creepy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit vaginas

Vaginas are icky because … SCIENCE! (779 upvotes on Reddit)

How to get 800 upvotes on Reddit: Offer an evo-psych explanation of why vaginas are icky, preferably including the phrase “wet hole.” Here, watch a master at work:


Well, that proves it. It’s SCIENCE!



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13 years ago

ozymandias: that sounds like a really, really small minority of people as possible sex partners.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
13 years ago

Unfortunately, I had the opposite experience, where I had some of the strangest misogynistic stories told to me by the gay guys I knew in college. One guy told me that seeing a vagina for the first time literally made him vomit, which I still don’t have a comeback for. He was also the same dude who reacted to me musing about taking a cross-country trip by flatly saying, “You can’t go, you’ll get raped.”

This was how I learned for the first time how people in one minority group don’t necessarily have any idea how to treat another minority group.

Women are not a minority group(unless there’s another group you’re talkin bout there). As for gay men, why shouldn’t they be grossed out by vaginas! Since they’re gay then one can safely presume they’re attracted to MEN’s bodies and not women’s bodies. Vaginas aren’t meant to be visually admired, they’re meant to be weiner receptacles.I really don’t care for oral sex, TBH.

Do you(all) actually think that women would be impressed, rather than creeped out, by a guy who raves about vaginas and how pretty they are???

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I like how instead of being all sex-positive and such the convo has derailed into OMG, there’s body fluids EVERYWHERE! YOUR ENTIRE BODY IS GROSS!

13 years ago

“straight cis white gender-conforming conventionally-attractive middle-class thirtysomething Americans with college degrees and professional jobs” should read “able-bodied, neurotypical, straight cis white gender-conforming conventionally-attractive middle-class thirtysomething Americans with college degrees and professional jobs”

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“As for gay men, why shouldn’t they be grossed out by vaginas!”

The point of the story wasn’t that he found vaginas unattractive. The point of the story was that he expressed his lack of attraction BY PUKING. And then told me about this while I sat there on my vagina wondering how come he had any female housemates if it was that bad. Even for a gay dude, that’s a bit extreme. 😛

13 years ago

Vaginas (or vulvas to be more correct) ARE pretty. Seriously, love your genitals. You only get one set and they can make you very happy indeed.

Huh, maybe I am weird.

13 years ago

“Women are not a minority group” Minority here meaning marginalized, but you miss the point.

“As for gay men, why shouldn’t they be grossed out by vaginas!”

It’s one thing not to be attracted to something, it;s another to shame the hell out of people who have them.

“Do you(all) actually think that women would be impressed, rather than creeped out, by a guy who raves about vaginas and how pretty they are??”

What does that question have to do with the discussion?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Vaginas (or vulvas to be more correct)”

Drat, I used the wrong word, didn’t I? Bad sex blogger. No biscuit.

13 years ago

“I really don’t care for oral sex, TBH.”
I’m not sure what your likes and dislike have to do with anything. Plenty of people enjoys oral. And plenty of people enjoys plenty of sexual activities that don’t result in making babies.
And vaginas are not meant to do anything, unless you want to hold a creationist POV.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“’Do you(all) actually think that women would be impressed, rather than creeped out, by a guy who raves about vaginas and how pretty they are??

“What does that question have to do with the discussion?”

I think Monsieur sans Nom is under the impression that I was miffed because a gay man didn’t praise my ladybits to the skies, Jenn93. Instead, I could have gone my whole life without him saying anything about any female genitalia *ever*! 😛

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

“Vaginas aren’t meant to be visually admired, they’re meant to be weiner receptacles.”

Oh, fuck off.

“Do you(all) actually think that women would be impressed, rather than creeped out, by a guy who raves about vaginas and how pretty they are???”

My boyf is pretty into vaginas, tho he doesn’t really RAVE about them. It makes me feel happy that he finds my body attractive rather than disgusting o_O

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)


13 years ago

13 years ago


I’m not entirely what is correct myself. I’m still acclimating to all the feminist, sex-positive terminology.

13 years ago

And not to be discriminatory: 🙂

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Vaginas aren’t meant to be visually admired, they’re meant to be weiner receptacles.”

By the way, here is a really pretty vagina. (Totally NSFW.)

13 years ago

Kyrie: It is, but they do exist. 🙂 Much like lesbians who have an objection to vulvas!

Caraz: Vulvas are the right word, but if you call it a vagina no one will take away your sex-pozzie card.

O Pretentiously Nameless One, I actually do like it when someone calls my vulva pretty. Just like men usually like it when women find their penises hot. Humans: more similar than we are different!

13 years ago

Molly: That is a hella pretty vagina.

13 years ago

Vulva! Dammit! Now I’m doing it!

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Vulva! Dammit! Now I’m doing it!”

I think this is the fault of the Vagina Monologues. If they can’t get it right, there’s no hope for the rest of us.

13 years ago



how did they do that


Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
13 years ago

“Women are not a minority group” Minority here meaning marginalized, but you miss the point.

Those are 2 different things(minority, marginalized). One is quantitative, the other is qualitative. Political correctness is mangling the english language.

“straight cis white gender-conforming conventionally-attractive middle-class thirtysomething Americans with college degrees and professional jobs” should read “able-bodied, neurotypical, straight cis white gender-conforming conventionally-attractive middle-class thirtysomething Americans with college degrees and professional jobs”

I agree. HOWEVER, the left really doesn’t give 2 shits and a fart about the plight of aspies since they are not an officially recognized minority group(and yes they are indeed a numerical minority) .

13 years ago

According to Google, GL Piggy at least likes women.

Define “likes.”

I dunno, but that google reference kinda made me feel like writing an email here.

Dear Gucci Little Piggy,

I think you should go out with me. I think we have a real chance. People don’t grow on trees. Google said that you like women. I am a woman. Therefore I think you should go out with me. I think it is rude of you not to go out with me. If you would like to go out with me again, you should call me right away and let me know when you are free to go out. Even if you don’t want to go with me, you should reply to this email and let me know why you don’t want to go out with me. You leave comments on manboobz and I leave comments on manboobz. Thus, it won’t require any additional time for you to be in a relationship with me. (Etc., ad nauseum.)

I like how instead of being all sex-positive and such the convo has derailed into OMG, there’s body fluids EVERYWHERE! YOUR ENTIRE BODY IS GROSS!

Just in case it wasn’t clear, “Your Disgusting Head” is a joke book, and it’s hilarious. But I do think it’s worth questioning why people who claim to find vaginas disgusting because they involve bodily fluids don’t extend their hatred to other parts of the body that aren’t specifically associated with female bodies.

13 years ago

If that’s actually the vagina (rather than the vulva) they find gross, it’s even weirder. It’s basically a pipe, and it’s very hard to see.

I never got my sex-pozzie card! It’s must be stuck in the mail.