Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.
In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.

NOTE: This post contains
Oh no! The grammar cops! Better high-tail it outta here!
NWO, if someone’s brain is telling them that the CIA had put a chip under their skin (and, let’s be clear here, there is no chip), then their brain is telling them something that’s not true.
Likewise, if someone’s brain is telling them that all women look down on them and are constantly judging their appearance against Brad Pitt, then their brain is telling them something that’s not true.
So telling someone to fuck off makes me an intolerant bigot? Well, consider yourself an object of my “bigotry” then. Cheers.
Is NWO suggesting that forming a lifelong relationship is the barometer of success? That’s hilarious.
You know, NWO, there are adult literacy classes. I used to teach one and it was quite fun. You might even meet some new friends.
@Holly Pervocracy
“How would you solve The Problem Of Women Wearing Certain Unspecified Clothes?”
I’ve decided to encourage all women to be as slutty as possible. Let’s just up and get it over with.
But what if it turned out the teacher wasn’t good? Owly values loyalty: if he chose a teacher then he simply couldn’t just up and leave for a better one! And don’t even get me started on what the man has to do for friends. It’s like being human flypaper.
NWO, everyone knows by now that you getting sarcastic is basically the equivalent of you sticking your thumb in your mouth and yelling “I DON’T KNOW DON’T ASK ME HARD QUESTIONS WAAAAHHHHH.”
I don’t know why you come here every evening to show everyone that you’re both too stupid to answer simple questions and too cowardly to admit it, but it’s a great show. Keep it up, buddy.
“You know, NWO, there are adult literacy classes. I used to teach one and it was quite fun. You might even meet some new friends.”
I feel I’m quite literate. And feelings beat fact every time. Are you suggesting I’m friendless? Do you have a way of knowin stuff?
oh hell, some random asshole found me out! I will now reneg all my slutty slutty ways and find a self-professed nice dude so I can ride his cock for the rest of my nonfeminist life.
I’m suggesting that your writing lacks coherency. I’m stating that adult education can be fun.
Also, if you’re going to drop the g, you need an apostrophe.
@Holly Pervocracy
Far be it from me to tell women how to act. I’m a man, we need women to tell us how to act. Ya do it all the time. Pick up any newspaper from just today. I’ll bet there are opinion pieces a-plenty with women just pouring it on. Heck, this blog is all about women telling men how to act. It’s socially acceptable!
Sadly, I didn’t start dating until I was 15, so no life-long relationships for me. I’ll never be NWO’s ideal woman ;_;
Owly, love, I can’t know if I’ve been in a lifelong relationship until one of us dies. I’d rather not any of my partners (or, God forbid, myself) die.
And that MRAL has probably got some crazy is my professional opinion as a crazy person. However, he should seek therapy and not rely on the Internet’s diagnoses.
I wonder if NWO realizes that David is a guy.
Zoinks! I lack coherency and I didn’t drop the g. Funny, you seemed to get the noodle of what I was saying.
Is NWO high again? He’s more annoying than usual.
“Except men and women are different.”
Yes, they are. Anything involved in potential baby making tends to differ, to start.
That doesn’t mean “a woman’s sexuality is her body” true.
Funny thing about therapists, they’re all women.
Your “noodle” is always the same.
I’ve never seen a man be so angry about the fact that people aren’t doing what he wants, which is… [DATA NOT FOUND].
I mean, I’m just baiting him here because I’m sure whatever he wants is disgusting, I just think it’s funny that he’s too incoherent or too cowardly to even express what that disgusting thing is.
” It’s socially acceptable!
You do know that the Declaration of Independence was written by a bunch of dudes right? Something about everyone being free and equal? If that’s not socially acceptable for you, maybe you don’t belong in this society.
I wish. It’s been years. Besides, I recently applied for a job and that damned maryjane just stays in your system forever.
“I’m a man, we need women to tell us how to act.”
Really? NWOslave, stop being a misogynist!
See, it doesn’t work.