Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.
In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.
NOTE: This post contains
I’m very sorry for your loss. That must be awful for you and the family of your friend. You have my sympathies ):
that is an absolutely amazing self portrait! And oil paint is really difficult to handle, IMHO, so my utmost respect!
you are not only transphobic and misandrist, but homophobic, too.
Not just because of your reply to CB, but also because of that little gem I found after a quick glance on your site:
…yeah. I’m with the “fuck off” folks.
Regarding the OP: that’s some bullshit right there. The only way I think this could have been worse is if they implied that the first “version” of the woman was lesbian, too. I mean, they went for the hairy manhater stereotypes, so why not go all the way, amirite???
I also think that the first one is kind of cute, though I like the hair of the third version best (I have a thing for pigtails – Nostalgia Chick, anyone?) but her expression… not so much.I don’t get the whole materialistic = PERFECT GUUURL thing either.
And it’s kind of sad that the “advice” in the first column seems to implay that a femnist woman would be too stupid to notice that her date is just acting like he gives a shit about her and her views.
On a unrelated note; is NWO having a villainous breakdown? Because his rants sure suggest that he is.
NWO and Meller have both been losing their shit lately. Let’s poke them some more and see what other funny things we can get them to say. In fact, let’s make it a competition.
In the “this person is batshit crazy” category NWO is currently in the lead, but he had a good headstart, and Meller is catching up with the addition of the new theory that all technological progress has ground to a halt because feminists have prevented men from developing ESP and hovercars using science.
In the “hey, man, you’re really weird” category Meller clearly has the lead ever since the revelation about the dolls. You’re going to have to work hard to catch up, Slavey, but I have faith in you.
In the “best efforts in outreach and recruitment” category, Meller has been trying very hard to recruit MRAL, but with very little success thus far. Slavey on the other hand isn’t even trying. Or at least I don’t think so. It’s possible that he thinks that just stating the same talking points about VAWA and Title IX over and over again will recruit disciples, but if so this appears to be even less successful than Meller’s stategy. This category is still wide open, so hop to it, guys.
I think Spearhafoc is kinda cute
Question about the Greek (alpha, beta) system that people were talking about here… I’m just wondering, where would LGBT people fit in that system?
… in their own, seperate hierarchies of attraction, as one would logically expect under such a model?
My co-worker is a tinfoil hattie and they hate wiki because they believe that the editors there are complicit with the “powers that be,” and control the information that is allowed to be housed there.
eh, there’s at least some truth there. They get pretty draconian and will often revert a perfectly legitimate edit within hours of it going up.
I added a reference to Ambulocetus’ role in the manga Cage of Eden (Look that one up with caution, it’s… stressful to read) to the species’ “In Popular Culture” section and it was reverted within hours despite being probably the only non-documentary pop culture use of the species I’ve ever seen.
Aw, poor widdle babby trollies are jealous that the other trollies are getting more attention.
Er, no. Wiki is not an arm of the Illuminati or “the Zionists” as some of your more racist tinfoil hatties will claim, nor is it their propaganda machine bent on keeping “the Truth” from the masses.
I am still so pissed I missed Meller’s crazy science rant, after having tried to talk to him about science before. Also, may the record show that while even most of the batshittiest annoying libertarians were busy organizing around the NDAA that actually involved the Senate voting overwhelmingly to -honestly, truly, no shit, no conspiracy needed- be allowed to indefinitely retain citizens without trial, (Non-Citizens are basicaly REQUIRED to be retained), he was on about how feminists are taking away his psychic hovercar by existing.
Not to imply that it’s only or mostly libertarians, of course! Just that mister you wait and see when martial law comes had some pretty weird priorities when even most of the tinfoil hat paulians were busy.
I’m guessing NWO wasn’t busy trying to do nething either >_> After all, they’re men, what can they do? Better let the women save them. XD
I wonder if Meller and NWO will be going to the AVfM brotest in April? Or is Meller too afraid he’ll be shot in the head by the feminazi special forces? xD (mind you, as a strong manly man he should be more than able to turn them away right?)
You didn’t miss much. DMK doesn’t know the first thing about science. He’s not upset that we don’t have hovercars, but the lack of CYBERCUTIES and WIFE BOTS, now that’s a different matter…
Greetings people,
After reading the responses here to my prior post
Now I know that my bachelorhood is confirmed because I am unwilling to make such a
life change at this stage in life at 36 years of age. I don’t think I could hack it trying to adjust to it. There may
be other things in my life that need changing but marriage can not be one of them for
it’s tough to change as it is. Why complicate it further by allowing a woman in it?
You see, society assumes at my age that a man has it all together and therefore
unacceptable to still be in the same level you were in your younger days. Men
my age should have “manned up” (which includes marriage) by now as society would dictate. Look at the recent books by Bill Bennett and Kay Hymowitz ttp://
I find as each day goes by that I desire less material things than I ever did before
and I only eat at certain restaurants, the ones that are usually modest in their
environment and I shop more and more at Family Dollar and Wal Mart.The only “upscale” store I only shop at now is for mens suits for my job.
I just seem to have no desire to be around or patronize anything that represents
mainstream society. It has nothing to offer me nor have I anything to offer it.
I certainly have nothing to offer a woman so why even check them out? There is
no purpose, that’s why. Man up, get a challenging job and get married? one jerk named Bill Bennett said recently. Another jerk named Hanna Rosin said it is “The end of men” perhaps she is right. Very deflating to hear these people tell us men to “man up” and get married.
Bunk! Women say they don’t need us men any longer.
I’m amazed no one at my church has gotten on me about being a bachelor but I have a feeling it
could be a matter of time. I better be prepared to leave if that happens. Better
live as if I am not accepted and then maybe if I have to bug-out of there it won’t
be so tough.
You know, it strikes me that it’s likely, for all his posturing of being paranoid about the government, of caring about big government and oppression and etc etc Meller (and his faux-libertarian kin, NWO) prolly had NO IDEA what was going on that day… I mean if they did, either of them would have mentioned it, been screaming about it, and prolly finding a way to link it to feminism xD Like in NWO’s “look what big daddy is doing now, I bet you love that they can lock you up now huh?” way… or Meller with a million exclamation points… xD
But the point is… they were completely silent.. o_o And they’re the biggest yelly “GOVERNMENT IS BAD LOOK AT WHAT THEY’RE DOING NOW” types.. esp when it comes to misinterpreting or making up government things (like they think all men can be locked up under Title IX) but when it comes to ACTUAL oppressive, scary, draconian US laws… nothing…. not a peep xD
I’m sure tomorrow NWO will be ranting about the alien/illuminati/flouride conspiracy though… you know… the real important stuff… xD
What’s mainstream society to you? :3 Like specifically. What is mainstream society, and how are you boycotting/avoiding it? o:
And are churches no longer mainstream? o_O
I find as each day goes by that I desire less material things than I ever did before
and I only eat at certain restaurants, the ones that are usually modest in their
environment and I shop more and more at Family Dollar and Wal Mart.The only “upscale” store I only shop at now is for mens suits for my job.
I just seem to have no desire to be around or patronize anything that represents
mainstream society.
Just re-read that together xD
You have no desire to be around mainstream society… so you shop at Wal-Mart.
Why are you telling us this?
Oh, no, wait, Lindsey was upset about Stevie… and he was saying SHE could go her own way…
Jesus, if only he’d thrown her out on her worthless asses and written stirring songs about how he didn’t need them anymore, or any woman, and sung these songs randomly to women who didn’t even know who he was, cause nobody really came to see Frickingbitchesmanamiright formerly Fleetwood Mac in concert anymore, but you know, it was important that they KNOW, man. And what can women do without men anyway, man. White winged dove going OOOOOOH, what the hell is that shit? Fucking bird noises, man. They call that rock and roll, man. Too much materialism.
But we’re wiser now. Thankyou, JTK, for being the imaginary lindsey buckingham of our times.
MGTOW always put me in mind of that line from Simpsons
“We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.”
@Quackers: re conspiracy theories.
AND if your conspiracy theories claim that the more marginalized groups are the seekrit controllers of it all (JEWS! FEMINISTS! WOMEN!), ignoring the observable and provable facts that the majority of people controlling the institutions of social power are almost all white men (a bit less so nowadays, but you know a REAL feminist conspiracy woulda had an all woman Congress, Supreme Court, administrative branch, FBI, Homeland security etc. etc blah blah blah because wimminz we get things done), then I’m gonna side-eye you quite a bit. Because, man, scapegoating marginalized groups to take the heat off those in power is a centuries old gambit.
SO last millenium.
Leni: I am so sorry that you had go through such a traumatic experience–*virtual hugs offered*!
Wal-Mart is not mainstream society?
I mean, at least if he had said he was going to shop at Hot Topic, I could have patted his head in a condescending manner and said ‘oh you, so cute, thinking Hot Topic is not mainstream’.
Wal-Mart is basically the definition of mainstream.
I refuse to participate in being a slave to a women or the system.
I refuse to participate in the feminist culture.
I refuse to participate in making a woman happy.
I refuse to participate in raising another man’s child.
I refuse to participate in saving a single mother.
I refuse to participate in society’s expectation of me.
I refuse to participate in mindless consumerism.
I refuse to participate in debt.
Well, trolldude, this list might be some admirable paean to freedom IF there was in fact any institutionalized system that was forcing white men into such “slavery.” (One of the things I find most disgusting about the mratrollz is their claim of slavery, in a world in which slavery does exist, even in the US, to this day, a world in which human beings are trafficed, sold, exploited, raped, they have the fake balls to rear up and declare they are enslaved by women/feminists/whatever).
In any case, nobody is making you marry. I’m not sure what the feminist culture is (I’m in rural Texas, not a feminist culture anywhere near me, although I am a feminist), but last I checked, you didn’t have to participate. There’s no chance in hell of you making a woman happy, so thank goodness for all the women out there. Nobody is expecting, or forcing, you to raise anybody’s children, save a single mother, be a mindless consumer (though you seem to be a pretty mindless mra troll), or get into debt. All those are things under your direct control.
And nobody, read NOBODY, is going to punish you for not conforming to these expectations.
So get back to me when you’ve done something, you know, HEROIC. Manly. Brave. Fighting the system. Down with oppression, etc.
Otherwise, as with all the other Trollz Going Their Own Trollish ways, the manboobz group (if I may speak for them!) and I cheer your decision to stay away from all women and children: you are by those actions making their lives better.
@JTK: Ooo, you’re a whole 36 and never married.
Well, I’m 56 and never married!
(I don’t know that I would marry my partner if same-sex marriage was legal or not: i’m kinda against the institution of marriage, so is she, and it’s all moot anyway, because Texas.)
So, yeah, get back to me when there are REAL trials imposed on your by people who are in power over you (since I doubt your church has the Inquisition, and other than a few women nagging you to get married–BIGHINT they’re nagging the women too, that doesn’t count, and you can always find another church that isn’t all about the heteronormativity).
I shop at Wal-Mart too: somehow this lacks any real heroic resonance in my mind, so I’m not sure why it does in yours (and I bet my 83 year old mother can beat you out hollow for finding cheap places to shop–she’s a depression era baby, and hoo-boy the woman can find the best deals ever).
JTK: … So?
You’re single and happy like that, so you need to explain it in detail and repeat it over and over, on a feminist blog?
You really don’t seem at peace with that: nobody here (not counting trolls) would try to convince you of doing any of the things you defend, yet you feel the need to defend it. A lot. Like, very very very very very very very very very very very very much.
And you’re delusional too. You’re a single thirty-something man with a job that require you to wear a suit (the most mainstream clothes there is), you go to a church, shop at wall mart, eat sometimes in restaurants and possibly, from your first post you don’t pay your taxes. Every single thing we know about you is mainstream.
That hardly makes you a snowflake or part of an oppressed class, sorry.
On the bright side, JTK, maybe you can make a new friend her! You and Brandon could start a club named “I don’t want to be married and need the whole world to know that, and the tremendous detail of why”
Attendance at church, shopping at Wal-Mart etc. does not match JTK’s stated credo, but otherwise the MGTOW philosophy is like the Church of Nihilism: if these guys really want to become completely asocial, then perhaps they should go live in a cave and eat locusts and honey for a month. The clothes and food you buy came from somewhere (and the producers at the other end of the supply chain might be in Third World slavery) so the only ethical position for MGTOWers is to go without both, and scavenge wild food while living like a hermit.
By contrast, the PUAmovement looks rather like a cult, with its own special lingo, strange interpretation of social mores feeding bias and creating dependency in those who buy into it, attend the alpha dominance training courses, etc. Even those who aren’t in the cullt per se — such as MRAL and Arks — often articulate ideas that could have been uttered by a dogmatic cultist. L. Ron Hubbard would be proud.