Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.
In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.

NOTE: This post contains
“I have work to do, so I can’t run or watch movies I like. I am just saying, that chick was pwned.”
You realize that chick is a model who was being paid to pose and not an actual feminist being made over, right?
You need to stop talking to Meller, apparently his inability to tell fantasy from reality is infectious.
MRAL/John whatever, if you’re really self conscious about how you look maybe you can do something about it? Dress sharp, cut your hair, clean shave etc. You’re only as attractive as you are confident and that definitely shows on the outside.
I googled Sean Foreman. I find him completely unattractive. (Did I break you, MRAL?)
Other people I find completely unattractive include, to blow your mind a little further, Brad Pitt – I’d say he’s even more unattractive than that Foreman dude.
Some people I DO find attractive include Stephen Colbert, Tom Lehrer when he was young (droooool), and my boyfriend, who is, as previously mentioned, slightly overweight, pretty hairy, pale, and a great big geek.
It’s almost like different people have different tastes!
Nah, that can’t be it. Clearly I am an ALPHA FUCK BITCH for preferring adorable geeky guys to blond, buff, traditionally “macho” looking guys. Clearly.
And it’s not even a negative comment!! Have you seen the kinds of vile shit that gets spewed about female celebrities on a constant basis?!
Polliwog – I think MRAL’s problem is that he thinks there’s a fixed hierarchy of male attractiveness, so if someone doesn’t like Sean Foreman clearly she doesn’t like anyone.
…And for some reason that’s a reason to froth and resent her rather than shrug and go “oh well, I guess she won’t go on very many dates then.”
I only find Foreman kind of cute because I don’t like blonds. Does this make me an alpha bitch because I’m picky, or a great humanitarian because most of the world’s men are not blond and thus I am actually favoring the majority?
Only you can decide, MRAL. Please share your wisdom.
I also had to look him up. He looks like every other smug fratboy dudebro to me. Boring.
Actually he’s sort of mousy, which I like even less, and too muscly and dudebro-ish for me. I don’t like men that buffed. Again, does this make me an alpha bitch or a humanitarian, since most men are less buffed than that?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huh………Notice they keyword “half-lesbian”. I’ve noticed that TRUE lesbians(and by that I mean women who are genuinely sexually attracted to women exclusively)generally like us menz as people quite a bit more than straight women do. The same can be said for gay men when it comes to women. Funny thing is, when you really don’t want anything from the opposite sex they don’t seem threatening or hard to understand. Those self-professed lesbian feminists who dislike men are quite often straight women who’ve adopted the lifestyle because of their issues with men rather than truly wanting sex with women.
Are you fucking with me? She’s not busting her ass to suck up to ME, she’s busting her ass to suck up to the alpha assholes (ie, 10% of men) and hop on the Carousel.
That’s what gets me. Arrogant women put makeup or whatever on to appeal to a tiny slice of men, and then fyms bitch and blame about how they “make themselves pleasing to men”, yeah, er, no they don’t. They make themselves pleasing to 5% of men, the alphas, those VERY VERY few men who rule the goddamn planet. They are quite distinct from “men” as a gender. If you’re not an AA, you get sneered at.
This is all imaginary, MRAL. It is in your head. Your brain is telling you these things to make you sad.
Polliwog – I think MRAL’s problem is that he thinks there’s a fixed hierarchy of male attractiveness, so if someone doesn’t like Sean Foreman clearly she doesn’t like anyone.
…And for some reason that’s a reason to froth and resent her rather than shrug and go “oh well, I guess she won’t go on very many dates then.”
Yeah, it’s utterly bizarre, on pretty much every level. I’m torn between finding it hilarious and just finding it really, really sad that one anonymous person thinking a random guy is merely “kind of cute” rather than a “perfect physical specimen” is enough to send him over the edge.
(Also, MRAL, I don’t generally think of ANYONE as a “perfect physical specimen,” because I don’t think of men as “specimens,” I think of them as people. I don’t want my boyfriend for the purpose of inspecting him under a microscope, I want him for, y’know, hanging out with and generally being awesome.)
I can think of a few men I think of as perfect physical specimens FOR ME, SPECIFICALLY. I doubt MRAL would agree with my assessment of those guys, though.
If you’re a woman, you’re terrible, no matter what you do.
I also had to look him up. He looks like every other smug fratboy dudebro to me. Boring.
Yup. Google tells me he is also responsible for that annoying “My First Kiss” song with the smoochy noises. That’s an additional -10 to attractiveness, right there.
Shaenon, but I have noticed that women usually become more stuck-up when they put on dresses or makeup or whatever, because their goal is to appeal to the ALPHA FUCKS. I have found them condescending toward their “non-targets”. I think that’s my interpretation, anyway.
MRAL, here is a nice story.
When I was 14, i had a female friend. My friend fell in love with a boy. For weeks, she refused to tell us who it was, but each times she mentioned him (which was a lot) she was sweating and blushing (and presumably, her ‘gina was tingling) She finally told us who he was. She thought he was objectively handsome, an Appollon or as you would say, an alpha.
We (her friends) though he was ugly. Not plain, but ugly, as in “eewwww I would never kiss him” (I know, that’s immature. But I was a teenager)
Here is the morale: someone’s prince Charming can be someone else’s Quasimodo. Because of this simple fact, any hierarchy (alpha, beta,…) based on what people look like is simply wrong.
For the record, I find photo number one more sexy, (except for the fake hair-pit), which probably means I’m doomed to be a unshaven (most of the time) militant, protesting vegan (well, more vegetarian so far) rather than a actual girl.
I can live with that.
Lemme rephrase it: Maxim mag is the hairy butthole of menz magazines.
My rancor towards this waste of paper is the simply fact that this mag is so blatantly anti-intellectual and makes men look ST00PID. The writers try too hard to be witty and macho at the same time but they’re about as insightful and clever as a bunch of high school football jocks in the locker room! I find it hard to fathom how women could actually take this shit seriously, let alone any d00d who has a subscription to it.
Probably Stage #4 got buttfucked by a callous Alpha Asshole right after that Photoshoot.
Okay, MRAL, I gotta ask…
1. Is this something you think actually happened to the model in the photos, or are you making up a story about the imaginary ex-feminist she’s playing?
2. If it’s the former, how could Woman #4 get buttfucked and not Women #1-3, inasmuch as they are all the same woman and have but a single butt between them?
3. If it’s the latter, are you fully aware that you’re not talking about a real person?
4. Even if this imaginary thing happened to this imaginary woman, I’m sure the imaginary Callous Alpha Asshole treated her way better than you would treat a woman.
…Oh, and I’m sure prominent third-wave activist Jennifer Baumgardner was just thrilled when her advice on feminist dating wound up being quoted in a piece called “How to Cure a Feminist.”
Please note that I refuse to have sex with any man dressed like this, just on general principles.–large-msg-125324115551.jpg
Shaenon, I would not be and am not mean to women, despite the fact that they have been mean to me, because I am a nice person. So I would not be anything like an AA.
Here’s an actual (well, slightly paraphrased) quote from my high school yearbook (by a girl):
“You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met”
This is turning out to be one of my favorite blogs. I’m a lesbian feminist, but I think I have a crush on you. <3 Look at that! You cured me! Lol! Just kidding, I'm only half-lesbian, but I do consider most men to be vile. Love your blog though. 😉
Just to second Holly, you can also take your trans-phobia and fuck right off, because we’re not about that here, either.
Yeah, it’s utterly bizarre, on pretty much every level. I’m torn between finding it hilarious and just finding it really, really sad that one anonymous person thinking a random guy is merely “kind of cute” rather than a “perfect physical specimen” is enough to send him over the edge.
The thing is, if she’d said he was a perfect physical specimen and raved about his looks, MRAL would be sulking about that.
(Okay, I got curious and Googled Sean Foreman too. Not my cup of tea, sorry.)
I mean, I can see that he’s generically what’s considered hot these days, but for me? I wouldn’t fuck him with someone else’s vagina. Not my type at all.
Shaenon, I would not be and am not mean to women, despite the fact that they have been mean to me, because I am a nice person. So I would not be anything like an AA.
Then why are you mean to the women here? You’re mean to me all the time, and I’m a woman. You’ve never been nice to me.
Other people have pointed this out to you, but when you actually date a woman, there will be times when she upsets you, or gets on your nerves, or does something you think is dumb, because she will be human. At those times, it will be hard to be nice, and it will be easy to yell and swear and threaten violence as you routinely do here. I worry about that, because so far I always see you taking the easy option when you’re upset.
I google Sean Foreman too. Not my type either, though conventionally good looking.
But! -and I say that for you MRAL – that does not mean that to be viewed by me as sexy, cute or whatever a man has to be something more. Just different, in a way I, not a majority of people – like.
And to illustrate that not liking poor Sean doesn’t liking only 5% of the men in the world: tonight, I was with some people, two of them were way more sexy (IMO) than Foreman.
What the fuck is a half lesbian? I know lesbian, straight, bi, gay, homo, hetero, pansexual, degrees of kinsey scale… but I’ve never heard “half lesbian” as a sexual or romantic orientation.