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Rapists, lad mags, and the Men’s Rights subreddit

Lad mags: Always covering the most important stories

What’s the difference between a lad mag and a rapist? Aside from one being a magazine and the other a person, albeit an reprehensible one, apparently not very much.

In a study soon to be published in the British Journal of Psychology, researchers at Middlesex University and the University of Surrey showed people quotes about women from British lad mags (FHM, Loaded, Nuts and Zoo) and from convicted rapists. Most survey respondents – men and women both – could not tell the difference between the quotes from the magazines and the quotes from the rapists. And most of the male respondents identified more with the quotes from the rapists than from the lad mags.

Here are some of the quotes the survey respondents were asked to react to. (You can find more at Jezebel.) Can you tell which of these are from rapists or lad mags?

Mascara running down the cheeks means they’ve just been crying, and it was probably your fault . . . but you can cheer up the miserable beauty with a bit of the old in and out.

You’ll find most girls will be reluctant about going to bed with somebody or crawling in the back seat of a car . . . But you can usually seduce them, and they’ll do it willingly.

Some girls walk around in short-shorts . . . showing their body off . . . It just starts a man thinking that if he gets something like that, what can he do with it?

I think girls are like plasticine, if you warm them up you can do anything you want with them.

In case you’re wondering, the correct answers are: Lad mag, Rapist, Rapist, Lad Mag.

Creepy, eh?

Lead researcher Miranda Horvath of Middlesex University explains why she feels this is so troubling:

Rapists try to justify their actions, suggesting that women lead men on, or want sex even when they say no, and there is clearly something wrong when people feel the sort of language used in a lads’ mag could have come from a convicted rapist.

I would say so.

And so, you might wonder, how did the regulars on the Men’s Rights subreddit react this this research? Take a look.

The comment with the most upvotes offered some nice juicy denial:

The comment with the second-highest number of upvotes completely missed the point:

And then there was this hot mess:

In case anyone is wondering, that quote from French is actually a quote from a character in one of her novels. And it’s pretty easy to distinguish it from things posted on Jezebel, because none of the writers on Jezebel ever say anything even remotely like that.

The Men’s Rights subreddit, responding to evidence of rape culture by going “la la la I can’t hear you” since March 2008.

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13 years ago

FORCE IS NOT NECESSARY FOR RAPE! The only thing necessary for a sex act to be rape is for one party to not give consent. Why is this such a fucking difficult concept?

Consent = no rape.
No consent = rape.

Lord and lady, NephewB is 1.5yo and could probably pick this up faster.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

will remove the word “forcible,” along with several other amendments.


good lord, how did you turn your computer on and find this website? how are you using a keyboard?

13 years ago

I know NWO is full of shit and a rape apologist and dumber than a slug (not being able to read your own source is a big fail), but I can’t be sure I understand this new definition.
Does it include PIV as a possibility of rape with the male as a victim? If so, where exactly, if not, why the fuck not?

Anyway “carnal knowledge”? It sound like the ancient testament. Words with triple meaning and vaguely poetic shouldn’t be in real laws. And the definition basically was “things that can make bastard babies”.

13 years ago

Oh, that should read ‘The only thing necessary for a sex act to be rape is for one party to not give consent or not be able to give consent.’ Missed a bit there. Go me!

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy
“That’s nothing to do with law. That’s just internal discipline at a school. An overreacting vice principal is not a law enforcement officer.”

Yet the boy, (male) was still punished. Wasn’t he? I guess the lad was in a position of power!

13 years ago

An overreacting vice principal is not a law enforcement officer.

ya huh!

Cuz like a little boy was harshly punished. That totally is like a 10 year prison sentence in a supermax prison.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

And how will consent be determined? A womans word?

13 years ago

Does it include PIV as a possibility of rape with the male as a victim? If so, where exactly, if not, why the fuck not?

No it fucking DOESN’T. It needs to, and there’s no excuse. As for why, I’d say it’s another ep of the fucking patriarchy hurting men too, but since that can’t happen… FEMINISM!

(Hey, under the UCMJ when I was in the military, it still said carnal knowledge OF A WOMAN NOT HIS WIFE. We’re talking 2006. I don’t know if they’ve corrected that or not. )

Molly Ren
13 years ago

NWOslave, how would you determine consent if you were making the laws? Would a third party need to be present? Should all sexual encounters be videotaped?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

And how will consent be determined? A womans word?


How would you like it to be determined?

(oh god i don’t really want the answer to that. or i do? i think it’ll be funny in a horrible sick gross sort of way.)

13 years ago

NWOslave, you still seem to be very confused by the difference between gender and pronouns. Perhaps you missed my earlier comments directed to you regarding this distinction. A pronoun is a function word that substitutes for a noun. Gender is a socio-cultural phenomenon that divides people into various categories such as “male” and “female,” each having associated dress, roles, stereotypes, etc.

Gender should also not be confused with sex which can be defined as; either of two main divisions (either female or male) into which many organisms can be placed, according to reproductive function or organs.

Can you now see the difference between gender and pronouns?

13 years ago

NWO – Okay… How do you think rape cases should be tried, and what evidence should be considered compelling in the matter of rape?

13 years ago


Just a slap on the wrist for the small boy isn’t it? Just to let him know early on who the privileged class are.

13 years ago

NWO: The victim’s word, physical evidence, witness statements – whatever else goes into prosecuting any other crime. If the prosecution can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt (I know, I know, difficult concept – look it up) that someone was raped, charges aren’t generally brought. Do you not watch Law & Order? This isn’t exactly rocket science. Or even milk machine science.

13 years ago

Holly – “Yep!

How would you like it to be determined?

(oh god i don’t really want the answer to that. or i do? i think it’ll be funny in a horrible sick gross sort of way.)”

Yeah. Same here. I think we need a straight answer on this, NWO. What do you want to be the standard here?

13 years ago


Voilent sex of course. Ya know, an actual rape.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“And how will consent be determined? A womans word?”

What if it was a man who was raped?

13 years ago

Just a slap on the wrist for the small boy isn’t it? Just to let him know early on who the privileged class are.


Actually I think there is more to the story then “I just said she was cute” because I know little boys that age and that is not what they actually say. A VP will not suspend someone for saying “I think she is cute.”

13 years ago

@Zhinxy and Holly:

Isn’t if obvious? It’s clear exactly how this should be handled.

Man’s word.

That is all.

13 years ago

“And how will consent be determined? A womans word?”

Imagine that!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

You know, the difference between theft and gift is entirely hinged on a person’s word too.

A friend of mine didn’t have winter clothes and it’s starting to get cold, so recently I gave her a nice coat. This exchange took place in private, with no receipt or videotaping or anything.

If I called the cops and told them she’d stolen the coat from me, they’d take my word for it! My friend would go to jail! She would have no way to prove I’d given her the coat voluntarily!

Yet no one seems too worked up about this possibility.

13 years ago


If a person consents to being hit or dominated or whatnot during sex, is that rape? Cause it would have to be under your definition.

13 years ago


Nuh-uh princess. Once the word force is removed.

“Were you forced to have sex?”
“Were you raped?”

The criteria for rape has been met.

13 years ago

Fucking gods, NWO. That’s… so very, very fucking wrong. So if a person is, say… blackmailed into having sex – that’s not rape? If an older person has sex with a child who doesn’t understand what’s going on, that isn’t rape? Drugging someone and having sex with them while they’re out is just a-fucking okay?

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