Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.
In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.

NOTE: This post contains
@David: *looks over top of bifocals at you*
Stephanie, that link was hilarious. I can’t believe it. I guess PUA’s think lesbians can detect hCG levels in urine, just like First Response or e.p.t.
Haha, and at the same time, PUAs would probably be extremely offended if a guy tried to pick them up and he used the same tactic (wearing the urine of a pregnant woman as cologne).
I mean, if it works on lesbians, it has to work on straight guys as well.
OK, throwing this in vis a vis urine. I read somewhere (a sf novel by Spider Robinson?) that the best way to keep deer and such out of your vegetable patch is by having a meat-eating dude urinate around the patch (not all that much is needed) because it signals “meat eating predator.”
Have also read of hunters using pregnant animal urine to lure in male critters to shoot? Stags? Something?
Could ths be where the “urine of pregnant woman” (and I am still boggled that anybody thinks they could get their hands on it) comes from?
Or what?????
Hmm, I’ve heard that there are buckets of wolf urine that you can actually purchase. If you own a dog I think its supposed to work as a kind of invisible “fence” that you pour around the perimeter of your backyard so the dog doesn’t go past it? or something like that.
PUAs probably think they can persuade a pregnant woman via their “game” into donating her urine to them.
As long as we’re free to despise Wal-Mart as a corporation, I’m OK with that.
Seriously, most people who shop at Wal-Mart do so because things there are cheap. I have a hard time faulting anyone for doing so in this economy.
But the way Wal-Mart treats it’s employees, and engages in union-busting, is a fucking crime.
The movie that caused me to go my own way. For those on this forum that have told me to “just go my own way already”
The Cast:
The Man
The Wife
The Son
The daughter 1
The daughter 2
The Narrator
The Wife’s Family
The story opens with a man in his early 40’s. The man is currently divorced, with a son in middle school. He is successful and during his divorced days managed to pay off the entire cost of his, very nice, house. Enter the future Wife. The Man and the Wife meet at the work place. The man is one of the company heads and the Wife is a new assistant. After a brief period of dating he does what he believes to be the right thing and proposes. They marry and live happily ever after.
Fast forward a few months. The wife is pregnant. The man had insisted that he was too old to start another round of children, but apparently “accidents” occur. He accepts his responsibility and raises the daughter 1. Apparently, the wife does not like the bond that was developed between the Man and the daughter 1 and wants another child, one she can bond with. After much discourse the Man gives in and a second child, the daughter 2, is born. The wife spoils the daughter 2 and complete ignores, and a lot of the time outright mentally abuses the daughter 1, because of her bond with the Man. However, all is great in Never Never Land.
10 years have gone by and financial woe had struck the Man. He has, several times, pulled the equity out of his free and clear house in order to pay for the unnecessary spending habits of the Wife. The bills are too much and his after tax income, of over 8k a month, is not enough to pay back the bills and feed her whims. The Wife tries to contact her family and talks about how bad her situation is and their need to borrow money to pay for utilities. The wife’s family doesn’t want their nieces and grandchildren to suffer. They reluctantly “loan” money and find out that none of the money went to utilities, but instead to pointless gifts for the wife and the daughter 2.
Over the next few years, stress at home as finally reached his work place. The man has been forced to resign and takes a buyout of his stake in the company. He uses the money to pay off the house and all other bills. Not surprisingly, in a few years being back in the clear, the wife has managed to pull all of the equity out of the home again and run up all of the bills again. The man tries a last ditch effort to scrounge up some cash to get the family to survive and sells most of his gun collection, a collection he amassed during divorced days.
Finally, it becomes too much for the wife. She can’t take living with this loser of a man and tells him that she is going to divorce him, has been cheating on him, and will be taking the kids. Not surprisingly this becomes very painful for the Man, but seems to be ok with the decision.
Fast forward a week. The man decided to start his morning by going to the gun range and release some tension, as was typical of him. The woman was packing up her things and was “justifiable” getting ready to go to her new guys place. The phone rings. Why would the police be calling her? While at the gun range, the Man fired a few rounds down range, put the barrel in his mouth, and removed the back of his head and anything in the way.
As you can tell early on, this is not a movie. This event actually occurred. The man was my brother-in-law and the wife my step-sister.
I am going my own way.
Posters such as Hellkell and Cassandra who have told MGTOW men to just “go already” here is a great post from a MGTOW friend of mine. I couldn’t explain better … #post55093
This is my reply.
I’m 48 and I’ve been an MGHOW for 25 years.
The greatest deception the Matrix or society has pulled off on people is for them to be presented with the question “What is my purpose in life?”, “Why am I here and what am I to do?”.
These questions are designed to truly mislead people, especially men.
Even the MGTOWs who’ve swallowed the Red Pill are frequently fooled into posing this question to themselves.
“What is the purpose of my life?” is a question designed by the “system” to subvert a man’s thought processes, it makes men think about a “bigger picture” and with that bigger picture are other people in the picture.
Religions pose this question and answer it by saying “Your purpose in life is to worship God”, Society at large poses this question and tell men “Your purpose in life is to keep the system going, no matter the personal cost”.
For a true MGHOW this question should be completely meaningless, you have no ultimate purpose in being here.
Just as any animal born into this world, there isn’t a purpose for their birth, they just are and they don’t care.
That is the ultimate freedom. to acknowledge that you have no ultimate purpose in life, and you should never view yourself ever as having a purpose which serves someone else’s agenda.
You can and should set goals for yourself, things you want to do for yourself and only for yourself.
You don’t need a purpose to go skydiving.
You don’t need a purpose to visit Japan.
You don’t need a purpose to play video games or hang out in a bar.
All you need is what you want for yourself at this very moment.
Ultimately, you exist because…
and that is enough and should be enough, it will allow you to enjoy each and every moment because there isn’t the weight of “purpose” in each moment.
Instead you simply choose for yourself what you want and your own values and goals.
Having goals is a very different thing then having a purpose, a purpose implies service to others, a goal is service to yourself.
Many MGTOWs think they’ve escaped the Matrix when they ‘declare’ independence and subsequently fall back into the trap the second they ask what is their purpose in life now.
To extend the Matrix analogy a bit further, when you feel “empty” and without purpose, it’s the residual programming society has instilled into you to automatically seek external guidance. Where do most people get their sense of purpose, from others, from outside factors and society at large.
It’s your “input” chip urging you to plug back in and rejoin the Matrix, which will give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
The hardest thing a true MGHOW will face is living his life without a sense of purpose.
I went through this phase as well about 15 years ago. I was living alone and feeling alone, feeling lost. I was a “nice guy” loser who got ignored enough to finally wake up to the fact that there was no purpose in my life. The least of which is to get married and have a family.
I kept searching for a purpose for 3-4 years before I came to the realization that my life was meaningless and that was my true value. That my life lacked meaning for others is a great freedom, it doesn’t imply my life lacks meaning for ME! to the contrary, my “meaningless and pointless” life allows me the freedom to choose any goal and direction for my life without any of the guilt, shame and social pressure to live up to society’s expectations.
Simply live and enjoy life without it having any meaning, enjoy a sunrise and each new day without preset expectations of what that will bring for you. The greatest freedom a man can have is to simply be his own man, without the burdens and expectations others place on him.
Once you’ve lived the MGHOW path for a few years and train your mind not to ask about your ultimate purpose you will find many things will come to you which you wish to do, without any strings attached.
BTW, this path isn’t new, Zen masters and eastern mystics refer to this as the Death of the Ego, for it is the ego which asks constantly, what is my purpose? and cannot accept that simply being is enough. It’s the ego which leads men into a lot of problems.
So let go of purpose, simply live each day as it comes and enjoy it to the fullest, ultimately you have no obligations to live up to which you didn’t choose for yourself.
The PUA’s talk a lot about fertility and being attracted to fertility. Maybe they view pregnancy as an obvious display of fertility. Then again, they believe all lesbians love babies, so maybe they believe lesbians can detect anything related to babies and maternity. PUA’s love to spout any kind of evo pysch bullshit they hear, no matter how ludicrous it is.
Now I’m imagining a PUA getting kicked out of a obstetrician’s office for pestering pregnant patients to score some urine with high quality hCG.
I’m sorry if that happened, but no one really needed your reasons for GYOW. Holy overshare.
JTK, TL;DR. Why are you wasting your time? Go.
Would you like us to beg you to stay? Not gonna happen.
@ JTK’s TL;DR sermon
Here endeth the reading from the Church of Nihilism… we hope… Amen.
Wow, that was a lot of explanation about why you wanna go your own way, JTK. I still don’t understand why you don’t go your own way already.
It did, however, make me really wish that you’d just go your own way.
Weirdly, you lose points for high IQ in the male version of the test, too.
Based on the questions asked and the points assigned for various answers, I’m guessing Heartiste is a bald, middle-aged man with a small penis, a low IQ, and a criminal record who would like to date a lightly concussed teenager.
While I originally thought that the Matrix was a fairly cliche retread of a lot of stereotyped ideas about “deep philosophy” (with a totally fucked up sf premise, and some really weird racialized issues, and OMG, why does anyone like Keanu Reeves), I am not feeling a whole lot of retroactive hatred for it because it gave these guys a reason to believe they are deep thinkers.
Dudes, why don’t you just go hang out in Plato’s cave, stare at the shadows on the wall, contemplate the beginning of wisdom, and shut the fuck up for a while?
OTOH, who here is planning seeing SHERLOCK 2 Friday?
I loathe Brad Pitt (and Tom Cruise) but OMG Robert Downey, Jr.! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!
And Jude Law was BORN to play Watson.
*happy sigh*
NOW feeling, am NOW feeling….*smacks keyboard*
Roissy/Heartiste is middle-aged and he’s not bald but he look creepy and have the eyes of a psychopath. It’s easy to find pictures of him on the web. But I’m sure many of his fans are bald and overweight.
Nobody asked you for an explanation. You came on this board proudly proclaiming that you are a Man Going His Own Way, and then got all defensive when posters here responded by telling you to do exactly what you said you are doing.
Oh, btw, are you this spocksdisciple?
I want to see it at the Alamo Drafthouse, so I’ll probably wait a few weeks until the crowds die down.
@Hellkell: I really loathe crowds myself, but the nifty thing about living in the middle of nowhere and also having a flexible schedule (I was in grading at 7 am Monday, but my final final exam ends 12:30 friday) is that we can often slither in and beat the crowds even on opening nights, and there are a number of times we’ve been nearly the only people in the moviehouse after a week or so.
For RDJ/Sherlock, we’ll brave a few crowds. Plus, celebration of end of term.
Plus, and this will blow you dazzling urbanites’ mind: we pay $4 for shows before 6 pm and only $6 after 6!
HellKell, are you in Austin? Me as well!
@Captain Bathrobe: Wal-Mart treats it’s employees, and engages in union-busting, is a fucking crime.
All true, but the depressing thing in this very small rural Texas town (7500), it is not only one of the better employers overall, in the town, but unlike the independently owned “mom’n’pop” stores in town, it hires African Americans (which the small businesses don’t). It shows how lousy things are that I can say WM is actually better in some ways than most of the other employers….de facto segregation is alive and well in rural Texas (elsewhere too I’m sure, but I see it here, every day).
Hey, this is totally off topic, but since there’s some Austinites here: what’s the weather like in Austin late December, early January? Is it worth a trip, or should we wait until spring or fall?
@JulieJezebel, I am in ATX!
Bee, this is probably the best time of year to be here. I’ll most likely be wearing shorts and flip-flops at x-mas. There’s only about of a week of spring before the heat and no real fall.
Ithiliana, we might try x-mas day for the movie. We usually grab Chinese and have a mellow day since our families are too far away to visit for a long weekend.