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Vaginas are icky because … SCIENCE! (779 upvotes on Reddit)

How to get 800 upvotes on Reddit: Offer an evo-psych explanation of why vaginas are icky, preferably including the phrase “wet hole.” Here, watch a master at work:


Well, that proves it. It’s SCIENCE!



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13 years ago

Nameless: What is this I don’t… You’re mixing up your personal preference for no pubic hair with a universal preference. For some strange reason, I see quite a few MRAs doing this (Meller springs to mind). I like tall, skinny Brits with dark hair, but I don’t tell people who don’t think David Tennant or Benedict Cumberbatch are hot that they’re stupid. Or that a preference for tall Brits is somehow universal to all who like men.

13 years ago

But seriously, David Tennant!!!!!

Yeah, Hamlet could dither for the Olympics and probably make the All-Scandinavia Drama Queen show, but that’s some damn good speechifiying there.

13 years ago

“Or that a preference for tall Brits is somehow universal to all who like men.”

It’s not? But that’s something that I like, and it feels instinctive, so obviously it must be something all women like. I also like pomegrantes – you mean to tell me that not everyone does? I will need to see extensive proof, and even then, I will remain skeptical.

13 years ago

If you’re prescribing porntastic standards for genital grooming, MsN, then you can go first — but you should be particularly attentive to removing anal hair: that is particularly offensive on men (as far as I’m concerned). Hot wax or a razor, go at it. (Carefully!)

13 years ago

But you can’t expect everyone else to accept you exactly as you choose to be.

Acceptance, schmacceptance.

And not the tack I would take if I were a socially-awkward aspie.

13 years ago

I too think tall Brits are where it’s at. Benedict Cumberbatch could be reading The Little Red Hen and I would watch it and think it was awesome.

Oh, wait, I already did.

13 years ago

BTW much as I’m not that keen on Dr Who, Tennant outside of that context is a wonderful thing. I still remember the first thing I saw him in, and that was about 15 years ago.

(It also had Ken Stott. That series was awesome, though sadly short. Check it out –'_Over_the_Asylum .)

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
13 years ago

You’re mixing up your personal preference for no pubic hair with a universal preference

Hmmm…….What I’m talking about is that I have read and heard self-professed feminists openly condemn men who prefer women who remove their pubic hair simply because pubic hair is “natural” on women(and men who prefer this are pedos). They also try to make women who do so feel guilty by telling said women that they are caving in to the “beauty standards of the patriarchy”.

13 years ago

I don’t think anyone has the right to “acceptance” (by which you seem to mean approval/attraction) at all.

I also think that the insulting of people who don’t adhere to the preferences of a person/group is wrong. So the tone of indignation in your post is, from my POV more than a tad two-faced and hypocritical.

13 years ago

You guys! You’re making me want to take a trip home. I’m thinking of the Scott Capurro line “ah, England – skinny pale boys!”.

13 years ago

Monsieur sans Nom is a total fake. I’ll bet he is not even an aspie at all. He just wanted to give KathleenB a hard time earlier.

13 years ago

I think it’s a bit of a shame that much of the feminist movement is cahoots with the naturalist movement(which promulgates that natural = good and altering ones bodies = bad)which tries to stigmatize female grooming(as in leg and pubic shaving) as “patriarchal” and baaaad.

Yeah, but that’s not true. Eeeeeeeeevil feminist Hugo Schwyzer actually has a pretty good (old) post navigating that issue. A quote: “Jill and HF don’t claim that their choices to wear heals, wax, or use wrinkle creams are feminist choices — but they also argue that they aren’t inherently anti-feminist decisions either. They acknowledge the tension and ambiguity that exists in feminist women’s relationship with femininity, which is a very different thing from mindlessly accepting the dictates of pop culture.”

Like anything that straddles the What Patriarchy Is Telling Me I Should Do/What I Want to Do line, it’s something that feminists talk about and analyze, but there’s no Feminist Right Answer. Frankly, from my point of view, it’s one of those damned if you do and damned if you don’t things. If I wax, it grows out quickly and remains stubbly and itchy for longer than it is smooth and nice. Plus, waxing is hella expensive, and it takes valuable time I don’t really have right now. If I shave, I get ingrown hairs, which are supersexy and comfortable, I think we can all agree. If I don’t remove hair, I actually don’t feel as sexy as if I do. These are all kinda pragmatic things that I think about, superimposed on this cultural idea that women who have public hair are dirty/unattractive/unnatural. Feminist thought recognizes all that, but it doesn’t come to the conclusion that you’re attributing to it.

Genitals look much nicer when they’re depiliated.

Here is a phrase for you to try. “In my opinion.” Look at definition #3. Some people like it, some don’t. If you’re a person who likes it, and your partner has it, that’s excellent. If you’re someone who doesn’t like it and your partner doesn’t have it, good for you. You kinda seem to get that concept when you say, “But you can’t expect everyone else to accept you exactly as you choose to be.” Maybe that could be an attitude for you to try.

13 years ago

As Bee pointed out, the feminist movement (defined how, exactly?) is not really “in cahoots” with naturists. So what if it was, though? You’ve made it pretty clear that you don’t like feminists, and we don’t like you either, so there’s unlikely to be any fucking going on. Why do you care about the pubic topiary of women you’re never going to sleep with anyway?

You really need to learn the concept “mind your own business”.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
13 years ago

Why do you care about the pubic topiary of women you’re never going to sleep with anyway?

What women are you talking about? And yeah, what I said about genital depiliation most certainly Is my opinion and I own that. God forbid anyone criticize feminism!

13 years ago

I too think tall Brits are where it’s at. Benedict Cumberbatch could be reading The Little Red Hen and I would watch it and think it was awesome.

I am squeeing and flailing on the inside! (outside hurts too much right now, effing Michigan winters…)

13 years ago

If it was an actual criticism it might be more relevant. As is it’s pretty much just “why don’t all the ladies make their ladybits look pretty for me? I has a sad.”. Which no one here is particuarly interested in.

13 years ago

Pug faces, like vulvas, have wrinkles, so here’s a cute video

Thanks for the hot pug-on-pug action, ersatzmoon. No wonder I like pugs so much! Vulvalicious!

13 years ago

Who wants to be Noname doesn’t shave his bits?

13 years ago


13 years ago

Dearksidecat: Or his legs, armpits, chest, back, etc. even though he no doubt wants his wimminz hair free…..typical double standard.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
13 years ago

Dearksidecat: Or his legs, armpits, chest, back, etc. even though he no doubt wants his wimminz hair free…..typical double standard.

What’s wrong with that? I’m sure plenty of women have double standards when it comes to how they want their menz to look.

13 years ago

What’s wrong with that? I’m sure plenty of women have double standards when it comes to how they want their menz to look.

Don’t derail. I want to focus on your pubes, Frenchy.

Pubic hair is ugly. Genitals look much nicer when they’re depiliated.

Do you have ugly pubic hair, Frenchy? Do your genitals look not-nice? If so, what’s the reasoning behind this?

13 years ago

No Noms: it’s a cultural double standard. Women are expected to remove “excess body hair,” and men aren’t.

So you assume your individual preference is just that, as opposed to being culturally programmed — but yeah, would you shave if a woman asked for it because “men just look so much sexier without all that icky hair”?

Nothing in itself wrong with that unless you assume that cultural demands of women not extended to men are inherently sexist, and that you are quite possibly a hypocrite.

I have no stake in the fight since my partner and I are both women.

13 years ago

Don’t derail. I want to focus on your pubes, Frenchy.

Augh, what has been seen cannot be unseen! /me runs off in search of brain bleach

13 years ago

I prefer lack of body hair (legs and armpits, anyway), including on myself. I used to shave my legs before I switched to electric razors (I always cut my face up something fierce with disposable razors).

I do miss the feeling of smooth legs. My damn leg hair is so itchy!

Other people can be into whatever they feel like. Whatever floats your boat and all that jazz.

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