antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy misogyny reactionary bullshit that's not funny!

Maxim explains “How to Cure a Feminist”

Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.

In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.


From Maxim, 2003.


NOTE: This post contains


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Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

I don’t get the misogynists obsession with women who don’t shave. Why do they care? It’s none of their business if a woman chooses to shave or not shave her armpits, legs, or anything else. It’s her hair, her body, her prerogative.

13 years ago

Shaenon, but I have noticed that women usually become more stuck-up when they put on dresses or makeup or whatever, because their goal is to appeal to the ALPHA FUCKS. I have found them condescending toward their “non-targets”. I think that’s my interpretation, anyway.

Even beyond all the other things wrong with this line of reasoning – MRAL, are you under the impression that women in monogamous relationships never get dressed up?

If you are aware that women in monogamous relationships still sometimes wear “dresses or makeup or whatever,” why do you believe we do that? Are we still trying to appeal to ALPHA FUCKS, despite being explicitly uninterested in any romantic/sexual relationship with them, or are we maybe, possibly doing it for other reasons, such as “because it makes us feel confident” or “because we’re going to events where dresses, etc. are expected” or “because it’s part of our dress code at work/school” or “because we want to look nice for our partners” or plain ol’ “because we just felt like it today”?

And if you can accept that women in relationships might be wearing a dress or makeup because they’re going to their friend’s wedding or they feel confident and pretty in it or they’re required to or they’re trying to appeal to one specific person they’re personally attracted to or they just really like that dress/lipstick/whatever…why is it so hard to believe that the same motives might apply to single women, too?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Anyway not many people go outdoors (except at the beach, I guess?) dressed like #3 or #4. So if you’re being oppressed by women who go to class in their underwear, I… shit, I want to go to your school.

13 years ago

Captain Bathrobe, what part of her comment do you refer to when you say trans-phobia?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Kyrie, click her name and look at her blog.

13 years ago

This is a joke, right? I am laughing, right? LOL!

13 years ago

MRAL: Why do you persist in this idea that every single woman is exactly the same as any other? You don’t seem to have a problem understanding that men are all different, and want different things from life, why is applying this to women so fucking difficult?

13 years ago

MRAL, I’m seconding Shaenon’s comments. Your brain is lying to you. It is telling you things to make you feel bad. My brain does the same thing: it tells me I’m sad and ugly and worthless and unloveable. You have to learn not to listen to your brain, which is really hard I know– I still have trouble with it.

That Sean person is very meh to me. Now David Krumholtz, David Krumholtz is hot like a very hot thing. Maybe because the first role I ever saw him in was as a mathematician and the inherent hotness of mathematicians bled over into my opinion of him. But seriously. He has the cutest nose ever. And his smile–!

13 years ago

Incidentally, my mother went to a cocktail party a couple of nights ago, and wore (unsurprisingly) a cocktail dress, and makeup, and heels, and fancy earrings – you know, the sort of things commonly worn to a cocktail party.

My mother has been happily married to my father (who is an obese, bearded, bespectacled dude with mediocre personal hygiene and no fashion sense whatsoever) for 40 years. I am fairly certain she was not trying to appeal to any ALPHA FUCKS. I mean, I could be wrong, but it really doesn’t seem terribly likely. MRAL, do you actually think my mother magically got more stuck-up because she was wearing something that required a strapless bra than she is when she’s just running around in her lab coat and comfy shoes? Do you honestly think she had any “target” in mind beyond “have fun at cocktail party with husband, look pretty and cocktail-party-appropriate while doing so”?

Heck, given the picture that inspired this, do you think all women get more stuck-up when we’re in our underwear?

13 years ago

That Sean person is very meh to me. Now David Krumholtz, David Krumholtz is hot like a very hot thing. Maybe because the first role I ever saw him in was as a mathematician and the inherent hotness of mathematicians bled over into my opinion of him. But seriously. He has the cutest nose ever. And his smile–!

Agreed! If I were designing a physically-ideal-to-me guy from scratch, he would end up bearing more than a passing resemblance to David Krumholtz. Especially the hair. I adore his hair.

Common Nonsense
Common Nonsense
13 years ago

I tend to get more depressed when I’m in my underwear, but I like clothes, so . . .

Is it wrong if I think the first woman is more attractive in that picture? I’m a straight chick so I guess I don’t get to say much about it in the first place, but I like a bit of ruffly hair and baggy, comfortable clothing on my dudes and I think it’s pretty nice on the ladies.

13 years ago

Mr. Al, have you considered going back to therapy? I know you kind of felt like, he suggested the glasses and the shoes, and so now you’re cured. But … maybe think about giving it another go, eh?

13 years ago

Shaenon, but I have noticed that women usually become more stuck-up when they put on dresses or makeup or whatever, because their goal is to appeal to the ALPHA FUCKS. I have found them condescending toward their “non-targets”. I think that’s my interpretation, anyway.

Of course that’s your interpretation. This is because you hate yourself, and you project that hatred onto other people. Especially women.

13 years ago

Related to the point about how not all men like the supposedly super-hot fratboy…why bother with this whole transform a butch program? Why not just go find a women who you like in the first place? The only reason is the urge to go “dance, girl monkeys, dance!” that Maxim is so obsessed with, and apparently MRAL is too.

13 years ago

Brndn demands his baby mama ask him in just the right way, and MRAL/JOHN goes into rage because an anonymous person on the internet does not phrase hir phrase of somebody I’ve never heard of in just the right way!

Holly’s right, dude–ever hear of understatement? Ever heard of people perhaps choosing not to splort graphic TMI in public spaces? I mean, geez if you were in fact enraged all that day, hie thee to your therapist, STAT.

13 years ago

Btw, MRAL, don’t read youtube comment. It’s a idea for most people, and a very bad one for you.

13 years ago

MRAL is just so damned sad. Most of his posts give me the mental image of a red-faced, sobbing child.

It’s so odd to even note obvious things like “married people sometimes dress up” or “average-looking men have sex,” but he really doesn’t seem to get it.

Okay, MRAL, last Saturday I wore a dress and my husband wore an attractive sweater and pants and we went to the theater to see a play as a holiday treat. My husband is average height, skinny, bald, and, get this, has a wonky eye. We had a very nice time. Here’s the really weird part: I didn’t drop my top to catch the eye of an Alpha Cock Bearer and he didn’t even try to snag a hottie in the peak of her fertility. Your world view is beyond fucked up, kiddo.

13 years ago

“You have to learn not to listen to your brain, which is really hard I know– I still have trouble with it.”

The feminist creedo. How else could anyone be a feminist? Be a feminist by not listening to your brain.
“If you are aware that women in monogamous relationships still sometimes wear “dresses or makeup or whatever,” why do you believe we do that? Are we still trying to appeal to ALPHA FUCKS, despite being explicitly uninterested in any romantic/sexual relationship with them,”

Oh yes indeedy! Women dress up who are in laughably monogomous relationships for the sexual satisfaction they get from any man who pays attention to them for their sexuality. They lap it up like warm kibbles and bits on a cold winters day.

What’s the difference between a man in a monogomous relationship who talks up every woman he sees, and a woman in a monogomous relationship who dresses up and gets attention from every man who sees her. Not one damn thing.

Of course, monogamy isn’t even on the table these days. Any woman who claims to be monogomous but still dresses to impress, does so for the sexual satisfaction.

I went over to your blog and read, “ethical sluts.” The story goes on like every other womens blog. You dumped monogmous highschool boyfriend and are proudly riding the cock carosel. You state this quite clearly and go on to state how you have no intentions of being monogomous. I see where the slut part comes from but the ethical part eludes me.

As I’ve tried to explain to the gang, you simply can never form a long term relationship. For every man a woman sleeps with her ability to form a lasting relationship drops by like 7%. It’s the “n” word, nature.
@Captain Bathrobe
“Just to second Holly, you can also take your trans-phobia and fuck right off, because we’re not about that here, either.”

Does any dissenting opinion always bring out the intolerant bigot in you? Oh that’s right, you have an ideology.
Out of the women in the picture, (I realize they’re the same). I like #3, it’s so darned cute when girls pretend to think. As has been confirmed by the gang, you need to not listen to your brain to be a real woman. Of course she could only dress like that for me, otherwise she’d be giving away her sexuality to any man within eyeshot. Can you imagine a woman actually being loyal enough to save her goodies for just one man? I can’t.

13 years ago

Kyrie, I was referring to her blog content, not to her comment here specifically.

13 years ago

Aw, come on, NWO! Give us a pretty smile!

13 years ago

Is it wrong if I think the first woman is more attractive in that picture? I’m a straight chick so I guess I don’t get to say much about it in the first place, but I like a bit of ruffly hair and baggy, comfortable clothing on my dudes and I think it’s pretty nice on the ladies.

Yeah, Woman #1 would be cute if she weren’t a smoker.

I’m pretty shocked that it took two pages for NWO to show up on a thread about How Women Should Dress.

13 years ago

Actually, Owly, by “brain” Ozy was at that time referring metaphorically to insecurity and the tendency to self-criticize. I see that you, however, have managed not to listen to your brain at all on a much more literal level.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Let’s play (since he never will) a rousing game of What NWO Wants To Happen!

The feminist creedo. How else could anyone be a feminist? Be a feminist by not listening to your brain.

NWO wants people with low self-esteem to believe that they really are alone because they’re ugly.

Oh yes indeedy! Women dress up who are in laughably monogomous relationships for the sexual satisfaction they get from any man who pays attention to them for their sexuality. They lap it up like warm kibbles and bits on a cold winters day.

NWO wants women in monogamous relationships to dress like [DATA MISSING].

I went over to your blog and read, “ethical sluts.” The story goes on like every other womens blog. You dumped monogmous highschool boyfriend and are proudly riding the cock carosel. You state this quite clearly and go on to state how you have no intentions of being monogomous. I see where the slut part comes from but the ethical part eludes me.

NWO wants neverdidlikeyou to still be dating her highschool boyfriend. Because once you date a man, that’s for life, you slut!

As I’ve tried to explain to the gang, you simply can never form a long term relationship. For every man a woman sleeps with her ability to form a lasting relationship drops by like 7%. It’s the “n” word, nature.

NWO wants math to work somewhat differently than it actually does.

Does any dissenting opinion always bring out the intolerant bigot in you? Oh that’s right, you have an ideology.

NWO wants to defend a radical feminist who says “most men are vile,” because he’d rather do that then agree with anyone here.

Out of the women in the picture, (I realize they’re the same). I like #3, it’s so darned cute when girls pretend to think. As has been confirmed by the gang, you need to not listen to your brain to be a real woman. Of course she could only dress like that for me, otherwise she’d be giving away her sexuality to any man within eyeshot. Can you imagine a woman actually being loyal enough to save her goodies for just one man? I can’t.

NWO wants to be a hilarious parody of himself.

13 years ago


As Ozy suggested from your comment, you’ve got to stop listening to your brain. Or have you already?

13 years ago

For Christ’s sake, NWO, quotation out of context much? I was specifically talking in the context of being mentally ill, in which case, YES, your brain is lying to you.

I’m glad to know that my baggy shirts and ripped jeans prove that I am the true non-slut, no matter how many boys and girls I fuck.

Interesting thing about the pic: notice how more tilted she gets as she gets more femme. Is butch inherently connected to good posture?