antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy misogyny reactionary bullshit that's not funny!

Maxim explains “How to Cure a Feminist”

Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.

In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.


From Maxim, 2003.


NOTE: This post contains


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13 years ago

Aw, B_don must be upset that the other trolls are getting all the attention. either that or it’s finally Negative Attention Fix O’Clock.

13 years ago

Yes, the porntastic L. Roissy standards include an optimum age of 17–20 years old; a BMI of about 18 and a D cup figure; and below or average intelligence. And rating a 10 for facial beauty can’t hurt either.

The best comment on that thread is from our own Manboobzer and sex blogger extra-ordinaire Molly Ren, suggesting an alternate option for question #29.

13 years ago

“Better zip over there fast or you’ll be sliding down the Troll Ladder faster than shit through a goose!”
Does that mean we have alpha, beta and omegas trolls? 0_o And maybe even TGTOW (T for Troll) once they’re tired.
I think it should measure the originality of the trolling, its frequency, the number of responses, the type of answers (compassion, anger, mockery,…), the consistency of the argument (sorry Brandon), the quality of name calling received (good for you, Meller)

13 years ago

So, the test. I took it and apparently I’m a classic beta.
On the bright side, I can now tell to shut up to all whiny self declared beta males, because my life is the same nightmare.
But I would have preferred to score lower, because the idea of being approached by a PUA is not a pleasant one, no matter what he looks like. Since most of my points comes from being young (who would have thought my best quality was the time since I got born? Huge ego boost) I should get down this ladder in 2 years. Yeahhh!

But we’re the shallow ones, right MRAL? From now on, I’ll try to answer troll’s arguments with other misogynists’ arguments.

13 years ago

Stephanie I am apparently a “Greater Beta” due in great part to my age, cup size and opinions about various sexual acts.

13 years ago

I’m a nascent alpha, everyone! And since I’m unfortunately unable to stop time, I will keep sliding down the scale (I already had the gall to age past 20) so I’m thinking I’d better dump my boyfriend and get on the Alpha Cock Carousel until I’m “used up” and no one wants me 🙂

13 years ago

Holy. Crap.

I just looked at that survey thing and as a cis-male feel creeped out after reading that.

WTF kind of cretin came up with that???

13 years ago


I find as each day goes by that I desire less material things than I ever did before
and I only eat at certain restaurants, the ones that are usually modest in their
environment and I shop more and more at Family Dollar and Wal Mart.The only “upscale” store I only shop at now is for mens suits for my job.

I just seem to have no desire to be around or patronize anything that represents
mainstream society.

Oh, you can’t make this up. Your way of rejecting mainstream society is … shopping at Walmart? Seriously?

13 years ago

>>“Market value”? So women are commodities? That is absolutely disgusting.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When all you have is a course in Economy 101 and a couple of tracts from right-wing libertarians, everything looks like a market. 😉

13 years ago

Your energy would be better spent finding a woman that is much more compatible with you to begin with…instead of trying to change a feminist into a respectable woman.

Brandon: You have already informed us in detail that you don’t consider any woman who sleeps with you “respectable”. Your purpose in dating is to call a woman filthy names and to videotape her having sex with you without her consent. So what’s a feminist missing by not dating you? Sure looks like a nightmare.

13 years ago


Which one are you? C’mon! Don’t be shy!

13 years ago

hahaha JTK reminds me of this:

13 years ago

@Amused: Ashley is a respectable girl.

13 years ago

I scored a 25 on the Market value test for women, which makes me a Greater Beta as well. I took the Market Value test for men, just to see what I would score on there, and I got a 0–which for some reason, also makes me a Beta.

So basically these tests are a lot more judgmental about women than men. An alpha male would be of “lower” quality than an alpha female. So. Weird.

13 years ago

Can we not engage in classism against people who shop at Walmart or Dollar General, please?

Yes, it is funny that one of our new MRA troll litter thinks shopping at some of the most popularly patronized stores in the country is avoiding the mainstream, but that doesn’t really excuse classism or fatphobia against others.

13 years ago


Understood. My apologies.

13 years ago

You LOSE points for having a high IQ. That tells you everything right there.

13 years ago

@Kyrie: Does that mean we have alpha, beta and omegas trolls? 0_o And maybe even TGTOW (T for Troll) once they’re tired.

Clearly! Although I tend to default to A, B, C, D, and F grades since, well, occupational hazard.

I’m all for collaborating on a highly numeric and chart driven system of ranking Trolls although the whining some of them will do if they don’t end up high enough (or low enough, depending on scale) the chart will be, I have no doubt, heart-rending!

13 years ago

I suspect this is a sneaky way of trying to introduce men who have yet to be enlightened to feminism, since the homework involved to even attempt this basically requires causing the guy to fully educate himself on third wave feminism.

But is this even a thing? “I find this woman preposterously unattractive because she has none of the cultural trappings of what I like, and I perceive her as an active danger of castration. I must educate myself on her philosophy to encourage her to dress in a sexualized fashion and participate in her hobbies.”

13 years ago

Ok, I used Google to find an answer about LGBT people and the hierarchy, and apparently lesbians do fit into the whole PUA ‘game’. Apparently, a PUA male can pick up a lesbian by wearing the urine of a pregnant woman as perfume.

13 years ago

@Stephanie: Oh, no, I ain’t clicking.

But I am imagining an asshole trying to find a pregnant woman he can ask for a urine sample since my theory is he doesn’t actually have any women friends, pregnant or not.

My life was so much better when I thought they just ignored all us not-straight people…..sigh.

13 years ago


There’s no disturbing pictures or anything if that’s what you’re worried about.


“just as a matter of course”


13 years ago

Ashley is a respectable girl.

That’s the great thing about imaginary girlfriends, they can be whatever you want them to be.

13 years ago

@Stephane: not so much pictures as I am afraid that the Cooties of Complete and Utter Macho Stupidity will infect my netbook, Fluffy! One can never be too careful out here in this series of tubes! (Actually I have a general policy of never clicking on links to any of the mrapuapooptroll sites linked from Manboobz–this is as close as I want to get!).