Found on Wedded Abyss, linked to by some MRA dude on Reddit. I believe the thing on the right is a high-heeled shoe, which like most high-heel shoes has a woman’s mouth on it with a chain coming from out of the mouth, with a little silhouetto of a man in handcuffs attached to it. Because that totally is what marriage is all about these days, amirite fellas? We’re just tiny silhouettes of men chained to the giant mouth-having shoe of feminazi injustice!!
There is no way that is not fetish art.
Is that owlslavey’s new avatar?
Okay, not only does this make no fucking sense, it’s a stunningly bad piece of graphic design. Fail on multiple levels!
By just saying this, Holly, you have caused this fetish to exist. Rule 34! There is now a small community of men who get off on the idea of being dominated by giantess stillettos with mouths.
David: Quantum Fetish Mechanics!
Does this qualify as the strange particle?
Looks like the cover of a B sci-fi book.
Why a giant shoe? And lips? So many questions…
(* thinks, whoops, Quackers and Bostonian have already covered that WTF reaction, must find something witty and humourous to say *)
(* racks brain *)
So it’s a bondage fetish, and worship combined with fear of the stiletto dentata. The psychology of the artist must be something to behold.
i just keep wondering wtf in the shoe mouth/dentata that the chain is linked to……….and then smacking my brain around.
we’re having a horrific thunderstorm here tonight, and i’m wondering if the house was just hit (biggest ZAP of lightning i’ve ever heard) and if we’ll get the predicted giant hail.
Holy shit, what?
He’s just being nice and helping the giant shoe-mouth-beast floss. The shoe-mouth-beast has had trouble with its hygiene ever since it lost its press-ons in an unfortunate Photoshop accident, so this guy has showed up to help.
Also, ithiliana, get off the computer!!! Don’t get zapped!!!
I think this happened in “Videodrome.”
I was just playing Brutal Legend today, and I’m pretty sure I ran over a few of these things in the Druid Plow.
Somebody needs to ‘shop in an iPod.
Fucking spot on. Spread the word.
For the record, I’m just kidding, but I think this icon really is goddamn hilarious.
In fact, I’m a big fan of high heels. Women’s feet are kind of gross, so I think women should be obligated to keep high heels on during sex.
Hahahaha omg this is the most beautifully insane thing I’ve ever seen. I’m dying.
MRAL, like men’s feet are such prizes. Seriously, MRAL, if you’re so grossed out by women’s bodies, why do you want to date them or sleep with them?
I just said women’s feet are gross, not their whole bodies.
MRAL is that you? What’s so gross about women’s feet? Why can’t they just wear socks? Why are you back again?
MRAL, have you ever considered the possibility that you’re not attracted to women?
Don’t gay-panic here; you’re still you and aren’t going to suddenly turn into some stereotypical gay man if you acknowledge that you aren’t TOTALLY INTO CHICKS BRO. I just mean that maybe if you don’t like women’s feet, their genitals, or women themselves… maybe you’re not attracted to women. I don’t know whether you’re attracted to men or not, but you never sound very into women.
And maybe coming to terms with that would help you stop hating them; maybe it would help you realize the reason you feel so much tension and anxiety and desperation around trying to get female attention is that you don’t entirely want female attention.
I’m just throwing that out there. Could be totally off-base. But try and separate your masculinity from your desire and reconsider how much of that desire is real attraction versus how much is trying to prove yourself.