Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.
In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.

NOTE: This post contains
Hey, I’m not talking about me. I am discussing wider societal implications.
And they have little thought bubbles displaying their true colors, Holly.
Stage #1: Misandric, obviously.
Stage #3: TRANSLATION: “Maybe I need an Alpha Alpha Alpha Prime to complete me.”
Stage #4: TRANSLATION: “Your Camaro makes me so hot (as long as you’re an Alpha Alpha Alpha Prime)”
Stage #2: Nothing objectionable.
That’s my reasoning.
Probably she got dressed and went home because she’s actually an ordinary person who has a job as a magazine editorial model.
I have no idea what kind of relationship she’s in but it’s probably one with a guy she likes.
Serious question, MRAL: have you heard of marriage? That thing where two people get together and only fuck each other? How does this fit into your “women are all sluts for assholes who all throw them away after one fuck” cosmology? People still do get married!
There is such a thing as a couple. Don’t you realize what a hole that simple human fact punches in your delusion?
Both idiotic and emotionally manipulative. Only upside is that anyone who seriously believes this shite might actually learn something when they are attempting step #1 and maybe pick up some actual feminist beliefs
“Arrogant women put makeup or whatever on to appeal to a tiny slice of men”
I agree. You don’t have to date these women you know. I do dislike it when women try too hard to get a guys attention. It’s pretty desperate and shows low self esteem.
“She won’t object to you opening the occasional door or picking up the check”
But that’s misandry! This magazine is full of shit.
>>>Maxim mag is the anus of menz magazines.
Failed analogy. I don’t like to have my Maxim magazine licked when I’m really horny.
(To be fair, I don’t have a Maxim mag, because… well, do I really need a reason?)
Those thought bubbles were written by a male editor and he was exaggerating. I’m not going to defend an imaginary woman to you, especially not one from a man’s imagination.
But I have a homework assignment for you. I want you to go to the mall. (It’s hell right now, I know. I’m sorry.) And I want you to look at the couples there. All of the couples, not the ones that catch your eye and boil your blood. Just the sort of men and women who go together to pick up some Yankee Candles or golf clubs or whateverthehell. Notice the sort of people they are.
Every sort.
Notice how some of the men in couples will look a bit like you, or at least nothing whatsoever like Brad Pitt. I can’t promise they’ll be with gorgeous women but you never said that you demanded that; they’ll be with women.
Realize that you’re not all wrong–there is something about you that repels women. But it’s something extremely changeable. It’s the way you talk to us and about us. You can fix that. You can be an Alpha Of Treating Women Like People.
Nope, no “bitch clothes” but that totally is some bitch hair. I mean look at it, it’s like she blowdried that shit and everything!
Dammit, I thought I had put John/MRAL’s newest info in the moderation filter. Well, I have now.
@Holly: I’ve actually noticed that it’s the generally the prettier couples that don’t get along very well. You can totally tell when it’s a superficial relationship.
Look, Holly, I don’t know. Maybe things change when you get older. I just go by my experiences.
So, the other day I was on Youtube, and I was watching the video for that Starstrukk song by 3OH!3 and Katy Perry, and I happened to look at one of the comments. This girl says “that blond guy is kind of cute”. (She was referring to Sean Foreman.)
KIND OF CUTE?!? Even as a very straight guy I can see that Sean is maybe even hotter than Pitt. He’s like a perfect physical specimen. What the FUCK? I got so fucking mad it ruined my whole goddamn day. If someone like Sean is only “kind of cute”, what the fuck does that say about how Alpha Bitches view the other 3.5 billion men on the planet? That girl is a fucking elitist arrogant bitch.
Oooo, it looks like John/MRAL just got pwned.
Good. I’m sick of seeing him constantly wishing anal rape on people.
And Holly is exactly right. People like MRAL who seethe with rage at the tiny percent of women they want to fuck and can’t simply DO NOT SEE the majority of humanity.
This is turning out to be one of my favorite blogs. I’m a lesbian feminist, but I think I have a crush on you. <3 Look at that! You cured me! Lol! Just kidding, I'm only half-lesbian, but I do consider most men to be vile. Love your blog though. 😉
Well then you can fuck right off, because that’s not what we’re about here. 🙂
How to make a feminist woman dateable:
-Be a feminist man.
Bust is not a feminist-lite magazine. It’s a sex-positive feminist magazine. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. Sex-positive feminism is not the tastes-great-less-filling of feminism.
For the advanced class, we will discuss how butches, virgins, queers, the hairy-armpitted and other undesirables can still be sex-positive feminists.
” If someone like Sean is only “kind of cute”, what the fuck does that say about how Alpha Bitches view the other 3.5 billion men on the planet?”
People have different tastes you big silly. Personally he’s not to my taste. I prefer someone kinda nerdier.
@ozymandias, I’m hairy pitted AND wearing a dress and heels right now (and don’t find Brad Pitt particularly hot, to reference John’s most recent tirade)… which class do I get to go to?
Personally, I think Sean Foreman is kind of cute.
I think my boyfriend–who is fatter and nerdier and less famous and goofier-looking than Sean Foreman–is super cute. Even though he’s less Pittlike than Sean Foreman, I like him more.
It can work like that.
Also, WTF to “Turn an unshaven, militant, protesting vegan into a real girl!”
There’s so much wrong with it.
Really? One woman on a comment section of a youtube video saying a man was ‘kind of cute’ sent you into spasms of rage?
That’s a pretty big hint you might have issues. People have different tastes. People have different ways of expressing their taste. This should not ruin anyone’s day.
People have different tastes you big silly. Personally he’s not to my taste. I prefer someone kinda nerdier.
Ha! exactly. I tend not to find most stereotypically “pretty boys” hot and instead go wild for…. well actually I don’t really have a physical type, I tend to find whoever I’m attracted to emotionally/intellectually/socially as the hottest person then and there, no matter what they look like.
Funny thing is, “kind of cute” can be a turn of phrase meaning “super hot, but I’m understating it to be cutesy.”
Even though I think my boyfriend is super cute, sometimes I tell him “you’re kinda cute,” and he blushes and is flattered because he knows how I mean it.
If you don’t have that kind of flexibility in how you interpret people saying positive things, well, you need to understand that the problem is on your end.