creepy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit vaginas

Vaginas are icky because … SCIENCE! (779 upvotes on Reddit)

How to get 800 upvotes on Reddit: Offer an evo-psych explanation of why vaginas are icky, preferably including the phrase “wet hole.” Here, watch a master at work:


Well, that proves it. It’s SCIENCE!



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13 years ago

Even some of the people who seem to be enthusiastic in porn are raped: look up Linda Lovelace sometime.

Also, it’s possible to get off on rape porn and still loathe real rape. A high percentage of the population has rape fantasies (possibly because we live in a rape culture), either as victim or perpetrator; the psychology of rape fantasies is very different from the psychology of real rape (most notably because in most rape fntasies the victim really wants it).

13 years ago

Well, it is testable to some extent. I would agree with you that it’s nearly impossible to verify claims about the distant past since we don’t have enough information about the psychology or culture (for the most part) of our distant ancestors to do that, and there aren’t any extant Homo species other than us for comparison. But it is certainly possible to test whether people with a certain heritable variation (in mind or body) have more children and grandchildren, whether certain psychological traits are actually influenced by genes at all and whether they can be passed down from parents to children, whether mating behavior is actually affected by variations in reported preferences, etc. You can verify a good chunk of stuff from evo psych, it’s just that a lot of the people who do it haven’t bothered to verify the things that would actually give it any validity (such as fecundity data or the relevant cross-cultural studies). And they’re often aiming for far too specific hypotheses that fall under a very narrow conception of cognitive science (“innate cheating detection modules”) instead of more general ones (“heritable sensitivity to social abandonment modulated by cultural factors”).

13 years ago

kladle: I’d like to see a lot of better EvPsych, but the things which are testable, are going to require some seriously detailed longitudinal studies of large (and widespread groups).

I don’t see that happening.

13 years ago

Kladle, that Daily Beast article is fascinating:

Even the notion that being a brave warrior helps a man get the girls and leave many offspring has been toppled. Until missionaries moved in in 1958, the Waorani tribe of the Ecuadoran Amazon had the highest rates of homicide known to science: 39 percent of women and 54 percent of men were killed by other Waorani, often in blood feuds that lasted generations. “The conventional wisdom had been that the more raids a man participated in, the more wives he would have and the more descendants he would leave,” says anthropologist Stephen Beckerman of Pennsylvania State University. But after painstakingly constructing family histories and the raiding and killing records of 95 warriors, he and his colleagues reported last month in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they turned that belief on its head. “The badass guys make terrible husband material,” says Beckerman. “Women don’t prefer them as husbands and they become the targets of counterraids, which tend to kill their wives and children, too.” As a result, the über-warriors leave fewer descendants—the currency of evolutionary fitness—than less aggressive men.

This falls in line with what I was saying earlier — humans are social creatures. Our offspring is vulnerable for an extended period of time compared to other species. We require cooperative groups just to survive, and ultra-violent monsters who not only attack “enemies” but also turn on their own group are simply not desirable community members.

13 years ago

i feel like with most evolutionary-psych if there was a good way to test it that would show it’s right, they would have done it by now. everyone believes that stuff so easily and it’s only when you look that you find out theres no real proof to most of it.

13 years ago

Yeah, exactly, blitzgal, your comment is what made me go dig that stuff up 🙂

“Rape as adaptation”, for example, has never really made sense for a number of reasons. Mainly because violent rape is exactly the sort of thing that a community is going to punish unless there is some extreme cultural reason not to (bride stealing, for example, and even so that’s usually extra-community). I mean, some communities have fucked up morally and punished both women who are raped and the men who commit rape, but that doubly makes sure no children will result from a rape. Even acquaintance rape isn’t adaptive because women have known how to induce a miscarriage for literally ages, infanticide was stunningly common until very recently, and resources can be strategically withheld from children; an unwanted child (especially outside of the context of a marriage or similar pair bond) has historically not had a very good chance of surviving very well.

As you said, humans are extremely social animals. In a small community context it does not pay to be anti-social, and rape, aggressiveness, and extreme jealousy are definitely not conducive to surviving or passing on one’s genes in that sort of environment.

I’d like to see a lot of better EvPsych, but the things which are testable, are going to require some seriously detailed longitudinal studies of large (and widespread groups).

I don’t see that happening.

I think it’s possible, and I would really love to see it, but I’d agree that it would take a lot more effort than many evo psych-ers are willing to put in. I think a chunk of evo psych researchers are honestly more interested in being wHoOoOaAa cOnTroVeRsIaL!!!! than doing good science, as they get a lot more attention and grant dollars for saying ridiculous reactionary shit than they do for doing careful, detailed, long term work. They also have a bad tendency to complain about being oppressed by the “PC Brigade” or whatever and feel like they’re bravely fighting to find the Scientific Truth against the evil forces of science-denying liberal ninnies (see that whole Kanazawa racism deal earlier this year). That’s why I personally try to keep my criticisms of the actual research (rather than how it’s used or reported in the media) located within scientific discourse rather than in feminist/political/moral discourse or whatever, just so they can’t play the “PC card” on me. 🙂

13 years ago

Breasts only resemble an ass-crack when the woman is wearing a push-up bra. A freely hanging pair of breasts looks more like a pair of weird, droopy parasites, and that’s how they would’ve appeared to our ancestors. I don’t know what evolutionary reason you’d need to find them attractive, although I’ve stated in the past that I don’t think they even are necessarily. They’re more like something you have to look past to get to the goods (sexual release/babies/status), like how you might put up with working as a toilet cleaner if it meant putting food on the table.

13 years ago

yeah so much of evo-psych is just so awfully convenient, a lot of people want it to be true because i think it makes them feel like we are the finished product of humanity or something and no need to change and can’t get any better than us. i think it’s a combination of ego/not wanting to do any work to better humanity. if evo-psych had more strong evidence there could be an even stronger market for so many of the beliefs we’re already sold. but it is flimsy at best. and yeah i’m sure they do say they’re kept down by the pc-crowd to which i say “pshhhh”.

13 years ago

I was wondering when Arks would grace us with his opinion that women in general are icky. I am totally shocked that he thinks that. (not really)

13 years ago

Raise your hand if you think tits, even saggy tits, are perfectly fucking attractive! *raises both hands*

13 years ago

Arks, if you don’t like having sex with women, you know, you can always not have sex with women. There are other ways to get “sexual release/babies/status”. (Fleshlight, IVF, fancy job, in that order.)

It’s also ok if you don’t find breasts attractive– some people don’t– but the fact that you’re utterly repulsed by a basic body part on the sex that you purportedly are attracted to is a little weird. I mean, I’m not compelled by armpits, for example, and they are a little bit gross to me, but touching somebody with armpits is by no means anything like cleaning a toilet. If women are so disgusting to you, and it’s repellant to you to interact with them sexually, then why do you even bother?!? If it’s not enjoyable, stop, for god’s sake.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Arks, I’m not sure I totally agree. Small breasts, yeah, they kind of look not so attractive exposed, but large breasts can look fine.

I also think it’s hilarious how negatively the women here react to being told their bodies are disgusting. That’s what the mainstream media tells men every single day.

13 years ago

Given the difficulty with funding long-term longitudinal studies in general… and the philosophical problems in much of EvPsych, I don’t see it happening in my lifetime.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
13 years ago

kladle: Surely you do realize(as does Arks) that there is quite a bit more to the female form than just bewbs! Why is white america so obsessed with breasts when the rest of the world is all about the beauty of women’s Booty’s? Maybe some women really think they’re special for having cleavage since (most) men (usually) don’t. :-p LOL

BTW,When I first heard the word “tits” I assumed it mean nipples LOL(“tits” <- "teats" =nipples), but that's another story.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
13 years ago

And phooey on me for thinking that only creationist imbeciles despised evolutionary psychology(since they deny evolution and believe in fairy tales instead)! Srsly people, WTF is so objectionable about it? It’s far more concise and consistent than this “blank slate” theory which has become the kernel of progressive idealogy(including feminist).

13 years ago

Yeah, it’s full on blank slate or evo psych. Those are your options! CHOOSE! CHOOOOOOSE!

Let me spell it out – There’s absolutely every reason to believe evolution shaped us psychologically. There’s very little reason to believe much of the sad, sad sorry state of evolutionary psychology as it stands, which basically amounts to coming up with “just so stories” as speculative as anything in myth or folklore to account for a version of humanity strangely suspiciously very like modern Western stereotypes of “the way things are” – Often ignoring history, anthropology, and just about any “but, look over there, those peopel don’t do it that way. Also, can you prove that our ancestors did in any meaningful way?” questions by dismissing them as crazy pc idealogues that hate science. So… Yeah.

13 years ago

A lot of us disparage pop evo psych because it tends to mysteriously always say that whatever was normative in the 1950s is normative human behavior. Stuff like studies about why women prefer pink, why women naturally never leave the home, why men like to have promiscuous sex and women don’t… it’s pretty clearly BS that people only believe if they’ve been raised in US culture. For all I know, there may be perfectly legitimate evo psych research going on out there, but I haven’t encountered it.

13 years ago

Arks, I’m curious- what do you think penises (I’m sorry I just can’t say “penes”!) look like?

Personally, I find them a little silly looking, but I’m not going to shame anyone for it. It’s not like we have a choice in the matter or that it makes men bad or disgusting because penises are kinda goofy looking to me. Are these the same people that like to criticize women for being shallow? Grow the fuck up already.

13 years ago

It’s far more concise and consistent than this “blank slate” theory which has become the kernel of progressive idealogy(including feminist).

Ha! Yeah, the classic liberals of the 17th century, maybe. Yeah, tabula rasa gets a resurgence now and then, but we’ve come a long way from the “noble savage.” As I said earlier and you conveniently ignored, nature and nurture are inextricably linked. They work together.

13 years ago

“I also think that the insulting of people who don’t adhere to the preferences of a person/group is wrong.”

Yet that’s all you do. Why isn’t it just as wrong?
“I’m thinking of the Scott Capurro line “ah, England – skinny pale boys!”.

And I’m thinking of an american insult, “Fat American entitlement whores.” Is this funny as well?
“typical double standard.”

There’s no double standard. Men and women are different. They have different standards.
“The same guys who think it is icky are also jerking off it in one way or another to actually hopefully somewhat normal porn sex.”

Maybe it’s not the vagina that’s icky, but the pompous, self indulging, haughty, entitlement princess surrounding it. I notice how you use a man jerking off as shameful. Is a man being in the company of a woman so glorious? Does a man having sex with a woman make him more socially acceptable and worthy to simpy exist?
“There is no way that these girls made this eel/anal porno without digress.”

Do we have your word on that? Stop over to Ozy’s blog and see what modern women have devolved into. These girls took drugs and stuffed eels up their asses because they chose to. They’re nothing but debased animals.
“That would not solve the problem of women and children being exploited in order to produce this kind of thing.”

Why do feminists, the MSM and most women clump women and children together? Do they share the same mental maturity? Are neither culpable for their actions? Do they both need guidance in any decision making process? Do they both need saving from any poor decision they make?
@bobbyjo (@bobbyjo1950)
“The government is mostly run by men and I got to ask these mrs’s how is it that American women was so tricky as to get all these men running our country to give them special treatment?”

Obama is black. By the definition you give, black men should be the most privileged people in this country yet they’re the least privileged. This is the poorest arguement ever put forth. The race or gender in power has no bearing on who is privileged in society. Misandry is the order of the day, every day.
“The two are not mutually exclusive. Nature and nurture are inextricably linked, but do not pretend that rape is completely a biological imperative.”

Yet we’re supposed to pretend women dressing and acting like animals in heat isn’t women devolving down to an animalistic state. It’s cold across much of the country, yet if you go to any mall and virtuall all women will be showing a good bit of cleavage to attract the attention of men. What does this say about the evolved nature of women as a whole?
“The real reason why a lot of evo psych fails is that it often never bothers to justify its hypotheses by actually going out and finding out whether people with X trait are more fecund than people with Y trait instead or whatever.”

Observation of the actions of men and women is all that’s needed.

13 years ago

NWO: “I also think that the insulting of people who don’t adhere to the preferences of a person/group is wrong.”

Yet that’s all you do. Why isn’t it just as wrong?

citations please. Exact quotations and thread links to provide context.

13 years ago

Sorry. NWO you made a direct accusation against me (patently false, as I obviously, in this thread, to say nothing of the How to Creep out the Internet thread) have any number of non-insulting comments.

But I’d really like to see what he thinks is,”all” I do, and what he defines as insulting people for not adhering to someone else’s preferences.

I know he won’t, but hope springs eternal in the human breast.

13 years ago

kladle: Surely you do realize(as does Arks) that there is quite a bit more to the female form than just bewbs! Why is white america so obsessed with breasts when the rest of the world is all about the beauty of women’s Booty’s? Maybe some women really think they’re special for having cleavage since (most) men (usually) don’t. :-p LOL

Mr. Om Nom Nom, if you actually read anything I said you’d understand that I don’t really care if people aren’t attracted to breasts. Some people are not, and in cultures where women don’t wear clothing on their upper bodies, men typically don’t find them especially compelling. It’s puzzling to me though that Arks finds them so repulsive that he said that having sex with a breast-baring woman is akin to cleaning a toilet. That is an unusual level of contempt for any part of the human body.

It’s also not just “white America” that finds breasts sexually attractive: have you seen any porn from Japan?!?!?

And yes I do realize there is a lot more to the female form than “bewbs”. There are other parts of the female body that I personally find more attractive than breasts (lips for example).

Srsly people, WTF is so objectionable about it? It’s far more concise and consistent than this “blank slate” theory which has become the kernel of progressive idealogy(including feminist).

This is another thing that if you had any iota of reading comprehension, you’d understand. I posted a number of links on the previous page that were criticisms of bad scientific practices in evo psych, some of them by evolutionary biologists . Zhinxy nailed it up there– many evo psychers get basic facts about history, anthropology, universality of behavior, et al. wrong which are absolutely necessary in order to support their arguments.

And very few people are “blank slate” people anymore; the nature vs. nurture debate is effectively dead as a general debate since everyone knows now that it’s both. (There are debates within specific topics such as learning grammar, but nobody thinks human psychology is all one or the other.) You can easily be progressive and acknowledge that human beings are animals with behavior shaped through evolution and that infants are generally born with a suite of capacities that make it easier for them to learn things like language, tool use, and appropriate social behavior.

The only liberals that are regular science deniers for the most part are people in the anti-vaccination movement/ are involved in other quack medicine stuff, or people who get attached to weird New Age things.

13 years ago

Obama is black.


13 years ago

NWO, love, “skinny pale boys” was a compliment. Skinny pale British boys are hot as fuck. “Fat American entitlement whores” is not a compliment

NSWATM will inform you that modern women are getting up to saying rape is bad and Whovian geekery. We have never mentioned eel/anal sex. Sorry to disappoint.

And finally:


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