really invested in people’s feet. Shoes on, off, whatever, I don’t care much, as long as they don’t have like, rank foot odor or something.

13 years ago

MRAL, as someone who has actually had sex, there are very few circumstances in which you will have enough time to notice the state of your partner’s toenails.

Also, sensible shoes FTW.

13 years ago

Right on, Holly!

13 years ago

MRAL, as someone who has actually had sex, there are very few circumstances in which you will have enough time to notice the state of your partner’s toenails.

Well, there’s the footjob…but that would require the shoes to be off anyway.

13 years ago

klopbop, saying that a rock star is kind of cute is misandric in MRAL’s book. There is absolutely no way to figure out what will set him off except trial and error.

13 years ago

Is there any part of a woman’s body you do find attractive? So far we know that you dislike breasts, vulvas, feet, and body hair…

NWO, you do realize you are trolling other people’s sites saying they have no life while you check up on how often they post…do you never stop to reflect on yourself before addressing others?

13 years ago

To be fair, MRAL’s made it clear that he likes breasts (and, really, what’s not to love about them?).

13 years ago

seconding the recommendation for wearing stripey knee socks during sex. An excellent idea for people of all genders.

13 years ago

MRAL: talks about how gross women’s body parts are, but then accuses women of being arrogant and shallow.

You know what I want for Christmas? a more intelligent breed of troll in here.

13 years ago

Spearhafoc: The noble footjob is, indeed, one of the very few circumstances in which one would notice the state of one’s partner’s toenails.

MRAL, I have weird hair on my toes and toenails long enough that sometimes I accidentally scratch people with them. I just felt you needed to know this. 🙂

13 years ago

Lol Ozy xD

13 years ago

FYI, I can’t comment in real-time anymore because Fucktrelle put me on moderation again. This was my last backup account, so I’m pretty much owned. I think I’ll retire from Manboobz. It was interesting. I think some people here are ok. I might come back in a few months.

MRAL, taking a break might be good for you– you’ve gone back to being really angry lately and you’re being kinda reckless and just telling us all sorts of odd things about your life. As Bee said, you should be going to therapy and discussing this stuff with your therapist. If you quit therapy you should seriously go back and continue to work on stuff.

13 years ago

I love fluevogs

13 years ago


I think the same about you. When are you working?

13 years ago

Am I the only one who saw that and first thought “Why does that guy who is kneeling in prayer have a flamingo on a leash which is eating something?”

13 years ago

@spear, no, he only likes them in bras, he doesn’t like bare breasts…

13 years ago

What confuses me about you, MRAL, is the apparent strength of your negative reactions to certain body parts. I don’t much love feet either, and don’t really understand why some people do love them, but like any other part of the body that I don’t find all that aesthetically appealing feet are just sort of there. As long as the person I’m sleeping with isn’t sticking them in my face, who care, you know? Same with any other body part that I find wierd looking.

Why the vehemence in terms of body parts you don’t really dig? It’s odd.

13 years ago

Yeah guys because you are so totally being forced to get married. At knifepoint. You have absolutely no choice or options in your life, or means to support yourself, other than marriage.

13 years ago

Disembodied lips are the freakiest thing in the world *shudder*

13 years ago


The only thing I wanna know is…. Do any of you people fucking work? Ever?

Yup. But since my work mostly involves sitting in front of a computer, Firefox has tabbed browsing, and as a home-based freelancer I don’t have to worry about Internet Acceptable Use Policies or even looking over my shoulder…

I’d love to chat but if I don’t get 5 hours sleep I get a tad cranky.

I need seven hours sleep minimum if I have to do the school run in the morning.

13 years ago

Where is that chain anchored on her end? I think that guy has more leverage than he thinks.

13 years ago

Why do these MRA morons get married to people they obviously despise?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

It’s probably every kind of good for MRAL to not be here.

Although I wish he had a bit more insight about the relationship between swearing at David and being on probation.