antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy misogyny reactionary bullshit that's not funny!

Maxim explains “How to Cure a Feminist”

Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.

In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.


From Maxim, 2003.


NOTE: This post contains


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13 years ago

Don’t worry, it won’t cause any maladjustment, frustration, anger or hatred.

No, it wouldn’t. That’s not a real thing.

13 years ago

Hey Captain Bathrobe, why don’t you go back the YYYYY-M-C-A? 🙂

13 years ago

I’m not saying adult women should come-on to pubescent boys or anything of the kind, but a boy seeing a scantily-clad woman is not going to scar him for life.

That. Simply. Doesn’t. Happen.

13 years ago

Guys, give up. NWO long ago stopped paying attention to the conversation and is now, for some reason, posting his comments in realtime as he yanks it to Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacher” video.

13 years ago

“but a boy seeing a scantily-clad woman is not going to scar him for life.”

Unless he has serious issues =o

13 years ago

“Guys, give up. NWO long ago stopped paying attention to the conversation and is now, for some reason, posting his comments in realtime as he yanks it to Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacher” video.”


13 years ago


“You realize NWO is just going to tell you that there really IS a chip.”

There already is one! The digital angel.

Presently, they use them in the military and medical patients. You’ve all seen the adverts of the lost child or the child cutting classes. That’s a chip on a braclet.

However, if marketed correctly they could be a big hit, particularly if they have multi-functions like accessing computers, phones and such. The lost child or the abducted child by the bad man theme is always popular. Better yet, don’t be the last boy on the block to get your digital warrior. Or the digital unicorn for girls, your friend forever. The apps are endless!!!

13 years ago

“Guys, give up. NWO long ago stopped paying attention to the conversation and is now, for some reason, posting his comments in realtime as he yanks it to Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacher” video.”

Did I break him? =O

13 years ago

The flouncy skirt is kind of cute, just not with that top. I’d pair it with a scoop neck tee in a bright color. The second outfit is kind of any woman, USA – standard. I don’t like the lingerie, it’s shapeless and sort of blah.

This has been How to Dress with Cassandra. Notice the lack of profanity and claims about the motivations of the person being discussed.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

ok, Ozy, I don’t know why the fuck you would feel bad about yourself. You have a popular blog and boyfriends or girlfriends or whatever and all that stuff. Not that I feel bad about myself, because I don’t, I have a high IQ, but whatever.

13 years ago


Did you use “yank” in a shaming fashion? Tsk, tsk.
When a guy wanks it’s because he can’t get any.
When a girl wanks it’s because a man can’t please her.

13 years ago

Eh… aren’t there micro chips for pets already? O.o

13 years ago

Guys, give up. NWO long ago stopped paying attention to the conversation and is now, for some reason, posting his comments in realtime as he yanks it to Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacher” video.

And here I thought he’d passed out with his dick in his hand and a Steven Seagal movie on.

But lo, it yet lives :/

13 years ago

However, if marketed correctly they could be a big hit, particularly if they have multi-functions like accessing computers, phones and such. The lost child or the abducted child by the bad man theme is always popular. Better yet, don’t be the last boy on the block to get your digital warrior. Or the digital unicorn for girls, your friend forever. The apps are endless!!!

Can they create robogirls?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

“You realize NWO is just going to tell you that there really IS a chip.”

There already is one! The digital angel.

Haha, you can’t make this shit up.

Glad to see NWO is a reader of the Mind Control Forum:

13 years ago

Popping in to say I don’t find Sean Foreman attractive either. He has that douche-y, dudebro look to him.

I’m not apologetic about who I do or don’t find attractive. Arrogant assholes with easily hurt egos like MRAL are not my problem, especially when they are usually hypocrites and openly talk about how they find fat or old women gross. Many men have no problem openly discussing which women they do or don’t find attractive, though usually they aren’t as rude about it like MRAs/PUAs are. But they are still open about it none the less. I’m the same, except I don’t talk about it to make others feel bad.

Jackson Rathbone is cute, mainly his eyes. Although I think Twilight is a piece of shit. I’m with most of the women here and don’t really find uber-masculine buff/athletic men hot either. Never have. Even before the whole meterosexual thing kicked in.

13 years ago

My bad, that was Shaenon who originally shamed me, Bostonian was simply the first to climb aboard the badwagon.

13 years ago

NWOslave’s belief that heterosexual males are in any way hurt by seeing scantily-clad women is for me, a heterosexual male who enjoys seeing scantily-clad women, very confusing.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

I’ve never read it but I’ll check it out.

13 years ago

Is that Sean person supposed to be good looking? Ugh. Proof # a million that tastes in looks are subjective.

Though maybe what turned me off is the Vans Warped Tour banner, which automatically triggered the sound of a thousand mediocre pop punk bands at once in my brain.

13 years ago

sorry that should say “I don’t talk about it in a way that makes others feel bad”

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I’ve never read it but I’ll check it out.

You’ve never read it… but you just linked a page from it…

*brain explodes*

Actually it doesn’t surprise me this much, it wouldn’t be the first time.

13 years ago

Is it just me or is NWO more… unique… than usual today?

13 years ago


Being a feminist man is proof positive of your confusion.

13 years ago

I don’t like the colour maroon. Therefore I am a stuck up feminist bitch =)

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