antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy misogyny reactionary bullshit that's not funny!

Maxim explains “How to Cure a Feminist”

Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.

In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.


From Maxim, 2003.


NOTE: This post contains


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13 years ago

Captain Bathrobe, Holly: I read her blog, I see what you mean.

“What’s the difference between a man in a monogomous relationship who talks up every woman he sees, and a woman in a monogomous relationship who dresses up and gets attention from every man who sees her. Not one damn thing. ”
Is it a trick question? The main difference is that one is active and the other passive. If you want a correct comparison, it should have been “women is seen/man sees”
Anyway, if “dressing sexy when other people than husband can see you” and “noticing sexy people” (just noticing discretely, not even mentioning) is failing as monogamy, then you’re right, monogamy is probably dead.

13 years ago

The easiest way to cure a feminist is to just be alpha. Women can play at having careers, at having educations and at trying to be individuals, but they’re still women, and that territory comes with an irresistable, hard-wired desire to submit to the mighty phallus. Be a man, boss her around a bit, maybe indulge her rape fantasies some and watch how eager she is to cast aside those decades of feminist indoctrination. Remember, a woman’s satisfaction doesn’t come from pursuing her own goals, but from supporting a worthy male in achieving his own.

13 years ago

How’s that working out for you, Arks?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Arks, you need to do MRAL’s homework assignment too. Go to the mall for a bit and observe some Earth couples interacting in their Earth ways. You will learn so much about us humans.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

My! My! Such a vicious attack! It really doesn’t matter what I say, you have to attack. I mean after all, on one thread I stated that, knowlege, well spoken, mutiple language skills doesn’t equal, or translate into intelligence. Any intelligent person would of course agree. The gang attacked like pirana.

13 years ago

maybe indulge her rape fantasies some

I know it’s hardly worth pointing out, but Arks seems to be explicitly advocating rape.

13 years ago

Holly, I wouldn’t call that radical feminism as much as dumb feminism.
Is alphalady the same person as Boadie the half lesbian? If so, feel free to explain the joke that nobody understood.

13 years ago

As Ozy suggested from your comment, you’ve got to stop listening to your brain. Or have you already?

I think you should stop listening to your brain when it tells you things that are objectively untrue. Sometimes your thoughts and feelings do not reflect the reality outside your head.

In your case, for example, you need to ignore your brain when it tells you that underage girls are begging you for sex by wearing skirts in your presence. That is not a thing that is happening.

13 years ago

Shaenon, I would not be and am not mean to women, despite the fact that they have been mean to me, because I am a nice person. So I would not be anything like an AA.

I have to ask, is this one those “It doesn’t count if I don’t say it to her face.” kind of things? Because that’s not being nice, that’s just showing a modicum of politeness. An actually nice person doesn’t constantly seethe with repressed misogynistic rage.

And, as has already been pointed out, you are exceedingly rude to women here all the time. And don’t give me that “It’s not real life.” shit either. This is not a single-player video game you’re playing right now, you’re talking to actual people.

13 years ago

Also Owly thinks that women literally get off on attention from men.

Word of the day for Owlyslave: Clitoris. Look it up.

You can pronounce it with an emphasis on the “clit” as in “literature” or “oris” as in “Boris.”

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Kyrie – It’s a particular kind of dumbness that occurs within radical feminism, but not all radical feminists are that kind of dumb. So yeah. Maybe “the 1% of feminists that MRAs think we all are” feminist?

As far as I know alphalady is a different person and is just saying the page image must be a joke.

13 years ago

Arks, does your parole officer know you’ve got internet access again?

13 years ago

My! My! Such a vicious attack! It really doesn’t matter what I say, you have to attack.

This is why I love Owly. No self-awareness or sense of irony at all.

13 years ago


So now MRAL in mentally ill? Is that professional opinion as a sex therapist?

Well let me know if you ever form a lifelong relationship. Won’t you?

Except men and women are different. That’s where your little fallacy falls apart.

Thats whats got captbathrobes panties in a bunch. Some blog where trannys still have the brain, (sexual drives/desires) of men. Nature again. Since scientific fatc runs counter to ideology, he’s all in a tizzy.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

My! My! Such a vicious attack!

Sorry, NWO, I was just trying to guess what you wanted to happen. Was I wrong? What should happen? How would you solve The Problem Of Women Wearing Certain Unspecified Clothes?

13 years ago

Arks: But what if my girlfriend wants someone to submit to her mighty phallus? o.o

Also, you can have rape fantasies and still be a feminist.

13 years ago

He did specify that women would be slaves in his ideal world, Holly.

13 years ago

Shaenon, but I have noticed that women usually become more stuck-up when they put on dresses or makeup or whatever, because their goal is to appeal to the ALPHA FUCKS. I have found them condescending toward their “non-targets”. I think that’s my interpretation, anyway.

Yes, and your interpretation is wrong. Your brain is telling you untrue things. Women in sexy clothes make you feel intimidated, so you think they’re deliberately intimidating you. But unless you have telepathic powers, you have no way of knowing what random women are thinking when they walk around wearing dresses and makeup.

And I know you don’t have telepathic powers, because, as Meller explained in the previous thread, feminism has prevented science from inventing ESP.

13 years ago

“The easiest way to cure a feminist is to just be alpha.”
Are you alpha, Arks? Why are we still feminists then? (or do we need to meet you IRL?)

“Women can play at having careers, at having educations and at trying to be individuals, but they’re still women”
“play” LOL.
“trying to be individuals” Dude, have you met a woman? Like, ever?

“and that territory comes with an irresistable, hard-wired desire to submit to the mighty phallus.”
So far, I resist. I mean, I have sex with a phallus-bearer, but I don’t think I submitted. And lesbians are superheroes!

“maybe indulge her rape fantasies”
You know you need her (preferably enthusiast) consent so that it’s not real rape?

“some and watch how eager she is to cast aside those decades of feminist indoctrination.”
Is that a bet? 0_o Do you know how many became feminists because they were “bossed around”? (abused)

“Remember, a woman’s satisfaction doesn’t come from pursuing her own goals, but from supporting a worthy male in achieving his own.””

Please, say that it’s all a joke, a poe, and you’re actually a decent human being!!

13 years ago

Ack, I must have used the transperson derivative in a negative fashion. so I’ll repost my previous comment here. Please excuse my political incorrectness, Dave. And delete my previous comment so as not to offend the delicateness of the residing snowflakes.


So now MRAL in mentally ill? Is that professional opinion as a sex therapist?

Well let me know if you ever form a lifelong relationship. Won’t you?

Except men and women are different. That’s where your little fallacy falls apart.

Thats whats got captbathrobes panties in a bunch. Some blog where male transperson still have the brain, (sexual drives/desires) of men. Nature again. Since scientific fatc runs counter to ideology, he’s all in a tizzy.

13 years ago

For Christ’s sake, NWO, quotation out of context much?

As a rule, yes.

Hey Arks! Cool story bro!

13 years ago

I mean after all, on one thread I stated that, knowlege, well spoken, mutiple language skills doesn’t equal, or translate into intelligence.

You don’t know how words work, do you?

That comma before “Knowledge” shouldn’t be there, first of all.

Also, “well spoken” is a qualifier. It’s not a thing, it’s a description of a thing. “That person is well spoken” makes sense, while, “I don’t think well-spoken equals intelligence” doesn’t. That’s the way you used it. Do you understand that it doesn’t make sense? I would have substituted it with “eloquence”, but there are many words that could have worked.

This isn’t about knowledge. You lack basic coherence.

13 years ago

“Your brain is telling you untrue things.”

Ack! Freethinker! Alert!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Well let me know if you ever form a lifelong relationship. Won’t you?

Well shit, not yet.

13 years ago

NWO, do let us know if you ever form any relationship at all.

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