Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.
In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.

NOTE: This post contains
Lol. You don’t believe in freedom or equality. Not without a safety net.
“I’ve decided to encourage all women to be as slutty as possible. Let’s just up and get it over with.”
But only slutty for you eh NWO? Maybe you should wear beer goggles all the time so all women everywhere look slutty just for you!
Hmm, well my first one was a very Santa Claus-looking man, so *poof* there you go up in smoke.
“Funny thing about therapists, they’re all women.”
Funny thing about reality, it disagree with you.
But it’s socially acceptable!
“You don’t believe in freedom or equality.”
Don’t hurt other people or do illegal things. There are laws for reasons you know.
For the record, I prefer picture 3. It’s obviously not for public display, but I like the layers on the skirt. There’s a certain retro-girlishness to the whole thing that it that makes it more fun than the others.
I find the other clothes to be fairly boring.
2 is too everyday. I don’t care for clothes that could be seen everywhere. In the immortal words of Oscar Wilde, “Fashion is what one wears oneself. What is unfashionable is what other people wear”.
4 is…ehhh. I don’t know. I just don’t think that style of lingerie is too flattering for her body type. Something like this works better on a skinny frame, I think.
As for 1, I don’t think the tank top/jeans look works on anyone: male, female or otherwise. I’m not against butch by any means, but there’s boring butch and then there’s cool butch.
This has been Spearhafoc Judges Clothing. Thank you very much.
NWO, the OP is an article on how to pressure a butch woman not to be a butch woman. You see the irony?
I wanna be progressive like you and promote slutwear for girls of all ages.
Funny thing about therapists they’re all women.
Is “hurt” feeling dependent?
NWO, what is slutwear?
You realize that when you don’t answer, it just makes you look like an idiot who doesn’t know what he wants?
When you disapprove of everything, people stop giving a shit. You gotta toss an approval in once every couple years.
“I wanna be progressive like you and promote slutwear for girls of all ages.”
LOL! You’d love that wouldn’t you. Ten year olds in thongs. You dirty old pedobear.
No, NWO, you specified before that what you want is to enslave all women and legalize rape and assault.
If I smoke a joint, it’s illegal. Who’ve I hurt?
I like the clothes on number 3, but she tries to much to look brain dead for my taste. Elitist that I am, I prefer people with a IQ higher than a goldfish’s.
I forgot, the cigarette on number one is a big NO.
Enslave is such a harsh word, I prefer domestication. Throw a little PC my way. You’ll hurt my feelings!
“If I smoke a joint, it’s illegal. Who’ve I hurt?”
I dunno why pot is illegal, but I guess it’s considered a harmful substance as heroin (which is bullshit really). But when you bludgeon someone to death cos they didn’t want to have sex with you or something, that’s pretty bad.
I can’t like any of them because every time I think “#1 looks kinda badass,” I remember that she’s a model who agreed to go along with this photoshoot idea.
Boy, NWO must be starved for attention. He’s pulling out all the stops in order to get a reaction.
“LOL! You’d love that wouldn’t you. Ten year olds in thongs. You dirty old pedobear.”
I’m still shooting for the lowest bidder. So far 4 years old is the lowest I’ve been accused of wanting to rape. Can you do better?
“Boy, NWO must be starved for attention. He’s pulling out all the stops in order to get a reaction.”
yeah I’m laughing my bum off here =D
Well shit, you tell us, NWO. How young a girl do you want to rape?
I think #2 is the cutest… #1’s facial expression is obnoxious, and #3 and #4 are overtly, submissively sexual in a way I don’t like.
NWO, what is slutwear? Of the four women presented, which of them are sluts?
Or perhaps it means that she does not want someone who is like Brad Pitt. And that she actually enjoys dating men who are just average and ordinary.
Also, why do you always assume the worst about people? Why do you assume that someone who says “this person is kind of cute” means that she is only seeking someone even more stereotypically perfect?