Given that we live in a feminazi gynocracy, with evil feminasties controlling all that we see and hear, it’s amazing that something like this ever found its way into print. This is from Maxim, in 2003. I found it here. Click on it to see it full size.
In the interest of accuracy, I would like to note that the woman pictured below might not be an actual feminist, as her armpit hair appears to be fake.

NOTE: This post contains
pua shit actually helped me with a girl once.
i used to be a kaplan instructor. as part of the application process you have to do an audition where you prepare a fake lesson on some subject you know. it can be anything and you get points for creativity. (i did ‘how to operate an arc welder’. my favorite was ‘how to pick out the perfect melon’) one dude had a lesson called ‘how to meet women in a bar’ that was all about’angles of approach and indicators of interest and kino. making fun of that shit to the girl i saw the next night definitely helped.
When I went to visit a FWB, he had one of those e-books about “how to pick up women”. He asked me my opinion on the matter, and I basically tore it to shreds. Because it’s crap! Also, it’s really dehumanizing and shitty, and also sort of hilarious. You can play your numbers games, and eventually, something will work out, but you can’t magically control people. Funny how that works!
Example of why it’s not harmless silliness:
“Feminists take PUAs wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too seriously.”
Yeah, teaching dudes how to stalk, harrass and ultimately rape women is just giggles and funsies!
have YOU ever read their material?
Thanks, Kyrie, for providing direct rapetastic quotes.
Kyrie: Anyway, if “dressing sexy when other people than husband can see you” and “noticing sexy people” (just noticing discretely, not even mentioning) is failing as monogamy, then you’re right, monogamy is probably dead.
And always has been. Just look at the ways in which fashionable women spent money on clothing in the “good old days” that NWO likes to prattle on about.
But he’s got, “the truth” which means he doesn’t have to think anymore.
Holly: NWO, if someone’s brain is telling them that the CIA had put a chip under their skin (and, let’s be clear here, there is no chip), then their brain is telling them something that’s not true.
Or that the Rothchild’s were funding international feminism and Title IX had a police force with unlimited jurisdiction.
Kyrie: That second one is terrifying. He’s just straight-up telling guys to rape women. There’s no other possible interpretation.
katz: I just knew of the digital angel and grabbed the first link that popped up. …OK, admittedly, some of those results are pretty hilarious, but none of them are NWO’s mind-control website.
Google results are not the same for everyone anymore. I was reading a paper on it recently. Fellow had people he knew enter the exact same string at the same time; they got different results. If he changed browsers, or used a different profile on the same machine, different results.
So NWO may be telling the truth.
That’s actually fascinating. What if, after searching for examples of women being evil for years, Google has built him a profile that says “this person likes to read about women doing bad things, put those hits at the top of the list”? And then he assumes that a. that’s reality and b. everyone else is seeing the same thing and lying about it.
Did they really post an article mentioning a tv show that had been off the air for fifteen years?
Crissa, don’t forget, the article is from, like, 2003.
>>When I went to visit a FWB, he had one of those e-books about “how to pick up women”.
I don’t know about you, but for me that would automatically trigger the need to reevaluate whether that friend is worthy of my benefits, if you know what I mean.
Why should any man bother with feminists in the first place (except the renegade-male political housepets widely infesting university campuses and internet blogs like manboobz)? The same political/ sexual blinders that predispose her into being a feminist probably also work against a relationship with you (unless you’re a lezzie, and we don’t have to even go there from here) in the first place.
Years of envy of advantages of being male, both (occasionally) real, and more often imagined, makes the gender-egalitarian female (feminist, or “modern woman”) so unattractive, pushy, boring, opinionated, and ill-tempered that any kind of relationship that a healthy man would want–and deserve–from a real woman would be almost impossible in her case. Can you imagine what it would be like once she gets on the subject of careers for women-even after marriage? You are studying e.g. legal philosophy and she wants to be a police detective or a trial lawyer. You are studying mathematics and she wants to be a chemical engineer. You take it from there!
“Anything you can do, I can do better”…
They don’t call them “bitches” for nothing! They are either incurable, or just not worth the damn effort. Seek out and enjoy REAL women for a change. Even if the sex is good (SOME modern women pride themselves upon being highly “sexual”) the rest of her personality and temperment is just so anti-male and envious/resentful that she is about as much fun as a bad case of ptomaine or influenza; not necessarily deadly, but very painful and unpleasant!
” Can you imagine what it would be like once she gets on the subject of careers for women-even after marriage? You are studying e.g. legal philosophy and she wants to be a police detective or a trial lawyer. You are studying mathematics and she wants to be a chemical engineer. You take it from there!”
Are you of the opinion that people never marry based on shared interests or profession? Cause out here in the real world I see that a lot. Or are you claiming a woman would get it into her head to suddenly pursue a career COMPETIN’ with her husband just to piss him off?? In the real world, plenty of people to marry people that share their interests.
Also, you’re doing this on Christmas?
Go get some cheer!
BlackBloc | December 20, 2011 at 10:12 am
>>When I went to visit a FWB, he had one of those e-books about “how to pick up women”.
I don’t know about you, but for me that would automatically trigger the need to reevaluate whether that friend is worthy of my benefits, if you know what I mean.
Same here. I’d be all… Is there some… reason for this? I mean, I did download some to spork at one point, so there might be an excuse, but you gotta wonder, man!
Zhinxi–25 December 2011 @ 11:20 am
It is wonderful if a couple love each other, and even marry, because of shared interests. It is simply awful how feminists–NOT women–are so arch-competitive, envious, and just plain bitter that they would sabotage their own relationships–and the men who love them–solely to ‘piss him off”! That is probably one of the differences between normal women and feminists.
This isn’t my idea! Far too many men have been unpleasantly surprised by encounters with modern women whose envy with, and rivalry toward men was so intense that they ruined what could have been good pairings!
Not my idea!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! And good cheer to you!
Meller, even NWO is taking the day off from the hate, so far. Hint, hint.
“‘“Anything you can do, I can do better”…”
Meller, since this is Christmas, here is my gift to you: my boyfriend is (very) good at math, and I don’t think I can do that better than him. Also, memory. He has a great one, and I have a terrible one.
Happy kittens to everybody!
X-mas day@ 1:41pm–
Happy kitties to you too, hellkell!
Maxim wrote How To Cure A Feminist to sound funny but put all that opposes penisocracy into one category and call it feminism. It’s cunning because the whole movement of feminism was first started to divide people and break the good things about genders, in order to turn them against each other, and people are suggestible so it sort of worked but is still backfiring. That’s why there is this constant intellectual effort to ‘jokingly’persuade the culture of man that women are the one who has to change so that the cult of man can go on abusing and using her. That is orders from the top cults of this world such as Fabian Society, who have since the early 1900s by the likes of Bertrand Russel, been making efforts to sexualise culture, and we have to be very careful what children are exposed to now as a result.
Gwiz there are some thoughtful rebuttals online