Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.
In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.

NOTE: This post contains
I’m 35 and never married. Is it a contest? Some people do better alone; I’m one of them. Thing is, I don’t blame other people for it, or try to disparage an entire gender because of MY issues!
I understand that because of some experiences in my past, I have certain trust issues that make it difficult for me to form lasting romantic relationships with another person. (Long story short, I lost a parent at a young age and was abused by a daycare provider — a female daycare provider) I have no problems making friends and am close with my family, but when it comes to romantic relationships that trust issue is just a hurdle that I have difficulty overcoming. At this point I know I’m alone because that’s what I’ve become accustomed to.
I’ve gotten a lot more comfortable with myself as a person as I’ve gotten older so I could make the effort to get out there again. And before the MRAs all jump in to point out that I’m expired or whatever, there are men around who have been interested but I always hold them at arm’s length.
Anyway, I’m mostly posting this to counter some of the whining we keep hearing from people like NWO and JTK. There are lots of lonely people out there in the world; not all of us become spiteful, selfish jerks who blame an entire gender for it.
“the MGTOW philosophy is like the Church of Nihilism: if these guys really want to become completely asocial, then perhaps they should go live in a cave and eat locusts and honey for a month.”
I dunno. It seems to shift between “I want to live away from the rest of the world” to “I prefer video game to seducing women in bars” and sometimes the odd “getting married with a woman and all business as usual, but still a revolutionary”
The common is that they all seem harmless, contrary to the PUA who go from obnoxious to rapey. And sometimes directly advice rape as a way to get sex. (cf “rape game”)
Yes — one of the things that baffles me about the people who subscribe to Game and PUA is the way in which they bring its very specific terminology (Alpha, Beta, hamster wheel, etc.) and its specific ideas (e.g. hypergamy, women as irrational children, evo-psych) into other discussions as if these were all obvious truths. They seem to assume that these ideas cannot be contested or at least that they do not need to be explained to anyone outside of the “manosphere”, yet when I first started reading these blogs, I felt they were all using code speech. Turns out all the code mostly masks a lot of bullshit and a hell of a bleak view of humanity.
Oh, it’s easy to translate. You roll a dice 4, and the number tells you the translation:
1: I’m an asshole.
2: I’m miserable and it’s must be someone fault. (roll again, 1 for feminists, 2 for women, 3 for submissive male, (“manginas”) 4 for non-submissive males (“alphas”). You can roll several times if you want)
3: If you put you dick in a lot of vaginas and don’t go to prison (and no babies), you win!
4: I need to control the world because I’m insecure.
Always happy to help.
Retreating to man-caves to play video games, read MGTOW web-sites and troll feminist blogs does not sound like these MGTOWers are Orthodox. Their interpretation of the holy scripture must be heretical, and they have fallen into societal participatory schism.
To be serious, yes, I saw your quotation of the “rape game” — that’s skeevy (which is the new way of saying creepy, seein’ as MRAs are callin’ that a shamin’ word…).
(I blame the iPhone for the odd mis-spellings in my last message.)
“We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.”
Speaking as a children’s therapist, I love that line. XD
From your dice post, Kyrie, I’m guessing Brandon’s and DKM’s are loaded to only roll 1 and 4, while MRAL has two dice, the first only has the number 2 on it. NWOslave doesn’t have any dice because the gynocracy stolez it from usss, my preciousss… and we wants it back!
And…not a single fuck will be given this day, either.
It would be a pardon my obscenity a marriage made in heaven.
*hands you internet you haz won*
*Drags out another internet for Kyrie for the game analogy of the game, aahahaha*
Mmh, Xanthe, I think Brandon have rolled a few 2 as well. And you forgot Meller! He doesn’t have a dice, he has a marble with 4 written on it.
“… in their own, seperate hierarchies of attraction, as one would logically expect under such a model?”
could you elaborate? Because from what I understand, alphas date alphas, betas date betas, omegas date omegas (if they’re lucky), etc. And I believe sometimes a beta can date an alpha? But what if an alpha male is attracted to a girl that you would consider alpha in terms of looks, except she’s a lesbian? Would that make her an omega or beta automatically? and since the alpha male cannot “get” her, would that relegate him to beta or omega status?
I don’t see how LGBT people should have their own, separate hierarchies of attraction, if they overlap like this with hetero people?
And what about bisexual people? Would they be in two hierarchies at once? Please explain.
Yeah, even a loaded dice will fall on a non-favoured side sometimes. I suggested Meller (= DKM) has the same loaded dice as Brandon, but your idea of a marble with the number 4 is much neater.
I think they only cover those advanced topics when you have advanced to OT VIII. Our PUA cultists who troll Mannoobz haven’t ascended to that level, where they can alter sexuality at will (like L. Ron says Operating Thetans can alter matter by will — I’m running with the PUA = cult like $cientology idea).
JTK, go right ahead and go your own way. None of us are stopping you, and as a woman, I applaud your decision.
Seriously, go.
Lol @ Xanthe
I need to clean my glasses, or possibly my brain.
The ordinary e-meters used at Roissy’s Château Heartiste clinic are only calibrated to give meaningful results for the Dating Market Value of cis hetero men and women, which is satisfactory for the hoi polloi, but for the true adept of Game he makes referrals to advanced training modules (and so modestly priced!) where you are instructed on resetting the e-meter to read any letter of the Greek alphabet you want it to! It’s almost like magic, except it’s the reality-bending action of a trained alpha.
“Would you like to
take a personality test… know your Dating Market Value?” — as recommended by minions of L. RoissyArticles like this are stupid. Why would you even waste time trying to “cure” a feminist? That is way to much effort for little reward. It’s not your job to “cure” shit. Let her be a feminist. Your energy would be better spent finding a woman that is much more compatible with you to begin with…instead of trying to change a feminist into a respectable woman.
“Market value”? So women are commodities? That is absolutely disgusting.
@Brandon The Rape Apologist: Wow, you missed a whole glorious thread of rape denial and apology and trolling. Better zip over there fast or you’ll be sliding down the Troll Ladder faster than shit through a goose!
I just Googled that test and found it here:
I’m taking it right now and feeling very objectified. Lovely.
I think Brandon rolled a 1. I tell you, those dice are loaded!
This seems to be the MGTOW pattern for posting here:
1. Even though no one asked, proudly declare your intention to live without teh ebil women. Include as many tired MRA/MGTOW tropes as possible in your declaration.
2. Pause for inevitable ridicule and/or indifference.
3. With all the indignation you can muster, declare that, based on the responses of teh ebil feminists, you are Definitely Going Your Own Way..and it serves them right!
(bonus points for the use of double-period ellipses)
4. Pause for inevitable ridicule and/or indifference.
5. Rinse and repeat.