Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.
In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.

NOTE: This post contains
NWO: For someone with World, and Order, in their name, that’s a fairly disingenuous question. Like drugs are not a produced commodity. Nope. They fall from the sky where they promptly open the doors of perception and let people get into, like really into, Phish.
Yea, but you said if it was illegal it’s bad.
How about if I drive without a license?
How about if I drive an old clunker wothout insurance? Why would I need it?
How about when the health care bill gets passed and a person gets arrested for not having personal insurance? You do know it’s going to be illegal not to have health insurance?
Can you imagine a man actually being loyal enough to save his goodies for just one woman? I can. I can imagine a woman doing it as well. But how could that be, you ask? Because people do it all the time, jackass.
Although I won’t say I didn’t laugh when I found out they were having anal sex in order to keep their stupid silver rings >:D
Anyway, what I can’t imagine is you applying this same standard to yourself. Or men in general. Oh wait, because it’s really not about that. It’s about you fetishizing owning another human being, body and soul and pretending that it has something to do with morality (or even caring about that person’s actual well-being) instead of your own twisted… machinations and desires. Your narcissistic, idiotic idea that the world owes you a harem of virgins because you have (or claim to have) a job, as if you are the only god damned person who works or otherwise suffers in the whole entire world.
And it’s probably also about you being insecure is hell. I bet you prefer virgins because you’re hoping that they won’t figure out that you suck as much as you suspect you do. Why else would you care? And why else would you expect “loyalty” from people who neither know you nor want to save it for you? Or maybe they saved it for that “special someone” and it ended up being a giant waste of time and effort? Or maybe you just aren’t fucking worth saving it for, did you ever think of that?
So to NWO, socially acceptable means being able to do whatever the fuck you want. If he wants to flail about naked in the streets, that’s socially acceptable. If he wants to have a harem of 4 year olds in slut wear, socially acceptable. If he wants to enslave 3.5 billion people, yup, socially acceptable. You just keep having that wet dream NWO, but you’ll die a very disappointed man.
Okay, we have some silly laws, but “don’t keep women as sex slaves” and “don’t rape young girls” are, I’m going to venture, not examples of silly laws.
You applied for a job, milkslave? Good for you, taking steps to make yourself less miserable. You know what? I hope you get it, too. I hope you get it, and it makes you happy, and you don’t have to work 37 hours every day any more, tying steel knots until your hands bleed. Hugs!
They’re all very decently attired for teaching young boys in elementary school. If their little peckers get hard it’s their problem. They need to learn sexual control.
“They’re all very decently attired for teaching young boys in elementary school. If their little peckers get hard it’s their problem. They need to learn sexual control.”
NWO has never actually seen a teacher, ever.
That actually explains a great deal.
NWO needs very easy questions, people. Or no questions at all! Poor dear is so easily upset.
“If their little peckers get hard it’s their problem. They need to learn sexual control.”
But you said a man has no sexual control. That sluts turn men into animals and hence rape! Get yourself together man. You’re a big ball of contradiction of late.
I also googled Sean Foreman and he’s…kinda cute.
There literally is not a comment too innocuous for MRAL to get whipped into a frenzy by it. (“It looks like rain.” “YOU’RE JUST SAYING THAT SO YOU CAN SPIT ON ME!”)
Why do I always get here when he’s flounced and it’s just NWO? Bo-ring!
Owly’s so cute when he thinks he’s satirizing people!
Have you been peeking in my bedroom. You described me to a tee!
I don’t like Sean Foreman. He looks like a Ken doll.
Question about the Greek (alpha, beta) system that people were talking about here… I’m just wondering, where would LGBT people fit in that system?
You realize NWO is just going to tell you that there really IS a chip.
Dude, you’ve made this forum your bedroom. Probably because there’s no one else in it.
Stephanie: We’ve been wondering that for a long time.
I’d much prefer this guy:
Well that’s why young boys entering puberty should be subjected to repeated doses of arousal and depravation. So they can learn control. Don’t worry, it won’t cause any maladjustment, frustration, anger or hatred. It’ll be good for them.
“Dude, you’ve made this forum your bedroom. Probably because there’s no one else in it.”
Oh, I was talking purely about clothing, not facial expressions. I read clothes better than I read expressions and body-language because they’re something I see right away and don’t have to look for. The subtleties of human expression are rather lost on me.
Taking a closer look at their faces and poses, 2 looks the most content with herself. Her hair is the best too. 3 still has nicer clothes though.
But aren’t the sluts asking to be raped??? I mean if one of those hormonal dudes snaps it’s clearly not his fault. Help me out here, NWO! First you say one thing, and then say the complete opposite. I is confused!!! >.<
Haha, NWO’s started ignoring me because I’m calling him on what bullshit non-answers his “look at me I’m a feminist, I hate everything, somehow this is different from when I hate everything normally” sarcasm tantrums are.
Stephanie, they don’t count because they’re just straight people who are too selfish to admit it. Remember, black and white only!