creepy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit vaginas

Vaginas are icky because … SCIENCE! (779 upvotes on Reddit)

How to get 800 upvotes on Reddit: Offer an evo-psych explanation of why vaginas are icky, preferably including the phrase “wet hole.” Here, watch a master at work:


Well, that proves it. It’s SCIENCE!



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13 years ago

O Pretentiously Nameless One, the left admittedly does have problems with ableism (…and classism, and sexism, and racism– it’s not unique). However, a lot of us lefty-type people are very interested in the plight of not just Aspies but everyone who has a listing in the DSM-IV.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Just in case it wasn’t clear, ‘Your Disgusting Head’ is a joke book, and it’s hilarious.”

Oh, that was clear. I thought it was funny too. 🙂

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Also: Glitter Cocks.

13 years ago

Bee: Well, wants to fuck women.

Kyrie: Really? It should have come with your copy of the Queer Agenda and the Protocols of the Elders of Feminism. Damn, the Feminist Conspiracy is not up to snuff these days. I’ll have to call them to complain; we can sort this out.

13 years ago

Molly: Holleeee shit.

13 years ago

Those are 2 different things(minority, marginalized). One is quantitative, the other is qualitative. Political correctness is mangling the english language.

And just to be clear, it’s not the political correctness police that are “mangling” the language. It’s just that words sometimes have more than one meaning. SHOCKING CONCEPT, I know.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines “minority” as: “a part of a population differing from others in some characteristics and often subjected to differential treatment ”

No, it’s not the only definition or the first definition, but it is a recognized usage of the word.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I actually thought as I was positing that, “Will this cause a long chain of posts about the use of the word “minority”? Nah…” XD

13 years ago

What do you call “the left”? Left wing politician, everybody that ever voted against republicains? Also, what’s that’s to got with the subject?

All this sparkley is frightening. I think that she must be a vampire (twilight-vampire, of course, not dracula-vampire)

“But I do think it’s worth questioning why people who claim to find vaginas disgusting because they involve bodily fluids don’t extend their hatred to other parts of the body that aren’t specifically associated with female bodies.”
I don’t remember who said it was also weird that some people seem to be afraid of vaginas, like it’s something that’s gonna bite their dick off but will gladly put it in something with actual teeth and very strong muscles.

13 years ago

Ozy: thanks, I appreciate.

Complexity of language: another evil feminist plot.

I know, evil and feminist are redundant.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Er, not “positing”. “Posting”!

“I don’t remember who said it was also weird that some people seem to be afraid of vaginas, like it’s something that’s gonna bite their dick off but will gladly put it in something with actual teeth and very strong muscles.”

Kyrie: someone once told me that if anyone tried to force me to have oral sex I should just bite down. Barring discussion about how well that would actually work, I was surprised to realize I’d never thought of this as a possibility. Usually I was more concerned with trying not to gag (for deep throating, not cuz I think penises are icky), which might be the reason for it.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
13 years ago

And vaginas are not meant to do anything,

They why do they exist in the first place? :-p Clearly they have a function.

And no, I do not think vaginas are inherently ugly(some are and some aren’t). But in all honestly, women’s behinds are generally much prettier. I could write a book on the beauty of women’s booty’s, but P Diddy has already done this for me(with his new picture book “Culo”).

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I could write blog on the beauty of men’s tummies… oh wait!

13 years ago

All this sparkley is frightening. I think that she must be a vampire (twilight-vampire, of course, not dracula-vampire)

I was going to say, I now have a fairly good idea of what Alice Cullen’s genitals look like.

13 years ago

“Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines “minority” as: “a part of a population differing from others in some characteristics and often subjected to differential treatment ”

I didn’t know that! Now, I have a greater understanding of that word.

13 years ago

I could write a blog about the hotness of EVERYONE. Maybe I should. Get people to send in pictures of themselves and then describe how hot they are.

13 years ago

They why do they exist in the first place? :-p Clearly they have a function.

You really want a lesson on evolution? I’m not up for the job, that’s far from being my specialty.
But here is the general thing: they have a capacity to do certain things, and that capacity was useful is a reproductive perspective.

When you start using words like “meant” is a biologic context, it imply the idea of a god that created the human body with an intention. Which has always sounded a bit silly to me (existence of god apart) because the human body is far from being perfect and is really not efficient for many things.
It also leads to ideas like “oral, anal, sex with a condom or the pill is bad” because sex is meant to make babies.

13 years ago

Do you(all) actually think that women would be impressed, rather than creeped out, by a guy who raves about vaginas and how pretty they are???

It depends on the woman in question. I’m married to a midwife-ultrasonographer who is both personally and professionally fascinated by vulvas, not least because she sees at least a dozen every working day. So the fact that I already had a good working knowledge of the function and nomenclature of the various parts of the female genitalia was a definite plus as far as she was concerned.

(She once got into an argument with a man about current trends in female pubic topiary, and it was absolutely hilarious. Purely by virtue of her job, her sample size was infinitely greater than his, and with a far wider demographic range – since she does gynae scanning as well as obstetrics, her clients range from teenagers to geriatrics. But he kept insisting that he was the expert, even though his sources appeared to be porn and a small number of real-life sexual partners over a period of several years.)

13 years ago

Nameless: You are seriously telling a woman who is: a) married to an Aspie b) the godmother of an amazing kid with autism c) the step aunt of a man with severe autism d) MrB does respite work for special needs kids, he specializes in spectrum disorders AND e) my mother has worked with special needs kids in the school system for more than half my life, that I don’t care about people with spectrum disorders? Yeah, you can fuck right off.

13 years ago

Here’s a thought, Nameless: Instead of making a blanket statement like ‘liberals don’t care about people with spectrum disorders,’ try ‘I’ve noticed that some people on the left dismiss spectrum disorders and don’t want to help those who have them.’ See how the second example doesn’t make the speaker sound like an overgeneralizing asshat?

Also, such statements ought to be backed up with evidence: Blog posts, articles from reputable sources, verifiable quote, things like that.

13 years ago

She once got into an argument with a man about current trends in female pubic topiary, and it was absolutely hilarious.

I once had a teenager earnestly assure me that body hair, especially pubic hair, on women was unnatural. Short of stripping down, I could not convince him that if men have body hair, women usually do, too.

13 years ago

KatheenB, Monsieur sans Nom has already told us he is fake, so there is no need to pay any heed to him at all.

13 years ago

Sorry about the missing L in your name in my last comment KathleenB.

13 years ago

Oh, that happened to my girlfriend! A guy she was having sex with didn’t realize that women had pubic hair until she took her pants off…

13 years ago

Porn has really fucked up some guy’s expectations of womens bodies, I think.

13 years ago

She once got into an argument with a man about current trends in female pubic topiary, and it was absolutely hilarious. Purely by virtue of her job, her sample size was infinitely greater than his, and with a far wider demographic range – since she does gynae scanning as well as obstetrics, her clients range from teenagers to geriatrics.

When I was doing training to work with rape victims a few years ago, the person doing the training told us that part of the rape kit can include running a comb through the victim’s public hair, to collect evidence. After she said that she stopped and said, “But of course no one has public hair anymore.” I thought that was the weirdest thing, since most of the victims we work with are either very poor or homeless.* I can’t verify or disprove what she said, never having asked the victims about their pubic hair.

*I don’t care if they get regular waxings, if that’s what they want to do. It’s just that I wouldn’t have thought that was common.